

FDSNWS - Event Service

The event web service provides access to contributed origin and magnitude estimates in QuakeML format. Events may be filtered, e.g., by hypocenter, time and magnitude parameters.

The request type is HTTP-GET. Please refer to fdsnws-event version 1.2 (2019-06-27) for a complete service description.

Available URLs

  • query - The main service query URL.
  • catalogs - List of catalogs to choose from. Currently unsupported.
  • contributors - List of contributors to choose from.
  • version - The specific service implementation version.
  • application.wadl - Machine readable interface description.
  • builder - Query builder assisting you to formulate your request.

Feature Notes

  • back-end software: QuakeLink
  • catalog request parameter not implemented (information not available in QuakeLink)
  • contributor request parameter is mapped to the agencyID
  • if a boolean parameter is requested without a value then true is assigned

API Description

The following table lists the available HTTP GET URL parameters. Parameters not defined by the standard are marked with an asterisk (*).

Time constraints
starttime time Limit to events on or after the specified start time.
endtime time Limit to events on or before the specified end time.
Geographic constraints
minlatitude float (degree) Limit to events with a latitude larger than or equal to the specified minimum.
maxlatitude float (degree) Limit to events with a latitude smaller than or equal to the specified maximum.
minlongitude float (degree) Limit to events with a longitude larger than or equal to the specified minimum.
maxlongitude float (degree) Limit to events with a longitude smaller than or equal to the specified maximum.
latitude float (degree) Specify the latitude to be used for a radius search.
longitude float (degree) Specify the longitude to be used for a radius search.
minradius float (degree) Limit to events within the specified minimum number of degrees from the geographical point defined by the latitude and longitude parameters.
maxradius float (degree) Limit to events within the specified maximum number of degrees from the geographical point defined by the latitude and longitude parameters.
Service specific constraints
mindepth float (km) Limit to events with depth more than or equal to the specified minimum.
maxdepth float (km) Limit to events with depth less than or equal to the specified maximum.
minmagnitude float Limit to events with a magnitude larger than or equal to the specified minimum.
maxmagnitude float Limit to events with a magnitude smaller than or equal to the specified maximum.
magnitudetype* string Only include events with a preferred magnitude of specific type. Note: This implementation is not according to the standard but QuakeLink only indexes the preferred magnitude of each event.
eventtype string list (QuakeML) Limit to events with a specified eventType. The parameter value can be a single item or a comma-separated list of items. Allowed values are from QuakeML or 'unknown' if eventType is not given.
eventid string Select a specific event by ID.
rev* integer Request for specific event revision. May only be combined with 'eventid' request parameter.
contributor string Limit to events contributed by a specified agency.
updatedafter time Limit to events updated after the specified time.
updatedbefore* time Limit to events updated before the specified time.
status* character Limit events by combined evaluation status and evaluation mode of the origin expressed by one character. Allowed values: M, P, C, V, F, X and R
estatus* string Limit events by evaluation status of the origin. Allowed values: reliminary, confirmed, reviewed, final, rejected and reported
emode* string Limit events by evaluation mode of the origin. Allowed values: manual and automatic
region* string Limit events by region description.
minphases* integer Limit to events with a minimum number of phases contributing to a origin solution.
maxphases* integer Limit to events with a maximum number of phases contributing to a origin solution.
ctype* string Limit events by certainty type. Allowed values: known, suspected, damaging and felt
dtype* string Limit events by depth type of the origin. Allowed values: from location, from moment tensor inversion, from modeling of broad-band P waveforms, constrained by depth phases, constrained by direct phases, operator assigned and other
felt* boolean Limit events to those having a event description of type felt report.
Output control
includeallorigins boolean Specify if all origins, magnitudes and focal mechanisms for the event should be included. Identical to 'includeallmagnitudes'.
includeallmagnitudes boolean Specify if all origins, magnitudes and focal mechanisms for the event should be included. Identical to 'includeallorigins'.
includearrivals boolean Specify if phase arrivals should be included.
includepicks* boolean Specify if amplitudes should be included.
includeamps* boolean Specify if amplitudes should be included.
includestamags* boolean Specify if station magnitudes should be included.
includestamts* boolean Specify if station moment tensor contributions should be included.
limit integer Limit the results to the specified number of events.
offset integer Return results starting at the event count specified. Note: The FDSNWS specification uses a weird definition of an offset where the first element is not addressed by 'offset=0' but 'offset=1'. So the implementation will decrement the offset value by one when generating the SQL database query.
orderby string Result order. Allowed values: time>, time-asc, magnitude, magnitude-asc, update* and update-asc*
format string Specify the desired output format. Allowed values: xml, text and scml* json*
gzip* boolean Control gzip compression of result document. If undefined the 'Accept-Encoding' HTTP header is evaluated instead.
download* boolean If enabled the 'Content-Disposition' HTTP response header is set to 'attachment' including a meaningful file name.
formatted* boolean Controls formatted (pretty print) output of XML responses.
nodata integer Select status code for 'no data' which is either '204' or '404'.