
The gempa Image Server (GIS) provides a HTTP interface to render earthquake related maps, waveform traces and spectra. The GIS provides a significant performance advantage in comparison to the SeisComP3 module scmapcut since it is started once and caches image and vector data.

Table of Contents

Requesting Data

The GIS supports HTTP-GET and HTTP-POST requests. POST requests may be used to transmit SC3 XML (event, inventory or configuration information), vector overlays in GeoJSON format or arbitrary overlay images. Using the multipart format (Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=...) multiple files may be transmitted at once.

When posting SC3 XML the header Content-Type: application/xml should be used. The data may be transmitted in a single <seiscomp> document or in separate documents using a multipart message.

If inventory data is transmitted it overrides the inventory read from the database at startup. If event data is send via HTTP-POST it overrides origin information transmitted through URL parameters.

Query for Maps

The /map query allows to cut out an arbitrary map area. The resulting image will include all layers configured at the server.


Drawing Order

The different map layers are drawn in the following order:

URL Parameters

Key(s) Value Description Default
reg lat,lon,[margin_lat,margin_lon]|[zoom_level] Geographic region: Center followed by margin in degrees or zoom level (0-24) 0,0,90,180
dim width,height Image dimensions in pixel, retricted to 10 Mega pixel, min: 32x32 1024,512
ori,origin lat,lon[,depth] Origin of earthquake, unit of depth: km Not set
origin-color color Color of the origin symbol, if unset derived from depth, e.g. rgb(255, 0, 0), rgba(255,0,0,128), FF0000, FF000080 Not set
origin-size width[,height] Size of origin symbol, if unset derived from magnitude value Not set
mag magnitude Magnitude of earthquake Not set
stations comma separated list Stations to show, wild cards supported Not set
showDisabled boolean Include stations even if they have been disabled in configuration False
weight float Minimum weight of the arrival time for computation of the associated origin, used for station selection if an origin is posted Not set
scale string Position of a scale legend defined by a two character long string specifying the vertical (T,C,B) and horizontal (L,C,R) position. E.g., TL (top-left), BC (bottom-center). Not set
fmt [PNG|JPG|JPEG|BMP|PPM|TIFF|XBM|XPM] Output format of image PNG
qua [-1,100] Quality of image, from 0 (worst) to 100 (best), -1 = autodetect -1


Query for Traces

The /traces query draws timeseries data of multiple data streams.


URL Parameters

Key(s) Value Description Default
mode [default,relconst,reldist,qplot] Output mode:
  • DEFAULT: absolute time window, fixed vertical alignment
  • QPLOT: absolute time window, fixed vertical alignment, image similar to SC2 qplot
  • RELCONST: relative time window, fixed vertical alignment
  • RELDIST: relative time window, vertival alignment relative to epicenter distance
Image parameters
dim width,height Image dimensions in pixel, retricted to 10 Mega pixel, min: 32x32 1024,512
fmt [png,jpg,jpeg,bmp,ppm,tiff,xbm,xpm] Output format of image png
qua integer [-1,100] Quality of image, from 0 (worst) to 100 (best), -1 = autodetect 100
Event parameters
ori,origin lat,lon[,depth] Origin of earthquake, unit of depth: km Not set
time time Origin time Not set
Data selection
streams comma separated list Streams to show, wild cards supported *
showDisabled boolean Include stations even if they have been disabled in configuration False
start time Begin of the timewindow end - bufferSize
end time End of the timewindow now()
bufferSize seconds Length of the timewindow 1800.0
num integer Number of streams to show 5
weight float Minimum weight of the arrival time for computation of the associated origin, used for stream selection if an origin is posted Not set
mindist float Minimum distance of station to origin (km or degree, see distunit) Not set
maxdist float Maximum distance of station to origin (km or degree, see distunit) Not set
minazi float Minimum azimuth from station to origin Not set
maxazi float Maximum azimuth from station to origin Not set
Data representation
filter SeisComP3 filter grammar Record filter chain, e.g. RMHP(10)>>BW(3,2,4) Not set
removeoffset boolean Toggles removal of offset prior to filtering and plotting False
orderby [name,distance,azi] Sort order of trace, the values distance and azi refer to the epi center name
distunit [km,deg] Distance unit, see mindist and maxdist parameter km
showtt boolean Show travel time information False
ttt string Travel time model Not set
showpicks boolean Show picks False
usegain boolean Use configured gain instead of digital counts. If set to true and no gain is available then the corresponding stream will not be plotted. False
amprange float Amplitude range. Depended on the usegain parameter the value will either be intepreted as digital counts or as parts per billion of the gain unit. Not set
title string Title to show Not set
Relative modes: alignment parameters
align [ot,p,s] Controls alignment of traces which may be relative to origin time (OT), P wave, or S wave ot
before seconds Begin of the timewindow in seconds before alignment time 5.0
after seconds End of the timewindow in seconds after alignment time 30.0
nalign [ot,p,s] Controls alignment of normalization time window which may be relative to origin time (OT), P wave, or S wave ot
nbefore seconds Begin of the normalization timewindow in seconds before alignment time 5.0
nafter seconds End of the normalization timewindow in seconds after alignment time 30.0
QPlot mode
amplegend [hidden,top,center,bottom] Controls the vertical position of the amplitude legend bottom


Query for Spectra

The /spectra query plots amplitude, power or phase spectra


URL Parameters

Key Value Description Default
mode [amplitude, power, phase] Spectra mode amplitude
Image parameters
dim width,height Image dimensions in pixel, retricted to 10 Mega pixel, min: 32x32 1024,512
fmt [png,jpg,jpeg,bmp,ppm,tiff,xbm,xpm] Output format of image png
qua integer [-1,100] Quality of image, from 0 (worst) to 100 (best), -1 = autodetect 100
Data selection
stream stream id Stream ID to show
start time Begin of the timewindow end - bufferSize
end time End of the timewindow now()
bufferSize seconds Length of the timewindow 60.0
Data representation
logScaleX boolean Toggles logarithmic scale of x-axis True
logScaleY boolean Toggles logarithmic scale of y-axis, not supported in phase mode True
usegain boolean Use configured gain instead of digital counts. If set to true and no gain is available then the corresponding stream will not be plotted. True
filter SeisComP3 filter grammar Record filter chain applied prior to FFT calculation, e.g. RMHP(10)>>BW(3,2,4) Not set
minFreq double Minimum Frequency to plot SR / 2^(ceil(log_2(bufferSize * SR)))
maxFreq double Maximum Frequency to plot Nyquist FQ
showRAW boolean Toggles visibility of raw spectrum graph True
showCorrected boolean Toggles visibility of corrected spectrum graph False
showResponse boolean Toggles visibility of response spectrum graph False
windowfunc [boxcar, cosine, hamming, hann] Window function boxcar
windowlen percent [0,50] Pecentage the window function should be applied 5.0
showTitle boolean Toggles visibility of title True
margin integer outer image margin 10
