Web Service - Events
A web service to retrieve event information in either SeisComP XML (similar to QuakeML) or as plain summary (row based).
- Event browser providing fast access to all events in archive
- FDSNWS conform implementation of this service
- Example queries:
- Text based event list: /quakelink/events/query?start=2020-07-01&end=2020-07-01T12:00:00
- XML of particular event: /quakelink/events/query?id=gempa2020abcd
API Description
Parameter | Type | Description |
Events | ||
include | list | Specify whether to include pick/arrival/amplitude/stationmagnitude/stationmomenttensorcontributions information or not. Valid values are: all, picks, arrs, amps, stamags, stamts, nonpref. Default is an empty list which retrieves only the preferred magnitude and origin without arrivals. |
Event attributes | ||
id | string | Specify the event id, example id=gfz2011ocqa. If id is not given the result is plain text table where each row represents an event. The row format depends on the value of the format parameter. |
rev | integer | Specify a particular event revision, only used in combination with the id parameter. Omit this parameter or use a value of -1 to query the latest revision. |
minmag | float | Specify the minimum magnitude. |
maxmag | float | Specify the maximum magnitude. |
mag_t | string | Type of event magnitude. |
mindepth | float | Specify the minimum depth. |
maxdepth | float | Specify the maximum depth. |
minphases | count | Specify minimum phases used in origin solution. |
maxphases | count | Specify maximum phases used in origin solution. |
Rectangular bounding area | ||
minlat | degrees | Specify minimum latitude, southern boundary [-90 <= X <= 90]. |
maxlat | degrees | Specify maximum latitude, northern boundary [-90 <= X <= 90]. |
minlon | degrees | Specify minimum longitude, western boundary [-180 <= X <= 180]. |
maxlon | degrees | Specify maximum longitude, eastern boundary [-180 <= X <= 180]. |
Circular bounding area | ||
lat | degrees | Specify latitude of center [-90 <= X <= 90]. |
lon | degrees | Specify longitude of center [-180 <= X <= 180]. |
minradius | degrees | Specify minimum radius of area around center [0 <= X <= 180], optional and defaults to 0. |
maxradius | degrees | Specify maximum radius of area around center [0 <= X <= 180] |
Time queries | ||
start | date | Select events with origin time after this date, format = %Y-%m-%d[T%H:%M:%S]. |
end | date | Select events with origin time before this date, format = %Y-%m-%d[T%H:%M:%S]. |
updatedbefore | date | Select events updated before this date, format = %Y-%m-%d[T%H:%M:%S]. |
updatedafter | date | Select events updated after this date, format = %Y-%m-%d[T%H:%M:%S]. |
Miscellaneous attributes | ||
agency | string | Agency creating the origin. |
status | string | Combined evaluation status and evaluation mode of the origin |
estatus | string | Evaluation status of the origin. |
emode | string | Evaluation mode of the origin. |
type | string | Event type, e.g. 'earthquake', 'not existing'. |
region | string | Event region. |
ctype | string | Event certainty type, values: 'known', 'suspected', 'damaging' and 'felt' |
dtype | string | Depth type of the origin, values: 'from location', 'from moment tensor inversion', 'from modeling of broad-band P waveforms', 'constrained by depth phases', 'constrained by direct phases', 'operator assigned' and 'other' |
felt | boolean | Events having a event description of type felt report.|
Options | ||
sort | string | Result set order. Use time for ascending and -time for descending origin time order. Use mag for ascending and -mag for descending magnitude order. Use updated for ascending and -updated for descending update order. |
limit | integer | Limits the result set. A value > 0 is required. |
offset | integer | Offset within the result set. '0' denotes the first item. |
gzip | Force gzip compression. If omitted the server automatically checks if the client reports (x-)gzip support through Accept-Encoding (not yet for txt format). | |
download | Adds the filename {eventid}.xml[.gz] to the HTTP response header. The browsers accepted encoding is then ignored and the result is only compressed if the gzip flag is passed as well. | |
formatted | Enable XML indentation. | |
format | integer | Format of the text based event list (default: 1). 1: ${TIMESTAMP};${OTIME};${MAG};${MAG_T};${LAT};${LON};${DEPTH};${PHASES};${AGENCY};${STATUS};${TYPE};${REGION} 2: ${TIMESTAMP};${OTIME};${MAG};${MAG_T};${LAT};${LON};${DEPTH};${PHASES};${AGENCY};${AUTHOR};${STATUS};${ESTATUS};${EMODE};${TYPE};${REGION} 3: ${TIMESTAMP};${OTIME};${MAG};${MAG_T};${LAT};${LON};${DEPTH};${PHASES};${AGENCY};${AUTHOR};${STATUS};${ESTATUS};${EMODE};${TYPE};${REGION};${CTYPE};${DTYPE};${FELT} |