Web Service - Stations
A web service compatible with IRIS can be found here.
The updatedafter parameter has not been implemented yet and the output format is SeisComP inventory XML. Additionally the gzip flag can be used to transfer the content compressed with gzip which is done automatically if the client reports (x-)gzip support through Accept-Encoding.
API Description
Parameter | Type | Description |
Stream identifiers | ||
net | list | Specify SEED network code, example net=GE, defaults to *. |
sta | list | Specify SEED station code, example net=UGM, defaults to *. |
loc | list | Specify SEED location code, example loc=00, defaults to *. Substitute dash characters for white space, example loc=--. |
chan | list | Specify SEED channel code, example chan=BHZ, defaults to *. |
level | string | Specify whether to include channel/response metadata or not. Valid values are: net, sta, chan or resp. Defaults to sta |
Rectangular bounding area | ||
minlat | degrees | Specify minimum latitude, southern boundary [-90 <= X <= 90]. |
maxlat | degrees | Specify maximum latitude, northern boundary [-90 <= X <= 90]. |
minlon | degrees | Specify minimum longitude, western boundary [-180 <= X <= 180]. |
maxlon | degrees | Specify maximum longitude, eastern boundary [-180 <= X <= 180]. |
Circular bounding area | ||
lat | degrees | Specify latitude of center [-90 <= X <= 90]. |
lon | degrees | Specify longitude of center [-180 <= X <= 180]. |
minradius | degrees | Specify minimum radius of area around center [0 <= X <= 180], optional and defaults to 0. |
maxradius | degrees | Specify maximum radius of area around center [0 <= X <= 180] |
Time queries | ||
startbefore | date | Specify stations starting before this date, format = %Y-%m-%d. |
startafter | date | Specify stations starting after this date, format = %Y-%m-%d. |
endbefore | date | Specify stations ending before this date, format = %Y-%m-%d. |
endafter | date | Specify stations ending after this date, format = %Y-%m-%d. |
timewindow | date,date | Specify a time range that stations/channels must be operating within. |
Options | ||
gzip | Force gzip compression. | |
download | Adds the filename inventory.xml[.gz] to the HTTP response header. The browsers accepted encoding is then ignored and the result is only compressed if the gzip flag is passed as well. |