

Event ID Origin Time
Mag Type Type
Agency M S FM Felt Region Name XML
auth2021axtp 2021-01-14 00:01:33 1.3 38.40°N 22.05°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axtq 2021-01-14 00:02:29 1.6 38.55°N 22.10°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021axtr 2021-01-14 00:02:52 1.6 40.54°N 22.49°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Macedonia - N. Greece P / A
20210114_0000001 2021-01-14 00:03:20 4.5 8.09°S 120.40°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed FLORES REGION, INDONESIA P / A
11364782 2021-01-14 00:04:29 1.0 36.15°N 116.05°W 0 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797132 2021-01-14 00:04:29 1.0 36.15°N 116.05°W 0 USGS manual confirmed 9 km SW of Pahrump, Nevada P / A
auth2021axts 2021-01-14 00:05:21 1.3 38.40°N 22.07°E 8 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364775 2021-01-14 00:07:13 1.6 61.37°N 150.12°W 42 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021n5kdz9 2021-01-14 00:07:13 1.6 61.37°N 150.12°W 42 USGS manual confirmed Southern Alaska P / A
rs2021axwsgi 2021-01-14 00:07:53 3.8 21.38°S 68.55°W 147 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
20210114_0000002 2021-01-14 00:07:55 3.2 21.35°S 68.45°W 126 EMSC manual confirmed ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE P / A
hlnug2021axtyp 2021-01-14 00:08:16 1.3 earthquake known 50.78°N 7.19°E 13 HLNUG manual confirmed Nordrhein-Westfalen P / A
20210114_0000003 2021-01-14 00:10:36 1.6 36.64°N 4.12°W 19 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
auth2021axty 2021-01-14 00:12:07 2.1 36.40°N 27.19°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
auth2021axtz 2021-01-14 00:13:14 2.0 38.38°N 22.07°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
25923881 2021-01-14 00:14:56 1.3 43.78°N 12.12°E 11 INGV manual confirmed 3 km W Casteldelci (RN) P / A
auth2021axub 2021-01-14 00:15:52 1.7 38.44°N 22.32°E 17 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365115 2021-01-14 00:15:55 -0.4 55.11°N 162.05°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
2021p035165 2021-01-14 00:15:55 2.1 40.64°S 174.43°E 31 GNS manual confirmed 55 km north-west of Paraparaumu P / A
av91017073 2021-01-14 00:15:55 -0.4 55.11°N 162.05°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 17 km ENE of King Cove, Alaska P / A
25923911 2021-01-14 00:19:19 1.1 42.96°N 13.07°E 12 INGV manual confirmed 3 km NW Visso (MC) P / A
auth2021axue 2021-01-14 00:19:25 1.4 38.35°N 21.97°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axug 2021-01-14 00:21:18 1.4 38.42°N 22.02°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axuh 2021-01-14 00:22:47 1.5 38.40°N 21.92°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
25923951 2021-01-14 00:23:13 1.4 42.95°N 13.07°E 12 INGV manual confirmed 3 km NW Visso (MC) P / A
11364780 2021-01-14 00:24:19 1.3 32.75°N 115.83°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CALIF.-BAJA CALIF. BORDER REGION P / A
ci39756560 2021-01-14 00:24:19 1.3 32.75°N 115.83°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 16km E of Ocotillo, CA P / A
auth2021axuj 2021-01-14 00:24:51 2.2 38.36°N 20.95°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Ionian Sea - W. Greece P / A
auth2021axuk 2021-01-14 00:26:00 1.6 38.49°N 22.07°E 15 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axuo 2021-01-14 00:30:27 1.5 38.40°N 22.01°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axup 2021-01-14 00:30:57 2.5 37.53°N 22.79°E 75 AUTH manual confirmed NE Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
11364799 2021-01-14 00:31:09 2.6 17.88°N 66.89°W 13 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
20210114_0000007 2021-01-14 00:31:09 2.6 17.88°N 66.89°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021014000 2021-01-14 00:31:09 2.6 17.88°N 66.89°W 13 USGS manual confirmed P / A
11364783 2021-01-14 00:33:53 2.2 35.87°N 117.70°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756568 2021-01-14 00:33:53 2.2 35.87°N 117.70°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 20km ESE of Little Lake, CA P / A
20210114_0000004 2021-01-14 00:33:53 2.2 35.87°N 117.70°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
auth2021axur 2021-01-14 00:34:18 1.3 38.40°N 22.06°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000009 2021-01-14 00:34:56 3.0 18.06°N 70.84°W 26 EMSC manual confirmed DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION P / A
rs2021axxqjt 2021-01-14 00:35:53 2.4 22.20°S 68.74°W 108 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11364788 2021-01-14 00:37:05 3.2 17.94°N 66.89°W 15 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
20210114_0000005 2021-01-14 00:37:05 2.7 17.86°N 66.89°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
us6000d85e 2021-01-14 00:37:05 2.7 17.86°N 66.89°W 10 USGS manual confirmed P / A
pr2021014001 2021-01-14 00:37:05 3.2 17.94°N 66.89°W 15 USGS manual confirmed 4 km SSE of Guánica, Puerto Rico P / A
11364785 2021-01-14 00:37:37 2.5 56.71°N 156.71°W 89 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
20210114_0000006 2021-01-14 00:37:37 2.8 56.75°N 156.75°W 83 EMSC manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
ak021n5qvaa 2021-01-14 00:37:37 2.5 56.71°N 156.71°W 89 USGS manual confirmed 98 km SSE of Ugashik, Alaska P / A
rs2021axxsbu 2021-01-14 00:37:51 2.3 22.37°S 68.91°W 100 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021axuu 2021-01-14 00:38:02 1.7 38.38°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axux 2021-01-14 00:41:04 1.6 38.37°N 22.05°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
rs2021axxvwb 2021-01-14 00:42:14 3.1 23.48°S 70.30°W 7 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
11364787 2021-01-14 00:42:18 0.8 37.87°N 118.53°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797138 2021-01-14 00:42:18 0.8 37.87°N 118.53°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 6 km NW of Benton, California P / A
11364789 2021-01-14 00:45:09 1.2 35.61°N 117.45°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756576 2021-01-14 00:45:09 1.2 35.61°N 117.45°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 18km SSW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
auth2021axva 2021-01-14 00:45:21 1.9 38.37°N 21.99°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364792 2021-01-14 00:48:27 1.9 64.08°N 148.91°W IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021n5t7bf 2021-01-14 00:48:27 1.9 64.08°N 148.91°W USGS manual confirmed Central Alaska P / A
auth2021axve 2021-01-14 00:49:14 1.3 38.40°N 22.05°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365113 2021-01-14 00:49:30 -0.2 55.11°N 162.05°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
av91017068 2021-01-14 00:49:30 -0.2 55.11°N 162.05°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 17 km ENE of King Cove, Alaska P / A
2021p035228 2021-01-14 00:49:44 1.9 40.32°S 176.92°E 33 GNS manual confirmed 25 km east of Porangahau P / A
auth2021axvg 2021-01-14 00:51:46 1.4 38.39°N 22.06°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axvi 2021-01-14 00:53:59 1.3 38.38°N 22.05°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364794 2021-01-14 00:55:23 1.7 59.84°N 150.81°W 46 IRIS manual confirmed KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA P / A
ak021n5up4k 2021-01-14 00:55:23 1.7 59.84°N 150.81°W 46 USGS manual confirmed 8 km ESE of Fox River, Alaska P / A
rs2021axyhtt 2021-01-14 00:56:04 2.1 20.89°S 69.13°W 94 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021axvl 2021-01-14 00:57:24 1.5 38.37°N 22.05°E 8 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364795 2021-01-14 00:57:40 1.9 19.40°N 155.63°W -1 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319212 2021-01-14 00:57:40 1.9 19.40°N 155.63°W -1 USGS manual confirmed 25 km ESE of Honaunau-Napoopoo, Hawaii P / A
11365117 2021-01-14 00:58:05 0.4 55.10°N 162.05°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
av91017078 2021-01-14 00:58:05 0.4 55.10°N 162.05°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 17 km ENE of King Cove, Alaska P / A
2021p035244 2021-01-14 00:58:10 2.8 44.37°S 168.25°E 5 GNS manual confirmed 40 km north-east of Milford Sound P / A
11365122 2021-01-14 01:00:19 -1.3 58.41°N 154.78°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
av91017083 2021-01-14 01:00:19 -1.3 58.41°N 154.78°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 96 km NNW of Karluk, Alaska P / A
rs2021axymup 2021-01-14 01:01:59 1.9 20.32°S 69.31°W 85 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210114_0000128 2021-01-14 01:02:38 3.3 62.17°N 124.44°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHWEST TERRITORIES, CANADA P / A
2021p035253 2021-01-14 01:03:06 2.6 37.56°S 177.31°E 39 GNS manual confirmed 35 km north-west of Te Kaha P / A
auth2021axvq 2021-01-14 01:03:42 1.5 38.39°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364797 2021-01-14 01:04:43 1.1 33.19°N 115.60°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756608 2021-01-14 01:04:43 1.1 33.19°N 115.60°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 10km SW of Niland, CA P / A
11364800 2021-01-14 01:08:55 2.2 19.24°N 155.41°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319222 2021-01-14 01:08:55 2.2 19.24°N 155.41°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 8 km ENE of Pāhala, Hawaii P / A
20210114_0000008 2021-01-14 01:08:55 2.2 19.24°N 155.41°W 33 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
auth2021axvw 2021-01-14 01:10:59 1.7 38.36°N 22.00°E 14 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axvy 2021-01-14 01:12:41 1.4 38.41°N 22.00°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axwa 2021-01-14 01:15:41 2.1 38.40°N 21.97°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axwd 2021-01-14 01:19:00 1.9 38.37°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
rs2021axzdmu 2021-01-14 01:21:14 2.4 22.13°S 68.55°W 115 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11364802 2021-01-14 01:22:02 2.0 38.17°N 117.98°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
20210114_0000124 2021-01-14 01:22:02 2.0 38.17°N 117.98°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00797141 2021-01-14 01:22:02 2.0 38.17°N 117.98°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 26 km SSE of Mina, Nevada P / A
auth2021axwi 2021-01-14 01:23:59 1.6 38.38°N 22.06°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axwj 2021-01-14 01:24:56 1.8 38.41°N 22.07°E 11 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364804 2021-01-14 01:28:25 1.5 38.16°N 117.97°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00797144 2021-01-14 01:28:25 1.5 38.16°N 117.97°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 27 km SSE of Mina, Nevada P / A
11365126 2021-01-14 01:31:53 -0.2 55.10°N 162.05°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
av91017093 2021-01-14 01:31:53 -0.2 55.10°N 162.05°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 17 km ENE of King Cove, Alaska P / A
auth2021axwq 2021-01-14 01:33:39 1.4 38.22°N 21.96°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
20210114_0000010 2021-01-14 01:34:11 3.0 19.27°N 155.15°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
us6000d85m 2021-01-14 01:34:11 3.0 19.27°N 155.15°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 20 km SSE of Volcano, Hawaii P / A
11364809 2021-01-14 01:34:12 3.0 19.35°N 155.10°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319237 2021-01-14 01:34:12 2.8 19.35°N 155.10°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 13 km SSE of Fern Forest, Hawaii P / A
auth2021axws 2021-01-14 01:36:14 1.9 38.53°N 20.53°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Lefkada Isl. - W. Greece P / A
11365072 2021-01-14 01:39:58 1.3 39.60°N 119.38°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00797211 2021-01-14 01:39:58 1.3 39.60°N 119.38°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 9 km WSW of Wadsworth, Nevada P / A
20210114_0000014 2021-01-14 01:40:47 1.7 28.15°N 16.20°W 21 EMSC manual confirmed CANARY ISLANDS, SPAIN REGION P / A
auth2021axwy 2021-01-14 01:43:40 2.0 38.44°N 22.52°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365475 2021-01-14 01:43:43 0.5 37.57°N 118.87°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73510630 2021-01-14 01:43:43 0.5 37.57°N 118.87°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 12km SE of Mammoth Lakes, CA P / A
11364808 2021-01-14 01:45:33 0.5 33.67°N 116.75°W 15 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756640 2021-01-14 01:45:33 0.5 33.67°N 116.75°W 15 USGS manual confirmed 8km SSW of Idyllwild, CA P / A
11365048 2021-01-14 01:45:39 0.1 33.65°N 116.69°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci37464045 2021-01-14 01:45:39 0.1 33.65°N 116.69°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 10km N of Anza, CA P / A
rs2021axzysv 2021-01-14 01:45:55 2.5 22.86°S 68.63°W 98 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021axxb 2021-01-14 01:46:27 2.6 38.37°N 22.05°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
texnet2021axxc 2021-01-14 01:47:58 1.7 earthquake known 31.61°N 104.10°W 6 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
auth2021axxd 2021-01-14 01:48:33 1.8 37.89°N 26.81°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed East Aegean Sea - E. Greece P / A
auth2021axxe 2021-01-14 01:50:14 2.3 38.58°N 22.98°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
rs2021ayacli 2021-01-14 01:50:15 3.0 19.64°S 69.70°W 61 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021axxf 2021-01-14 01:51:08 1.4 38.38°N 22.01°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364811 2021-01-14 01:52:31 0.8 33.04°N 116.39°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756648 2021-01-14 01:52:31 0.8 33.04°N 116.39°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 20km E of Julian, CA P / A
auth2021axxh 2021-01-14 01:53:25 2.4 38.37°N 22.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
rs2021ayagfi 2021-01-14 01:54:36 2.3 21.45°S 68.64°W 83 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
auth2021axxi 2021-01-14 01:54:41 1.6 38.38°N 22.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axxl 2021-01-14 01:57:53 1.9 38.30°N 22.32°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
rs2021ayaiuw 2021-01-14 01:58:19 3.8 30.58°S 71.59°W 7 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Central Chile P / A
20210114_0000011 2021-01-14 01:58:22 3.4 30.58°S 71.38°W 46 EMSC manual confirmed COQUIMBO, CHILE P / A
auth2021axxp 2021-01-14 02:03:02 2.4 38.38°N 22.01°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axxr 2021-01-14 02:05:01 1.7 38.38°N 22.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axxs 2021-01-14 02:05:51 1.4 38.45°N 22.04°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axxt 2021-01-14 02:07:08 1.4 38.40°N 22.05°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axxu 2021-01-14 02:07:29 3.0 38.23°N 22.37°E 76 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axxv 2021-01-14 02:08:14 1.6 38.53°N 24.12°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Northern Evia - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000066 2021-01-14 02:09:02 2.7 38.37°N 22.07°E 8 EMSC manual confirmed GREECE P / A
auth2021axxw 2021-01-14 02:09:02 2.7 38.37°N 22.07°E 8 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365148 2021-01-14 02:12:46 0.5 53.92°N 167.00°W 40 IRIS manual confirmed FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS P / A
av91017103 2021-01-14 02:12:46 0.5 53.92°N 167.00°W 40 USGS manual confirmed 30 km W of Dutch Harbor, Alaska P / A
auth2021axxy 2021-01-14 02:13:11 1.6 38.38°N 22.07°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364815 2021-01-14 02:13:19 1.4 33.18°N 115.61°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756656 2021-01-14 02:13:19 1.4 33.18°N 115.61°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 11km SW of Niland, CA P / A
11365011 2021-01-14 02:13:50 1.4 33.17°N 115.63°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci37464053 2021-01-14 02:13:50 1.4 33.17°N 115.63°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 12km WNW of Calipatria, CA P / A
auth2021axxz 2021-01-14 02:14:07 1.5 38.38°N 22.05°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axya 2021-01-14 02:15:20 2.3 38.54°N 24.10°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Northern Evia - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axyb 2021-01-14 02:17:07 2.5 36.90°N 23.08°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed SE Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
rs2021ayazzp 2021-01-14 02:17:35 2.6 22.54°S 70.25°W 5 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
20210114_0000012 2021-01-14 02:17:44 2.1 45.49°N 16.05°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed CROATIA P / A
auth2021axyd 2021-01-14 02:19:28 1.9 38.31°N 22.83°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p035397 2021-01-14 02:19:42 2.2 41.20°S 173.71°E 48 GNS manual confirmed 25 km north-west of Picton P / A
11364823 2021-01-14 02:20:41 2.5 17.91°N 66.84°W 13 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021014002 2021-01-14 02:20:41 2.5 17.91°N 66.84°W 13 USGS manual confirmed 8 km SE of Maria Antonia, Puerto Rico P / A
20210114_0000015 2021-01-14 02:20:41 2.5 17.91°N 66.84°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
auth2021axyg 2021-01-14 02:22:45 1.5 38.40°N 22.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364817 2021-01-14 02:24:15 1.9 19.23°N 155.41°W 31 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319252 2021-01-14 02:24:15 1.9 19.23°N 155.41°W 31 USGS manual confirmed 7 km ENE of Pāhala, Hawaii P / A
auth2021axyj 2021-01-14 02:26:02 1.7 38.38°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364824 2021-01-14 02:26:58 2.5 17.96°N 67.01°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed MONA PASSAGE P / A
pr2021014003 2021-01-14 02:26:58 2.5 17.96°N 67.01°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 3 km ESE of La Parguera, Puerto Rico P / A
20210114_0000016 2021-01-14 02:26:58 2.5 17.96°N 67.01°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
11364819 2021-01-14 02:27:43 2.2 32.64°N 115.72°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CALIF.-BAJA CALIF. BORDER REGION P / A
ci39756672 2021-01-14 02:27:43 2.2 32.64°N 115.72°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 15km WNW of Progreso, B.C., MX P / A
20210114_0000013 2021-01-14 02:27:43 2.2 32.64°N 115.72°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO P / A
auth2021axyl 2021-01-14 02:28:14 1.5 38.40°N 21.45°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Patras - W. Greece P / A
auth2021axym 2021-01-14 02:29:15 2.0 38.36°N 22.37°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axyn 2021-01-14 02:29:48 1.4 38.47°N 22.06°E 8 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axyo 2021-01-14 02:31:43 1.3 38.43°N 22.05°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axyp 2021-01-14 02:33:15 1.6 38.41°N 22.08°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364821 2021-01-14 02:34:15 0.3 33.66°N 116.75°W 14 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756680 2021-01-14 02:34:15 0.3 33.66°N 116.75°W 14 USGS manual confirmed 9km SSW of Idyllwild, CA P / A
11364822 2021-01-14 02:35:30 1.8 19.25°N 155.41°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319262 2021-01-14 02:35:30 1.8 19.25°N 155.41°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 9 km ENE of Pāhala, Hawaii P / A
auth2021axys 2021-01-14 02:36:28 1.7 37.98°N 22.16°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
20210114_0000198 2021-01-14 02:36:51 3.2 6.05°N 126.31°E 126 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
auth2021axyt 2021-01-14 02:38:30 2.3 38.75°N 22.24°E 38 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021axyu 2021-01-14 02:38:46 2.3 39.50°N 23.63°E 47 AUTH manual confirmed North Aegean Trough - N. Greece P / A
auth2021axyv 2021-01-14 02:39:50 1.3 38.40°N 21.97°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axyw 2021-01-14 02:41:29 1.4 38.37°N 22.06°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p035440 2021-01-14 02:42:30 2.2 38.42°S 177.87°E 27 GNS manual confirmed 30 km east of Matawai P / A
20210114_0000019 2021-01-14 02:45:52 4.1 18.42°N 102.13°W 56 EMSC manual confirmed MICHOACAN, MEXICO P / A
auth2021axza 2021-01-14 02:46:20 1.6 38.36°N 22.02°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
oca2021axzb 2021-01-14 02:46:59 2.0 earthquake 45.88°N 7.03°E 4 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
25924051 2021-01-14 02:46:59 1.3 45.90°N 7.02°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 13 km NE Courmayeur (AO) P / A
smi_ch_ethz_sed_sc3a_2021aybzja 2021-01-14 02:46:59 1.6 earthquake 45.89°N 7.01°E 7 ETHZ manual confirmed Chamonix F P / A
20210114_0000017 2021-01-14 02:46:59 1.6 45.89°N 7.01°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN ITALY P / A
11364825 2021-01-14 02:47:13 0.8 38.84°N 122.78°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510640 2021-01-14 02:47:13 0.8 38.84°N 122.78°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 5km WNW of Cobb, CA P / A
11364828 2021-01-14 02:47:53 0.6 33.23°N 116.82°W 23 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756688 2021-01-14 02:47:53 0.6 33.23°N 116.82°W 23 USGS manual confirmed 6km W of Lake Henshaw, CA P / A
11364826 2021-01-14 02:48:14 1.3 33.18°N 115.61°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756696 2021-01-14 02:48:14 1.3 33.18°N 115.61°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 10km SW of Niland, CA P / A
11365028 2021-01-14 02:48:16 1.6 33.18°N 115.60°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci37464061 2021-01-14 02:48:16 1.6 33.18°N 115.60°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 10km NW of Calipatria, CA P / A
11365033 2021-01-14 02:48:23 1.9 33.20°N 115.65°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci37464069 2021-01-14 02:48:23 1.9 33.20°N 115.65°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 13km WSW of Niland, CA P / A
auth2021axzc 2021-01-14 02:48:35 1.9 38.42°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365041 2021-01-14 02:49:54 0.7 33.19°N 115.59°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci37464085 2021-01-14 02:49:54 0.7 33.19°N 115.59°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 9km SW of Niland, CA P / A
11364829 2021-01-14 02:50:07 1.4 33.18°N 115.61°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756704 2021-01-14 02:50:07 1.4 33.18°N 115.61°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 10km SW of Niland, CA P / A
auth2021axzg 2021-01-14 02:53:36 1.0 38.37°N 22.04°E 2 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000018 2021-01-14 02:54:41 2.0 19.19°N 155.43°W 36 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
11364831 2021-01-14 02:54:41 2.0 19.19°N 155.43°W 36 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319287 2021-01-14 02:54:41 2.0 19.19°N 155.43°W 36 USGS manual confirmed 5 km E of Pāhala, Hawaii P / A
11364833 2021-01-14 02:55:44 1.6 63.08°N 150.69°W 32 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021n71lwh 2021-01-14 02:55:44 1.6 63.08°N 150.69°W 32 USGS manual confirmed 65 km N of Petersville, Alaska P / A
auth2021axzj 2021-01-14 02:57:01 1.9 38.51°N 22.90°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11364834 2021-01-14 02:58:30 1.7 32.74°N 115.82°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CALIF.-BAJA CALIF. BORDER REGION P / A
ci39756712 2021-01-14 02:58:30 1.7 32.74°N 115.82°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 16km E of Ocotillo, CA P / A
auth2021axzl 2021-01-14 02:59:11 2.1 39.01°N 21.86°E 43 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021axzm 2021-01-14 03:01:09 0.9 38.35°N 22.05°E 1 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axzo 2021-01-14 03:01:59 1.6 38.44°N 22.09°E 22 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364836 2021-01-14 03:02:50 1.9 19.15°N 155.46°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319297 2021-01-14 03:02:50 1.9 19.15°N 155.46°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 6 km SSE of Pāhala, Hawaii P / A
11364837 2021-01-14 03:03:49 2.0 19.19°N 155.44°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210114_0000020 2021-01-14 03:03:49 2.0 19.19°N 155.44°W 33 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72319302 2021-01-14 03:03:49 2.0 19.19°N 155.44°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 4 km ESE of Pāhala, Hawaii P / A
auth2021axzr 2021-01-14 03:05:41 1.4 38.40°N 22.01°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p035484 2021-01-14 03:06:04 1.9 38.81°S 175.55°E 136 GNS manual confirmed 25 km east of Taumarunui P / A
11365149 2021-01-14 03:06:07 0.4 58.44°N 154.53°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
av91017113 2021-01-14 03:06:07 0.4 58.44°N 154.53°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 97 km N of Karluk, Alaska P / A
auth2021axzt 2021-01-14 03:07:50 1.6 38.28°N 22.05°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364838 2021-01-14 03:08:35 1.7 62.80°N 151.05°W 94 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021n7cy3w 2021-01-14 03:08:35 1.7 62.80°N 151.05°W 94 USGS manual confirmed 36 km NNW of Petersville, Alaska P / A
auth2021axzu 2021-01-14 03:08:55 1.7 38.39°N 22.08°E 22 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021axzw 2021-01-14 03:11:48 2.1 38.53°N 22.35°E 12 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11364849 2021-01-14 03:11:51 0.7 18.01°N 67.11°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed MONA PASSAGE P / A
pr2021014004 2021-01-14 03:11:51 0.7 18.01°N 67.11°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 5 km SW of Palmarejo, Puerto Rico P / A
11364850 2021-01-14 03:11:58 2.1 18.03°N 66.79°W 17 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
20210114_0000024 2021-01-14 03:11:58 2.1 18.03°N 66.79°W 17 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO P / A
pr2021014005 2021-01-14 03:11:58 2.1 18.03°N 66.79°W 17 USGS manual confirmed 0 km NNE of Guayanilla, Puerto Rico P / A
auth2021axzy 2021-01-14 03:13:39 1.7 38.41°N 22.24°E 18 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364846 2021-01-14 03:16:23 1.9 52.63°N 169.49°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS P / A
av91174156 2021-01-14 03:16:23 1.9 52.63°N 169.49°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 55 km SW of Nikolski, Alaska P / A
auth2021ayaa 2021-01-14 03:16:28 1.2 38.42°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364840 2021-01-14 03:20:53 2.5 67.35°N 156.15°W IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021n7fq3v 2021-01-14 03:20:53 2.5 67.35°N 156.15°W USGS manual confirmed 58 km NNE of Kobuk, Alaska P / A
20210114_0000022 2021-01-14 03:21:14 2.7 9.11°S 123.75°E 55 EMSC manual confirmed TIMOR REGION, INDONESIA P / A
auth2021ayag 2021-01-14 03:22:56 2.2 38.30°N 23.12°E 29 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11364848 2021-01-14 03:24:05 0.7 38.23°N 117.85°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00797151 2021-01-14 03:24:05 0.7 38.23°N 117.85°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 28 km SE of Mina, Nevada P / A
auth2021ayao 2021-01-14 03:32:38 2.1 37.92°N 21.75°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
11364841 2021-01-14 03:33:14 0.3 38.82°N 122.82°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510665 2021-01-14 03:33:14 0.3 38.82°N 122.82°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 7km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
20210114_0000021 2021-01-14 03:33:33 1.1 45.65°N 15.99°E 1 EMSC manual confirmed CROATIA P / A
auth2021ayap 2021-01-14 03:34:07 2.3 38.38°N 22.02°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
texnet2021ayaq 2021-01-14 03:35:08 1.8 earthquake known 31.66°N 104.28°W 7 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
11364842 2021-01-14 03:35:30 0.8 33.46°N 116.43°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756728 2021-01-14 03:35:30 0.8 33.46°N 116.43°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 24km NNW of Borrego Springs, CA P / A
auth2021ayas 2021-01-14 03:37:39 1.3 38.37°N 22.00°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p035547 2021-01-14 03:39:51 2.2 40.65°S 173.39°E 116 GNS manual confirmed 45 km north-west of French Pass P / A
20210114_0000033 2021-01-14 03:40:01 2.9 38.38°N 22.04°E 2 EMSC manual confirmed GREECE P / A
auth2021ayau 2021-01-14 03:40:01 2.8 38.38°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364843 2021-01-14 03:41:24 1.5 33.18°N 115.61°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756736 2021-01-14 03:41:24 1.5 33.18°N 115.61°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 11km WNW of Calipatria, CA P / A
auth2021ayaw 2021-01-14 03:42:25 1.9 38.38°N 22.06°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p035552 2021-01-14 03:42:28 2.2 37.22°S 176.71°E 279 GNS manual confirmed 65 km north-east of Tauranga P / A
auth2021ayay 2021-01-14 03:44:35 1.2 38.39°N 22.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayaz 2021-01-14 03:45:27 1.9 38.50°N 22.32°E 11 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayba 2021-01-14 03:46:38 1.5 38.81°N 21.47°E 17 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021aybc 2021-01-14 03:49:23 2.0 38.18°N 22.20°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
2021p035567 2021-01-14 03:50:30 1.4 40.78°S 175.05°E 38 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north of Paraparaumu P / A
20210114_0000023 2021-01-14 03:51:24 2.9 60.00°N 152.97°W 114 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
11364845 2021-01-14 03:51:25 2.3 60.03°N 152.93°W 106 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021n7m57b 2021-01-14 03:51:25 2.3 60.03°N 152.93°W 106 USGS manual confirmed 67 km W of Happy Valley, Alaska P / A
auth2021aybh 2021-01-14 03:54:51 1.5 38.54°N 21.70°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
oca2021aybh 2021-01-14 03:55:11 2.1 earthquake 44.98°N 7.26°E 1 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
2021p035578 2021-01-14 03:56:04 2.0 37.61°S 175.06°E GNS manual confirmed 25 km north-west of Hamilton P / A
auth2021aybi 2021-01-14 03:56:37 1.2 38.41°N 22.04°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000025 2021-01-14 03:58:49 3.2 1.27°S 123.27°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
11364847 2021-01-14 04:00:54 0.6 33.69°N 117.44°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756744 2021-01-14 04:00:54 0.6 33.69°N 117.44°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 10km WNW of Lake Elsinore, CA P / A
rs2021ayemiv 2021-01-14 04:02:25 2.4 44.39°N 122.55°W 48 from location gempa automatic confirmed Oregon P / A
auth2021aybo 2021-01-14 04:03:45 1.3 38.40°N 22.01°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000173 2021-01-14 04:03:47 3.2 36.67°S 121.94°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed OFF SOUTH COAST OF AUSTRALIA P / A
11364853 2021-01-14 04:04:22 1.3 39.39°N 119.19°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00797153 2021-01-14 04:04:22 1.3 39.39°N 119.19°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 4 km SE of Silver Springs, Nevada P / A
25924141 2021-01-14 04:10:18 1.3 37.69°N 14.96°E 3 INGV manual confirmed 7 km N Ragalna (CT) P / A
auth2021aybv 2021-01-14 04:11:34 2.2 38.36°N 22.04°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aybz 2021-01-14 04:16:17 1.4 38.42°N 22.02°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364852 2021-01-14 04:17:29 1.6 33.18°N 115.60°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756760 2021-01-14 04:17:29 1.6 33.18°N 115.60°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 10km SW of Niland, CA P / A
20210114_0000027 2021-01-14 04:18:21 1.5 39.03°N 0.61°W 4 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
11364908 2021-01-14 04:18:40 1.0 39.25°N 120.17°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nn00797155 2021-01-14 04:18:40 1.0 39.25°N 120.17°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 8 km WNW of Carnelian Bay, California P / A
20210114_0000028 2021-01-14 04:19:11 2.6 3.93°S 126.76°E 25 EMSC manual confirmed BURU, INDONESIA P / A
auth2021aycc 2021-01-14 04:19:21 1.7 38.42°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365104 2021-01-14 04:20:24 0.1 39.86°N 120.59°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nn00797218 2021-01-14 04:20:24 0.1 39.86°N 120.59°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 8 km E of Cromberg, California P / A
20210114_0000029 2021-01-14 04:21:09 2.2 39.18°N 0.59°W 11 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
rs2021ayfdlm 2021-01-14 04:22:16 2.7 21.17°S 69.84°W 22 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021aycg 2021-01-14 04:24:35 1.7 38.42°N 21.96°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000026 2021-01-14 04:26:15 1.6 45.55°N 15.99°E EMSC manual confirmed CROATIA P / A
11364855 2021-01-14 04:27:50 1.9 57.87°N 152.87°W 52 IRIS manual confirmed KODIAK ISLAND REGION, ALASKA P / A
ak021n82hj7 2021-01-14 04:27:50 1.9 57.87°N 152.87°W 52 USGS manual confirmed 1 km NE of Port Lions, Alaska P / A
auth2021ayck 2021-01-14 04:28:11 1.6 38.38°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aycm 2021-01-14 04:30:57 1.5 38.39°N 21.97°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aycr 2021-01-14 04:37:04 1.9 37.69°N 24.07°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Attica - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aycu 2021-01-14 04:40:36 1.6 38.40°N 22.10°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
rs2021ayfswn 2021-01-14 04:40:59 2.7 21.19°S 68.64°W 137 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11364909 2021-01-14 04:44:13 1.2 32.74°N 115.82°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed CALIF.-BAJA CALIF. BORDER REGION P / A
ci39756776 2021-01-14 04:44:13 1.2 32.74°N 115.82°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 16km E of Ocotillo, CA P / A
20210114_0000040 2021-01-14 04:44:29 2.0 38.74°N 119.38°W EMSC manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
11364927 2021-01-14 04:44:30 1.9 38.75°N 119.38°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797157 2021-01-14 04:44:30 1.9 38.75°N 119.38°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 4 km SSW of Smith Valley, Nevada P / A
auth2021aycz 2021-01-14 04:45:45 1.0 38.41°N 22.02°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aydg 2021-01-14 04:53:51 1.4 38.44°N 22.06°E 34 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aydh 2021-01-14 04:55:25 2.5 36.80°N 23.00°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed SE Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
11364910 2021-01-14 04:57:18 0.9 35.77°N 117.58°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756784 2021-01-14 04:57:18 0.9 35.77°N 117.58°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 16km W of Searles Valley, CA P / A
auth2021aydj 2021-01-14 04:58:27 1.7 38.43°N 22.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aydk 2021-01-14 04:58:40 2.5 37.74°N 22.01°E 38 AUTH manual confirmed Central Peloponnese- S. Greece P / A
25924281 2021-01-14 04:58:56 1.5 37.75°N 14.93°E 6 INGV manual confirmed 9 km E Bronte (CT) P / A
auth2021aydl 2021-01-14 04:59:09 1.8 38.27°N 22.29°E 14 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
hlnug2021aydqf 2021-01-14 05:01:36 0.5 earthquake known 50.20°N 7.94°E 10 HLNUG manual confirmed Heidenrod P / A
auth2021aydn 2021-01-14 05:02:21 1.5 38.39°N 22.23°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364912 2021-01-14 05:03:23 1.5 33.18°N 115.61°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756792 2021-01-14 05:03:23 1.5 33.18°N 115.61°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 10km NW of Calipatria, CA P / A
oca2021aydo 2021-01-14 05:03:39 1.8 earthquake 44.57°N 7.31°E 2 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
11364922 2021-01-14 05:05:21 2.8 39.73°N 98.38°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed KANSAS P / A
us6000d87i 2021-01-14 05:05:21 2.8 39.73°N 98.38°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 11 km SSE of Esbon, Kansas P / A
20210114_0000036 2021-01-14 05:05:21 2.8 39.73°N 98.38°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed KANSAS P / A
rs2021aygpdx 2021-01-14 05:06:01 2.5 36.69°N 97.76°W 105 from location gempa automatic confirmed Oklahoma P / A
s2rhai2021aydq 2021-01-14 05:06:11 4.0 earthquake 20.31°N 70.79°W 6 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
auth2021aydr 2021-01-14 05:07:49 2.1 38.49°N 22.17°E 11 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000030 2021-01-14 05:08:34 4.0 3.95°N 126.60°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA P / A
11365109 2021-01-14 05:12:40 0.7 39.97°N 119.57°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00797219 2021-01-14 05:12:40 0.7 39.97°N 119.57°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 3 km NE of Sutcliffe, Nevada P / A
11364917 2021-01-14 05:13:50 4.9 51.49°N 174.08°W 37 IRIS manual confirmed ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS. P / A
us6000d87l 2021-01-14 05:13:50 4.9 51.49°N 174.08°W 37 USGS manual confirmed 79 km S of Atka, Alaska P / A
20210114_0000032 2021-01-14 05:13:52 4.9 51.63°N 174.01°W 48 EMSC manual confirmed ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS. P / A
rs2021aygwag 2021-01-14 05:13:59 4.9 53.56°N 174.94°W 10 gempa automatic confirmed Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands P / A
auth2021aydy 2021-01-14 05:15:04 1.9 38.38°N 22.06°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000031 2021-01-14 05:15:11 3.6 1.22°N 79.73°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF ECUADOR P / A
rs2021aygybb 2021-01-14 05:16:20 3.4 29.46°S 71.70°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Central Chile P / A
20210114_0000034 2021-01-14 05:16:23 2.7 29.50°S 71.37°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE COQUIMBO, CHILE P / A
20210114_0000131 2021-01-14 05:18:23 3.0 52.88°N 132.60°W 12 EMSC manual confirmed QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS REGION P / A
auth2021ayef 2021-01-14 05:23:35 1.8 38.40°N 22.02°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayeg 2021-01-14 05:24:54 1.8 37.76°N 26.57°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed East Aegean Sea - E. Greece P / A
auth2021ayeh 2021-01-14 05:26:20 1.6 38.36°N 22.04°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayel 2021-01-14 05:30:40 2.1 38.34°N 22.68°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364915 2021-01-14 05:31:34 1.8 59.57°N 152.99°W 101 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021n8oqso 2021-01-14 05:31:34 1.8 59.57°N 152.99°W 101 USGS manual confirmed 65 km WNW of Nanwalek, Alaska P / A
2021p035760 2021-01-14 05:32:53 1.7 39.33°S 174.83°E 83 GNS manual confirmed 45 km east of Stratford P / A
auth2021ayep 2021-01-14 05:34:49 1.5 38.42°N 22.07°E 8 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364916 2021-01-14 05:36:51 1.8 19.20°N 155.44°W 34 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319427 2021-01-14 05:36:51 1.8 19.20°N 155.44°W 34 USGS manual confirmed 4 km E of Pāhala, Hawaii P / A
auth2021ayes 2021-01-14 05:38:15 2.4 38.79°N 23.66°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Northern Evia - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayet 2021-01-14 05:38:55 1.5 38.37°N 22.08°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000035 2021-01-14 05:39:10 2.9 2.43°S 120.72°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
2021p035774 2021-01-14 05:40:26 1.9 38.56°S 176.21°E 5 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north-east of Taupo P / A
20210114_0000100 2021-01-14 05:41:12 3.9 15.18°N 94.31°W 16 EMSC manual confirmed OFF COAST OF CHIAPAS, MEXICO P / A
2021p035777 2021-01-14 05:42:16 2.1 39.51°S 174.48°E 136 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north-east of Hawera P / A
rs2021ayhvav 2021-01-14 05:43:03 2.4 22.16°S 68.78°W 100 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210114_0000099 2021-01-14 05:45:22 3.6 16.02°N 97.67°W 28 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
2021p035781 2021-01-14 05:45:51 2.1 39.50°S 175.74°E 5 GNS manual confirmed 20 km north of Taihape P / A
11364919 2021-01-14 05:47:20 0.8 35.90°N 117.74°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756800 2021-01-14 05:47:20 0.8 35.90°N 117.74°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 16km ESE of Little Lake, CA P / A
2021p035796 2021-01-14 05:52:29 1.2 39.48°S 175.72°E 8 GNS manual confirmed 20 km north of Taihape P / A
rs2021ayidfa 2021-01-14 05:52:29 2.5 21.25°S 68.28°W 192 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11364921 2021-01-14 05:54:45 0.4 38.82°N 122.85°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510695 2021-01-14 05:54:45 0.4 38.82°N 122.85°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 10km WNW of The Geysers, CA P / A
auth2021ayfh 2021-01-14 05:56:26 2.8 39.95°N 22.44°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000038 2021-01-14 05:57:14 4.1 1.64°S 121.62°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
11365071 2021-01-14 05:57:19 1.5 40.05°N 121.04°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510700 2021-01-14 05:57:19 1.5 40.05°N 121.04°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 4km N of Twain, CA P / A
auth2021ayfi 2021-01-14 05:57:32 1.7 38.37°N 22.06°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364923 2021-01-14 05:58:48 2.1 60.95°N 146.75°W 15 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021n8uk6p 2021-01-14 05:58:48 2.1 60.95°N 146.75°W 15 USGS manual confirmed 10 km NNW of Tatitlek, Alaska P / A
11364925 2021-01-14 06:00:52 1.9 19.20°N 155.46°W 34 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319442 2021-01-14 06:00:52 1.9 19.20°N 155.46°W 34 USGS manual confirmed 1 km ESE of Pāhala, Hawaii P / A
20210114_0000037 2021-01-14 06:06:52 2.8 8.38°S 119.08°E 149 EMSC manual confirmed FLORES REGION, INDONESIA P / A
auth2021ayfr 2021-01-14 06:07:23 1.7 38.41°N 22.04°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000132 2021-01-14 06:08:03 2.9 18.31°N 99.51°W 2 EMSC manual confirmed GUERRERO, MEXICO P / A
rs2021ayistx 2021-01-14 06:10:33 3.2 19.00°S 69.82°W 76 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021ayfu 2021-01-14 06:10:53 2.0 38.34°N 22.12°E 12 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p035831 2021-01-14 06:11:04 2.2 38.57°S 176.19°E 4 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north-east of Taupo P / A
20210114_0000039 2021-01-14 06:11:16 2.8 12.21°N 87.12°W 58 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
auth2021ayfv 2021-01-14 06:12:10 1.8 38.04°N 21.61°E 27 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
texnet2021ayfw 2021-01-14 06:13:38 1.8 earthquake known 31.62°N 104.11°W 6 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
2021p035837 2021-01-14 06:13:52 1.8 38.69°S 175.57°E 118 GNS manual confirmed 30 km north-east of Taumarunui P / A
20210114_0000098 2021-01-14 06:13:53 3.8 15.88°N 93.94°W 88 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO P / A
auth2021ayfx 2021-01-14 06:14:20 1.8 38.55°N 22.44°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
2021p035838 2021-01-14 06:14:59 2.3 38.57°S 176.21°E 5 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north-east of Taupo P / A
11365153 2021-01-14 06:15:56 -0.3 59.36°N 153.43°W -0 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
av91017128 2021-01-14 06:15:56 -0.3 59.36°N 153.43°W -0 USGS manual confirmed 60 km SE of Pedro Bay, Alaska P / A
20210114_0000097 2021-01-14 06:16:56 3.6 18.40°N 99.41°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed GUERRERO, MEXICO P / A
auth2021ayga 2021-01-14 06:17:55 1.4 38.39°N 22.00°E 14 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000041 2021-01-14 06:19:19 3.6 38.40°N 22.06°E 6 ORFEUS manual confirmed P / A
auth2021aygb 2021-01-14 06:19:20 3.6 38.37°N 22.05°E 4 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
25924371 2021-01-14 06:20:48 1.0 42.82°N 13.01°E 6 INGV manual confirmed 7 km SW Preci (PG) P / A
11365396 2021-01-14 06:21:24 1.9 36.36°N 98.15°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021aygd 2021-01-14 06:21:24 1.9 36.36°N 98.15°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 3 km SE of Meno, Oklahoma P / A
auth2021aygf 2021-01-14 06:24:40 1.7 38.44°N 22.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364929 2021-01-14 06:25:34 1.8 38.14°N 118.01°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797161 2021-01-14 06:25:34 1.8 38.14°N 118.01°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 29 km SSE of Mina, Nevada P / A
auth2021aygh 2021-01-14 06:26:08 1.7 38.39°N 22.06°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aygj 2021-01-14 06:28:46 1.7 38.28°N 22.15°E 28 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aygk 2021-01-14 06:29:08 2.0 37.85°N 26.48°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed East Aegean Sea - E. Greece P / A
20210114_113847_906 2021-01-14 06:32:17 3.0 earthquake 20.32°N 70.81°W 7 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
auth2021aygm 2021-01-14 06:32:28 1.5 38.37°N 22.03°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364935 2021-01-14 06:32:55 3.7 54.55°N 161.12°W 25 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
20210114_0000051 2021-01-14 06:32:55 3.7 54.55°N 161.12°W 25 EMSC manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
us6000d881 2021-01-14 06:32:55 3.7 54.55°N 161.12°W 25 USGS manual confirmed 95 km SE of King Cove, Alaska P / A
auth2021aygn 2021-01-14 06:34:01 2.3 38.37°N 21.29°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Patras - W. Greece P / A
auth2021aygo 2021-01-14 06:35:06 2.3 38.57°N 22.31°E 16 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
2021p035875 2021-01-14 06:35:09 2.4 38.57°S 176.20°E 5 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north-east of Taupo P / A
usp2021aygp 2021-01-14 06:35:49 5.6 2.90°S 118.89°E 19 IAG manual confirmed Sulawesi, Indonesia P / A
11364931 2021-01-14 06:35:50 5.7 2.97°S 118.89°E 19 IRIS manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
2021p035879 2021-01-14 06:35:50 6.0 2.97°S 118.89°E 19 GNS manual confirmed 6550 km west of Cape Reinga P / A
20210114_0000044 2021-01-14 06:35:50 5.7 2.90°S 118.92°E 19 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
us6000d882 2021-01-14 06:35:50 5.7 2.97°S 118.89°E 19 USGS manual confirmed 31 km S of Mamuju, Indonesia P / A
rs2021ayjooj 2021-01-14 06:35:52 5.7 2.99°S 118.90°E 34 from location gempa automatic confirmed Sulawesi, Indonesia P / A
auth2021aygp 2021-01-14 06:36:01 2.1 38.37°N 22.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aygq 2021-01-14 06:37:48 1.6 38.36°N 22.06°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000042 2021-01-14 06:37:56 2.6 37.77°N 37.50°E 9 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL TURKEY P / A
20210114_0000046 2021-01-14 06:38:21 3.2 21.39°S 69.80°W 46 EMSC manual confirmed TARAPACA, CHILE P / A
auth2021aygs 2021-01-14 06:38:43 1.6 38.38°N 22.02°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aygt 2021-01-14 06:39:52 2.4 38.43°N 22.81°E 15 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210114_0000108 2021-01-14 06:40:32 3.8 17.50°N 92.92°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed CHIAPAS, MEXICO P / A
25924611 2021-01-14 06:40:47 1.7 37.75°N 15.00°E 1 INGV manual confirmed 11 km W Milo (CT) P / A
auth2021aygu 2021-01-14 06:41:05 2.5 38.62°N 22.70°E 33 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
2021p035892 2021-01-14 06:43:33 2.8 38.07°S 176.10°E 187 GNS manual confirmed 10 km north-west of Rotorua P / A
auth2021aygw 2021-01-14 06:44:02 1.9 38.38°N 22.04°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aygx 2021-01-14 06:44:35 2.1 38.40°N 22.04°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000043 2021-01-14 06:46:30 3.1 45.45°N 16.16°E 9 EMSC manual confirmed CROATIA P / A
11364930 2021-01-14 06:46:37 0.9 35.67°N 117.53°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756816 2021-01-14 06:46:37 0.9 35.67°N 117.53°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 14km ENE of Ridgecrest, CA P / A
auth2021ayha 2021-01-14 06:48:57 1.9 39.05°N 21.74°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021ayhb 2021-01-14 06:50:11 1.7 38.45°N 22.25°E 16 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000045 2021-01-14 06:51:32 2.8 2.62°S 119.11°E 36 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
auth2021ayhf 2021-01-14 06:54:53 1.5 38.39°N 22.02°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
25924661 2021-01-14 06:55:52 1.5 37.74°N 14.94°E 7 INGV manual confirmed 11 km SE Bronte (CT) P / A
auth2021ayhh 2021-01-14 06:57:19 2.4 38.09°N 23.07°E 25 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayhj 2021-01-14 06:58:22 2.5 37.62°N 22.41°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Peloponnese- S. Greece P / A
20210114_0000107 2021-01-14 06:58:36 3.8 16.14°N 97.52°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
auth2021ayhk 2021-01-14 06:59:06 1.6 38.38°N 22.00°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364937 2021-01-14 07:00:40 2.1 17.97°N 66.85°W 18 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021014006 2021-01-14 07:00:40 2.1 17.97°N 66.85°W 18 USGS manual confirmed 3 km SW of Indios, Puerto Rico P / A
20210114_0000054 2021-01-14 07:00:40 2.1 17.97°N 66.85°W 18 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO P / A
2021p035924 2021-01-14 07:00:42 1.8 40.16°S 174.90°E 7 GNS manual confirmed 25 km south-west of Whanganui P / A
2021p035929 2021-01-14 07:03:24 2.1 38.57°S 176.19°E 4 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north-east of Taupo P / A
rs2021ayknsm 2021-01-14 07:05:01 2.5 21.78°S 68.69°W 130 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
auth2021ayho 2021-01-14 07:05:23 2.4 39.27°N 21.32°E 76 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021ayhr 2021-01-14 07:08:03 39.31°N 22.51°E 135 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
rs2021aykqpq 2021-01-14 07:08:24 2.7 31.28°S 69.11°W 144 from location gempa automatic confirmed San Juan Province, Argentina P / A
auth2021ayhs 2021-01-14 07:09:37 2.5 39.48°N 23.06°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
11364977 2021-01-14 07:10:29 1.5 35.14°N 95.36°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021ayht 2021-01-14 07:10:29 1.5 35.14°N 95.36°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 2 km NE of Quinton, Oklahoma P / A
auth2021ayht 2021-01-14 07:10:55 1.7 38.40°N 22.07°E 36 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayhw 2021-01-14 07:14:45 1.4 38.38°N 22.01°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
25924711 2021-01-14 07:18:48 3.5 37.27°N 16.49°E 38 INGV manual confirmed Mar Ionio Meridionale (MARE) P / A
20210114_0000048 2021-01-14 07:18:49 3.5 37.32°N 16.54°E 38 ORFEUS manual confirmed P / A
auth2021ayia 2021-01-14 07:18:49 39.83°N 21.54°E 122 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000089 2021-01-14 07:19:06 3.8 54.19°N 123.90°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed AMURSKAYA OBLAST', RUSSIA P / A
auth2021ayib 2021-01-14 07:19:10 2.9 37.85°N 18.51°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Ionian Sea P / A
11364932 2021-01-14 07:20:34 1.2 35.74°N 117.52°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756824 2021-01-14 07:20:34 1.2 35.74°N 117.52°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 11km WSW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
auth2021ayic 2021-01-14 07:21:12 2.4 39.86°N 23.04°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Aegean Sea - N. Greece P / A
auth2021ayif 2021-01-14 07:25:19 2.3 39.17°N 21.69°E 28 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021ayih 2021-01-14 07:27:03 1.5 38.48°N 22.12°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365158 2021-01-14 07:27:36 -1.1 53.87°N 166.74°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS P / A
av91017133 2021-01-14 07:27:36 -1.1 53.87°N 166.74°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 13 km W of Dutch Harbor, Alaska P / A
auth2021ayii 2021-01-14 07:28:19 1.9 38.38°N 22.09°E 15 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000106 2021-01-14 07:28:52 3.6 16.27°N 94.60°W 86 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
2021p035977 2021-01-14 07:28:57 0.2 39.28°S 175.43°E 5 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north of Ohakune P / A
auth2021ayij 2021-01-14 07:29:10 1.6 38.41°N 22.03°E 27 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000047 2021-01-14 07:30:32 4.1 0.21°N 124.90°E 12 EMSC manual confirmed MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
auth2021ayil 2021-01-14 07:31:15 1.8 38.37°N 22.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p035982 2021-01-14 07:31:28 1.4 40.51°S 175.84°E 22 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north-east of Eketahuna P / A
20210114_0000049 2021-01-14 07:33:55 3.8 3.00°S 118.88°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
auth2021ayin 2021-01-14 07:34:21 1.7 38.42°N 22.05°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayio 2021-01-14 07:35:31 2.2 37.45°N 21.23°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed W of Peloponnese - SW Greece P / A
auth2021ayip 2021-01-14 07:36:58 37.99°N 21.77°E 133 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
20210114_0000057 2021-01-14 07:38:05 4.2 51.40°N 100.28°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed RUSSIA-MONGOLIA BORDER REGION P / A
11365123 2021-01-14 07:38:15 0.5 38.75°N 119.37°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797226 2021-01-14 07:38:15 0.5 38.75°N 119.37°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 4 km SSW of Smith Valley, Nevada P / A
11365055 2021-01-14 07:42:30 0.3 54.13°N 165.98°W 14 IRIS manual confirmed FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS P / A
av91174356 2021-01-14 07:42:30 0.3 54.13°N 165.98°W 14 USGS manual confirmed 13 km W of Akutan, Alaska P / A
auth2021ayiw 2021-01-14 07:44:03 2.4 38.24°N 26.15°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Chios Isl. - E. Greece P / A
11364934 2021-01-14 07:44:27 2.3 38.19°N 117.88°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00797166 2021-01-14 07:44:27 2.3 38.19°N 117.88°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 30 km SE of Mina, Nevada P / A
20210114_0000050 2021-01-14 07:44:27 2.3 38.19°N 117.88°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
11364933 2021-01-14 07:45:56 1.1 35.67°N 117.47°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756832 2021-01-14 07:45:56 1.1 35.67°N 117.47°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 12km SSW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
11365163 2021-01-14 07:46:15 0.3 54.09°N 166.03°W 16 IRIS manual confirmed FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS P / A
av91017138 2021-01-14 07:46:15 0.3 54.09°N 166.03°W 16 USGS manual confirmed 16 km WSW of Akutan, Alaska P / A
auth2021ayiz 2021-01-14 07:47:42 2.0 38.37°N 22.05°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
rs2021aymayn 2021-01-14 07:52:07 2.8 23.27°S 69.70°W 65 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021ayjd 2021-01-14 07:52:17 39.42°N 22.84°E 111 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000105 2021-01-14 07:53:45 3.4 15.92°N 97.24°W 33 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
11364936 2021-01-14 08:03:40 2.6 19.32°N 155.22°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210114_0000052 2021-01-14 08:03:40 2.9 19.32°N 155.22°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72319512 2021-01-14 08:03:40 2.6 19.32°N 155.22°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 14 km S of Volcano, Hawaii P / A
auth2021ayjo 2021-01-14 08:05:40 1.7 38.39°N 22.00°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000053 2021-01-14 08:06:48 1.9 45.49°N 15.92°E 1 EMSC manual confirmed CROATIA P / A
auth2021ayjq 2021-01-14 08:08:28 2.4 38.48°N 23.50°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021ayjs 2021-01-14 08:09:48 2.0 39.22°N 21.16°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
20210114_0000055 2021-01-14 08:12:18 2.5 39.81°N 41.82°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed EASTERN TURKEY P / A
auth2021ayju 2021-01-14 08:12:43 1.8 38.63°N 21.43°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
auth2021ayjv 2021-01-14 08:13:36 2.1 38.49°N 22.58°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021ayjw 2021-01-14 08:14:39 1.7 38.72°N 21.55°E 24 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210114_0000058 2021-01-14 08:16:29 2.6 39.79°N 41.84°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed EASTERN TURKEY P / A
11365176 2021-01-14 08:16:31 1.4 44.45°N 115.21°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN IDAHO P / A
mb80483819 2021-01-14 08:16:31 1.4 44.45°N 115.21°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 33 km NW of Stanley, Idaho P / A
20210114_0000059 2021-01-14 08:20:16 1.5 37.21°N 3.69°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
2021p036077 2021-01-14 08:20:39 4.7 32.06°S 179.91°E 344 GNS manual confirmed 630 km north of Te Araroa P / A
auth2021aykb 2021-01-14 08:20:41 2.2 37.25°N 23.09°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed NE Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
20210114_0000056 2021-01-14 08:20:52 4.4 34.53°S 175.91°E 556 EMSC manual confirmed OFF E. COAST OF N. ISLAND, N.Z. P / A
20210114_0000103 2021-01-14 08:23:31 3.6 16.97°N 100.76°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE GUERRERO, MEXICO P / A
auth2021aykg 2021-01-14 08:26:38 1.6 38.38°N 21.98°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayki 2021-01-14 08:28:34 1.8 37.90°N 21.15°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed West Peloponnese - SW Greece P / A
auth2021aykj 2021-01-14 08:29:37 1.7 38.35°N 21.67°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Patras - W. Greece P / A
rs2021aynitr 2021-01-14 08:29:51 3.0 19.79°S 69.15°W 2 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021aykl 2021-01-14 08:32:06 2.0 39.05°N 21.44°E 21 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11365124 2021-01-14 08:33:25 -0.3 39.32°N 120.15°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nn00797227 2021-01-14 08:33:25 -0.3 39.32°N 120.15°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 3 km ESE of Truckee, California P / A
auth2021aykn 2021-01-14 08:34:47 2.4 38.64°N 21.46°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
20210114_0000060 2021-01-14 08:35:14 3.5 2.50°S 120.76°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
20210114_0000061 2021-01-14 08:35:27 2.5 17.95°N 66.98°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
11364941 2021-01-14 08:35:27 2.5 17.95°N 66.98°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021014007 2021-01-14 08:35:27 2.5 17.95°N 66.98°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 7 km ESE of La Parguera, Puerto Rico P / A
auth2021aykp 2021-01-14 08:36:31 2.2 38.65°N 21.44°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
11364939 2021-01-14 08:37:38 0.8 37.87°N 122.21°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510725 2021-01-14 08:37:38 0.8 37.87°N 122.21°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 3km W of Orinda, CA P / A
auth2021aykq 2021-01-14 08:37:55 1.9 38.67°N 21.46°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
11365168 2021-01-14 08:39:57 1.8 44.27°N 115.18°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN IDAHO P / A
mb80483824 2021-01-14 08:39:57 1.8 44.27°N 115.18°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 20 km WNW of Stanley, Idaho P / A
11365020 2021-01-14 08:41:39 1.3 46.10°N 122.16°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed WASHINGTON P / A
uw61698927 2021-01-14 08:41:39 1.3 46.10°N 122.16°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 30 km NE of Amboy, Washington P / A
auth2021ayku 2021-01-14 08:43:15 2.1 38.64°N 21.48°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
auth2021aykv 2021-01-14 08:43:53 2.2 38.67°N 21.46°E 12 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
11364940 2021-01-14 08:44:10 1.4 61.84°N 149.30°W 28 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021najs3r 2021-01-14 08:44:10 1.4 61.84°N 149.30°W 28 USGS manual confirmed 10 km NNW of Fishhook, Alaska P / A
auth2021ayky 2021-01-14 08:47:38 1.9 38.67°N 21.46°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
auth2021aykz 2021-01-14 08:48:27 2.0 38.64°N 21.47°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
2021p036129 2021-01-14 08:49:47 1.7 41.79°S 174.14°E 23 GNS manual confirmed 10 km south-east of Seddon P / A
auth2021ayla 2021-01-14 08:49:59 1.9 38.37°N 22.09°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364943 2021-01-14 08:51:56 2.3 17.94°N 66.93°W 14 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
20210114_0000063 2021-01-14 08:51:56 2.3 17.94°N 66.93°W 14 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO P / A
pr2021014008 2021-01-14 08:51:56 2.3 17.94°N 66.93°W 14 USGS manual confirmed P / A
20210114_0000121 2021-01-14 08:52:13 3.0 68.85°N 69.21°W 18 EMSC manual confirmed BAFFIN ISLAND REGION, CANADA P / A
oca2021ayld 2021-01-14 08:53:04 2.1 quarry blast 43.53°N 6.59°E 1 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
auth2021ayle 2021-01-14 08:54:53 38.93°N 21.83°E 95 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11365027 2021-01-14 08:56:06 0.8 46.20°N 122.36°W 15 IRIS manual confirmed WASHINGTON P / A
uw61698932 2021-01-14 08:56:06 0.8 46.20°N 122.36°W 15 USGS manual confirmed 33 km NNE of Amboy, Washington P / A
20210114_0000062 2021-01-14 08:57:47 3.0 38.27°N 44.44°E 5 EMSC manual confirmed TURKEY-IRAN BORDER REGION P / A
auth2021aylm 2021-01-14 09:03:46 1.9 38.62°N 21.55°E 19 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021ayln 2021-01-14 09:05:36 1.8 38.64°N 21.45°E 14 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
20210114_0000102 2021-01-14 09:06:18 3.9 15.86°N 95.22°W 39 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
auth2021aylo 2021-01-14 09:06:42 2.0 38.63°N 21.48°E 11 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
2021p036164 2021-01-14 09:08:24 1.3 40.87°S 175.46°E 21 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north-west of Masterton P / A
auth2021aylq 2021-01-14 09:08:35 1.3 38.48°N 22.16°E 17 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364942 2021-01-14 09:08:42 0.8 35.91°N 117.68°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756840 2021-01-14 09:08:42 0.8 35.91°N 117.68°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 21km E of Little Lake, CA P / A
auth2021aylr 2021-01-14 09:09:13 37.02°N 21.67°E 94 AUTH manual confirmed SW Peloponnese - SW Greece P / A
11365306 2021-01-14 09:09:30 4.3 54.61°N 161.11°E 63 IRIS manual confirmed NEAR EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA P / A
20210114_0000093 2021-01-14 09:09:30 3.9 54.62°N 160.85°E 70 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA P / A
us6000d88f 2021-01-14 09:09:30 4.3 54.61°N 161.11°E 63 USGS manual confirmed 144 km SE of Atlasovo, Russia P / A
auth2021aylu 2021-01-14 09:13:15 2.9 39.28°N 22.82°E 77 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aylv 2021-01-14 09:14:18 1.8 38.37°N 22.05°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000104 2021-01-14 09:15:09 3.8 14.83°N 93.69°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO P / A
20210114_0000078 2021-01-14 09:15:42 3.4 21.37°S 68.50°W 121 EMSC manual confirmed ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE P / A
rs2021ayowhj 2021-01-14 09:15:42 3.6 21.35°S 68.54°W 125 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11364944 2021-01-14 09:15:56 1.3 64.70°N 149.33°W 14 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021naz3ht 2021-01-14 09:15:56 1.3 64.70°N 149.33°W 14 USGS manual confirmed 14 km NW of Four Mile Road, Alaska P / A
20210114_0000077 2021-01-14 09:17:05 2.6 19.24°N 65.03°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION P / A
11364959 2021-01-14 09:17:06 2.6 19.24°N 65.06°W 34 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021014009 2021-01-14 09:17:06 3.4 19.24°N 65.06°W 34 USGS manual confirmed 99 km N of Charlotte Amalie, U.S. Virgin Islands P / A
2021p036180 2021-01-14 09:17:12 1.9 37.71°S 177.61°E 63 GNS manual confirmed 5 km north-west of Te Kaha P / A
auth2021aylz 2021-01-14 09:18:58 39.47°N 23.14°E 97 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aymb 2021-01-14 09:21:07 1.2 38.19°N 22.06°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
20210114_0000064 2021-01-14 09:22:05 3.5 10.41°N 123.30°E 13 EMSC manual confirmed NEGROS- CEBU REG, PHILIPPINES P / A
auth2021aymd 2021-01-14 09:23:36 1.6 38.42°N 22.00°E 26 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p036193 2021-01-14 09:24:06 1.1 40.00°S 176.67°E 37 GNS manual confirmed 5 km east of Waipukurau P / A
auth2021aymf 2021-01-14 09:25:40 1.4 38.37°N 22.00°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aymg 2021-01-14 09:25:42 2.3 37.41°N 26.29°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed East Aegean Sea - E. Greece P / A
auth2021aymh 2021-01-14 09:26:54 2.1 38.36°N 22.04°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p036199 2021-01-14 09:27:12 0.9 40.59°S 175.86°E 24 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north-east of Eketahuna P / A
auth2021aymi 2021-01-14 09:28:21 1.6 38.78°N 22.20°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
2021p036202 2021-01-14 09:28:42 1.3 38.52°S 177.81°E 22 GNS manual confirmed 25 km north-west of Gisborne P / A
rs2021aypjmh 2021-01-14 09:30:56 1.9 9.18°N 82.29°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Panama-Costa Rica Border Region P / A
25925161 2021-01-14 09:31:19 1.2 43.43°N 12.99°E 2 INGV manual confirmed 3 km SW Serra San Quirico (AN) P / A
2021p036208 2021-01-14 09:32:30 1.9 38.69°S 175.75°E 107 GNS manual confirmed 25 km west of Taupo P / A
auth2021aymm 2021-01-14 09:34:04 1.7 38.39°N 22.02°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aymn 2021-01-14 09:35:43 1.7 38.39°N 21.91°E 41 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aymp 2021-01-14 09:37:17 2.1 38.37°N 22.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364945 2021-01-14 09:39:21 1.6 59.86°N 152.83°W 91 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021nb461p 2021-01-14 09:39:21 1.6 59.86°N 152.83°W 91 USGS manual confirmed 56 km W of Anchor Point, Alaska P / A
auth2021aymr 2021-01-14 09:40:20 2.1 38.36°N 22.05°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
25925221 2021-01-14 09:43:34 1.7 43.29°N 13.21°E 22 INGV manual confirmed 7 km NE San Severino Marche (MC) P / A
20210114_0000065 2021-01-14 09:44:57 3.4 29.97°S 71.36°W 23 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE COQUIMBO, CHILE P / A
auth2021aymx 2021-01-14 09:46:46 1.7 38.44°N 22.07°E 23 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364946 2021-01-14 09:49:36 1.7 60.40°N 152.33°W 84 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021nb6cab 2021-01-14 09:49:36 1.7 60.40°N 152.33°W 84 USGS manual confirmed 53 km NW of Ninilchik, Alaska P / A
20210114_0000067 2021-01-14 09:51:55 2.7 8.85°S 123.42°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed FLORES REGION, INDONESIA P / A
20210114_0000101 2021-01-14 09:52:13 3.7 16.25°N 98.49°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
2021p036247 2021-01-14 09:52:40 2.8 45.62°S 167.03°E 5 GNS manual confirmed 55 km west of Te Anau P / A
11364947 2021-01-14 09:54:52 0.8 38.82°N 122.80°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510735 2021-01-14 09:54:52 0.8 38.82°N 122.80°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 6km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
2021p036253 2021-01-14 09:56:04 1.6 38.94°S 176.09°E 56 GNS manual confirmed 25 km east of Turangi P / A
25925371 2021-01-14 09:57:52 0.6 43.13°N 13.13°E 11 INGV manual confirmed 5 km E Camerino (MC) P / A
auth2021ayni 2021-01-14 09:59:46 2.5 37.60°N 20.66°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed South Ionian Sea - W. Greece P / A
11364948 2021-01-14 10:01:57 0.5 33.24°N 116.66°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756848 2021-01-14 10:01:57 0.5 33.24°N 116.66°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 5km SSW of Warner Springs, CA P / A
11364949 2021-01-14 10:03:48 1.6 33.18°N 115.61°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756856 2021-01-14 10:03:48 1.6 33.18°N 115.61°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 10km SW of Niland, CA P / A
20210114_0000068 2021-01-14 10:05:04 2.9 8.72°S 124.33°E 77 EMSC manual confirmed KEPULAUAN ALOR, INDONESIA P / A
11364950 2021-01-14 10:07:18 1.9 60.98°N 147.63°W 30 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021nbiqdi 2021-01-14 10:07:18 1.9 60.98°N 147.63°W 30 USGS manual confirmed 53 km WNW of Tatitlek, Alaska P / A
auth2021aynv 2021-01-14 10:14:50 1.8 38.36°N 21.99°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aynw 2021-01-14 10:15:31 2.4 38.14°N 22.79°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aynx 2021-01-14 10:17:04 2.0 38.37°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p036293 2021-01-14 10:17:25 2.4 38.56°S 176.20°E 5 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north-east of Taupo P / A
11364951 2021-01-14 10:17:43 0.4 38.80°N 122.75°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510740 2021-01-14 10:17:43 0.4 38.80°N 122.75°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 2km N of The Geysers, CA P / A
auth2021aynz 2021-01-14 10:19:12 2.3 38.37°N 22.02°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p036302 2021-01-14 10:22:09 1.2 38.58°S 176.18°E 4 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north-east of Taupo P / A
auth2021ayoc 2021-01-14 10:23:12 2.2 37.98°N 20.37°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Cephalonia Isl. - W. Greece P / A
auth2021ayod 2021-01-14 10:24:13 1.9 38.50°N 22.12°E 57 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11365065 2021-01-14 10:30:41 1.1 40.22°N 121.33°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510745 2021-01-14 10:30:41 1.1 40.22°N 121.33°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 12km SW of Chester, CA P / A
oca2021ayok 2021-01-14 10:32:22 2.3 quarry blast 43.18°N 5.93°E 2 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
11364952 2021-01-14 10:35:13 0.8 38.82°N 122.80°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510750 2021-01-14 10:35:13 0.8 38.82°N 122.80°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 6km NNW of The Geysers, CA P / A
auth2021ayoo 2021-01-14 10:36:54 2.2 38.73°N 21.49°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
20210114_0000069 2021-01-14 10:37:06 3.5 1.53°N 124.71°E 218 EMSC manual confirmed MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
11364953 2021-01-14 10:37:54 1.9 62.40°N 148.11°W 27 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021nbp8mo 2021-01-14 10:37:54 1.9 62.40°N 148.11°W 27 USGS manual confirmed 70 km NNE of Chickaloon, Alaska P / A
auth2021ayop 2021-01-14 10:38:10 2.1 38.99°N 22.71°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210114_0000096 2021-01-14 10:38:28 3.6 16.31°N 97.99°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
rs2021ayrqmk 2021-01-14 10:39:29 2.3 21.13°S 68.78°W 133 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
auth2021ayoq 2021-01-14 10:39:46 2.3 38.41°N 21.95°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayos 2021-01-14 10:41:35 2.1 38.36°N 22.04°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365853 2021-01-14 10:41:59 1.3 37.65°N 121.59°W 16 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510755 2021-01-14 10:41:59 1.3 37.65°N 121.59°W 16 USGS manual confirmed 15km SSW of Mountain House, CA P / A
smi_ch_ethz_sed_sc3a_2021ayrugv 2021-01-14 10:43:50 1.9 earthquake 47.55°N 8.17°E -0 ETHZ manual confirmed Laufenburg P / A
20210114_0000070 2021-01-14 10:43:50 1.9 47.55°N 8.17°E EMSC manual confirmed SWITZERLAND P / A
auth2021ayou 2021-01-14 10:43:59 1.9 38.73°N 21.28°E 29 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
auth2021ayov 2021-01-14 10:44:49 2.5 36.92°N 21.75°E 20 AUTH manual confirmed SW Peloponnese - SW Greece P / A
auth2021ayow 2021-01-14 10:46:39 3.0 37.30°N 24.34°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Cyclades Isls.- S. Greece P / A
auth2021ayox 2021-01-14 10:47:09 38.17°N 23.25°E 172 AUTH manual confirmed Attica - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayoy 2021-01-14 10:47:52 2.0 38.38°N 21.98°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000071 2021-01-14 10:49:18 3.8 38.37°N 22.04°E 5 EMSC manual confirmed GREECE P / A
auth2021ayoz 2021-01-14 10:49:18 3.8 38.37°N 22.06°E 4 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365119 2021-01-14 10:49:21 4.2 38.45°N 22.00°E 10 IRIS manual confirmed GREECE P / A
us6000d88m 2021-01-14 10:49:21 4.2 38.45°N 22.00°E 10 USGS manual confirmed P / A
20210114_0000072 2021-01-14 10:54:20 3.4 38.35°N 22.08°E 5 EMSC manual confirmed GREECE P / A
auth2021aypc 2021-01-14 10:54:21 3.5 38.37°N 22.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000075 2021-01-14 10:55:43 3.0 38.36°N 22.09°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed GREECE P / A
auth2021aype 2021-01-14 10:55:43 3.0 38.36°N 22.09°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000073 2021-01-14 10:58:49 1.7 45.58°N 15.99°E EMSC manual confirmed CROATIA P / A
auth2021ayph 2021-01-14 10:59:17 1.6 38.39°N 22.05°E 8 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aypj 2021-01-14 11:01:22 1.8 38.40°N 22.07°E 25 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
nc73510760 2021-01-14 11:02:51 1.0 38.80°N 122.77°W 0 USGS manual confirmed 3km NNW of The Geysers, CA P / A
11364954 2021-01-14 11:02:51 1.0 38.80°N 122.77°W 0 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
20210114_0000074 2021-01-14 11:03:56 3.0 4.20°S 129.51°E 84 EMSC manual confirmed BANDA SEA P / A
rs2021aysmln 2021-01-14 11:04:56 2.3 22.11°S 68.69°W 94 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11364955 2021-01-14 11:05:41 1.6 59.92°N 152.52°W 83 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021nc3sb9 2021-01-14 11:05:41 1.6 59.92°N 152.52°W 83 USGS manual confirmed 41 km WNW of Anchor Point, Alaska P / A
auth2021aypo 2021-01-14 11:07:55 2.2 37.98°N 22.12°E 13 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
auth2021ayps 2021-01-14 11:11:34 2.3 38.82°N 22.62°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11364956 2021-01-14 11:12:20 1.7 63.26°N 151.12°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021nc58rj 2021-01-14 11:12:20 1.7 63.26°N 151.12°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 43 km SE of Denali National Park, Alaska P / A
2021p036402 2021-01-14 11:15:01 2.2 43.29°S 170.82°E 5 GNS manual confirmed 60 km south of Hokitika P / A
auth2021aypv 2021-01-14 11:15:47 1.7 38.36°N 22.05°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365180 2021-01-14 11:16:17 -0.5 53.87°N 166.74°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS P / A
11365182 2021-01-14 11:16:17 -0.5 53.87°N 166.74°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS P / A
av91017163 2021-01-14 11:16:17 -0.5 53.87°N 166.74°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 13 km W of Dutch Harbor, Alaska P / A
av91017168 2021-01-14 11:16:17 -0.5 53.87°N 166.74°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 13 km W of Dutch Harbor, Alaska P / A
2021p036405 2021-01-14 11:16:55 2.4 38.00°S 178.22°E 13 GNS manual confirmed 15 km south-west of Ruatoria P / A
20210114_0000084 2021-01-14 11:17:03 4.1 33.16°N 138.41°E 279 EMSC manual confirmed IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION P / A
11364985 2021-01-14 11:17:04 4.1 33.19°N 138.49°E 289 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHEAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN P / A
us6000d88r 2021-01-14 11:17:04 4.1 33.19°N 138.49°E 289 USGS manual confirmed 158 km S of Ōyama, Japan P / A
11365023 2021-01-14 11:17:42 1.0 46.13°N 122.51°W 16 IRIS manual confirmed WASHINGTON P / A
uw61698937 2021-01-14 11:17:42 1.0 46.13°N 122.51°W 16 USGS manual confirmed 24 km N of Amboy, Washington P / A
auth2021aypx 2021-01-14 11:17:56 1.9 38.36°N 22.06°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364957 2021-01-14 11:18:25 1.6 59.99°N 140.90°W IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA P / A
ak021nc6jfr 2021-01-14 11:18:25 1.6 59.99°N 140.90°W USGS manual confirmed 82 km NW of Yakutat, Alaska P / A
20210114_0000092 2021-01-14 11:20:40 4.0 36.52°N 53.03°E 20 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN IRAN P / A
rs2021aytafz 2021-01-14 11:20:57 2.2 45.22°N 123.44°W 39 from location gempa automatic confirmed Washington-Oregon Border Region P / A
auth2021ayqa 2021-01-14 11:21:04 2.1 38.21°N 22.09°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
11364958 2021-01-14 11:21:05 1.3 38.14°N 118.11°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797171 2021-01-14 11:21:05 1.3 38.14°N 118.11°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 27 km S of Mina, Nevada P / A
auth2021ayqb 2021-01-14 11:22:23 2.4 39.20°N 22.66°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayqe 2021-01-14 11:26:18 2.6 39.10°N 23.75°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Aegean Trough - N. Greece P / A
auth2021ayqg 2021-01-14 11:28:36 2.1 38.85°N 21.84°E 60 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021ayqh 2021-01-14 11:30:05 1.7 38.47°N 21.94°E 25 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayqi 2021-01-14 11:30:14 3.0 37.89°N 26.76°E 13 AUTH manual confirmed East Aegean Sea - E. Greece P / A
20210114_0000076 2021-01-14 11:30:14 2.8 37.88°N 26.76°E 5 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE ISLANDS, GREECE P / A
rs2021aytixr 2021-01-14 11:31:01 1.7 8.73°N 82.73°W 25 from location gempa automatic confirmed Panama-Costa Rica Border Region P / A
auth2021ayqj 2021-01-14 11:31:34 2.1 38.37°N 22.03°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayqk 2021-01-14 11:33:28 1.9 38.39°N 22.04°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000079 2021-01-14 11:34:04 1.7 36.66°N 6.32°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
auth2021ayqm 2021-01-14 11:35:40 2.2 38.36°N 22.05°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayqn 2021-01-14 11:36:56 1.6 38.42°N 22.08°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayqo 2021-01-14 11:37:40 2.3 38.38°N 22.03°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p036447 2021-01-14 11:39:01 1.5 38.91°S 175.33°E 86 GNS manual confirmed 5 km south-east of Taumarunui P / A
auth2021ayqq 2021-01-14 11:40:03 2.1 38.37°N 21.99°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000083 2021-01-14 11:40:27 1.9 36.77°N 6.24°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
20210114_0000081 2021-01-14 11:40:30 4.0 27.66°N 86.18°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed NEPAL P / A
11365172 2021-01-14 11:46:44 0.2 58.54°N 154.70°W 28 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
av91017148 2021-01-14 11:46:44 0.2 58.54°N 154.70°W 28 USGS manual confirmed Alaska Peninsula P / A
auth2021ayqx 2021-01-14 11:48:37 1.8 38.37°N 22.09°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayra 2021-01-14 11:51:33 2.3 38.20°N 23.54°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Attica - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000080 2021-01-14 11:52:35 2.0 43.45°N 12.47°E 9 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL ITALY P / A
25925861 2021-01-14 11:52:35 2.0 43.45°N 12.47°E 9 INGV manual confirmed 3 km E Pietralunga (PG) P / A
auth2021ayrb 2021-01-14 11:52:38 1.4 38.42°N 22.08°E 11 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayrc 2021-01-14 11:53:49 1.9 38.37°N 21.99°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364960 2021-01-14 11:54:30 0.6 38.81°N 122.81°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510775 2021-01-14 11:54:30 0.6 38.81°N 122.81°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 6km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
11365170 2021-01-14 11:55:18 -0.2 61.13°N 152.29°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
av91017143 2021-01-14 11:55:18 -0.2 61.13°N 152.29°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 62 km W of Tyonek, Alaska P / A
auth2021ayrd 2021-01-14 11:55:19 1.5 38.20°N 22.09°E 11 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
11364961 2021-01-14 11:56:51 1.4 38.81°N 122.81°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510785 2021-01-14 11:56:51 1.4 38.81°N 122.81°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 6km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
rs2021ayugnm 2021-01-14 11:58:24 4.2 22.28°S 70.58°W 13 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
20210114_0000082 2021-01-14 11:58:25 3.9 22.26°S 70.57°W 24 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE P / A
auth2021ayrg 2021-01-14 11:59:08 2.2 38.38°N 22.01°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000085 2021-01-14 12:00:28 1.6 43.03°N 0.05°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed PYRENEES P / A
25925921 2021-01-14 12:00:36 1.4 42.97°N 13.04°E 9 INGV manual confirmed 4 km SE Monte Cavallo (MC) P / A
auth2021ayri 2021-01-14 12:01:34 1.6 38.34°N 22.06°E 12 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayrj 2021-01-14 12:02:08 2.2 38.38°N 22.05°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000086 2021-01-14 12:02:53 1.7 36.36°N 4.14°W 20 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
texnet2021ayrk 2021-01-14 12:03:58 1.6 earthquake known 31.64°N 104.22°W 6 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
25926011 2021-01-14 12:05:56 1.2 43.45°N 12.47°E 9 INGV manual confirmed 2 km E Pietralunga (PG) P / A
auth2021ayrq 2021-01-14 12:10:26 2.2 38.38°N 21.98°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p036506 2021-01-14 12:10:47 2.6 43.61°S 172.68°E 10 GNS manual confirmed 5 km south-east of Christchurch P / A
auth2021ayrs 2021-01-14 12:12:55 2.2 37.91°N 21.31°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed West Peloponnese - SW Greece P / A
20210114_0000087 2021-01-14 12:12:59 3.0 0.47°S 123.40°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
11364966 2021-01-14 12:14:00 2.6 17.97°N 66.83°W 17 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
20210114_0000088 2021-01-14 12:14:00 2.6 17.97°N 66.83°W 17 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO P / A
pr2021014010 2021-01-14 12:14:00 2.6 17.97°N 66.83°W 17 USGS manual confirmed 3 km SSW of Indios, Puerto Rico P / A
11364963 2021-01-14 12:14:36 1.9 19.19°N 155.42°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319682 2021-01-14 12:14:36 1.9 19.19°N 155.42°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 6 km ESE of Pāhala, Hawaii P / A
auth2021ayrv 2021-01-14 12:16:13 2.6 38.37°N 22.00°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000091 2021-01-14 12:16:14 2.6 38.39°N 21.98°E 5 EMSC manual confirmed GREECE P / A
25926101 2021-01-14 12:16:15 3.2 40.18°N 15.79°E 268 INGV manual confirmed 6 km NE Lagonegro (PZ) P / A
20210114_0000090 2021-01-14 12:16:15 3.2 40.18°N 15.79°E 268 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN ITALY P / A
auth2021ayry 2021-01-14 12:19:47 2.7 37.24°N 23.11°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed NE Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
auth2021ayrz 2021-01-14 12:21:23 2.0 38.11°N 22.16°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
11364964 2021-01-14 12:22:52 0.5 38.80°N 122.75°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510795 2021-01-14 12:22:52 0.5 38.80°N 122.75°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 2km N of The Geysers, CA P / A
auth2021aysc 2021-01-14 12:24:57 2.0 38.38°N 22.11°E 15 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aysg 2021-01-14 12:28:41 1.8 37.92°N 27.14°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Southern coast of W. Turkey P / A
11364968 2021-01-14 12:31:05 1.4 35.95°N 117.68°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756864 2021-01-14 12:31:05 1.4 35.95°N 117.68°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 20km E of Little Lake, CA P / A
11364969 2021-01-14 12:32:16 1.7 63.26°N 151.37°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ncuye6 2021-01-14 12:32:16 1.7 63.26°N 151.37°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 35 km SSE of Denali National Park, Alaska P / A
2021p036548 2021-01-14 12:33:08 0.7 39.51°S 175.69°E 8 GNS manual confirmed 20 km north-west of Taihape P / A
rs2021ayvmfj 2021-01-14 12:35:11 3.4 53.27°N 4.98°W 129 from location gempa automatic confirmed United Kingdom P / A
11365165 2021-01-14 12:35:31 1.5 44.36°N 115.17°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN IDAHO P / A
mb80483829 2021-01-14 12:35:31 1.5 44.36°N 115.17°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 24 km NW of Stanley, Idaho P / A
auth2021aysm 2021-01-14 12:36:11 1.8 38.16°N 22.26°E 23 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
auth2021aysn 2021-01-14 12:37:44 1.6 38.46°N 22.04°E 37 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364970 2021-01-14 12:40:53 0.6 38.83°N 122.81°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510800 2021-01-14 12:40:53 0.6 38.83°N 122.81°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 7km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
auth2021ayst 2021-01-14 12:44:22 38.17°N 21.92°E 80 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
auth2021aysu 2021-01-14 12:45:04 1.9 38.37°N 22.09°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364971 2021-01-14 12:49:15 1.9 60.58°N 150.99°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA P / A
ak021ncylf0 2021-01-14 12:49:15 1.9 60.58°N 150.99°W 35 USGS manual confirmed 7 km NE of Ridgeway, Alaska P / A
auth2021aysy 2021-01-14 12:49:37 1.6 38.66°N 20.27°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Ionian Sea - W. Greece P / A
11365025 2021-01-14 12:50:16 0.9 46.92°N 112.52°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed MONTANA P / A
mb80483834 2021-01-14 12:50:16 0.9 46.92°N 112.52°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 13 km ESE of Lincoln, Montana P / A
11364972 2021-01-14 12:51:17 0.7 35.81°N 117.64°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756872 2021-01-14 12:51:17 0.7 35.81°N 117.64°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 22km N of Ridgecrest, CA P / A
rs2021aywahn 2021-01-14 12:51:31 2.2 33.94°N 117.00°W 11 from location gempa automatic confirmed Southern California P / A
11364973 2021-01-14 12:51:32 1.9 34.04°N 117.09°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756880 2021-01-14 12:51:32 1.9 34.04°N 117.09°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 4km WNW of Yucaipa, CA P / A
auth2021aytc 2021-01-14 12:55:11 1.8 38.50°N 23.00°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11364988 2021-01-14 12:57:56 1.1 42.15°N 111.66°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed EASTERN IDAHO P / A
uu60424132 2021-01-14 12:57:56 1.1 42.15°N 111.66°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 18 km ENE of Preston, Idaho P / A
11364974 2021-01-14 12:59:30 0.3 65.06°N 147.83°W 28 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021nd0rp0 2021-01-14 12:59:30 0.3 65.06°N 147.83°W 28 USGS manual confirmed 14 km NW of Fox, Alaska P / A
11364976 2021-01-14 13:02:50 0.9 38.17°N 118.10°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797175 2021-01-14 13:02:50 0.9 38.17°N 118.10°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 24 km S of Mina, Nevada P / A
auth2021aytj 2021-01-14 13:02:50 1.7 38.38°N 22.00°E 8 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aytm 2021-01-14 13:06:22 1.4 37.97°N 21.90°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
rs2021aywpqf 2021-01-14 13:09:19 2.3 21.09°S 68.82°W 101 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
auth2021aytp 2021-01-14 13:09:24 2.5 37.71°N 22.68°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed NE Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
auth2021aytq 2021-01-14 13:09:59 1.7 38.39°N 22.07°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
rs2021aywreb 2021-01-14 13:11:05 2.5 21.53°S 68.49°W 141 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
auth2021aytr 2021-01-14 13:12:06 1.6 38.41°N 22.10°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aytt 2021-01-14 13:15:00 1.7 38.22°N 21.62°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Patras - W. Greece P / A
auth2021aytw 2021-01-14 13:18:03 1.7 38.37°N 22.10°E 8 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
rs2021aywyev 2021-01-14 13:19:17 2.7 21.31°S 69.94°W 28 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021aytx 2021-01-14 13:19:45 2.7 37.19°N 22.86°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed SE Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
11364975 2021-01-14 13:23:35 0.6 38.84°N 122.81°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510815 2021-01-14 13:23:35 0.6 38.84°N 122.81°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 8km WNW of Cobb, CA P / A
11364978 2021-01-14 13:25:31 1.0 36.63°N 116.01°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797178 2021-01-14 13:25:31 1.0 36.63°N 116.01°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 31 km WNW of Indian Springs, Nevada P / A
rs2021ayxesi 2021-01-14 13:26:48 2.5 21.63°S 68.59°W 150 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
auth2021ayue 2021-01-14 13:27:02 1.3 38.39°N 22.06°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000094 2021-01-14 13:28:07 2.6 43.45°N 12.47°E 9 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL ITALY P / A
25926361 2021-01-14 13:28:07 2.6 43.45°N 12.47°E 9 INGV manual confirmed 3 km E Pietralunga (PG) P / A
11364981 2021-01-14 13:30:20 2.6 17.96°N 66.95°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021014011 2021-01-14 13:30:20 2.6 17.96°N 66.95°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 4 km SW of Fuig, Puerto Rico P / A
20210114_0000095 2021-01-14 13:30:20 2.6 17.96°N 66.95°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO P / A
11365096 2021-01-14 13:30:57 0.5 19.41°N 155.27°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319742 2021-01-14 13:30:57 0.5 19.41°N 155.27°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 5 km SW of Volcano, Hawaii P / A
auth2021ayuj 2021-01-14 13:33:27 1.6 38.36°N 22.04°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364987 2021-01-14 13:37:39 1.3 38.17°N 118.09°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797180 2021-01-14 13:37:39 1.3 38.17°N 118.09°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 24 km S of Mina, Nevada P / A
auth2021ayuo 2021-01-14 13:39:35 1.6 38.37°N 22.06°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364980 2021-01-14 13:45:07 2.6 58.66°N 137.50°W 0 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA P / A
20210114_0000110 2021-01-14 13:45:07 2.7 58.74°N 137.57°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ndj5j1 2021-01-14 13:45:07 2.7 58.66°N 137.50°W 0 USGS manual confirmed 85 km NW of Elfin Cove, Alaska P / A
auth2021ayuu 2021-01-14 13:46:16 2.8 38.49°N 22.29°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayuv 2021-01-14 13:46:47 2.4 38.38°N 22.02°E 2 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364982 2021-01-14 13:49:21 0.6 38.80°N 122.78°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510820 2021-01-14 13:49:21 0.6 38.81°N 122.78°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 4km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
auth2021ayuy 2021-01-14 13:50:33 2.9 37.86°N 23.10°E 73 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364984 2021-01-14 13:52:22 1.5 32.80°N 115.45°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CALIF.-BAJA CALIF. BORDER REGION P / A
ci39756904 2021-01-14 13:52:22 1.5 32.80°N 115.45°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 7km WSW of Holtville, CA P / A
auth2021ayvb 2021-01-14 13:54:41 1.4 38.34°N 21.79°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Patras - W. Greece P / A
auth2021ayvd 2021-01-14 13:56:03 1.4 38.31°N 21.90°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Patras - W. Greece P / A
texnet2021ayvd 2021-01-14 13:56:07 1.6 earthquake known 31.72°N 104.55°W 6 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
11364989 2021-01-14 13:56:39 0.4 36.63°N 116.00°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797183 2021-01-14 13:56:39 0.4 36.63°N 116.00°W 12 USGS manual confirmed Nevada P / A
auth2021ayvg 2021-01-14 14:00:15 1.5 38.42°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365127 2021-01-14 14:02:02 0.5 39.03°N 119.60°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00797228 2021-01-14 14:02:02 0.5 39.03°N 119.60°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 9 km NNE of Fish Springs, Nevada P / A
auth2021ayvj 2021-01-14 14:03:06 1.9 38.13°N 22.16°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
auth2021ayvk 2021-01-14 14:05:09 1.3 38.32°N 22.15°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayvl 2021-01-14 14:06:21 1.5 38.36°N 22.08°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365024 2021-01-14 14:08:02 0.8 36.72°N 116.03°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797188 2021-01-14 14:08:02 0.8 36.72°N 116.03°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 36 km WNW of Indian Springs, Nevada P / A
auth2021ayvo 2021-01-14 14:09:35 1.7 38.05°N 22.59°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
auth2021ayvq 2021-01-14 14:11:49 1.2 38.37°N 21.99°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayvr 2021-01-14 14:13:22 1.5 38.37°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayvt 2021-01-14 14:14:37 1.7 38.36°N 22.12°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayvu 2021-01-14 14:15:29 2.2 38.36°N 22.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayvv 2021-01-14 14:17:17 1.3 38.38°N 21.98°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11364994 2021-01-14 14:18:44 1.4 34.09°N 118.41°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756912 2021-01-14 14:18:44 1.4 34.09°N 118.41°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 2km NNW of Beverly Hills, CA P / A
25926721 2021-01-14 14:18:57 1.5 42.90°N 13.08°E 11 INGV manual confirmed 4 km NE Preci (PG) P / A
2021p036757 2021-01-14 14:24:14 0.4 39.02°S 175.75°E 4 GNS manual confirmed 5 km west of Turangi P / A
11364999 2021-01-14 14:25:28 1.4 33.70°N 117.22°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756920 2021-01-14 14:25:28 1.4 33.70°N 117.22°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 8km WSW of Menifee, CA P / A
auth2021aywe 2021-01-14 14:27:32 1.6 38.35°N 22.09°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365866 2021-01-14 14:30:14 1.0 37.26°N 121.62°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510825 2021-01-14 14:30:14 1.0 37.26°N 121.62°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 15km N of Morgan Hill, CA P / A
20210114_0000113 2021-01-14 14:30:21 3.1 38.38°N 22.00°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed GREECE P / A
auth2021aywg 2021-01-14 14:30:21 3.0 38.39°N 22.03°E 8 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365001 2021-01-14 14:30:53 2.5 17.95°N 66.98°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021014012 2021-01-14 14:30:53 2.5 17.95°N 66.98°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 7 km ESE of La Parguera, Puerto Rico P / A
20210114_0000109 2021-01-14 14:30:53 2.5 17.95°N 66.98°W 11 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
11365154 2021-01-14 14:33:41 2.2 54.59°N 159.61°W 27 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH OF ALASKA P / A
ak021ne24fg 2021-01-14 14:33:41 2.2 54.59°N 159.61°W 27 USGS manual confirmed 100 km SE of Sand Point, Alaska P / A
auth2021aywl 2021-01-14 14:36:24 1.5 37.99°N 21.94°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
auth2021aywp 2021-01-14 14:40:41 1.7 38.36°N 22.05°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aywq 2021-01-14 14:41:03 1.9 38.43°N 22.11°E 16 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aywr 2021-01-14 14:42:22 1.4 38.37°N 22.01°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
usp2021aywt 2021-01-14 14:44:47 4.6 12.35°N 62.42°W 10 IAG manual confirmed Windward Islands P / A
auth2021ayws 2021-01-14 14:44:52 1.6 38.50°N 20.46°E 14 AUTH manual confirmed Lefkada Isl. - W. Greece P / A
20210114_0000112 2021-01-14 14:46:48 3.6 2.37°S 79.09°W 62 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF ECUADOR P / A
2021p036800 2021-01-14 14:47:06 2.2 40.46°S 173.59°E 106 GNS manual confirmed 55 km north of French Pass P / A
auth2021aywv 2021-01-14 14:47:17 1.3 38.38°N 22.06°E 11 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365003 2021-01-14 14:48:13 1.9 32.81°N 115.45°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed CALIF.-BAJA CALIF. BORDER REGION P / A
ci39756928 2021-01-14 14:48:13 1.9 32.81°N 115.45°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 7km W of Holtville, CA P / A
20210114_0000111 2021-01-14 14:48:13 2.0 32.81°N 115.45°W 9 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
25926831 2021-01-14 14:49:54 1.3 43.45°N 12.47°E 8 INGV manual confirmed 3 km E Pietralunga (PG) P / A
2021p036814 2021-01-14 14:51:44 4.1 20.27°S 177.44°W 750 GNS manual confirmed 1845 km north-east of Cape Reinga P / A
rs2021azabyr 2021-01-14 14:54:08 2.9 22.57°S 68.84°W 78 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11365005 2021-01-14 14:54:12 0.6 38.84°N 122.83°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510830 2021-01-14 14:54:12 0.6 38.84°N 122.83°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 9km WNW of Cobb, CA P / A
2021p036815 2021-01-14 14:55:29 1.9 40.70°S 174.35°E 118 GNS manual confirmed 50 km north-east of French Pass P / A
auth2021ayxf 2021-01-14 14:59:30 2.0 38.36°N 21.90°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Patras - W. Greece P / A
11365136 2021-01-14 15:00:03 1.1 37.99°N 118.48°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797236 2021-01-14 15:00:03 1.1 37.99°N 118.48°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 18 km N of Benton, California P / A
auth2021ayxg 2021-01-14 15:00:26 1.5 38.38°N 22.01°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
rs2021azailw 2021-01-14 15:01:40 2.4 21.05°S 68.92°W 127 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
auth2021ayxi 2021-01-14 15:03:33 1.6 38.36°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365015 2021-01-14 15:03:38 4.6 23.97°S 179.22°E 551 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS P / A
20210114_0000115 2021-01-14 15:03:38 4.6 24.08°S 179.24°E 555 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS P / A
us7000d024 2021-01-14 15:03:38 4.6 23.97°S 179.22°E 551 USGS manual confirmed south of the Fiji Islands P / A
2021p036835 2021-01-14 15:03:46 4.4 24.94°S 179.98°W 590 GNS manual confirmed 1265 km north-east of Cape Reinga P / A
11365008 2021-01-14 15:03:58 0.8 33.66°N 116.71°W 15 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756968 2021-01-14 15:03:58 0.8 33.66°N 116.71°W 15 USGS manual confirmed 9km S of Idyllwild, CA P / A
rs2021azalzt 2021-01-14 15:05:47 2.5 21.36°S 69.83°W 24 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021ayxk 2021-01-14 15:06:11 1.6 38.38°N 21.99°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p036836 2021-01-14 15:07:09 2.0 42.58°S 171.99°E 157 GNS manual confirmed 50 km south of Reefton P / A
11365029 2021-01-14 15:09:04 1.5 44.32°N 115.18°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN IDAHO P / A
mb80483839 2021-01-14 15:09:04 1.5 44.32°N 115.18°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 22 km WNW of Stanley, Idaho P / A
2021p036841 2021-01-14 15:09:23 1.8 39.21°S 176.59°E 6 GNS manual confirmed 40 km north-west of Napier P / A
auth2021ayxp 2021-01-14 15:10:39 1.6 37.86°N 21.50°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed West Peloponnese - SW Greece P / A
11365009 2021-01-14 15:11:24 1.8 64.24°N 153.59°W IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021neirsy 2021-01-14 15:11:24 1.8 64.24°N 153.59°W USGS manual confirmed 74 km WNW of Lake Minchumina, Alaska P / A
auth2021ayxq 2021-01-14 15:11:48 1.4 38.39°N 22.04°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
rs2021azarik 2021-01-14 15:12:01 2.8 22.53°S 68.97°W 77 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11365139 2021-01-14 15:12:51 0.9 38.08°N 118.81°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797239 2021-01-14 15:12:51 0.9 38.08°N 118.81°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 29 km E of Mono City, California P / A
11365010 2021-01-14 15:13:11 0.6 38.80°N 122.74°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510835 2021-01-14 15:13:11 0.6 38.80°N 122.74°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 3km NE of The Geysers, CA P / A
25927161 2021-01-14 15:13:28 1.7 37.73°N 14.97°E 4 INGV manual confirmed 11 km N Ragalna (CT) P / A
11365012 2021-01-14 15:17:44 0.9 35.70°N 117.51°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39756992 2021-01-14 15:17:44 0.9 35.70°N 117.51°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 12km SW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
auth2021ayxw 2021-01-14 15:19:00 2.3 37.36°N 20.72°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed South Ionian Sea - W. Greece P / A
auth2021ayxx 2021-01-14 15:19:34 2.1 38.12°N 22.10°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
auth2021ayxy 2021-01-14 15:20:59 1.5 38.17°N 22.17°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
11365013 2021-01-14 15:21:20 2.0 19.18°N 155.45°W 36 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319787 2021-01-14 15:21:20 2.0 19.18°N 155.45°W 36 USGS manual confirmed 4 km ESE of Pāhala, Hawaii P / A
20210114_0000114 2021-01-14 15:21:20 2.0 19.18°N 155.45°W 36 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
11365016 2021-01-14 15:26:03 1.3 64.68°N 149.12°W 17 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021nelxue 2021-01-14 15:26:03 1.3 64.68°N 149.12°W 17 USGS manual confirmed 8 km N of Four Mile Road, Alaska P / A
11365014 2021-01-14 15:26:53 1.4 33.87°N 117.61°W 23 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757008 2021-01-14 15:26:53 1.4 33.87°N 117.61°W 23 USGS manual confirmed 4km W of Corona, CA P / A
auth2021ayyd 2021-01-14 15:27:20 39.11°N 22.94°E 109 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
11365017 2021-01-14 15:28:05 1.6 62.91°N 151.17°W 109 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021nemdgu 2021-01-14 15:28:05 1.6 62.91°N 151.17°W 109 USGS manual confirmed 50 km NNW of Petersville, Alaska P / A
rs2021azbgvb 2021-01-14 15:29:57 2.7 20.20°S 70.29°W 17 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
11365019 2021-01-14 15:30:35 1.1 33.77°N 116.13°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757016 2021-01-14 15:30:35 1.1 33.77°N 116.13°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 9km NE of Indio, CA P / A
auth2021ayyg 2021-01-14 15:30:49 1.8 39.36°N 20.79°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Epirus - NW Greece P / A
2021p036883 2021-01-14 15:31:17 1.5 41.58°S 174.64°E 19 GNS manual confirmed 35 km south of Wellington P / A
25927231 2021-01-14 15:32:48 1.0 43.37°N 12.52°E 8 INGV manual confirmed 5 km W Gubbio (PG) P / A
11365061 2021-01-14 15:35:32 1.1 46.89°N 112.50°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed MONTANA P / A
mb80483849 2021-01-14 15:35:32 1.1 46.89°N 112.50°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 15 km ESE of Lincoln, Montana P / A
11365043 2021-01-14 15:38:52 1.7 17.96°N 67.01°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed MONA PASSAGE P / A
pr2021014013 2021-01-14 15:38:52 1.7 17.96°N 67.01°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 4 km ESE of La Parguera, Puerto Rico P / A
rs2021azbpte 2021-01-14 15:40:20 2.8 20.99°S 68.79°W 78 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
auth2021ayyo 2021-01-14 15:40:33 1.8 38.10°N 22.30°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
11365021 2021-01-14 15:41:56 0.6 33.66°N 116.70°W 16 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757024 2021-01-14 15:41:56 0.6 33.66°N 116.70°W 16 USGS manual confirmed 9km SSE of Idyllwild, CA P / A
auth2021ayyr 2021-01-14 15:43:14 2.1 37.61°N 22.49°E 25 AUTH manual confirmed Central Peloponnese- S. Greece P / A
11365022 2021-01-14 15:43:21 1.6 62.38°N 151.15°W 87 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021nepmeo 2021-01-14 15:43:21 1.6 62.38°N 151.15°W 87 USGS manual confirmed 23 km WSW of Petersville, Alaska P / A
11365145 2021-01-14 15:44:44 1.3 40.08°N 120.31°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nn00797241 2021-01-14 15:44:44 1.3 40.08°N 120.31°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 11 km SSE of Milford, California P / A
11365034 2021-01-14 15:45:03 4.7 44.65°S 80.13°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed OFF COAST OF SOUTHERN CHILE P / A
20210114_0000116 2021-01-14 15:45:03 4.7 44.62°S 80.09°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed OFF COAST OF AISEN, CHILE P / A
us7000d028 2021-01-14 15:45:03 4.7 44.65°S 80.13°W 10 USGS manual confirmed Off the coast of Aisen, Chile P / A
auth2021ayyu 2021-01-14 15:47:06 1.8 38.37°N 22.07°E 12 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365056 2021-01-14 15:48:59 1.8 46.88°N 112.51°W 13 IRIS manual confirmed MONTANA P / A
mb80483844 2021-01-14 15:48:59 1.8 46.88°N 112.51°W 13 USGS manual confirmed Western Montana P / A
auth2021ayyw 2021-01-14 15:49:59 1.9 38.36°N 22.52°E 19 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365086 2021-01-14 15:55:20 -0.4 58.38°N 154.92°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
ak021nes1hw 2021-01-14 15:55:20 0.1 58.38°N 154.92°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 94 km NNW of Karluk, Alaska P / A
11365026 2021-01-14 15:55:29 0.6 38.80°N 122.75°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510840 2021-01-14 15:55:29 0.6 38.80°N 122.75°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 2km NNE of The Geysers, CA P / A
texnet2021ayzc 2021-01-14 15:55:32 1.8 earthquake known 31.68°N 104.43°W 7 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
20210114_0000119 2021-01-14 16:00:21 2.2 38.94°N 41.01°E 11 EMSC manual confirmed EASTERN TURKEY P / A
auth2021ayzg 2021-01-14 16:01:25 2.0 38.45°N 22.09°E 68 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayzi 2021-01-14 16:03:46 1.7 38.17°N 22.64°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365038 2021-01-14 16:03:51 0.8 38.21°N 118.04°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797193 2021-01-14 16:03:51 0.8 38.21°N 118.04°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 21 km SSE of Mina, Nevada P / A
11365031 2021-01-14 16:06:07 1.4 63.46°N 147.90°W 16 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021nf33h7 2021-01-14 16:06:07 1.4 63.46°N 147.90°W 16 USGS manual confirmed 53 km E of Cantwell, Alaska P / A
auth2021ayzl 2021-01-14 16:06:45 2.7 38.42°N 22.94°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021ayzn 2021-01-14 16:09:42 1.5 38.49°N 21.91°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayzq 2021-01-14 16:12:52 2.3 39.15°N 23.30°E 21 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ayzr 2021-01-14 16:14:22 1.5 38.36°N 22.08°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365085 2021-01-14 16:14:28 1.6 34.56°N 118.89°W 0 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757104 2021-01-14 16:14:28 1.6 34.56°N 118.89°W 0 USGS manual confirmed 19km N of Fillmore, CA P / A
auth2021ayzt 2021-01-14 16:16:36 1.4 38.39°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
rs2021azcvkb 2021-01-14 16:17:02 3.2 20.53°S 69.89°W 8 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11365088 2021-01-14 16:17:57 -0.1 35.65°N 117.38°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757112 2021-01-14 16:17:57 -0.1 35.65°N 117.38°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 13km S of Trona, CA P / A
20210114_0000117 2021-01-14 16:18:00 1.5 45.46°N 16.15°E EMSC manual confirmed CROATIA P / A
11365035 2021-01-14 16:21:01 1.9 19.19°N 155.47°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319832 2021-01-14 16:21:01 1.9 19.19°N 155.47°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 2 km SSE of Pāhala, Hawaii P / A
11365150 2021-01-14 16:21:22 1.1 39.60°N 119.44°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00797242 2021-01-14 16:21:22 1.1 39.60°N 119.44°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 13 km WSW of Wadsworth, Nevada P / A
2021p036981 2021-01-14 16:23:58 1.0 41.00°S 175.56°E 9 GNS manual confirmed 5 km south-west of Masterton P / A
11365042 2021-01-14 16:28:10 4.7 25.40°N 124.33°E 120 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHEAST OF TAIWAN P / A
us7000d02g 2021-01-14 16:28:10 4.7 25.40°N 124.33°E 120 USGS manual confirmed 118 km NW of Hirara, Japan P / A
20210114_0000118 2021-01-14 16:28:11 4.7 25.40°N 124.38°E 123 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHEAST OF TAIWAN P / A
auth2021azaf 2021-01-14 16:31:11 1.4 38.39°N 22.06°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365092 2021-01-14 16:32:05 1.5 41.64°N 112.33°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed UTAH P / A
uu60424137 2021-01-14 16:32:05 1.5 41.64°N 112.33°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 6 km SSW of Thatcher, Utah P / A
11365037 2021-01-14 16:34:20 1.3 38.81°N 122.81°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510850 2021-01-14 16:34:20 1.3 38.81°N 122.81°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 6km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
auth2021azaj 2021-01-14 16:35:07 2.3 37.77°N 21.73°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Peloponnese- S. Greece P / A
auth2021azal 2021-01-14 16:36:57 1.8 38.31°N 22.53°E 11 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365039 2021-01-14 16:37:54 0.8 38.19°N 117.98°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00797196 2021-01-14 16:37:54 0.8 38.19°N 117.98°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 24 km SSE of Mina, Nevada P / A
20210114_0000176 2021-01-14 16:38:17 0.9 45.90°N 7.01°E 6 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN ITALY P / A
smi_ch_ethz_sed_sc3a_2021azdmxg 2021-01-14 16:38:17 0.9 earthquake 45.90°N 7.01°E 6 ETHZ manual confirmed Chamonix F P / A
25927541 2021-01-14 16:42:29 1.3 43.45°N 12.47°E 9 INGV manual confirmed 3 km E Pietralunga (PG) P / A
oca2021azaq 2021-01-14 16:42:56 1.2 44.41°N 6.67°E 5 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
11365077 2021-01-14 16:50:59 4.6 1.31°N 96.99°E 28 IRIS manual confirmed OFF W COAST OF NORTHERN SUMATRA P / A
20210114_0000120 2021-01-14 16:50:59 4.6 1.33°N 97.04°E 30 EMSC manual confirmed NIAS REGION, INDONESIA P / A
us7000d02l 2021-01-14 16:50:59 4.6 1.31°N 96.99°E 28 USGS manual confirmed 140 km SW of Singkil, Indonesia P / A
auth2021azay 2021-01-14 16:53:02 1.3 38.38°N 22.06°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021azbb 2021-01-14 16:55:36 1.5 39.55°N 20.52°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Epirus - NW Greece P / A
auth2021azbe 2021-01-14 16:59:25 1.6 38.10°N 22.11°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
11365044 2021-01-14 17:00:03 1.8 19.18°N 155.46°W 34 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319872 2021-01-14 17:00:03 1.8 19.18°N 155.46°W 34 USGS manual confirmed 3 km SSE of Pāhala, Hawaii P / A
auth2021azbf 2021-01-14 17:00:18 2.1 38.53°N 22.55°E 11 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210114_0000123 2021-01-14 17:01:07 2.9 2.91°S 118.91°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
auth2021azbg 2021-01-14 17:01:18 1.3 38.33°N 22.08°E 13 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365391 2021-01-14 17:04:04 1.9 36.02°N 97.97°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021azbi 2021-01-14 17:04:04 1.9 36.02°N 97.97°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 6 km NW of Dover, Oklahoma P / A
20210114_0000122 2021-01-14 17:05:04 3.3 34.57°S 73.94°W 15 EMSC manual confirmed OFF COAST OF O'HIGGINS, CHILE P / A
2021p037059 2021-01-14 17:05:44 1.3 39.86°S 176.64°E 34 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north-east of Waipukurau P / A
11365047 2021-01-14 17:06:37 1.6 63.12°N 150.79°W 121 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021nfold8 2021-01-14 17:06:37 1.6 63.12°N 150.79°W 121 USGS manual confirmed 66 km SE of Denali National Park, Alaska P / A
25927711 2021-01-14 17:11:14 1.2 42.70°N 13.27°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 2 km E Accumoli (RI) P / A
11365046 2021-01-14 17:13:35 1.8 61.60°N 148.56°W 27 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021nfq37t 2021-01-14 17:13:35 1.8 61.60°N 148.56°W 27 USGS manual confirmed 20 km E of Lazy Mountain, Alaska P / A
auth2021azbv 2021-01-14 17:19:43 1.3 38.47°N 22.11°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000126 2021-01-14 17:20:05 2.8 29.62°S 71.39°W 56 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE COQUIMBO, CHILE P / A
11365401 2021-01-14 17:20:30 4.3 73.52°N 7.91°E 10 IRIS manual confirmed GREENLAND SEA P / A
us7000d02v 2021-01-14 17:20:30 4.3 73.52°N 7.91°E 10 USGS manual confirmed Greenland Sea P / A
20210114_0000127 2021-01-14 17:20:30 4.3 73.58°N 7.95°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed GREENLAND SEA P / A
20210114_0000125 2021-01-14 17:22:36 2.8 2.89°S 118.94°E 11 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
auth2021azby 2021-01-14 17:22:45 2.1 38.61°N 21.14°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
11365152 2021-01-14 17:26:03 1.1 38.04°N 118.71°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797243 2021-01-14 17:26:03 1.1 38.04°N 118.71°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 31 km NW of Benton, California P / A
auth2021azcb 2021-01-14 17:26:54 1.7 37.98°N 22.11°E 17 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
auth2021azcd 2021-01-14 17:28:17 1.4 38.39°N 22.03°E 15 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
25927781 2021-01-14 17:29:53 1.6 37.80°N 14.36°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 4 km N Sperlinga (EN) P / A
auth2021azcl 2021-01-14 17:38:12 2.2 38.31°N 22.60°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p037125 2021-01-14 17:40:23 1.5 39.74°S 176.82°E 36 GNS manual confirmed 5 km south of Hastings P / A
smi_ch_ethz_sed_sc3a_2021azfqvq 2021-01-14 17:44:06 0.8 earthquake 46.29°N 7.27°E 4 ETHZ manual confirmed Sanetschpass VS P / A
20210114_0000129 2021-01-14 17:44:06 0.8 46.29°N 7.27°E 4 EMSC manual confirmed SWITZERLAND P / A
auth2021azcq 2021-01-14 17:44:24 1.5 38.38°N 22.06°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021azcs 2021-01-14 17:46:16 2.2 38.36°N 22.04°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365049 2021-01-14 17:47:28 0.1 38.80°N 122.74°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510865 2021-01-14 17:47:28 0.1 38.80°N 122.74°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 3km NE of The Geysers, CA P / A
auth2021azct 2021-01-14 17:47:28 1.6 38.30°N 21.97°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365050 2021-01-14 17:49:51 0.9 38.83°N 122.82°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510870 2021-01-14 17:49:51 0.9 38.83°N 122.82°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 8km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
auth2021azda 2021-01-14 17:55:26 1.1 38.37°N 22.05°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365051 2021-01-14 17:56:27 0.3 38.84°N 122.78°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510875 2021-01-14 17:56:27 0.3 38.84°N 122.78°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 5km WNW of Cobb, CA P / A
rs2021azggam 2021-01-14 17:59:55 2.9 22.82°S 69.39°W 6 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021azdf 2021-01-14 18:00:54 1.4 38.36°N 22.10°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365103 2021-01-14 18:01:04 0.3 33.64°N 116.87°W 19 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757224 2021-01-14 18:01:04 0.3 33.64°N 116.87°W 19 USGS manual confirmed 13km S of Valle Vista, CA P / A
auth2021azdi 2021-01-14 18:05:19 1.7 37.91°N 21.35°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed West Peloponnese - SW Greece P / A
20210114_0000130 2021-01-14 18:06:25 2.6 50.66°N 6.21°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed GERMANY P / A
knmi2021azdj 2021-01-14 18:06:26 2.8 50.68°N 6.19°E 10 KNMI manual confirmed Aken (Duitsland) P / A
oca2021azdk 2021-01-14 18:06:52 2.9 48.87°N 7.21°E 5 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
auth2021azdm 2021-01-14 18:09:33 1.8 38.33°N 22.09°E 13 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021azdn 2021-01-14 18:10:17 1.9 38.37°N 22.05°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365066 2021-01-14 18:10:37 1.3 38.15°N 117.94°W 14 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00797203 2021-01-14 18:10:37 1.3 38.15°N 117.94°W 14 USGS manual confirmed 30 km SSE of Mina, Nevada P / A
11365053 2021-01-14 18:12:55 1.1 37.09°N 121.51°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510880 2021-01-14 18:12:55 1.1 37.09°N 121.51°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 9km E of San Martin, CA P / A
auth2021azdq 2021-01-14 18:13:37 2.0 37.89°N 21.32°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed West Peloponnese - SW Greece P / A
auth2021azdr 2021-01-14 18:14:08 2.3 38.42°N 22.00°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365054 2021-01-14 18:14:16 1.5 61.79°N 149.68°W IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ngbp3j 2021-01-14 18:14:16 1.5 61.79°N 149.68°W USGS manual confirmed 18 km NNW of Meadow Lakes, Alaska P / A
auth2021azdt 2021-01-14 18:17:23 1.4 38.42°N 22.01°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000215 2021-01-14 18:19:35 3.6 38.37°N 22.07°E 8 EMSC manual confirmed GREECE P / A
20210114_0000133 2021-01-14 18:19:35 3.6 38.37°N 22.07°E 8 ORFEUS manual confirmed P / A
auth2021azdv 2021-01-14 18:19:35 3.5 38.37°N 22.08°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000137 2021-01-14 18:20:59 2.6 38.37°N 22.01°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed GREECE P / A
auth2021azdw 2021-01-14 18:20:59 2.6 38.37°N 22.01°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000136 2021-01-14 18:21:30 3.1 10.04°N 83.77°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed COSTA RICA P / A
oca2021azdx 2021-01-14 18:22:23 4.5 52.64°N 3.81°E 5 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
oca2021azdz 2021-01-14 18:24:35 2.2 44.43°N 7.01°E 5 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
25927831 2021-01-14 18:24:35 1.5 44.44°N 7.02°E 12 INGV manual confirmed 4 km SE Acceglio (CN) P / A
20210114_0000139 2021-01-14 18:25:39 3.1 2.94°S 118.90°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
auth2021azeb 2021-01-14 18:27:13 1.6 38.38°N 22.01°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365101 2021-01-14 18:28:12 2.2 17.95°N 66.99°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
20210114_0000170 2021-01-14 18:28:12 2.2 17.95°N 66.99°W 9 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021014016 2021-01-14 18:28:12 2.2 17.95°N 66.99°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 6 km ESE of La Parguera, Puerto Rico P / A
usp2021azec 2021-01-14 18:28:17 6.2 3.18°S 119.09°E 30 IAG manual confirmed Sulawesi, Indonesia P / A
2021p037234 2021-01-14 18:28:18 6.3 3.00°S 118.92°E 18 GNS manual confirmed 6545 km west of Cape Reinga P / A
11365063 2021-01-14 18:28:18 6.2 2.98°S 118.90°E 18 IRIS manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
20210114_0000138 2021-01-14 18:28:18 6.2 2.94°S 118.93°E 20 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
us7000d030 2021-01-14 18:28:18 6.2 2.98°S 118.90°E 18 USGS manual confirmed 32 km S of Mamuju, Indonesia P / A
25927861 2021-01-14 18:28:18 6.3 2.93°S 118.98°E 20 INGV manual confirmed Sulawesi, Indonesia [Land: Indonesia] P / A
rs2021azhemt 2021-01-14 18:28:19 6.2 2.98°S 118.97°E 29 from location gempa automatic confirmed Sulawesi, Indonesia P / A
oca2021azed 2021-01-14 18:29:01 2.3 45.05°N 6.77°E 82 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
11365057 2021-01-14 18:30:33 0.8 38.81°N 122.79°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510885 2021-01-14 18:30:33 0.8 38.81°N 122.79°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 5km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
11365059 2021-01-14 18:33:56 2.9 58.87°N 142.70°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed GULF OF ALASKA P / A
us7000d032 2021-01-14 18:33:56 2.9 58.87°N 142.70°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 185 km WSW of Yakutat, Alaska P / A
20210114_0000216 2021-01-14 18:33:56 2.9 58.87°N 142.70°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed GULF OF ALASKA P / A
ak021ngfy62 2021-01-14 18:34:00 2.9 58.90°N 143.00°W 79 USGS manual confirmed 200 km WSW of Yakutat, Alaska P / A
20210114_0000134 2021-01-14 18:34:44 2.6 19.21°N 155.50°W 38 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
11365058 2021-01-14 18:34:45 2.6 19.19°N 155.47°W 31 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319947 2021-01-14 18:34:45 2.5 19.19°N 155.47°W 31 USGS manual confirmed 1 km SE of Pāhala, Hawaii P / A
auth2021azei 2021-01-14 18:35:03 1.5 38.37°N 22.01°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000135 2021-01-14 18:36:33 2.4 19.22°N 155.49°W 33 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
11365060 2021-01-14 18:36:34 2.4 19.16°N 155.48°W 31 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319952 2021-01-14 18:36:34 2.1 19.16°N 155.48°W 31 USGS manual confirmed 4 km S of Pāhala, Hawaii P / A
rs2021azhnjc 2021-01-14 18:38:34 2.7 20.75°S 68.92°W 102 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
auth2021azem 2021-01-14 18:39:32 1.5 38.27°N 20.44°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Cephalonia Isl. - W. Greece P / A
20210114_0000140 2021-01-14 18:39:55 3.9 3.26°S 118.71°E 23 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
11365062 2021-01-14 18:39:58 2.0 19.16°N 155.47°W 29 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319957 2021-01-14 18:39:58 2.0 19.16°N 155.47°W 29 USGS manual confirmed 4 km SSE of Pāhala, Hawaii P / A
auth2021azen 2021-01-14 18:41:09 1.7 38.37°N 21.96°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000144 2021-01-14 18:41:54 4.0 2.88°S 118.89°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
auth2021azeo 2021-01-14 18:42:31 2.1 38.38°N 22.00°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365094 2021-01-14 18:42:58 1.1 37.39°N 118.80°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73510895 2021-01-14 18:42:58 1.1 37.39°N 118.80°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 18km W of Round Valley, CA P / A
20210114_0000142 2021-01-14 18:47:39 2.3 19.52°N 155.46°W 2 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
11365067 2021-01-14 18:47:39 1.9 19.51°N 155.46°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319967 2021-01-14 18:47:39 1.9 19.51°N 155.46°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 24 km WNW of Volcano, Hawaii P / A
auth2021azet 2021-01-14 18:48:21 2.2 38.26°N 20.54°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Cephalonia Isl. - W. Greece P / A
20210114_0000148 2021-01-14 18:48:52 3.9 2.95°S 118.91°E 13 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
11365068 2021-01-14 18:49:50 2.1 19.51°N 155.46°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319972 2021-01-14 18:49:50 2.1 19.51°N 155.46°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 25 km WNW of Volcano, Hawaii P / A
20210114_0000141 2021-01-14 18:49:50 2.1 19.51°N 155.46°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
11365069 2021-01-14 18:51:03 2.6 19.50°N 155.46°W -1 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72319977 2021-01-14 18:51:03 2.5 19.50°N 155.46°W -1 USGS manual confirmed 24 km WNW of Volcano, Hawaii P / A
20210114_0000143 2021-01-14 18:51:03 2.6 19.51°N 155.46°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
auth2021azex 2021-01-14 18:52:11 1.7 38.36°N 22.09°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365070 2021-01-14 18:52:25 1.3 33.19°N 115.60°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757280 2021-01-14 18:52:25 1.3 33.19°N 115.60°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 10km SW of Niland, CA P / A
auth2021azey 2021-01-14 18:54:16 38.41°N 22.69°E 169 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210114_0000145 2021-01-14 18:55:17 2.9 3.05°S 119.00°E 18 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
auth2021azez 2021-01-14 18:55:37 1.3 38.40°N 22.00°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000146 2021-01-14 18:56:27 2.6 38.47°N 39.23°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed EASTERN TURKEY P / A
auth2021azfb 2021-01-14 18:57:42 1.9 38.36°N 22.06°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021azfc 2021-01-14 18:58:58 1.5 38.29°N 22.01°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p037277 2021-01-14 19:01:22 2.9 38.27°S 178.88°E 30 GNS manual confirmed 50 km east of Tokomaru Bay P / A
20210114_0000147 2021-01-14 19:02:02 3.0 3.00°S 118.93°E 16 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
11365108 2021-01-14 19:03:40 0.3 35.60°N 117.64°W -0 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757304 2021-01-14 19:03:40 0.3 35.60°N 117.64°W -0 USGS manual confirmed 4km SE of Ridgecrest, CA P / A
oca2021azfi 2021-01-14 19:05:16 2.2 44.44°N 7.00°E 5 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
auth2021azfk 2021-01-14 19:07:52 1.6 38.12°N 22.18°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
11365090 2021-01-14 19:09:52 1.1 47.23°N 121.97°W -1 IRIS manual confirmed WASHINGTON P / A
uw61698952 2021-01-14 19:09:52 1.1 47.23°N 121.97°W -1 USGS manual confirmed 3 km NNE of Enumclaw, Washington P / A
20210114_0000149 2021-01-14 19:11:21 3.4 3.00°S 119.01°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
20210114_0000210 2021-01-14 19:13:51 3.6 16.12°N 94.88°W 42 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
auth2021azfq 2021-01-14 19:14:45 1.4 38.37°N 22.02°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000205 2021-01-14 19:15:49 3.1 16.45°N 98.07°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
25927941 2021-01-14 19:15:56 1.4 43.44°N 12.48°E 8 INGV manual confirmed 3 km E Pietralunga (PG) P / A
auth2021azfr 2021-01-14 19:16:07 1.7 38.38°N 22.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000203 2021-01-14 19:17:13 3.9 17.56°N 95.14°W 127 EMSC manual confirmed VERACRUZ, MEXICO P / A
ak021ngxu62 2021-01-14 19:17:46 2.5 61.45°N 140.43°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 132 km E of McCarthy, Alaska P / A
11365074 2021-01-14 19:17:48 2.6 61.34°N 140.39°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN YUKON TERRITORY, CANADA P / A
20210114_0000217 2021-01-14 19:17:48 2.6 61.34°N 140.39°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN YUKON TERRITORY, CANADA P / A
us7000d03e 2021-01-14 19:17:48 2.6 61.34°N 140.39°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 135 km E of McCarthy, Alaska P / A
2021p037308 2021-01-14 19:17:59 1.5 39.58°S 175.00°E 5 GNS manual confirmed 35 km north-east of Waverley P / A
11365073 2021-01-14 19:18:10 3.6 37.97°N 122.04°W 15 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
20210114_0000150 2021-01-14 19:18:10 3.6 37.97°N 122.01°W 19 EMSC manual confirmed SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CALIF. P / A
rs2021azivmd 2021-01-14 19:18:10 3.8 37.97°N 122.03°W 6 from location gempa automatic confirmed Central California P / A
nc73510910 2021-01-14 19:18:10 3.6 37.97°N 122.04°W 15 USGS manual confirmed 2km W of Concord, CA P / A
20210114_0000202 2021-01-14 19:18:54 3.9 18.17°N 103.15°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE MICHOACAN, MEXICO P / A
11365075 2021-01-14 19:19:44 1.3 35.84°N 117.67°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757320 2021-01-14 19:19:44 1.3 35.84°N 117.67°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 24km ESE of Little Lake, CA P / A
20210114_0000153 2021-01-14 19:20:30 3.3 12.03°N 124.02°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed SAMAR, PHILIPPINES P / A
11365102 2021-01-14 19:20:48 2.9 17.95°N 66.97°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
20210114_0000172 2021-01-14 19:20:48 2.9 17.95°N 66.97°W 11 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO P / A
pr2021014014 2021-01-14 19:20:48 2.9 17.95°N 66.97°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 7 km WSW of Guánica, Puerto Rico P / A
auth2021azfv 2021-01-14 19:20:58 1.2 38.42°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
25927981 2021-01-14 19:21:28 1.1 43.45°N 12.47°E 9 INGV manual confirmed 3 km E Pietralunga (PG) P / A
auth2021azfw 2021-01-14 19:21:37 1.8 38.37°N 22.10°E 21 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
oca2021azfw 2021-01-14 19:22:03 2.1 44.36°N 6.91°E 5 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210114_0000154 2021-01-14 19:22:17 2.3 38.45°N 39.25°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed EASTERN TURKEY P / A
11365076 2021-01-14 19:24:04 0.4 38.76°N 122.74°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510915 2021-01-14 19:24:04 0.4 38.76°N 122.74°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 2km SE of The Geysers, CA P / A
20210114_0000201 2021-01-14 19:24:19 3.5 16.87°N 94.41°W 127 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
20210114_0000152 2021-01-14 19:25:24 3.2 2.92°S 118.93°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
11365078 2021-01-14 19:26:24 2.1 37.98°N 122.04°W 13 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510920 2021-01-14 19:26:24 2.1 37.98°N 122.04°W 13 USGS manual confirmed 2km WNW of Concord, CA P / A
20210114_0000151 2021-01-14 19:26:24 2.1 37.98°N 122.04°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CALIF. P / A
11365099 2021-01-14 19:26:45 1.9 17.94°N 67.13°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed MONA PASSAGE P / A
pr2021014015 2021-01-14 19:26:45 1.9 17.94°N 67.13°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 6 km ESE of Pole Ojea, Puerto Rico P / A
11365169 2021-01-14 19:28:58 1.0 38.51°N 118.37°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797250 2021-01-14 19:28:58 1.0 38.51°N 118.37°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 21 km E of Hawthorne, Nevada P / A
11365417 2021-01-14 19:29:51 4.3 51.22°N 100.54°E 10 IRIS manual confirmed RUSSIA-MONGOLIA BORDER REGION P / A
20210114_0000159 2021-01-14 19:29:51 4.3 51.32°N 100.51°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed RUSSIA-MONGOLIA BORDER REGION P / A
us7000d03l 2021-01-14 19:29:51 4.3 51.22°N 100.54°E 10 USGS manual confirmed 33 km SSW of Turt, Mongolia P / A
11365080 2021-01-14 19:30:49 1.1 33.33°N 116.21°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757352 2021-01-14 19:30:49 1.1 33.33°N 116.21°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 17km ENE of Borrego Springs, CA P / A
auth2021azge 2021-01-14 19:31:11 2.2 37.69°N 22.70°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed NE Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
20210114_0000155 2021-01-14 19:31:14 2.6 3.04°S 118.95°E 27 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
25928031 2021-01-14 19:31:18 1.3 43.45°N 12.47°E 9 INGV manual confirmed 3 km E Pietralunga (PG) P / A
11365081 2021-01-14 19:33:51 2.1 61.45°N 140.47°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN YUKON TERRITORY, CANADA P / A
ak021nh1a1e 2021-01-14 19:33:51 2.1 61.45°N 140.47°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 131 km E of McCarthy, Alaska P / A
auth2021azgh 2021-01-14 19:34:57 1.3 38.45°N 22.23°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365082 2021-01-14 19:36:12 1.6 33.19°N 115.60°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757360 2021-01-14 19:36:12 1.6 33.19°N 115.60°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 10km SW of Niland, CA P / A
25928081 2021-01-14 19:37:12 1.6 42.69°N 13.00°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 3 km SW Cascia (PG) P / A
auth2021azgm 2021-01-14 19:40:01 2.1 38.73°N 22.13°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
2021p037350 2021-01-14 19:40:09 1.6 39.63°S 174.99°E 22 GNS manual confirmed 30 km north of Whanganui P / A
11365083 2021-01-14 19:41:57 1.3 38.80°N 122.74°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510925 2021-01-14 19:41:57 1.3 38.80°N 122.74°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 3km SSW of Cobb, CA P / A
auth2021azgq 2021-01-14 19:44:53 1.6 38.36°N 22.09°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365110 2021-01-14 19:46:00 2.4 17.91°N 66.90°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021014017 2021-01-14 19:46:00 2.4 17.91°N 66.90°W 10 USGS manual confirmed P / A
auth2021azgr 2021-01-14 19:46:31 2.1 38.50°N 22.95°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210114_0000157 2021-01-14 19:46:58 4.4 6.11°S 120.85°E 423 EMSC manual confirmed FLORES SEA P / A
auth2021azgs 2021-01-14 19:46:59 38.25°N 26.94°E 535 AUTH manual confirmed Northern coast of W. Turkey P / A
20210114_0000156 2021-01-14 19:47:57 4.5 0.52°N 99.67°E 128 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA P / A
11365087 2021-01-14 19:50:18 3.0 61.39°N 147.28°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
20210114_0000218 2021-01-14 19:50:18 3.0 61.41°N 147.20°W 16 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021nh4ulu 2021-01-14 19:50:18 2.9 61.39°N 147.28°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 50 km SSE of Glacier View, Alaska P / A
auth2021azgv 2021-01-14 19:51:17 1.6 38.47°N 22.14°E 13 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021azgy 2021-01-14 19:53:54 1.9 38.97°N 20.69°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed North Ionian Sea - NW Greece P / A
11365089 2021-01-14 19:55:36 1.8 33.19°N 115.60°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
20210114_0000158 2021-01-14 19:55:36 2.6 3.27°S 119.79°E 15 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
ci39757376 2021-01-14 19:55:36 1.8 33.19°N 115.60°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 10km SW of Niland, CA P / A
auth2021azhb 2021-01-14 19:58:14 1.6 38.31°N 22.40°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000160 2021-01-14 19:59:07 3.2 2.96°S 118.92°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
auth2021azhd 2021-01-14 19:59:49 1.7 39.77°N 20.73°E 27 AUTH manual confirmed Epirus - NW Greece P / A
auth2021azhf 2021-01-14 20:03:07 1.7 38.39°N 22.06°E 16 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000163 2021-01-14 20:04:13 3.2 38.40°N 22.03°E 8 EMSC manual confirmed GREECE P / A
auth2021azhg 2021-01-14 20:04:14 3.1 38.38°N 22.01°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021azhj 2021-01-14 20:07:37 1.7 38.38°N 22.01°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021azhl 2021-01-14 20:09:16 1.6 38.38°N 22.01°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365093 2021-01-14 20:11:12 2.4 40.88°N 123.83°W 26 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
20210114_0000161 2021-01-14 20:11:12 2.4 40.88°N 123.83°W 26 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510940 2021-01-14 20:11:12 2.4 40.88°N 123.83°W 26 USGS manual confirmed 13km E of Blue Lake, CA P / A
20210114_0000162 2021-01-14 20:13:23 2.2 36.50°N 29.15°E 22 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN TURKEY P / A
11365095 2021-01-14 20:13:31 1.2 33.21°N 116.03°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757384 2021-01-14 20:13:31 1.2 33.21°N 116.03°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 12km NE of Ocotillo Wells, CA P / A
11365097 2021-01-14 20:15:52 0.8 38.83°N 122.86°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510945 2021-01-14 20:15:52 0.8 38.83°N 122.86°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 10km WNW of The Geysers, CA P / A
auth2021azht 2021-01-14 20:19:17 1.4 38.34°N 21.98°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
knmi2021azhv 2021-01-14 20:20:49 1.7 50.69°N 6.21°E 10 KNMI manual confirmed Roetgen (Duitsland) P / A
20210114_0000165 2021-01-14 20:20:50 1.7 50.69°N 6.20°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed GERMANY P / A
20210114_0000200 2021-01-14 20:22:23 3.9 16.05°N 95.90°W 32 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
auth2021azhy 2021-01-14 20:24:56 2.1 37.65°N 20.66°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Zakynthos Isl. - W. Greece P / A
11365098 2021-01-14 20:26:10 0.8 36.80°N 121.55°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510950 2021-01-14 20:26:10 0.8 36.80°N 121.55°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 5km S of San Juan Bautista, CA P / A
20210114_0000175 2021-01-14 20:26:15 4.6 51.55°N 100.45°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed RUSSIA-MONGOLIA BORDER REGION P / A
11365107 2021-01-14 20:26:39 4.5 51.82°N 100.37°E 10 IRIS manual confirmed RUSSIA-MONGOLIA BORDER REGION P / A
us7000d042 2021-01-14 20:26:39 4.5 51.82°N 100.37°E 10 USGS manual confirmed 39 km NNW of Turt, Mongolia P / A
auth2021azia 2021-01-14 20:26:55 1.7 38.44°N 21.55°E 15 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Patras - W. Greece P / A
20210114_0000164 2021-01-14 20:28:09 3.4 2.87°S 118.94°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
20210114_0000166 2021-01-14 20:28:33 2.6 21.24°S 69.76°W 80 EMSC manual confirmed TARAPACA, CHILE P / A
20210114_0000213 2021-01-14 20:29:40 3.7 16.23°N 95.03°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
20210114_0000169 2021-01-14 20:31:05 2.3 38.69°N 43.11°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed EASTERN TURKEY P / A
auth2021azif 2021-01-14 20:32:53 1.7 38.39°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021azih 2021-01-14 20:35:40 1.9 38.08°N 22.13°E 8 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
20210114_0000212 2021-01-14 20:37:58 3.5 19.38°N 104.00°W 32 EMSC manual confirmed COLIMA, MEXICO P / A
auth2021azij 2021-01-14 20:38:03 1.7 38.39°N 22.03°E 8 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365111 2021-01-14 20:38:10 2.6 17.94°N 66.85°W 13 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021014018 2021-01-14 20:38:10 2.6 17.94°N 66.85°W 13 USGS manual confirmed 5 km SE of Maria Antonia, Puerto Rico P / A
20210114_0000177 2021-01-14 20:38:10 2.6 17.94°N 66.85°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
auth2021azil 2021-01-14 20:39:53 1.7 38.09°N 22.11°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
11365130 2021-01-14 20:41:15 0.8 39.06°N 123.38°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NORTHERN CALIF. P / A
nc73510955 2021-01-14 20:41:15 0.8 39.06°N 123.38°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 6km NNW of Boonville, CA P / A
auth2021azio 2021-01-14 20:43:37 2.1 38.38°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021azip 2021-01-14 20:43:39 1.6 37.88°N 27.00°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed East Aegean Sea - E. Greece P / A
20210114_0000168 2021-01-14 20:43:59 1.7 42.24°N 8.52°W 16 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
11365100 2021-01-14 20:45:05 1.0 38.83°N 122.80°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510960 2021-01-14 20:45:05 1.0 38.83°N 122.80°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 6km W of Cobb, CA P / A
20210114_0000171 2021-01-14 20:45:42 3.1 38.65°N 26.72°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed AZORES ISLANDS, PORTUGAL P / A
20210114_0000214 2021-01-14 20:46:12 3.3 2.91°S 118.84°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
20210114_0000167 2021-01-14 20:47:19 1.4 45.47°N 16.08°E 2 EMSC manual confirmed CROATIA P / A
auth2021aziu 2021-01-14 20:50:12 1.5 38.40°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aziv 2021-01-14 20:51:04 1.4 38.41°N 22.04°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000209 2021-01-14 20:51:58 3.4 16.04°N 97.08°W 23 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
auth2021aziy 2021-01-14 20:54:59 1.5 38.38°N 22.05°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021aziz 2021-01-14 20:55:41 1.1 38.42°N 22.09°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021azja 2021-01-14 20:57:50 1.8 38.37°N 22.06°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000174 2021-01-14 20:58:40 3.5 36.87°S 142.67°E 11 EMSC manual confirmed VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA P / A
auth2021azje 2021-01-14 21:02:33 1.7 38.34°N 22.05°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000179 2021-01-14 21:02:58 1.9 28.15°N 16.15°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed CANARY ISLANDS, SPAIN REGION P / A
rs2021azmkhk 2021-01-14 21:05:52 2.9 22.45°S 69.14°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021azji 2021-01-14 21:06:34 1.9 38.57°N 22.77°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
rs2021azmmrn 2021-01-14 21:08:47 3.1 20.75°S 69.77°W 1 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11365105 2021-01-14 21:11:07 1.6 35.66°N 117.48°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757432 2021-01-14 21:11:07 1.6 35.66°N 117.48°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 14km SSW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
11365106 2021-01-14 21:11:17 1.8 19.21°N 155.43°W 38 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72320042 2021-01-14 21:11:17 1.8 19.21°N 155.43°W 38 USGS manual confirmed 4 km E of Pāhala, Hawaii P / A
20210114_0000207 2021-01-14 21:15:11 3.5 16.57°N 94.73°W 2 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
2021p037533 2021-01-14 21:17:59 1.6 40.58°S 175.89°E 25 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north-east of Eketahuna P / A
auth2021azjt 2021-01-14 21:18:59 2.6 40.95°N 21.73°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Greece-North Macedonia border P / A
11365112 2021-01-14 21:23:29 0.9 34.09°N 116.85°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757456 2021-01-14 21:23:29 0.9 34.09°N 116.85°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 18km SSE of Big Bear Lake, CA P / A
auth2021azjw 2021-01-14 21:23:32 2.0 38.35°N 22.08°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000178 2021-01-14 21:23:51 3.9 8.59°S 118.39°E 96 EMSC manual confirmed SUMBAWA REGION, INDONESIA P / A
20210114_0000181 2021-01-14 21:24:56 2.0 38.89°N 43.50°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed EASTERN TURKEY P / A
rs2021aznaxe 2021-01-14 21:25:08 3.7 21.30°S 68.67°W 132 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
rs2021aznbot 2021-01-14 21:25:55 2.5 47.86°N 11.82°E 125 from location gempa automatic confirmed Austria P / A
auth2021azkg 2021-01-14 21:34:11 2.4 37.28°N 25.96°E 33 AUTH manual confirmed East Aegean Sea - E. Greece P / A
20210114_0000206 2021-01-14 21:34:26 3.4 19.32°N 104.45°W 11 EMSC manual confirmed JALISCO, MEXICO P / A
2021p037569 2021-01-14 21:37:01 2.4 36.53°S 177.06°E 240 GNS manual confirmed 125 km east of Whitianga P / A
11365125 2021-01-14 21:40:13 1.8 34.07°N 117.27°W 17 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
11365116 2021-01-14 21:40:13 1.8 34.07°N 117.27°W 15 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757464 2021-01-14 21:40:13 1.8 34.07°N 117.27°W 17 USGS manual confirmed 3km NNW of Loma Linda, CA P / A
ci39757472 2021-01-14 21:40:13 1.8 34.07°N 117.27°W 15 USGS manual confirmed 3km NNW of Loma Linda, CA P / A
20210114_0000180 2021-01-14 21:42:53 1.6 37.20°N 3.73°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
11365577 2021-01-14 21:45:14 0.8 45.04°N 122.44°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed WASHINGTON-OREGON BORDER REGION P / A
uw61698967 2021-01-14 21:45:14 0.8 45.04°N 122.44°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 16 km SE of Molalla, Oregon P / A
auth2021azkp 2021-01-14 21:45:24 2.1 38.47°N 23.03°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11365120 2021-01-14 21:52:57 1.7 37.03°N 121.47°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510980 2021-01-14 21:52:57 1.7 37.03°N 121.47°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 9km ENE of Gilroy, CA P / A
auth2021azkw 2021-01-14 21:53:23 1.5 38.37°N 21.96°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021azkx 2021-01-14 21:54:31 1.7 38.38°N 22.01°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021azky 2021-01-14 21:56:12 2.1 39.38°N 22.55°E 44 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
auth2021azkz 2021-01-14 21:56:59 1.7 38.45°N 22.16°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000211 2021-01-14 22:00:37 3.5 16.49°N 97.94°W 39 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
20210114_0000204 2021-01-14 22:03:04 3.8 14.50°N 92.86°W 16 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO P / A
20210114_0000182 2021-01-14 22:07:32 1.0 47.44°N 7.80°E 12 EMSC manual confirmed SWITZERLAND P / A
smi_ch_ethz_sed_sc3a_2021azolbk 2021-01-14 22:07:32 1.0 earthquake 47.44°N 7.80°E 12 ETHZ manual confirmed Gelterkinden BL P / A
auth2021azlj 2021-01-14 22:08:12 1.5 38.37°N 21.99°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000183 2021-01-14 22:09:14 2.3 41.34°N 14.63°E 9 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN ITALY P / A
25928271 2021-01-14 22:09:14 2.3 41.34°N 14.63°E 9 INGV manual confirmed 3 km W Morcone (BN) P / A
auth2021azlm 2021-01-14 22:12:11 1.5 38.59°N 22.16°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
25928291 2021-01-14 22:13:37 1.4 39.46°N 16.10°E 24 INGV manual confirmed 2 km W Rota Greca (CS) P / A
auth2021azlo 2021-01-14 22:13:51 1.4 38.35°N 21.99°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365128 2021-01-14 22:15:25 1.8 35.72°N 117.53°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757504 2021-01-14 22:15:25 1.8 35.72°N 117.53°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 13km WSW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
auth2021azlp 2021-01-14 22:15:52 1.7 38.10°N 22.61°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000197 2021-01-14 22:17:35 3.2 2.90°S 118.97°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
11365131 2021-01-14 22:19:05 1.5 38.17°N 117.86°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00797231 2021-01-14 22:19:05 1.5 38.17°N 117.86°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 32 km SE of Mina, Nevada P / A
auth2021azlt 2021-01-14 22:20:04 1.8 38.39°N 21.98°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365129 2021-01-14 22:21:55 2.0 60.39°N 150.79°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA P / A
ak021nir0ju 2021-01-14 22:21:55 2.0 60.39°N 150.79°W 35 USGS manual confirmed 12 km S of Funny River, Alaska P / A
auth2021azlw 2021-01-14 22:24:11 39.77°N 23.25°E 94 AUTH manual confirmed North Aegean Sea - N. Greece P / A
11365132 2021-01-14 22:25:11 1.6 32.75°N 115.82°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CALIF.-BAJA CALIF. BORDER REGION P / A
ci39757528 2021-01-14 22:25:11 1.6 32.75°N 115.82°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 16km E of Ocotillo, CA P / A
11365518 2021-01-14 22:25:24 1.8 47.97°N 124.45°W 36 IRIS manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF WASHINGTON P / A
uw61698977 2021-01-14 22:25:24 1.8 47.97°N 124.45°W 36 USGS manual confirmed 5 km WNW of Forks, Washington P / A
11365134 2021-01-14 22:25:43 2.2 36.35°N 115.61°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
20210114_0000184 2021-01-14 22:25:43 2.2 36.33°N 115.61°W 9 EMSC manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00797235 2021-01-14 22:25:43 2.2 36.35°N 115.61°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 10 km NNE of Mount Charleston, Nevada P / A
2021p037664 2021-01-14 22:27:46 1.1 40.90°S 175.25°E 37 GNS manual confirmed 20 km east of Paraparaumu P / A
11365138 2021-01-14 22:27:56 1.4 38.67°N 117.03°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00797237 2021-01-14 22:27:56 1.4 38.67°N 117.03°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 60 km S of Kingston, Nevada P / A
auth2021azma 2021-01-14 22:28:35 2.4 38.02°N 22.87°E 56 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000186 2021-01-14 22:30:13 3.2 38.24°S 73.91°W 28 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE P / A
11365135 2021-01-14 22:30:21 1.4 33.94°N 117.76°W 0 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39757544 2021-01-14 22:30:21 1.4 33.94°N 117.76°W 0 USGS manual confirmed 6km S of Chino Hills, CA P / A
s2rhai2021azmc 2021-01-14 22:30:45 3.2 earthquake 18.39°N 71.36°W 11 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
11365137 2021-01-14 22:31:39 3.6 56.57°N 156.45°W 37 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
20210114_0000185 2021-01-14 22:31:39 3.6 56.56°N 156.49°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
ak021nit4dv 2021-01-14 22:31:39 3.6 56.57°N 156.45°W 37 USGS manual confirmed 119 km SSE of Ugashik, Alaska P / A
20210114_0000188 2021-01-14 22:36:55 2.8 65.53°N 165.55°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN ALASKA P / A
11365143 2021-01-14 22:36:57 2.8 65.42°N 164.78°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021niu8gf 2021-01-14 22:36:57 2.6 65.42°N 164.78°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 75 km ENE of Teller, Alaska P / A
auth2021azmj 2021-01-14 22:39:08 1.3 38.38°N 22.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365142 2021-01-14 22:40:05 2.1 60.82°N 152.48°W 113 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021niuz9m 2021-01-14 22:40:05 2.1 60.82°N 152.48°W 113 USGS manual confirmed 66 km WNW of Nikiski, Alaska P / A
20210114_0000208 2021-01-14 22:42:05 3.9 15.26°N 94.90°W 16 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
20210114_0000199 2021-01-14 22:45:00 3.5 17.17°N 94.95°W 129 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
auth2021azmq 2021-01-14 22:47:30 1.8 38.38°N 22.08°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365144 2021-01-14 22:51:38 1.2 35.95°N 120.95°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510990 2021-01-14 22:51:38 1.2 35.95°N 120.95°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 8km SSW of San Ardo, CA P / A
auth2021azmw 2021-01-14 22:54:06 1.4 38.36°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021azmx 2021-01-14 22:55:13 1.5 38.35°N 22.10°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365269 2021-01-14 22:57:02 0.9 58.43°N 154.85°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
av91017183 2021-01-14 22:57:02 0.9 58.43°N 154.85°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 98 km NNW of Karluk, Alaska P / A
25928341 2021-01-14 22:58:07 0.8 43.46°N 12.58°E 11 INGV manual confirmed 5 km W Cantiano (PU) P / A
11365146 2021-01-14 22:58:25 0.6 38.83°N 122.81°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73510995 2021-01-14 22:58:25 0.6 38.83°N 122.81°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 8km W of Cobb, CA P / A
auth2021azna 2021-01-14 22:58:56 2.1 38.09°N 20.40°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Cephalonia Isl. - W. Greece P / A
auth2021aznc 2021-01-14 23:00:27 1.8 40.09°N 23.25°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Thermaikos Gulf - N. Greece P / A
auth2021aznd 2021-01-14 23:01:37 1.8 37.72°N 21.65°E 17 AUTH manual confirmed West Peloponnese - SW Greece P / A
2021p037731 2021-01-14 23:03:33 2.1 39.90°S 176.33°E 22 GNS manual confirmed 20 km north-west of Waipukurau P / A
20210114_0000187 2021-01-14 23:05:39 3.2 0.18°S 123.11°E 19 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
11365178 2021-01-14 23:07:18 1.0 37.49°N 118.81°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73511000 2021-01-14 23:07:18 1.0 37.49°N 118.81°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 14km SW of Toms Place, CA P / A
rs2021azqmqk 2021-01-14 23:09:16 2.9 21.07°S 68.53°W 148 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
auth2021aznm 2021-01-14 23:12:43 36.91°N 24.60°E 190 AUTH manual confirmed Cyclades Isls.- S. Greece P / A
11365155 2021-01-14 23:13:09 2.2 17.95°N 66.85°W 14 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
20210114_0000189 2021-01-14 23:13:09 2.2 17.95°N 66.85°W 14 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021014019 2021-01-14 23:13:09 2.2 17.95°N 66.85°W 14 USGS manual confirmed 5 km ESE of Maria Antonia, Puerto Rico P / A
auth2021aznp 2021-01-14 23:16:05 1.9 38.55°N 21.41°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
auth2021aznu 2021-01-14 23:21:34 2.1 38.38°N 21.99°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365867 2021-01-14 23:26:23 0.6 37.50°N 118.86°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73511005 2021-01-14 23:26:23 0.6 37.50°N 118.86°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 17km WSW of Toms Place, CA P / A
11365156 2021-01-14 23:30:10 2.9 35.24°N 101.56°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed TEXAS PANHANDLE REGION P / A
texnet2021azob 2021-01-14 23:30:10 3.4 earthquake known 35.24°N 101.57°W 4 TXNet manual final Texas Panhandle Region P / A
20210114_0000190 2021-01-14 23:30:10 2.9 35.24°N 101.56°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed TEXAS PANHANDLE REGION P / A
us7000d056 2021-01-14 23:30:10 2.9 35.24°N 101.56°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 20 km SW of Panhandle, Texas P / A
auth2021azob 2021-01-14 23:30:13 2.0 38.36°N 22.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365443 2021-01-14 23:31:24 2.0 40.73°N 112.06°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed UTAH P / A
11365157 2021-01-14 23:31:24 2.0 40.73°N 112.06°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed UTAH P / A
20210114_0000191 2021-01-14 23:31:24 2.0 40.73°N 112.06°W 9 EMSC manual confirmed WASATCH FRONT URBAN AREA, UTAH P / A
uu60424187 2021-01-14 23:31:24 2.0 40.73°N 112.06°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 4 km ENE of Magna, Utah P / A
uu60424192 2021-01-14 23:31:24 2.0 40.73°N 112.06°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 4 km ENE of Magna, Utah P / A
auth2021azod 2021-01-14 23:32:37 2.1 37.93°N 22.68°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed NE Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
auth2021azoh 2021-01-14 23:37:31 1.3 38.38°N 21.88°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Patras - W. Greece P / A
rs2021azrmog 2021-01-14 23:39:21 3.7 20.11°S 69.07°W 112 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210114_0000194 2021-01-14 23:39:23 3.5 20.24°S 69.06°W 94 EMSC manual confirmed TARAPACA, CHILE P / A
11365159 2021-01-14 23:40:20 1.3 38.15°N 118.01°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00797244 2021-01-14 23:40:20 1.3 38.15°N 118.01°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 28 km SSE of Mina, Nevada P / A
auth2021azom 2021-01-14 23:43:24 1.4 38.42°N 22.11°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021azon 2021-01-14 23:44:12 1.4 38.39°N 22.02°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021azoo 2021-01-14 23:45:14 2.5 39.85°N 21.85°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
11365505 2021-01-14 23:45:37 1.4 43.39°N 122.87°W -1 IRIS manual confirmed OREGON P / A
uw61698987 2021-01-14 23:45:37 1.4 43.39°N 122.87°W -1 USGS manual confirmed 21 km ENE of Glide, Oregon P / A
rs2021azrttq 2021-01-14 23:47:42 2.2 21.19°S 68.78°W 120 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11365405 2021-01-14 23:47:58 1.0 40.73°N 112.06°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed UTAH P / A
uu60424202 2021-01-14 23:47:58 1.0 40.73°N 112.06°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 3 km ENE of Magna, Utah P / A
20210114_0000193 2021-01-14 23:49:29 2.6 38.48°N 39.21°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed EASTERN TURKEY P / A
auth2021azos 2021-01-14 23:49:43 1.4 38.38°N 22.02°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000192 2021-01-14 23:50:57 2.2 45.50°N 15.92°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed CROATIA P / A
auth2021azov 2021-01-14 23:52:54 1.6 38.42°N 21.95°E 11 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11365432 2021-01-14 23:53:54 1.6 35.14°N 95.36°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021azov 2021-01-14 23:53:54 1.6 35.14°N 95.36°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 1 km NNE of Quinton, Oklahoma P / A
11365160 2021-01-14 23:54:38 2.9 18.04°N 66.91°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021014020 2021-01-14 23:54:38 2.9 18.04°N 66.91°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 1 km WNW of Lluveras, Puerto Rico P / A
20210114_0000196 2021-01-14 23:54:38 2.9 18.04°N 66.91°W 12 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO P / A
rs2021azrzta 2021-01-14 23:54:39 2.3 21.80°S 68.46°W 134 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
auth2021azox 2021-01-14 23:55:36 1.8 38.37°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210114_0000195 2021-01-14 23:58:25 3.0 36.82°N 29.03°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN TURKEY P / A