

Event ID Origin Time
Mag Type Type
Agency M S FM Felt Region Name XML
rs2020ubimnn 2020-10-11 00:07:36 2.7 21.09°S 68.79°W 143 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
rs2020ubivyx 2020-10-11 00:18:34 2.5 21.50°S 68.53°W 141 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
rs2020ubiyhv 2020-10-11 00:21:17 2.3 21.18°S 69.13°W 96 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
rs2020ubkgxg 2020-10-11 01:01:25 2.6 21.12°S 68.51°W 157 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
rs2020ublrnx 2020-10-11 01:43:57 3.4 21.34°S 69.90°W 26 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
rs2020ubnqeo 2020-10-11 02:42:42 2.9 27.72°S 71.10°W 29 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
rs2020ubpcvb 2020-10-11 03:27:33 2.6 9.11°N 82.48°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Panama-Costa Rica Border Region P / A
rs2020ubqflx 2020-10-11 04:00:48 4.0 20.26°S 70.99°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
rs2020ubucvt 2020-10-11 05:58:26 3.9 35.68°S 71.36°W 121 from location gempa automatic confirmed Central Chile P / A
rs2020ubwjgk 2020-10-11 07:06:13 4.0 19.29°S 70.16°W 23 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
rs2020ucddwk 2020-10-11 10:31:11 3.0 35.87°S 71.83°W 39 from location gempa automatic confirmed Central Chile P / A
rs2020ucfnth 2020-10-11 11:43:00 2.1 37.48°N 121.88°W 10 from location gempa automatic confirmed Central California P / A
rs2020ucgocb 2020-10-11 12:13:34 1.8 37.47°N 121.79°W 5 from location gempa automatic confirmed Central California P / A
rs2020uchoeu 2020-10-11 12:43:51 2.1 34.36°N 117.66°W 14 from location gempa automatic confirmed Southern California P / A
rs2020uciawr 2020-10-11 12:58:34 2.4 21.14°S 68.95°W 111 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
rs2020ucjheu 2020-10-11 13:36:04 3.8 35.72°S 73.62°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Off Coast of Central Chile P / A
rs2020ucjxcx 2020-10-11 13:54:32 3.2 22.27°S 68.63°W 128 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
rs2020uckdjr 2020-10-11 14:01:50 1.9 37.47°N 121.92°W 10 from location gempa automatic confirmed Central California P / A
rs2020uclufz 2020-10-11 14:51:34 2.7 21.74°S 68.49°W 137 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
rs2020ucpgxk 2020-10-11 16:36:46 2.7 37.19°N 122.09°W 5 from location gempa automatic confirmed Central California P / A
rs2020ucqybd 2020-10-11 17:26:50 2.6 21.87°S 68.72°W 134 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
rs2020uczovi 2020-10-11 21:47:42 2.9 22.01°S 69.07°W 74 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
rs2020udamda 2020-10-11 22:14:42 2.4 20.89°S 69.24°W 107 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
rs2020udbjxk 2020-10-11 22:42:19 3.0 21.16°S 69.01°W 122 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A