

Web Service - Events

A web service to retrieve event information in either SeisComP XML (similar to QuakeML) or as plain summary (row based).

API Description

Events having a event description of type felt report.
includelistSpecify whether to include pick/arrival/amplitude/stationmagnitude/stationmomenttensorcontributions information or not. Valid values are: all, picks, arrs, amps, stamags, stamts, nonpref. Default is an empty list which retrieves only the preferred magnitude and origin without arrivals.
Event attributes
idstringSpecify the event id, example id=gfz2011ocqa.
If id is not given the result is plain text table where each row represents an event. The row format depends on the value of the format parameter.
revintegerSpecify a particular event revision, only used in combination with the id parameter.
Omit this parameter or use a value of -1 to query the latest revision.
minmagfloatSpecify the minimum magnitude.
maxmagfloatSpecify the maximum magnitude.
mag_tstringType of event magnitude.
mindepthfloatSpecify the minimum depth.
maxdepthfloatSpecify the maximum depth.
minphasescountSpecify minimum phases used in origin solution.
maxphasescountSpecify maximum phases used in origin solution.
Rectangular bounding area
minlatdegreesSpecify minimum latitude, southern boundary [-90 <= X <= 90].
maxlatdegreesSpecify maximum latitude, northern boundary [-90 <= X <= 90].
minlondegreesSpecify minimum longitude, western boundary [-180 <= X <= 180].
maxlondegreesSpecify maximum longitude, eastern boundary [-180 <= X <= 180].
Circular bounding area
latdegreesSpecify latitude of center [-90 <= X <= 90].
londegreesSpecify longitude of center [-180 <= X <= 180].
minradiusdegreesSpecify minimum radius of area around center [0 <= X <= 180], optional and defaults to 0.
maxradiusdegreesSpecify maximum radius of area around center [0 <= X <= 180]
Time queries
startdateSelect events with origin time after this date, format = %Y-%m-%d[T%H:%M:%S].
enddateSelect events with origin time before this date, format = %Y-%m-%d[T%H:%M:%S].
updatedbeforedateSelect events updated before this date, format = %Y-%m-%d[T%H:%M:%S].
updatedafterdateSelect events updated after this date, format = %Y-%m-%d[T%H:%M:%S].
Miscellaneous attributes
agencystringAgency creating the origin.
statusstringCombined evaluation status and evaluation mode of the origin
estatusstringEvaluation status of the origin.
emodestringEvaluation mode of the origin.
typestringEvent type, e.g. 'earthquake', 'not existing'.
regionstringEvent region.
ctypestringEvent certainty type, values: 'known', 'suspected', 'damaging' and 'felt'
dtypestringDepth type of the origin, values: 'from location', 'from moment tensor inversion', 'from modeling of broad-band P waveforms', 'constrained by depth phases', 'constrained by direct phases', 'operator assigned' and 'other'
sortstringResult set order. Use time for ascending and -time for descending origin time order. Use mag for ascending and -mag for descending magnitude order. Use updated for ascending and -updated for descending update order.
limitintegerLimits the result set. A value > 0 is required.
offsetintegerOffset within the result set. '0' denotes the first item.
gzipForce gzip compression. If omitted the server automatically checks if the client reports (x-)gzip support through Accept-Encoding (not yet for txt format).
downloadAdds the filename {eventid}.xml[.gz] to the HTTP response header. The browsers accepted encoding is then ignored and the result is only compressed if the gzip flag is passed as well.
formattedEnable XML indentation.
formatintegerFormat of the text based event list (default: 1).