

Event ID Origin Time
Mag Type Type
Agency M S FM Felt Region Name XML
auth2021ptgt 2021-08-13 00:01:53 1.1 38.24°N 21.38°E 47 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Patras - W. Greece P / A
27931851 2021-08-13 00:03:11 1.0 42.55°N 12.70°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 4 km E Terni (TR) P / A
gfz2021ptgv 2021-08-13 00:04:15 5.3 59.16°S 24.77°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11455269 2021-08-13 00:04:15 5.1 59.25°S 25.15°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000002 2021-08-13 00:04:15 5.0 59.24°S 25.11°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f4zk 2021-08-13 00:04:15 5.1 59.25°S 25.15°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
fr2021hciouc 2021-08-13 00:04:18 5.2 59.38°S 24.44°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.2, near of Mar del Plata (Monde) P / A
ga2021pveuvk 2021-08-13 00:04:19 5.0 59.22°S 25.23°W 23 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000001 2021-08-13 00:05:05 2.9 12.46°N 87.94°W 33 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
auth2021ptgw 2021-08-13 00:05:05 1.9 39.65°N 21.90°E 75 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
20210813_0000172 2021-08-13 00:06:12 5.2 58.52°S 24.75°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
ga2021pvewmv 2021-08-13 00:06:14 5.2 58.45°S 24.63°W 20 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11455264 2021-08-13 00:07:20 0.7 35.62°N 117.44°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772191 2021-08-13 00:07:20 0.7 35.62°N 117.44°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 16km SSW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
auth2021ptgz 2021-08-13 00:08:32 2.2 36.36°N 27.01°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
auth2021ptha 2021-08-13 00:09:18 0.7 38.66°N 21.34°E 16 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
11455266 2021-08-13 00:09:22 2.5 59.59°N 143.44°W 247 IRIS manual confirmed GULF OF ALASKA P / A
ak021ac3z2b0 2021-08-13 00:09:22 2.5 59.59°N 143.44°W 247 USGS manual confirmed 166 km SE of Cordova, Alaska P / A
11455271 2021-08-13 00:17:41 1.5 62.35°N 148.83°W 25 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ac40ti1 2021-08-13 00:17:41 1.5 62.35°N 148.83°W 25 USGS manual confirmed 57 km ENE of Susitna North, Alaska P / A
auth2021pthi 2021-08-13 00:18:54 1.0 38.03°N 21.29°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed West Peloponnese - SW Greece P / A
2021p605449 2021-08-13 00:23:31 1.5 40.90°S 175.97°E 24 GNS manual confirmed 20 km west of Castlepoint P / A
gfz2021pthn 2021-08-13 00:24:59 4.9 60.53°S 26.93°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210813_0000067 2021-08-13 00:25:00 4.8 60.22°S 26.74°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
27931961 2021-08-13 00:25:22 1.0 42.84°N 13.06°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 4 km SE Preci (PG) P / A
noa2021ptjvg 2021-08-13 00:25:44 1.8 38.75°N 21.06°E 11 NOA manual confirmed 15 Km SW from Amfilochia P / A
auth2021pthn 2021-08-13 00:25:45 1.8 38.72°N 21.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
11455274 2021-08-13 00:25:48 1.2 38.81°N 122.82°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609331 2021-08-13 00:25:48 1.2 38.81°N 122.82°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 7km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
11455276 2021-08-13 00:26:11 0.9 33.99°N 116.80°W 20 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772199 2021-08-13 00:26:11 0.9 33.99°N 116.80°W 20 USGS manual confirmed 8km N of Cabazon, CA P / A
noa2021ptjxp 2021-08-13 00:28:25 0.6 38.26°N 22.09°E 11 NOA manual confirmed 1 Km NE from Aiyion P / A
20210813_0000004 2021-08-13 00:30:38 2.8 11.80°N 87.15°W 29 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
auth2021pths 2021-08-13 00:31:36 1.7 39.33°N 23.01°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
11455279 2021-08-13 00:31:39 1.5 38.17°N 117.90°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818468 2021-08-13 00:31:39 1.5 38.17°N 117.90°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 30 km SE of Mina, Nevada P / A
11455684 2021-08-13 00:31:43 1.0 44.66°N 112.02°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed EASTERN IDAHO P / A
mb80519164 2021-08-13 00:31:43 1.0 44.66°N 112.02°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 35 km NNE of Spencer, Idaho P / A
auth2021ptht 2021-08-13 00:32:41 1.4 38.79°N 21.06°E 49 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
11455282 2021-08-13 00:33:30 1.1 38.16°N 117.90°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818471 2021-08-13 00:33:30 1.1 38.16°N 117.90°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 31 km SE of Mina, Nevada P / A
11456079 2021-08-13 00:34:51 0.9 38.52°N 119.49°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609336 2021-08-13 00:34:51 0.9 38.52°N 119.49°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 32km SSW of Smith Valley, NV P / A
auth2021pthw 2021-08-13 00:36:01 1.2 38.77°N 21.07°E 8 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
20210813_0000003 2021-08-13 00:36:15 1.3 45.45°N 15.97°E 4 EMSC manual confirmed CROATIA P / A
11455283 2021-08-13 00:36:25 1.2 63.02°N 151.56°W 13 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ac44uw8 2021-08-13 00:36:25 1.2 63.02°N 151.56°W 13 USGS manual confirmed 58 km S of Denali National Park, Alaska P / A
auth2021pthx 2021-08-13 00:36:34 1.4 38.84°N 21.14°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
20210813_0000005 2021-08-13 00:37:20 3.5 6.05°N 126.75°E 19 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
11455285 2021-08-13 00:37:47 2.0 60.95°N 147.05°W 45 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ac454a6 2021-08-13 00:37:47 2.0 60.95°N 147.05°W 45 USGS manual confirmed 22 km WNW of Tatitlek, Alaska P / A
11455725 2021-08-13 00:38:05 0.3 35.48°N 117.31°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772215 2021-08-13 00:38:05 0.3 35.48°N 117.31°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 32km ENE of Johannesburg, CA P / A
11455726 2021-08-13 00:38:31 -0.1 35.94°N 117.70°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci37345092 2021-08-13 00:38:31 -0.1 35.94°N 117.70°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 18km E of Little Lake, CA P / A
27932031 2021-08-13 00:41:32 0.2 43.47°N 12.45°E 6 INGV manual confirmed 3 km N Pietralunga (PG) P / A
27932001 2021-08-13 00:42:00 0.6 42.92°N 12.89°E 11 INGV manual confirmed 4 km NW Sellano (PG) P / A
11455294 2021-08-13 00:42:15 5.0 60.13°S 24.77°W 21 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f50s 2021-08-13 00:42:15 5.0 60.13°S 24.77°W 21 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210813_0000011 2021-08-13 00:42:15 5.0 60.13°S 24.77°W 22 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
27932091 2021-08-13 00:43:27 0.5 42.80°N 13.07°E 11 INGV manual confirmed 2 km W Norcia (PG) P / A
11455312 2021-08-13 00:44:45 4.6 25.85°N 143.71°E 10 IRIS manual confirmed VOLCANO ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION P / A
us6000f513 2021-08-13 00:44:45 4.6 25.85°N 143.71°E 10 USGS manual confirmed Volcano Islands, Japan region P / A
20210813_0000016 2021-08-13 00:44:45 4.6 25.85°N 143.71°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed VOLCANO ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION P / A
20210813_0000009 2021-08-13 00:46:18 5.2 59.93°S 25.05°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455291 2021-08-13 00:46:19 2.7 17.96°N 67.12°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed MONA PASSAGE P / A
gfz2021ptif 2021-08-13 00:46:19 5.2 60.06°S 25.10°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11455298 2021-08-13 00:46:19 5.1 59.93°S 25.06°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f50y 2021-08-13 00:46:19 5.1 59.93°S 25.06°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210813_0000007 2021-08-13 00:46:19 2.7 17.94°N 67.13°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021225000 2021-08-13 00:46:19 3.4 17.96°N 67.12°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 6 km ESE of Pole Ojea, Puerto Rico P / A
11455832 2021-08-13 00:47:22 0.7 38.14°N 118.00°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818473 2021-08-13 00:47:22 0.7 38.14°N 118.00°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 28 km SSE of Mina, Nevada P / A
auth2021ptih 2021-08-13 00:47:58 1.3 38.60°N 21.58°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
rs2021pvggon 2021-08-13 00:48:04 2.3 21.15°S 68.63°W 125 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
20210813_0000006 2021-08-13 00:48:30 3.8 36.40°N 141.10°E 30 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN P / A
20210813_0000046 2021-08-13 00:50:06 3.6 9.45°S 117.53°E 12 EMSC manual confirmed SUMBAWA REGION, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021ptii 2021-08-13 00:50:06 3.6 9.45°S 117.53°E 12 BMKG manual confirmed Sumbawa Region, Indonesia P / A
noa2021ptkrl 2021-08-13 00:51:38 1.6 38.06°N 23.76°E 13 NOA manual confirmed 11 Km NNE from Athinai P / A
auth2021ptik 2021-08-13 00:51:38 1.7 38.09°N 23.78°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Attica - C. Greece P / A
11455289 2021-08-13 00:52:59 2.0 19.21°N 155.45°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
11455287 2021-08-13 00:52:59 1.5 36.87°N 121.61°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609341 2021-08-13 00:52:59 1.5 36.87°N 121.61°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 4km SE of Aromas, CA P / A
hv72641802 2021-08-13 00:52:59 2.0 19.21°N 155.45°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 3 km E of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210813_0000008 2021-08-13 00:53:34 3.8 39.44°S 75.16°W 25 EMSC manual confirmed OFF COAST OF LOS LAGOS, CHILE P / A
auth2021ptim 2021-08-13 00:54:40 38.43°N 22.76°E 111 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11455303 2021-08-13 00:54:42 3.0 55.36°N 158.06°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
20210813_0000013 2021-08-13 00:54:42 3.0 55.36°N 158.06°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
us6000f516 2021-08-13 00:54:42 3.0 55.36°N 158.06°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 91 km SE of Perryville, Alaska P / A
noa2021ptkwd 2021-08-13 00:57:03 1.9 38.77°N 21.06°E 12 NOA manual confirmed 14 Km SW from Amfilochia P / A
auth2021ptio 2021-08-13 00:57:04 1.9 38.75°N 21.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
auth2021ptiq 2021-08-13 00:59:05 2.1 40.47°N 21.70°E 17 AUTH manual confirmed Western Macedonia - N. Greece P / A
20210813_0000010 2021-08-13 00:59:54 2.2 35.44°N 3.69°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
auth2021ptit 2021-08-13 01:02:18 1.7 39.15°N 21.60°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021ptix 2021-08-13 01:06:43 1.5 35.16°N 25.24°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
11455701 2021-08-13 01:07:26 0.4 35.92°N 117.71°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772223 2021-08-13 01:07:26 0.4 35.92°N 117.71°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 18km E of Little Lake, CA P / A
11455302 2021-08-13 01:08:59 4.6 59.03°S 24.59°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000012 2021-08-13 01:08:59 4.6 59.03°S 24.59°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f51l 2021-08-13 01:08:59 4.6 59.03°S 24.59°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
auth2021ptjb 2021-08-13 01:11:30 1.6 38.25°N 23.22°E 47 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11455293 2021-08-13 01:11:43 1.4 61.49°N 149.91°W 30 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ac4kyza 2021-08-13 01:11:43 1.4 61.49°N 149.91°W 30 USGS manual confirmed 4 km SSE of Big Lake, Alaska P / A
auth2021ptjc 2021-08-13 01:13:24 2.0 37.81°N 23.62°E 25 AUTH manual confirmed Saronikos Gulf - S. Greece P / A
11455296 2021-08-13 01:14:16 0.8 35.62°N 117.46°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772231 2021-08-13 01:14:16 0.8 35.62°N 117.46°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 17km SSW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
auth2021ptjd 2021-08-13 01:14:23 1.7 38.84°N 24.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Aegean Sea - C. Greece P / A
27932251 2021-08-13 01:14:45 0.3 43.06°N 13.00°E 11 INGV manual confirmed 4 km E Serravalle di Chienti (MC) P / A
11455297 2021-08-13 01:15:04 0.7 35.92°N 117.74°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772247 2021-08-13 01:15:04 0.7 35.92°N 117.74°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 15km E of Little Lake, CA P / A
20210813_0000015 2021-08-13 01:17:38 2.1 35.43°N 3.63°W 17 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
27932291 2021-08-13 01:18:47 0.6 42.83°N 13.23°E 11 INGV manual confirmed 8 km NW Arquata del Tronto (AP) P / A
auth2021ptji 2021-08-13 01:20:10 1.8 34.98°N 23.84°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed SW of Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
sx2021ptlqt 2021-08-13 01:21:06 -0.4 earthquake 50.17°N 12.47°E 9 SX manual confirmed CZ Karlovarsky kraj P / A
11455300 2021-08-13 01:22:44 1.4 38.57°N 119.46°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818474 2021-08-13 01:22:44 1.4 38.57°N 119.46°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 3 km E of Coleville, California P / A
nc73609396 2021-08-13 01:22:44 1.7 38.57°N 119.46°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 25km SSW of Smith Valley, NV P / A
noa2021ptlse 2021-08-13 01:22:46 2.8 36.48°N 27.06°E 8 NOA manual confirmed 15 Km SW from Nissiros P / A
auth2021ptjk 2021-08-13 01:22:46 2.6 36.49°N 27.13°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Nisyros Isl. - SE Greece P / A
20210813_0000018 2021-08-13 01:22:46 2.3 36.44°N 27.10°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE IS.-TURKEY BORDER REG P / A
11455301 2021-08-13 01:23:48 0.8 35.92°N 117.74°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772255 2021-08-13 01:23:48 0.8 35.92°N 117.74°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 15km E of Little Lake, CA P / A
usp2021ptjo 2021-08-13 01:26:37 5.0 58.73°S 25.36°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000020 2021-08-13 01:26:41 4.9 58.57°S 25.10°W 30 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455311 2021-08-13 01:26:41 5.0 58.62°S 25.09°W 31 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f51v 2021-08-13 01:26:41 5.0 58.62°S 25.09°W 31 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
gfz2021ptjo 2021-08-13 01:26:44 4.8 58.41°S 24.92°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11455305 2021-08-13 01:27:18 1.4 38.16°N 117.90°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818478 2021-08-13 01:27:18 1.4 38.16°N 117.90°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 31 km SE of Mina, Nevada P / A
auth2021ptjp 2021-08-13 01:27:47 1.5 39.05°N 23.51°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Aegean Trough - N. Greece P / A
auth2021ptjq 2021-08-13 01:28:12 1.1 38.49°N 20.66°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Cephalonia Isl. - W. Greece P / A
20210813_0000017 2021-08-13 01:28:29 2.7 21.52°S 68.47°W 133 EMSC manual confirmed ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE P / A
rs2021pvhpkk 2021-08-13 01:28:29 2.6 21.53°S 68.56°W 142 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11455307 2021-08-13 01:28:45 2.1 19.21°N 155.42°W 34 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210813_0000014 2021-08-13 01:28:45 2.1 19.21°N 155.42°W 34 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72641872 2021-08-13 01:28:45 2.1 19.21°N 155.42°W 34 USGS manual confirmed 6 km E of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
11455308 2021-08-13 01:29:20 2.1 19.20°N 155.42°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72641877 2021-08-13 01:29:20 2.1 19.20°N 155.42°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 5 km E of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
auth2021ptjr 2021-08-13 01:30:48 1.8 36.90°N 21.70°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed SW Peloponnese - SW Greece P / A
11455843 2021-08-13 01:31:43 0.9 38.13°N 118.00°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818481 2021-08-13 01:31:43 0.9 38.13°N 118.00°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 30 km SSE of Mina, Nevada P / A
11455310 2021-08-13 01:34:53 1.3 58.75°N 153.71°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed KODIAK ISLAND REGION, ALASKA P / A
ak021ac4px61 2021-08-13 01:34:53 1.3 58.75°N 153.71°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 90 km NNW of Aleneva, Alaska P / A
rs2021pvhvkf 2021-08-13 01:35:26 3.5 44.59°N 124.69°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Oregon P / A
auth2021ptjx 2021-08-13 01:37:18 1.3 38.27°N 23.37°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021ptjy 2021-08-13 01:38:39 1.6 40.18°N 20.01°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Albania P / A
11455316 2021-08-13 01:39:15 4.9 57.86°S 25.32°W 46 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f51y 2021-08-13 01:39:15 4.9 57.86°S 25.32°W 46 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210813_0000021 2021-08-13 01:39:15 4.9 57.86°S 25.32°W 46 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
rs2021pvidez 2021-08-13 01:44:28 2.6 21.21°S 68.76°W 115 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11455703 2021-08-13 01:47:00 0.5 35.86°N 117.66°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772271 2021-08-13 01:47:00 0.5 35.86°N 117.66°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 24km ESE of Little Lake, CA P / A
11455320 2021-08-13 01:47:37 5.3 58.36°S 24.29°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f527 2021-08-13 01:47:37 5.3 58.36°S 24.29°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210813_0000022 2021-08-13 01:47:38 5.4 58.35°S 24.40°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
gfz2021ptkg 2021-08-13 01:47:39 5.2 58.36°S 24.42°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
ga2021pvifxo 2021-08-13 01:47:40 5.2 58.30°S 24.45°W 14 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
fr2021hcixys 2021-08-13 01:47:41 5.0 58.50°S 23.92°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.0, near of Mar del Plata (Monde) P / A
rs2021pvifwy 2021-08-13 01:47:42 5.2 58.09°S 24.10°W 46 from location gempa automatic confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
bmg2021ptkg 2021-08-13 01:47:58 4.9 59.12°S 21.87°W 105 BMKG manual confirmed East of South Sandwich Islands P / A
auth2021ptkh 2021-08-13 01:48:59 1.4 38.20°N 23.43°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Attica - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ptki 2021-08-13 01:50:37 2.1 34.91°N 24.02°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed SW of Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
11455315 2021-08-13 01:51:07 2.2 35.13°N 95.37°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
20210813_0000019 2021-08-13 01:51:07 2.2 35.13°N 95.37°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021ptkj 2021-08-13 01:51:07 2.2 35.13°N 95.37°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 0 km NNW of Quinton, Oklahoma P / A
auth2021ptkj 2021-08-13 01:51:21 38.78°N 22.98°E 207 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
noa2021ptmqz 2021-08-13 01:51:39 0.9 38.37°N 22.16°E 9 NOA manual confirmed 14 Km NNE from Aiyion P / A
11455322 2021-08-13 01:52:44 4.6 29.55°N 141.03°E 70 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHEAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN P / A
20210813_0000024 2021-08-13 01:52:44 4.6 29.58°N 141.02°E 72 EMSC manual confirmed IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION P / A
us6000f52a 2021-08-13 01:52:44 4.6 29.55°N 141.03°E 70 USGS manual confirmed Izu Islands, Japan region P / A
noa2021ptmtr 2021-08-13 01:54:49 1.2 38.78°N 21.10°E 14 NOA manual confirmed 11 Km SSW from Amfilochia P / A
auth2021ptkm 2021-08-13 01:54:49 1.3 38.74°N 21.07°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
11455956 2021-08-13 01:57:05 40.17°N 119.80°W IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818569 2021-08-13 01:57:05 40.17°N 119.80°W USGS manual confirmed 28 km E of Herlong, California P / A
rs2021pvipcy 2021-08-13 01:58:17 2.2 21.82°S 68.70°W 135 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11455318 2021-08-13 01:58:18 2.0 62.54°N 145.29°W 250 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ac4uzpm 2021-08-13 01:58:18 2.0 62.54°N 145.29°W 250 USGS manual confirmed 27 km N of Gakona, Alaska P / A
koeri2021ptkp 2021-08-13 01:59:26 2.8 39.33°N 40.43°E 13 KOERI manual confirmed Adakli-Bingol P / A
20210813_0000023 2021-08-13 01:59:26 2.7 39.41°N 40.35°E 5 EMSC manual confirmed EASTERN TURKEY P / A
auth2021ptks 2021-08-13 02:02:26 39.94°N 24.13°E 116 AUTH manual confirmed North Aegean Trough - N. Greece P / A
20210813_0000027 2021-08-13 02:05:21 1.7 35.43°N 3.65°W 22 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
noa2021ptned 2021-08-13 02:06:58 2.5 36.37°N 27.13°E 8 NOA manual confirmed 23 Km N from Tilos P / A
auth2021ptkw 2021-08-13 02:06:58 2.4 36.38°N 27.15°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
auth2021ptkx 2021-08-13 02:08:19 2.3 39.40°N 21.87°E 31 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
2021p605653 2021-08-13 02:12:21 0.8 39.29°S 175.75°E 67 GNS manual confirmed 30 km north-east of Ohakune P / A
auth2021ptle 2021-08-13 02:15:30 1.5 38.69°N 21.13°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
11455325 2021-08-13 02:15:44 2.0 38.57°N 119.46°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
20210813_0000025 2021-08-13 02:15:44 2.0 38.58°N 119.45°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609411 2021-08-13 02:15:44 2.3 38.57°N 119.46°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 25km SSW of Smith Valley, NV P / A
11455334 2021-08-13 02:17:45 1.4 38.57°N 119.46°W -1 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609416 2021-08-13 02:17:45 1.4 38.57°N 119.46°W -1 USGS manual confirmed 26km SSW of Smith Valley, NV P / A
nn00818484 2021-08-13 02:17:45 0.7 38.57°N 119.46°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 4 km E of Coleville, California P / A
noa2021ptnob 2021-08-13 02:18:57 1.8 38.09°N 22.77°E 10 NOA manual confirmed 12 Km E from Xylokastron P / A
auth2021ptlh 2021-08-13 02:18:57 1.8 38.11°N 22.78°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210813_0000029 2021-08-13 02:22:13 3.3 8.19°N 126.21°E 12 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
20210813_0000026 2021-08-13 02:22:58 2.5 19.24°N 155.49°W 38 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
11455327 2021-08-13 02:22:59 2.5 19.19°N 155.45°W 36 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72641957 2021-08-13 02:22:59 2.2 19.19°N 155.45°W 36 USGS manual confirmed 3 km ESE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
auth2021ptlk 2021-08-13 02:23:12 2.1 35.16°N 25.71°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
oca2021ptll 2021-08-13 02:24:17 0.7 earthquake 44.44°N 6.64°E 4 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
auth2021ptll 2021-08-13 02:24:33 1.7 38.31°N 21.72°E 13 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Patras - W. Greece P / A
noa2021ptnwg 2021-08-13 02:28:07 1.4 37.97°N 22.00°E 10 NOA manual confirmed 12 Km N from Kalavryta P / A
auth2021ptlo 2021-08-13 02:28:08 1.6 37.99°N 21.97°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
rs2021pvjpon 2021-08-13 02:29:01 2.0 20.62°S 68.93°W 100 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
usp2021ptlp 2021-08-13 02:29:12 4.9 60.52°S 21.08°W 25 IAG manual confirmed East of South Sandwich Islands P / A
20210813_0000033 2021-08-13 02:29:32 4.9 58.65°S 25.23°W 20 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455338 2021-08-13 02:29:33 4.9 58.68°S 25.31°W 25 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f53c 2021-08-13 02:29:33 4.9 58.68°S 25.31°W 25 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
auth2021ptlt 2021-08-13 02:33:12 1.5 38.43°N 21.06°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
noa2021ptoaq 2021-08-13 02:33:13 1.4 38.77°N 21.07°E 6 NOA manual confirmed 13 Km SW from Amfilochia P / A
usp2021ptlt 2021-08-13 02:33:39 5.2 57.77°S 23.75°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11455336 2021-08-13 02:33:40 5.2 57.77°S 23.84°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000031 2021-08-13 02:33:40 5.2 57.80°S 23.77°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f52z 2021-08-13 02:33:40 5.2 57.77°S 23.84°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
gfz2021ptlt 2021-08-13 02:33:41 5.1 57.77°S 23.79°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11455329 2021-08-13 02:33:41 2.8 38.51°N 119.55°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
20210813_0000028 2021-08-13 02:33:41 2.8 38.51°N 119.56°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609421 2021-08-13 02:33:41 3.2 38.51°N 119.55°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 29km SE of Markleeville, CA P / A
ga2021pvjtpf 2021-08-13 02:33:46 5.2 57.70°S 23.89°W 44 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
auth2021ptlz 2021-08-13 02:40:01 1.8 39.44°N 21.34°E 49 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
auth2021ptma 2021-08-13 02:40:21 2.2 36.33°N 27.03°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
11455330 2021-08-13 02:41:48 0.4 38.84°N 122.80°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609426 2021-08-13 02:41:48 0.4 38.84°N 122.80°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 7km WNW of Cobb, CA P / A
27932451 2021-08-13 02:44:00 1.3 41.36°N 14.65°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 2 km SW Sassinoro (BN) P / A
11455332 2021-08-13 02:44:51 2.1 35.67°N 97.42°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
20210813_0000030 2021-08-13 02:44:51 2.0 35.67°N 97.42°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed OKLAHOMA CITY AREA, OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021ptmd 2021-08-13 02:44:51 2.1 35.67°N 97.42°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 5 km ENE of Edmond, Oklahoma P / A
rs2021pvkdfp 2021-08-13 02:44:51 2.3 35.67°N 97.42°W 5 from location gempa automatic confirmed Oklahoma P / A
auth2021ptmf 2021-08-13 02:47:58 35.92°N 25.83°E 89 AUTH manual confirmed South Aegean Sea - S. Greece P / A
auth2021ptmi 2021-08-13 02:50:41 1.4 38.69°N 21.13°E 36 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
auth2021ptmj 2021-08-13 02:51:47 1.1 38.82°N 21.04°E 12 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
11455335 2021-08-13 02:52:44 1.6 63.12°N 151.34°W IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ac5f6ze 2021-08-13 02:52:44 1.6 63.12°N 151.34°W USGS manual confirmed 50 km SSE of Denali National Park, Alaska P / A
rs2021pvklly 2021-08-13 02:54:26 3.0 22.49°S 70.62°W 22 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
20210813_0000032 2021-08-13 02:56:00 3.4 5.76°N 127.11°E 31 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
auth2021ptmn 2021-08-13 02:57:00 1.9 40.18°N 22.05°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Western Macedonia - N. Greece P / A
11455497 2021-08-13 02:57:27 4.6 60.35°S 25.16°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f54u 2021-08-13 02:57:27 4.6 60.35°S 25.16°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210813_0000043 2021-08-13 02:57:27 4.6 60.35°S 25.16°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455337 2021-08-13 03:00:15 1.2 61.53°N 149.89°W 31 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ac5pf4f 2021-08-13 03:00:15 1.2 61.53°N 149.89°W 31 USGS manual confirmed 3 km ENE of Big Lake, Alaska P / A
27932521 2021-08-13 03:02:07 0.6 42.88°N 13.13°E 6 INGV manual confirmed 3 km SW Castelsantangelo sul Nera (MC) P / A
auth2021ptmt 2021-08-13 03:02:35 1.5 38.82°N 21.10°E 22 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
auth2021ptms 2021-08-13 03:02:51 1.4 35.16°N 25.23°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
auth2021ptmu 2021-08-13 03:02:54 1.9 38.39°N 22.59°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210813_0000034 2021-08-13 03:05:14 3.1 6.14°N 126.96°E 26 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
11455854 2021-08-13 03:07:36 1.1 38.20°N 117.75°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818489 2021-08-13 03:07:36 1.1 38.20°N 117.75°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 38 km SE of Mina, Nevada P / A
20210813_0000036 2021-08-13 03:07:45 2.3 35.52°N 3.64°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
20210813_0000047 2021-08-13 03:08:30 4.0 10.30°N 86.27°W 15 EMSC manual confirmed OFF COAST OF COSTA RICA P / A
20210813_0000040 2021-08-13 03:10:01 3.2 8.23°N 125.23°E 1 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
20210813_0000037 2021-08-13 03:14:20 4.5 24.14°S 66.95°W 194 EMSC manual confirmed SALTA, ARGENTINA P / A
gfz2021ptnc 2021-08-13 03:14:21 4.5 24.11°S 66.90°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11455496 2021-08-13 03:14:21 4.5 24.13°S 66.93°W 198 IRIS manual confirmed SALTA PROVINCE, ARGENTINA P / A
us6000f53g 2021-08-13 03:14:21 4.5 24.13°S 66.93°W 198 USGS manual confirmed 62 km W of San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina P / A
usp2021ptnc 2021-08-13 03:14:21 4.5 24.08°S 66.87°W 200 IAG manual confirmed Salta Province, Argentina P / A
11455339 2021-08-13 03:15:07 2.5 34.08°N 117.49°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
20210813_0000035 2021-08-13 03:15:07 2.4 34.09°N 117.48°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA, CALIF. P / A
rs2021pvldhg 2021-08-13 03:15:07 2.7 34.06°N 117.50°W 6 from location gempa automatic confirmed Southern California P / A
ci39772319 2021-08-13 03:15:07 2.5 34.08°N 117.49°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 3km WSW of Fontana, CA P / A
2021p605773 2021-08-13 03:16:46 1.0 40.99°S 175.11°E 20 GNS manual confirmed 10 km south-east of Paraparaumu P / A
20210813_0000039 2021-08-13 03:16:59 3.9 10.23°S 119.32°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SUMBA REGION, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021ptne 2021-08-13 03:16:59 3.9 10.23°S 119.32°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Sumba Region, Indonesia P / A
20210813_0000038 2021-08-13 03:17:28 2.0 35.47°N 3.56°W 14 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
2021p605777 2021-08-13 03:18:27 2.2 38.44°S 177.96°E 23 GNS manual confirmed 25 km north of Gisborne P / A
auth2021ptng 2021-08-13 03:18:52 1.5 38.74°N 20.45°E 57 AUTH manual confirmed Central Ionian Sea - W. Greece P / A
20210813_0000041 2021-08-13 03:20:57 2.8 11.91°N 86.67°W 73 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
rs2021pvlijb 2021-08-13 03:21:00 2.5 21.63°S 68.55°W 130 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
fr2021hcjggu 2021-08-13 03:21:19 1.6 earthquake 21.16°S 55.51°E 20 EOST manual confirmed Earthquake of magnitude 1.6, near of Saint-Pierre (La Réunion) P / A
27932611 2021-08-13 03:21:26 0.9 42.86°N 13.03°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 2 km SW Preci (PG) P / A
11455479 2021-08-13 03:21:59 1.0 36.17°N 117.88°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
ci39772327 2021-08-13 03:21:59 1.0 36.17°N 117.88°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 16km NNE of Coso Junction, CA P / A
2021p605788 2021-08-13 03:24:02 2.8 40.29°S 174.19°E 92 GNS manual confirmed 65 km south-west of Waverley P / A
11455495 2021-08-13 03:24:33 2.5 38.16°N 116.75°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818492 2021-08-13 03:24:33 2.5 38.16°N 116.75°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 43 km ENE of Tonopah, Nevada P / A
20210813_0000042 2021-08-13 03:24:33 2.5 38.16°N 116.75°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
rs2021pvllod 2021-08-13 03:24:41 3.6 21.39°S 69.94°W 15 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210813_0000044 2021-08-13 03:24:43 3.2 21.40°S 69.87°W 48 EMSC manual confirmed TARAPACA, CHILE P / A
oca2021ptnq 2021-08-13 03:30:50 0.7 earthquake 44.59°N 7.26°E 4 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
noa2021ptpyl 2021-08-13 03:31:18 2.0 38.77°N 21.08°E 16 NOA manual confirmed 13 Km SW from Amfilochia P / A
auth2021ptnr 2021-08-13 03:31:19 2.0 38.75°N 21.06°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
20210813_0000045 2021-08-13 03:32:43 3.0 0.66°S 121.89°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021ptns 2021-08-13 03:32:43 3.0 0.66°S 121.89°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi P / A
auth2021ptns 2021-08-13 03:32:47 1.6 38.16°N 23.21°E 33 AUTH manual confirmed Attica - C. Greece P / A
20210813_0000048 2021-08-13 03:32:47 2.2 35.47°N 3.54°W 17 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
20210813_0000050 2021-08-13 03:32:58 3.0 32.75°S 70.64°W 52 EMSC manual confirmed VALPARAISO, CHILE P / A
rs2021pvlsra 2021-08-13 03:32:59 2.7 32.74°S 70.73°W 28 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Argentina Border Region P / A
auth2021ptnu 2021-08-13 03:35:31 1.5 38.35°N 23.30°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
rs2021pvlwsr 2021-08-13 03:37:41 3.5 53.89°N 6.43°E 15 from location gempa automatic confirmed The Netherlands P / A
rs2021pvlxbf 2021-08-13 03:38:03 2.6 21.42°S 69.73°W 22 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
usp2021ptnx 2021-08-13 03:38:22 5.3 59.02°S 24.77°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000052 2021-08-13 03:38:22 5.1 58.87°S 24.61°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
gfz2021ptnx 2021-08-13 03:38:23 5.1 58.99°S 24.74°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11455502 2021-08-13 03:38:23 5.1 58.85°S 24.60°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f562 2021-08-13 03:38:23 5.1 58.85°S 24.60°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
ga2021pvlxjm 2021-08-13 03:38:33 5.1 58.90°S 25.18°W 84 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11455499 2021-08-13 03:39:02 1.0 34.04°N 117.27°W 15 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772343 2021-08-13 03:39:02 1.0 34.04°N 117.27°W 15 USGS manual confirmed 2km SW of Loma Linda, CA P / A
27932631 2021-08-13 03:39:09 0.9 41.65°N 13.97°E 21 INGV manual confirmed 6 km NE San Biagio Saracinisco (FR) P / A
27932691 2021-08-13 03:40:56 0.9 42.79°N 13.26°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 4 km NW Arquata del Tronto (AP) P / A
27932741 2021-08-13 03:43:10 0.4 42.82°N 13.06°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 4 km NW Norcia (PG) P / A
gfz2021ptob 2021-08-13 03:43:12 5.7 57.94°S 25.50°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
fr2021hcjifi 2021-08-13 03:43:13 5.7 58.06°S 25.20°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.7, near of Mar del Plata (Monde) P / A
usp2021ptob 2021-08-13 03:43:18 6.0 58.11°S 25.45°W 66 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11455505 2021-08-13 03:43:19 5.7 58.06°S 25.41°W 66 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f56j 2021-08-13 03:43:19 5.7 58.06°S 25.41°W 66 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210813_0000051 2021-08-13 03:43:20 5.8 58.05°S 25.60°W 80 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
ga2021pvmbne 2021-08-13 03:43:21 5.8 57.97°S 25.40°W 90 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
rs2021pvmbkp 2021-08-13 03:43:25 5.5 57.97°S 25.82°W 117 from location gempa automatic confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
bmg2021ptob 2021-08-13 03:43:41 5.1 57.97°S 25.31°W 290 BMKG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
27932821 2021-08-13 03:44:08 0.2 43.50°N 12.43°E 6 INGV manual confirmed 6 km S Apecchio (PU) P / A
20210813_0000049 2021-08-13 03:47:56 1.8 45.14°N 14.75°E 1 EMSC manual confirmed CROATIA P / A
11455519 2021-08-13 03:49:17 2.5 17.92°N 66.91°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
20210813_0000063 2021-08-13 03:49:17 2.5 17.92°N 66.91°W 12 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021225001 2021-08-13 03:49:17 2.5 17.92°N 66.91°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 5 km S of Guánica, Puerto Rico P / A
11455507 2021-08-13 03:50:30 1.2 39.39°N 123.27°W 0 IRIS manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NORTHERN CALIF. P / A
nc73609446 2021-08-13 03:50:30 1.2 39.39°N 123.27°W 0 USGS manual confirmed 8km ESE of Willits, CA P / A
2021p605841 2021-08-13 03:52:41 2.0 40.52°S 174.37°E 27 GNS manual confirmed 65 km north-east of French Pass P / A
gfz2021ptok 2021-08-13 03:53:18 4.9 57.15°S 24.98°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11455511 2021-08-13 03:53:21 5.1 57.25°S 24.95°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f58q 2021-08-13 03:53:21 5.1 57.25°S 24.95°W 35 USGS manual confirmed P / A
20210813_0000059 2021-08-13 03:53:21 5.1 57.26°S 24.96°W 40 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
auth2021ptok 2021-08-13 03:53:32 1.1 38.76°N 21.09°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
2021p605843 2021-08-13 03:54:16 2.9 45.57°S 170.37°E 339 GNS manual confirmed 25 km west of Palmerston P / A
11455504 2021-08-13 03:54:36 1.8 19.34°N 155.21°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72642102 2021-08-13 03:54:36 1.8 19.34°N 155.21°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 11 km SSE of Volcano, Hawaii P / A
20210813_0000055 2021-08-13 03:56:31 3.4 6.16°N 127.42°E 9 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000065 2021-08-13 03:58:40 2.6 19.66°N 71.30°W 9 EMSC manual confirmed DOMINICAN REPUBLIC P / A
11455506 2021-08-13 03:58:43 1.9 19.22°N 155.41°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72642107 2021-08-13 03:58:43 1.9 19.22°N 155.41°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 7 km ENE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
27932971 2021-08-13 04:03:00 1.7 44.28°N 10.25°E 8 INGV manual confirmed 7 km NW Sillano Giuncugnano (LU) P / A
oca2021ptos 2021-08-13 04:03:02 1.9 44.28°N 10.31°E 5 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
11455509 2021-08-13 04:03:58 5.1 57.69°S 23.84°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f58e 2021-08-13 04:03:58 5.1 57.69°S 23.84°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
usp2021ptot 2021-08-13 04:03:58 5.0 57.77°S 23.35°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000058 2021-08-13 04:03:58 5.1 57.87°S 23.54°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
ga2021pvmtkf 2021-08-13 04:03:59 5.0 57.75°S 23.75°W 10 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000070 2021-08-13 04:04:17 2.2 35.51°N 3.65°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
auth2021ptot 2021-08-13 04:04:35 1.9 38.16°N 23.28°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Attica - C. Greece P / A
noa2021ptrco 2021-08-13 04:06:29 2.0 39.09°N 21.78°E 14 NOA manual confirmed 19 Km N from Karpenissi P / A
auth2021ptov 2021-08-13 04:06:30 2.0 39.08°N 21.80°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11455510 2021-08-13 04:06:50 3.5 56.02°N 149.77°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed GULF OF ALASKA P / A
us6000f58b 2021-08-13 04:06:50 3.5 56.02°N 149.77°W 10 USGS manual confirmed Gulf of Alaska P / A
20210813_0000056 2021-08-13 04:06:50 3.5 56.02°N 149.77°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed GULF OF ALASKA P / A
2021p605869 2021-08-13 04:07:12 2.8 39.18°S 177.13°E 28 GNS manual confirmed 25 km south-west of Wairoa P / A
noa2021ptreg 2021-08-13 04:08:23 2.4 37.57°N 23.54°E 12 NOA manual confirmed 7 Km NE from Poros P / A
auth2021ptow 2021-08-13 04:08:24 2.3 37.59°N 23.57°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Saronikos Gulf - S. Greece P / A
20210813_0000116 2021-08-13 04:09:23 3.8 42.30°N 47.90°E 10 ORFEUS manual confirmed P / A
20210813_0000053 2021-08-13 04:09:55 2.4 36.97°N 8.88°W 24 EMSC manual confirmed WEST OF GIBRALTAR P / A
11455508 2021-08-13 04:11:17 2.4 40.32°N 124.31°W 24 IRIS manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NORTHERN CALIF. P / A
nc73609456 2021-08-13 04:11:17 2.4 40.32°N 124.31°W 24 USGS manual confirmed 2km WSW of Petrolia, CA P / A
20210813_0000054 2021-08-13 04:11:17 2.4 40.32°N 124.31°W 24 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
2021p605883 2021-08-13 04:14:44 2.0 38.74°S 175.55°E 121 GNS manual confirmed 25 km north-east of Taumarunui P / A
noa2021ptrly 2021-08-13 04:17:11 3.0 36.36°N 27.08°E 12 NOA manual confirmed 25 Km SSW from Nissiros P / A
20210813_0000061 2021-08-13 04:17:11 2.8 36.36°N 27.11°E 6 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE IS.-TURKEY BORDER REG P / A
auth2021ptpe 2021-08-13 04:17:12 2.9 36.36°N 27.11°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
20210813_0000057 2021-08-13 04:21:08 3.2 11.27°N 85.88°W 68 EMSC manual confirmed NICARAGUA P / A
usp2021ptpi 2021-08-13 04:21:36 4.9 34.54°N 97.65°E 10 IAG manual confirmed Qinghai, China P / A
RHI1cWdoZWpia1VXejVsNDc3dFZCQT09 2021-08-13 04:21:37 5.4 34.71°N 97.45°E 10 NCS manual confirmed Qinghai, China P / A
11455514 2021-08-13 04:21:37 5.4 34.60°N 97.43°E 8 IRIS manual confirmed QINGHAI, CHINA P / A
rs2021pvniqa 2021-08-13 04:21:37 5.2 34.64°N 97.48°E 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Qinghai, China P / A
us6000f58r 2021-08-13 04:21:37 5.4 34.60°N 97.43°E 8 USGS manual confirmed Southern Qinghai, China P / A
gfz2021ptpi 2021-08-13 04:21:38 5.5 34.62°N 97.45°E GFZ manual confirmed P / A
ga2021pvnipp 2021-08-13 04:21:38 5.2 34.57°N 97.45°E 10 GA manual confirmed Qinghai, China P / A
koeri2021ptpi 2021-08-13 04:21:38 5.3 34.64°N 97.48°E 10 KOERI manual confirmed Qinghai, China P / A
20210813_0000060 2021-08-13 04:21:38 5.4 34.65°N 97.48°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN QINGHAI, CHINA P / A
bmg2021ptpi 2021-08-13 04:21:40 5.3 34.40°N 97.48°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Qinghai, China P / A
fr2021hcjlqa 2021-08-13 04:21:40 5.1 34.61°N 97.46°E 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.1, near of Chengdu (Monde) P / A
ZExnZ2JqOURlUGw1SlhjQVZHNjZWQT09 2021-08-13 04:21:53 5.4 33.88°N 96.20°E 10 NCS manual confirmed 644km N of Pangin, Arunachal Pradesh, India P / A
auth2021ptpn 2021-08-13 04:28:18 2.1 37.12°N 23.66°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed South Aegean Sea - S. Greece P / A
noa2021ptrvm 2021-08-13 04:28:25 1.8 37.54°N 23.54°E 12 NOA manual confirmed 7 Km ENE from Poros P / A
27933181 2021-08-13 04:31:07 1.8 44.00°N 13.15°E 10 INGV manual confirmed Costa Marchigiana Pesarese (Pesaro-Urbino) P / A
rs2021pvnras 2021-08-13 04:31:27 2.4 21.25°S 68.52°W 132 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11455512 2021-08-13 04:32:18 1.0 38.52°N 119.55°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818497 2021-08-13 04:32:18 1.0 38.52°N 119.55°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 6 km W of Walker, California P / A
11455794 2021-08-13 04:33:42 1.6 31.94°N 102.34°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
tx2021ptps 2021-08-13 04:33:42 1.6 31.94°N 102.34°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 9 km SSE of Gardendale, Texas P / A
texnet2021ptps 2021-08-13 04:33:42 1.6 earthquake known 31.94°N 102.34°W 7 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
11455513 2021-08-13 04:34:23 1.0 38.57°N 119.46°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818499 2021-08-13 04:34:23 1.0 38.57°N 119.46°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 3 km E of Coleville, California P / A
20210813_0000064 2021-08-13 04:36:01 2.9 25.19°S 70.02°W 70 EMSC manual confirmed ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE P / A
bmg2021ptpv 2021-08-13 04:37:09 3.7 3.17°N 125.67°E 20 BMKG manual confirmed Talaud Islands, Indonesia P / A
20210813_0000062 2021-08-13 04:37:09 3.7 3.17°N 125.67°E 20 EMSC manual confirmed KEPULAUAN SANGIHE, INDONESIA P / A
11455683 2021-08-13 04:39:56 0.3 33.72°N 116.75°W 17 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772359 2021-08-13 04:39:56 0.3 33.72°N 116.75°W 17 USGS manual confirmed 4km SW of Idyllwild, CA P / A
noa2021ptsfs 2021-08-13 04:40:19 1.9 37.55°N 23.54°E 12 NOA manual confirmed 7 Km ENE from Poros P / A
auth2021ptpy 2021-08-13 04:40:20 2.0 37.59°N 23.50°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Saronikos Gulf - S. Greece P / A
auth2021ptpz 2021-08-13 04:42:05 1.2 41.32°N 23.44°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Macedonia - N. Greece P / A
fr2021hcjnln 2021-08-13 04:42:14 1.2 earthquake 42.67°N 0.70°E 5 EOST manual confirmed Earthquake of magnitude 1.2, near of Tarbes (France métropolitaine) P / A
11455527 2021-08-13 04:42:20 2.1 55.84°N 155.54°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH OF ALASKA P / A
ak021ac6jwxk 2021-08-13 04:42:20 2.1 55.84°N 155.54°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 149 km SW of Akhiok, Alaska P / A
11455936 2021-08-13 04:44:51 4.7 59.84°S 27.36°W 49 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5ap 2021-08-13 04:44:51 4.7 59.84°S 27.36°W 49 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210813_0000340 2021-08-13 04:44:51 4.7 59.84°S 27.36°W 49 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
auth2021ptqd 2021-08-13 04:46:42 2.3 40.27°N 22.59°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Macedonia - N. Greece P / A
27933331 2021-08-13 04:48:09 0.6 43.48°N 12.41°E 6 INGV manual confirmed 4 km NW Pietralunga (PG) P / A
rs2021pvofqa 2021-08-13 04:48:20 3.7 18.39°S 71.28°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Off Coast of Northern Chile P / A
20210813_0000068 2021-08-13 04:48:21 3.0 18.29°S 71.26°W 20 EMSC manual confirmed OFF COAST OF TARAPACA, CHILE P / A
11455515 2021-08-13 04:49:44 0.7 38.47°N 119.53°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818501 2021-08-13 04:49:44 0.7 38.46°N 119.53°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 7 km SW of Walker, California P / A
nc73609461 2021-08-13 04:49:44 0.8 38.47°N 119.53°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 30km ENE of Dardanelle, CA P / A
11455524 2021-08-13 04:50:14 3.1 17.95°N 67.11°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed MONA PASSAGE P / A
pr2021225002 2021-08-13 04:50:14 3.1 17.95°N 67.11°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 7 km WSW of La Parguera, Puerto Rico P / A
20210813_0000075 2021-08-13 04:50:14 3.1 17.95°N 67.11°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
11455666 2021-08-13 04:52:21 2.1 34.44°N 95.65°W 25 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021ptqi 2021-08-13 04:52:21 2.1 34.44°N 95.65°W 25 USGS manual confirmed 22 km N of Antlers, Oklahoma P / A
20210813_0000192 2021-08-13 04:52:21 2.1 34.44°N 95.65°W 25 EMSC manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
11455520 2021-08-13 04:53:09 5.3 57.88°S 23.97°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
gfz2021ptqj 2021-08-13 04:53:09 5.1 57.82°S 24.06°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210813_0000072 2021-08-13 04:53:09 5.3 57.87°S 24.02°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f599 2021-08-13 04:53:09 5.3 57.88°S 23.97°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
usp2021ptqj 2021-08-13 04:53:09 5.1 57.86°S 24.15°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
ga2021pvojuw 2021-08-13 04:53:13 5.2 57.77°S 24.07°W 30 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
27933391 2021-08-13 04:53:40 0.6 42.95°N 12.99°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 4 km S Monte Cavallo (MC) P / A
20210813_0000066 2021-08-13 04:55:58 2.7 12.36°N 87.77°W 34 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
11455516 2021-08-13 04:59:59 1.3 38.16°N 118.13°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818503 2021-08-13 04:59:59 1.3 38.16°N 118.13°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 25 km S of Mina, Nevada P / A
20210813_0000069 2021-08-13 05:00:13 3.1 5.89°N 127.21°E 47 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
11456088 2021-08-13 05:04:38 0.7 38.54°N 119.52°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609466 2021-08-13 05:04:38 0.7 38.54°N 119.52°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 29km SE of Markleeville, CA P / A
27933491 2021-08-13 05:04:57 1.6 41.10°N 15.22°E 21 INGV manual confirmed 4 km SE Zungoli (AV) P / A
20210813_0000071 2021-08-13 05:05:56 2.7 21.95°S 68.67°W 132 EMSC manual confirmed ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE P / A
rs2021pvouul 2021-08-13 05:05:56 2.6 21.95°S 68.76°W 134 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
20210813_0000074 2021-08-13 05:06:39 3.2 14.19°N 119.11°E 32 EMSC manual confirmed LUZON, PHILIPPINES P / A
2021p605982 2021-08-13 05:07:16 1.4 39.24°S 175.29°E 15 GNS manual confirmed 20 km north-west of Ohakune P / A
2021p605983 2021-08-13 05:07:51 1.1 39.34°S 175.57°E 15 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north-east of Ohakune P / A
rs2021pvoxqe 2021-08-13 05:09:13 2.2 21.24°S 68.67°W 119 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11455529 2021-08-13 05:09:31 2.3 55.54°N 156.99°W 54 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH OF ALASKA P / A
ak021ac6y9zu 2021-08-13 05:09:31 2.3 55.54°N 156.99°W 54 USGS manual confirmed 121 km SE of Chignik, Alaska P / A
20210813_0000093 2021-08-13 05:09:31 2.5 55.50°N 157.00°W 48 EMSC manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
2021p605989 2021-08-13 05:11:31 2.7 39.33°S 175.75°E 45 GNS manual confirmed 30 km east of Ohakune P / A
20210813_0000166 2021-08-13 05:11:47 3.0 30.67°S 67.53°W 93 EMSC manual confirmed SAN JUAN, ARGENTINA P / A
11455521 2021-08-13 05:12:45 2.0 60.03°N 154.83°W 250 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ac6yx92 2021-08-13 05:12:45 2.0 60.03°N 154.83°W 250 USGS manual confirmed 5 km N of Nondalton, Alaska P / A
20210813_0000073 2021-08-13 05:18:00 3.0 38.88°N 43.56°E 8 EMSC manual confirmed EASTERN TURKEY P / A
20210813_0000077 2021-08-13 05:20:37 3.1 6.13°N 127.33°E 4 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000086 2021-08-13 05:21:17 2.0 40.94°N 32.63°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL TURKEY P / A
11455530 2021-08-13 05:24:04 5.3 59.83°S 26.55°W 59 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f59y 2021-08-13 05:24:04 5.3 59.83°S 26.55°W 59 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210813_0000076 2021-08-13 05:24:08 2.3 37.16°N 3.78°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
ga2021pvpldf 2021-08-13 05:24:48 3.3 27.98°S 123.65°E 10 GA manual confirmed Great Victoria Desert, WA P / A
20210813_0000087 2021-08-13 05:24:48 3.3 27.98°S 123.65°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN AUSTRALIA P / A
rs2021pvpldx 2021-08-13 05:24:56 5.3 57.65°S 24.83°W 10 gempa automatic confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000080 2021-08-13 05:24:56 5.5 57.89°S 24.94°W 20 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
usp2021ptrk 2021-08-13 05:24:57 5.5 58.01°S 24.86°W 32 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11455528 2021-08-13 05:24:58 5.5 57.87°S 24.87°W 32 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
gfz2021ptrk 2021-08-13 05:24:58 5.4 57.75°S 25.02°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
us6000f59z 2021-08-13 05:24:58 5.5 57.87°S 24.87°W 32 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
fr2021hcjrhl 2021-08-13 05:24:59 5.1 57.91°S 24.55°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.1, near of Mar del Plata (Monde) P / A
ga2021pvpkil 2021-08-13 05:25:01 5.4 57.78°S 24.90°W 50 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
bmg2021ptrk 2021-08-13 05:25:03 5.1 58.24°S 23.08°W 32 BMKG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000082 2021-08-13 05:27:58 1.6 37.17°N 3.74°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
11455523 2021-08-13 05:28:15 2.4 61.31°N 147.42°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ac72ad4 2021-08-13 05:28:15 2.4 61.31°N 147.42°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 56 km SSE of Glacier View, Alaska P / A
20210813_0000079 2021-08-13 05:29:09 1.6 37.16°N 3.75°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
2021p606024 2021-08-13 05:29:43 2.4 39.62°S 174.54°E 130 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north-west of Waverley P / A
20210813_0000078 2021-08-13 05:29:59 4.2 36.24°S 67.57°W 639 EMSC manual confirmed LA PAMPA, ARGENTINA P / A
11455919 2021-08-13 05:31:31 0.8 38.14°N 118.02°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818508 2021-08-13 05:31:31 0.8 38.14°N 118.02°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 29 km SSE of Mina, Nevada P / A
20210813_0000081 2021-08-13 05:36:30 4.5 36.90°N 141.50°E 30 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN P / A
20210813_0000084 2021-08-13 05:38:00 3.5 5.89°N 126.78°E 81 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
gfz2021ptry 2021-08-13 05:41:20 5.0 59.38°S 25.02°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210813_0000090 2021-08-13 05:41:23 5.0 59.39°S 25.18°W 40 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455536 2021-08-13 05:41:24 5.0 59.41°S 25.14°W 46 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5av 2021-08-13 05:41:24 5.0 59.41°S 25.14°W 46 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210813_0000085 2021-08-13 05:42:28 1.8 37.17°N 3.76°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
gfz2021ptsb 2021-08-13 05:44:01 5.1 57.29°S 25.27°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
ga2021pvqbpl 2021-08-13 05:44:03 5.4 57.30°S 25.16°W 26 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000091 2021-08-13 05:44:03 5.1 57.39°S 25.37°W 40 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455534 2021-08-13 05:44:04 5.1 57.32°S 25.38°W 45 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5au 2021-08-13 05:44:04 5.1 57.32°S 25.38°W 45 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
usp2021ptsa 2021-08-13 05:44:05 5.2 57.28°S 25.31°W 45 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
27933871 2021-08-13 05:45:32 0.9 42.96°N 12.98°E 11 INGV manual confirmed 5 km SW Monte Cavallo (MC) P / A
11455531 2021-08-13 05:45:55 2.4 34.39°N 120.80°W 14 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
20210813_0000083 2021-08-13 05:45:55 2.4 34.39°N 120.80°W 14 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772431 2021-08-13 05:45:55 2.4 34.39°N 120.80°W 14 USGS manual confirmed 42km SW of Lompoc, CA P / A
11455533 2021-08-13 05:47:22 1.9 61.03°N 140.05°W 37 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN YUKON TERRITORY, CANADA P / A
ak021ac76dj6 2021-08-13 05:47:22 1.9 61.03°N 140.05°W 37 USGS manual confirmed 141 km WNW of Haines Junction, Canada P / A
11455538 2021-08-13 05:47:47 2.8 17.93°N 66.75°W 13 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
20210813_0000092 2021-08-13 05:47:47 2.8 17.93°N 66.75°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021225003 2021-08-13 05:47:47 2.8 17.93°N 66.75°W 13 USGS manual confirmed 8 km SSW of Tallaboa, Puerto Rico P / A
rs2021pvqfro 2021-08-13 05:48:43 3.0 23.96°S 70.61°W 41 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
rs2021pvqkkw 2021-08-13 05:55:11 2.4 20.90°S 69.09°W 87 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
usp2021ptsq 2021-08-13 06:01:50 4.9 58.42°S 24.56°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11455535 2021-08-13 06:02:31 1.9 19.17°N 155.48°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210813_0000088 2021-08-13 06:02:31 2.4 19.17°N 155.48°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72642292 2021-08-13 06:02:31 1.9 19.17°N 155.48°W 35 USGS manual confirmed 3 km S of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
11455537 2021-08-13 06:02:53 3.1 55.07°N 157.41°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
20210813_0000089 2021-08-13 06:02:53 3.1 55.11°N 157.46°W 36 EMSC manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
ak021ac7i8bj 2021-08-13 06:02:53 3.1 55.07°N 157.41°W 35 USGS manual confirmed 144 km SE of Perryville, Alaska P / A
11455777 2021-08-13 06:06:31 1.9 31.68°N 104.41°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
tx2021ptsu 2021-08-13 06:06:31 1.9 31.68°N 104.41°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 55 km S of Whites City, New Mexico P / A
texnet2021ptsu 2021-08-13 06:06:31 1.9 earthquake known 31.68°N 104.41°W 7 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
11455650 2021-08-13 06:08:54 1.3 44.69°N 110.61°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed YELLOWSTONE REGION, WYOMING P / A
uu60452777 2021-08-13 06:08:54 1.3 44.69°N 110.61°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 32 km SSE of Mammoth, Wyoming P / A
11455539 2021-08-13 06:11:07 0.8 38.50°N 119.42°W IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818509 2021-08-13 06:11:07 0.8 38.50°N 119.42°W USGS manual confirmed 4 km ESE of Walker, California P / A
rs2021pvqzys 2021-08-13 06:12:17 2.9 29.55°S 71.34°W 30 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Central Chile P / A
11455543 2021-08-13 06:14:11 5.5 59.51°S 24.38°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000096 2021-08-13 06:14:11 5.5 59.50°S 24.41°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
gfz2021ptta 2021-08-13 06:14:11 5.6 59.55°S 24.40°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
us6000f5bf 2021-08-13 06:14:11 5.5 59.51°S 24.38°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
ga2021pvrbtr 2021-08-13 06:14:13 5.4 59.42°S 24.41°W 18 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
bmg2021ptta 2021-08-13 06:14:18 5.0 59.89°S 22.26°W 10 BMKG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
usp2021ptta 2021-08-13 06:14:18 5.3 59.64°S 24.74°W 73 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
fr2021hcjvqf 2021-08-13 06:14:23 5.0 59.50°S 24.50°W 90 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.0, near of Mar del Plata (Monde) P / A
rs2021pvrbvk 2021-08-13 06:14:23 5.5 59.37°S 24.49°W 113 from location gempa automatic confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11455540 2021-08-13 06:14:29 1.8 19.18°N 155.47°W 36 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72642297 2021-08-13 06:14:29 1.8 19.18°N 155.47°W 36 USGS manual confirmed 2 km SSE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
27934171 2021-08-13 06:15:20 1.3 44.29°N 11.74°E 27 INGV manual confirmed 2 km NE Riolo Terme (RA) P / A
11455541 2021-08-13 06:21:06 0.9 38.78°N 122.71°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609476 2021-08-13 06:21:06 0.9 38.78°N 122.71°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 2km WNW of Anderson Springs, CA P / A
11455542 2021-08-13 06:22:12 1.3 61.06°N 150.39°W 16 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ac7mfg5 2021-08-13 06:22:12 1.3 61.06°N 150.39°W 16 USGS manual confirmed 22 km NE of Point Possession, Alaska P / A
rs2021pvrjiz 2021-08-13 06:23:09 2.5 21.21°S 68.59°W 130 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
20210813_0000097 2021-08-13 06:25:37 2.1 36.41°N 27.17°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE IS.-TURKEY BORDER REG P / A
auth2021pttk 2021-08-13 06:25:38 2.4 36.39°N 27.20°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
20210813_0000094 2021-08-13 06:26:06 3.4 5.86°N 127.56°E 13 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000095 2021-08-13 06:26:27 2.1 37.16°N 3.76°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
11455708 2021-08-13 06:27:30 2.4 38.16°N 118.12°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
20210813_0000204 2021-08-13 06:27:30 2.4 38.16°N 118.12°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818510 2021-08-13 06:27:30 2.4 38.16°N 118.12°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 25 km S of Mina, Nevada P / A
2021p606135 2021-08-13 06:29:14 2.1 40.25°S 176.68°E 16 GNS manual confirmed 5 km north-east of Porangahau P / A
11455544 2021-08-13 06:34:28 1.6 64.50°N 149.66°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ac7p1b5 2021-08-13 06:34:28 1.6 64.50°N 149.66°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 28 km WSW of Nenana, Alaska P / A
11455548 2021-08-13 06:34:34 5.0 58.26°S 23.91°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5bw 2021-08-13 06:34:34 5.0 58.26°S 23.91°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210813_0000100 2021-08-13 06:34:34 5.0 58.26°S 23.91°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
auth2021pttu 2021-08-13 06:37:40 2.3 36.31°N 27.08°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
11455546 2021-08-13 06:40:59 1.5 19.18°N 155.47°W 37 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72642327 2021-08-13 06:40:59 1.5 19.18°N 155.47°W 37 USGS manual confirmed 2 km SSE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210813_0000098 2021-08-13 06:41:24 3.2 19.25°N 155.43°W 39 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
11455545 2021-08-13 06:41:26 3.0 19.23°N 155.42°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72642332 2021-08-13 06:41:26 3.0 19.23°N 155.42°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 6 km ENE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
usp2021ptty 2021-08-13 06:41:38 5.3 58.67°S 25.51°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
gfz2021ptty 2021-08-13 06:41:42 4.9 58.20°S 25.58°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210813_0000104 2021-08-13 06:41:45 5.1 58.31°S 25.12°W 65 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455552 2021-08-13 06:41:46 5.0 58.32°S 25.07°W 67 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5c0 2021-08-13 06:41:46 5.0 58.32°S 25.07°W 67 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
auth2021ptua 2021-08-13 06:44:11 1.9 38.34°N 23.40°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
noa2021ptwia 2021-08-13 06:44:12 1.7 38.34°N 23.34°E 11 NOA manual confirmed 3 Km NE from Thebes P / A
20210813_0000103 2021-08-13 06:45:20 3.1 18.03°N 66.68°W 17 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO P / A
11455553 2021-08-13 06:45:20 3.1 18.03°N 66.68°W 17 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021225004 2021-08-13 06:45:20 3.1 18.03°N 66.68°W 17 USGS manual confirmed 3 km SE of Tallaboa Alta, Puerto Rico P / A
11455547 2021-08-13 06:46:39 2.6 55.17°N 156.94°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH OF ALASKA P / A
ak021ac7rmp0 2021-08-13 06:46:39 2.6 55.17°N 156.94°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 155 km SE of Chignik, Alaska P / A
20210813_0000105 2021-08-13 06:46:39 2.9 55.20°N 156.97°W 12 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH OF ALASKA P / A
20210813_0000101 2021-08-13 06:47:44 2.5 35.45°N 3.57°W 39 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
11455550 2021-08-13 06:53:43 2.2 19.17°N 155.44°W 36 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72642352 2021-08-13 06:53:43 2.2 19.17°N 155.44°W 36 USGS manual confirmed 4 km SE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210813_0000099 2021-08-13 06:53:43 2.2 19.17°N 155.44°W 36 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
11455549 2021-08-13 06:54:11 2.0 19.23°N 155.42°W 31 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72642357 2021-08-13 06:54:11 2.0 19.23°N 155.42°W 31 USGS manual confirmed 6 km ENE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210813_0000265 2021-08-13 06:54:42 3.1 17.02°N 99.73°W 41 EMSC manual confirmed GUERRERO, MEXICO P / A
20210813_0000102 2021-08-13 06:55:42 3.5 5.77°N 127.42°E 30 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
usp2021ptus 2021-08-13 07:04:33 5.2 59.18°S 24.95°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11455558 2021-08-13 07:04:34 5.2 58.81°S 24.69°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5ck 2021-08-13 07:04:34 5.2 58.81°S 24.69°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210813_0000109 2021-08-13 07:04:35 5.0 58.80°S 24.80°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
gfz2021ptus 2021-08-13 07:04:37 5.0 58.98°S 25.40°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
ga2021pvstgh 2021-08-13 07:04:45 5.0 58.78°S 24.94°W 96 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
27934741 2021-08-13 07:05:05 1.1 44.27°N 11.69°E 20 INGV manual confirmed 3 km W Riolo Terme (RA) P / A
11455554 2021-08-13 07:06:18 1.8 19.33°N 155.90°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72642382 2021-08-13 07:06:18 1.8 19.33°N 155.90°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 14 km SSW of Honaunau-Napoopoo, Hawaii P / A
20210813_0000112 2021-08-13 07:08:30 3.4 5.90°N 127.43°E 53 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000114 2021-08-13 07:08:36 5.2 57.75°S 23.97°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455560 2021-08-13 07:08:37 5.2 57.70°S 24.00°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5d0 2021-08-13 07:08:37 5.2 57.70°S 24.00°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
gfz2021ptuv 2021-08-13 07:08:38 5.0 57.71°S 24.05°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
ga2021pvswnr 2021-08-13 07:08:38 5.0 57.59°S 24.04°W 10 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000108 2021-08-13 07:10:00 3.4 12.08°N 87.78°W 21 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
2021p606219 2021-08-13 07:11:22 3.5 26.12°S 178.72°W 458 GNS manual confirmed 1235 km north-east of Cape Reinga P / A
rs2021pvszmz 2021-08-13 07:12:06 3.7 22.38°S 68.84°W 139 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210813_0000110 2021-08-13 07:12:07 3.6 22.39°S 68.72°W 121 EMSC manual confirmed ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE P / A
11455556 2021-08-13 07:13:12 0.0 35.91°N 117.73°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772439 2021-08-13 07:13:12 0.0 35.91°N 117.73°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 16km E of Little Lake, CA P / A
27934841 2021-08-13 07:13:29 0.5 43.48°N 12.44°E 7 INGV manual confirmed 4 km N Pietralunga (PG) P / A
11455555 2021-08-13 07:13:30 2.1 19.22°N 155.41°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210813_0000106 2021-08-13 07:13:30 2.1 19.22°N 155.41°W 33 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72642397 2021-08-13 07:13:30 2.1 19.22°N 155.41°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 7 km ENE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
11455562 2021-08-13 07:13:56 5.0 58.68°S 25.32°W 37 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000117 2021-08-13 07:13:56 5.0 58.65°S 25.27°W 40 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5da 2021-08-13 07:13:56 5.0 58.68°S 25.32°W 37 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
rs2021pvtcrx 2021-08-13 07:15:48 2.2 33.71°N 118.21°W 19 from location gempa automatic confirmed Southern California P / A
20210813_0000107 2021-08-13 07:17:20 3.6 62.66°N 149.66°W 4 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
11455557 2021-08-13 07:17:21 3.4 62.64°N 149.63°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ac86t3b 2021-08-13 07:17:21 3.4 62.64°N 149.63°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 32 km NE of Chase, Alaska P / A
11455559 2021-08-13 07:21:44 2.0 19.22°N 155.42°W 31 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210813_0000111 2021-08-13 07:21:44 2.0 19.22°N 155.42°W 32 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72642412 2021-08-13 07:21:44 2.0 19.22°N 155.42°W 31 USGS manual confirmed 6 km ENE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
rs2021pvthvg 2021-08-13 07:21:45 2.2 19.95°S 68.85°W 97 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
20210813_0000113 2021-08-13 07:22:10 2.8 12.32°N 87.69°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
rs2021pvtkmi 2021-08-13 07:24:48 2.1 21.14°S 68.87°W 108 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
20210813_0000115 2021-08-13 07:26:36 1.9 35.51°N 3.58°W 23 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
2021p606251 2021-08-13 07:30:38 1.8 41.76°S 174.87°E 29 GNS manual confirmed 50 km south of Wellington P / A
rs2021pvtrzg 2021-08-13 07:33:31 2.2 22.16°S 68.76°W 102 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210813_0000263 2021-08-13 07:35:20 3.5 17.90°N 100.02°W 56 EMSC manual confirmed GUERRERO, MEXICO P / A
11455561 2021-08-13 07:35:22 0.8 33.70°N 116.79°W 16 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772447 2021-08-13 07:35:22 0.8 33.70°N 116.79°W 16 USGS manual confirmed 8km SW of Idyllwild, CA P / A
20210813_0000262 2021-08-13 07:44:38 3.9 30.30°N 114.20°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed GULF OF CALIFORNIA P / A
27935191 2021-08-13 07:48:19 0.9 45.92°N 10.71°E 9 INGV manual confirmed 3 km NW Ledro (TN) P / A
auth2021ptwd 2021-08-13 07:48:24 2.1 37.02°N 20.50°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed South Ionian Sea - W. Greece P / A
11455739 2021-08-13 07:51:17 2.1 31.61°N 103.97°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
20210813_0000221 2021-08-13 07:51:17 2.1 31.61°N 103.97°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
tx2021ptwf 2021-08-13 07:51:17 2.1 31.61°N 103.97°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 36 km WSW of Mentone, Texas P / A
texnet2021ptwf 2021-08-13 07:51:17 2.1 earthquake known 31.61°N 103.97°W 8 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
11455563 2021-08-13 07:53:01 0.8 36.02°N 117.81°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
ci39772455 2021-08-13 07:53:01 0.8 36.02°N 117.81°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 13km E of Coso Junction, CA P / A
11455564 2021-08-13 07:56:51 2.1 19.07°N 155.37°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72642487 2021-08-13 07:56:51 2.1 19.07°N 155.37°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 18 km SE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210813_0000118 2021-08-13 07:56:51 2.1 19.07°N 155.37°W 33 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
20210813_0000264 2021-08-13 07:57:31 3.6 15.26°N 94.23°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO P / A
20210813_0000261 2021-08-13 08:00:16 3.2 19.43°N 104.08°W 15 EMSC manual confirmed COLIMA, MEXICO P / A
rs2021pvupho 2021-08-13 08:00:36 3.0 35.05°S 72.08°W 8 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Central Chile P / A
20210813_0000120 2021-08-13 08:00:37 2.7 35.02°S 72.09°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed MAULE, CHILE P / A
oca2021ptwp 2021-08-13 08:02:15 1.4 earthquake 44.43°N 7.44°E 3 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
27935351 2021-08-13 08:02:15 1.3 44.42°N 7.42°E 14 INGV manual confirmed 1 km W Caraglio (CN) P / A
rs2021pvuqzb 2021-08-13 08:02:32 2.2 21.54°S 68.49°W 157 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11455565 2021-08-13 08:03:11 1.9 38.83°N 122.81°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609491 2021-08-13 08:03:11 1.9 38.83°N 122.81°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 7km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
rs2021pvusus 2021-08-13 08:04:38 2.7 21.07°S 68.87°W 127 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
20210813_0000121 2021-08-13 08:04:39 2.6 21.09°S 68.72°W 120 EMSC manual confirmed TARAPACA, CHILE P / A
rs2021pvuvij 2021-08-13 08:07:35 2.7 29.74°S 71.16°W 74 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Central Chile P / A
20210813_0000260 2021-08-13 08:08:32 3.2 16.04°N 97.14°W 27 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
2021p606325 2021-08-13 08:09:59 2.0 38.55°S 177.39°E 29 GNS manual confirmed 25 km south-west of Matawai P / A
11455566 2021-08-13 08:10:03 0.8 33.93°N 116.99°W 17 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772463 2021-08-13 08:10:03 0.8 33.93°N 116.99°W 17 USGS manual confirmed 1km W of Beaumont, CA P / A
bmg2021ptwx 2021-08-13 08:11:47 2.6 2.99°S 119.39°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Sulawesi, Indonesia P / A
20210813_0000119 2021-08-13 08:11:47 2.6 2.99°S 119.39°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
20210813_0000129 2021-08-13 08:17:52 1.9 42.30°N 9.15°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
rs2021pvvfjt 2021-08-13 08:19:16 2.9 29.47°S 71.53°W 12 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Central Chile P / A
20210813_0000169 2021-08-13 08:21:11 2.7 24.05°S 67.33°W 227 EMSC manual confirmed SALTA, ARGENTINA P / A
noa2021ptzol 2021-08-13 08:22:42 1.5 38.58°N 21.52°E 19 NOA manual confirmed 11 Km ESE from Agrinion P / A
auth2021ptxg 2021-08-13 08:22:43 1.5 38.55°N 21.54°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
20210813_0000258 2021-08-13 08:24:14 3.1 17.07°N 100.11°W 45 EMSC manual confirmed GUERRERO, MEXICO P / A
gfz2021ptxi 2021-08-13 08:24:56 4.9 58.28°S 25.09°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
usp2021ptxi 2021-08-13 08:24:58 5.3 58.76°S 25.33°W 55 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11455570 2021-08-13 08:25:00 5.0 58.33°S 25.00°W 55 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5e2 2021-08-13 08:25:00 5.0 58.33°S 25.00°W 55 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210813_0000125 2021-08-13 08:25:00 5.1 58.36°S 25.02°W 60 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
ga2021pvvkko 2021-08-13 08:25:06 5.2 58.39°S 25.61°W 88 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11455568 2021-08-13 08:25:26 0.8 34.07°N 117.26°W 16 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772471 2021-08-13 08:25:26 0.8 34.07°N 117.26°W 16 USGS manual confirmed 2km N of Loma Linda, CA P / A
20210813_0000257 2021-08-13 08:27:49 3.5 25.71°N 99.76°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed NUEVO LEON, MEXICO P / A
11455569 2021-08-13 08:29:17 0.6 33.96°N 117.54°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772479 2021-08-13 08:29:17 0.6 33.96°N 117.54°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 4km SSW of Mira Loma, CA P / A
20210813_0000259 2021-08-13 08:30:32 4.1 25.71°N 99.76°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed NUEVO LEON, MEXICO P / A
s2rhai2021ptxp 2021-08-13 08:32:55 2.4 earthquake 19.63°N 71.32°W 4 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210813_0000154 2021-08-13 08:32:56 2.9 19.64°N 71.33°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed DOMINICAN REPUBLIC P / A
20210813_0000256 2021-08-13 08:33:06 3.7 30.43°N 114.03°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed GULF OF CALIFORNIA P / A
11455572 2021-08-13 08:33:13 5.2 59.31°S 24.75°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000130 2021-08-13 08:33:13 5.2 59.34°S 24.83°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5e5 2021-08-13 08:33:13 5.2 59.31°S 24.75°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
gfz2021ptxq 2021-08-13 08:33:14 5.3 59.44°S 24.93°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
fr2021hckhyn 2021-08-13 08:33:17 5.1 59.50°S 23.95°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.1, near of Mar del Plata (Monde) P / A
20210813_0000122 2021-08-13 08:38:00 3.8 23.71°S 66.91°W 211 EMSC manual confirmed JUJUY, ARGENTINA P / A
noa2021puabx 2021-08-13 08:38:22 2.6 39.30°N 23.58°E 14 NOA manual confirmed 17 Km NNE from Skiathos P / A
auth2021ptxu 2021-08-13 08:38:22 2.4 39.31°N 23.60°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed North Aegean Trough - N. Greece P / A
rs2021pvvwcn 2021-08-13 08:38:40 2.9 21.50°S 68.93°W 85 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
koeri2021ptxv 2021-08-13 08:39:21 2.8 40.73°N 31.01°E 5 KOERI manual confirmed Golyaka-Duzce P / A
20210813_0000123 2021-08-13 08:39:21 2.7 40.77°N 31.07°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN TURKEY P / A
11455571 2021-08-13 08:42:36 2.0 19.22°N 155.41°W 30 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72642537 2021-08-13 08:42:36 2.0 19.22°N 155.41°W 30 USGS manual confirmed 7 km ENE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210813_0000124 2021-08-13 08:42:36 2.0 19.22°N 155.41°W 30 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
11455741 2021-08-13 08:46:05 1.9 31.60°N 104.21°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
tx2021ptyb 2021-08-13 08:46:05 1.9 31.60°N 104.21°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 50 km NW of Toyah, Texas P / A
texnet2021ptyb 2021-08-13 08:46:05 1.9 earthquake known 31.60°N 104.21°W 6 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
gfz2021ptyb 2021-08-13 08:46:25 4.9 57.27°S 25.34°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
usp2021ptyb 2021-08-13 08:46:28 5.0 57.47°S 25.41°W 53 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11455576 2021-08-13 08:46:29 5.1 57.33°S 25.45°W 53 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000128 2021-08-13 08:46:29 5.1 57.43°S 25.43°W 50 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5ev 2021-08-13 08:46:29 5.1 57.33°S 25.45°W 53 USGS manual confirmed P / A
ga2021pvwcuh 2021-08-13 08:46:30 5.1 57.34°S 25.27°W 50 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000127 2021-08-13 08:46:31 2.9 20.72°S 69.12°W 105 EMSC manual confirmed TARAPACA, CHILE P / A
rs2021pvwcwu 2021-08-13 08:46:32 3.0 20.74°S 69.12°W 91 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210813_0000134 2021-08-13 08:48:17 2.9 36.30°N 27.03°E 9 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE IS.-TURKEY BORDER REG P / A
auth2021ptyc 2021-08-13 08:48:17 3.0 36.30°N 27.03°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
20210813_0000126 2021-08-13 08:49:59 3.3 23.00°S 66.49°W 248 EMSC manual confirmed JUJUY, ARGENTINA P / A
auth2021ptyg 2021-08-13 08:52:08 2.0 40.52°N 26.34°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Aegean Trough - N. Greece P / A
20210813_0000133 2021-08-13 08:53:38 4.1 6.14°N 127.40°E 42 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
noa2021puapa 2021-08-13 08:53:49 1.5 38.34°N 23.34°E 12 NOA manual confirmed 3 Km NE from Thebes P / A
auth2021ptyh 2021-08-13 08:53:49 1.7 38.35°N 23.32°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210813_0000131 2021-08-13 08:54:24 3.9 12.12°N 87.83°W 36 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
11455573 2021-08-13 08:55:13 0.8 38.82°N 122.80°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609501 2021-08-13 08:55:13 0.8 38.82°N 122.80°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 6km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
11455575 2021-08-13 08:58:50 1.6 57.32°N 153.54°W 45 IRIS manual confirmed KODIAK ISLAND REGION, ALASKA P / A
ak021ac913cx 2021-08-13 08:58:50 1.6 57.32°N 153.54°W 45 USGS manual confirmed 19 km NW of Old Harbor, Alaska P / A
11455574 2021-08-13 08:59:47 1.0 38.79°N 122.80°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609506 2021-08-13 08:59:47 1.0 38.79°N 122.80°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 4km WNW of The Geysers, CA P / A
11455598 2021-08-13 09:01:24 5.0 57.10°S 25.55°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000145 2021-08-13 09:01:24 5.0 57.10°S 25.55°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5ge 2021-08-13 09:01:24 5.0 57.10°S 25.55°W 35 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
11455577 2021-08-13 09:02:42 0.4 38.83°N 122.81°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609511 2021-08-13 09:02:42 0.4 38.83°N 122.81°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 7km W of Cobb, CA P / A
oca2021ptyp 2021-08-13 09:02:54 1.4 quarry blast 44.26°N 7.48°E SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
fr2021hckkpb 2021-08-13 09:02:54 1.2 quarry blast 44.27°N 7.50°E EOST manual confirmed Quarry blast of magnitude 1.2, near of Nice (France métropolitaine) P / A
11455579 2021-08-13 09:04:00 1.3 37.54°N 121.92°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609516 2021-08-13 09:04:00 1.3 37.54°N 121.92°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 5km E of Fremont, CA P / A
11455584 2021-08-13 09:04:04 4.8 12.11°N 87.72°W 39 IRIS manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
us6000f5fm 2021-08-13 09:04:04 4.8 12.11°N 87.72°W 39 USGS manual confirmed 72 km SW of Corinto, Nicaragua P / A
20210813_0000132 2021-08-13 09:04:04 4.7 12.22°N 87.71°W 40 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
gfz2021ptyq 2021-08-13 09:04:07 4.8 12.43°N 87.48°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
2021p606434 2021-08-13 09:08:06 1.7 38.90°S 177.98°E 23 GNS manual confirmed 25 km south of Gisborne P / A
auth2021ptyv 2021-08-13 09:10:25 1.9 38.68°N 21.24°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
2021p606438 2021-08-13 09:10:26 1.6 39.98°S 176.82°E 22 GNS manual confirmed 20 km east of Waipukurau P / A
20210813_0000157 2021-08-13 09:12:50 2.7 19.64°N 71.31°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed DOMINICAN REPUBLIC P / A
20210813_0000254 2021-08-13 09:13:21 3.0 16.08°N 97.65°W 28 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
20210813_0000255 2021-08-13 09:15:58 3.4 15.52°N 94.81°W 16 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
2021p606452 2021-08-13 09:17:52 1.7 38.84°S 177.50°E 40 GNS manual confirmed 20 km north of Wairoa P / A
2021p606460 2021-08-13 09:22:14 1.7 39.98°S 176.67°E 33 GNS manual confirmed 10 km east of Waipukurau P / A
fr2021hckmih 2021-08-13 09:22:29 1.5 quarry blast 44.28°N 7.50°E EOST manual confirmed Quarry blast of magnitude 1.5, near of Nice (France métropolitaine) P / A
oca2021ptzg 2021-08-13 09:22:30 1.8 quarry blast 44.25°N 7.50°E SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
s2rhai2021ptzh 2021-08-13 09:23:46 2.6 earthquake 19.65°N 71.31°W 4 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210813_0000159 2021-08-13 09:23:47 3.0 19.65°N 71.32°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed DOMINICAN REPUBLIC P / A
11455580 2021-08-13 09:26:12 0.8 33.38°N 116.36°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772487 2021-08-13 09:26:12 0.8 33.38°N 116.36°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 14km N of Borrego Springs, CA P / A
20210813_0000135 2021-08-13 09:26:44 3.5 0.09°S 123.33°E 130 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021ptzj 2021-08-13 09:26:44 3.5 0.09°S 123.33°E 130 BMKG manual confirmed Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi P / A
11455581 2021-08-13 09:27:19 1.8 19.15°N 155.36°W 29 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72642592 2021-08-13 09:27:19 1.8 19.15°N 155.36°W 29 USGS manual confirmed 13 km ESE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210813_0000252 2021-08-13 09:27:31 3.3 17.08°N 96.85°W 69 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
2021p606471 2021-08-13 09:27:56 2.5 40.44°S 173.88°E 105 GNS manual confirmed 50 km north of French Pass P / A
11455587 2021-08-13 09:31:29 4.6 29.85°N 50.73°E 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN IRAN P / A
20210813_0000136 2021-08-13 09:31:29 4.7 29.68°N 50.74°E 10 ORFEUS manual confirmed P / A
us6000f5g7 2021-08-13 09:31:29 4.6 29.85°N 50.73°E 10 USGS manual confirmed 36 km NE of Bandar-e Gen?veh, Iran P / A
gfz2021ptzo 2021-08-13 09:31:31 4.6 29.86°N 50.78°E GFZ manual confirmed P / A
noa2021pubvn 2021-08-13 09:31:33 2.4 37.29°N 20.48°E 5 NOA manual confirmed 47 Km W from Strofades P / A
auth2021ptzn 2021-08-13 09:31:34 2.3 37.28°N 20.50°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed South Ionian Sea - W. Greece P / A
11455582 2021-08-13 09:33:40 1.6 60.02°N 152.95°W 111 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ac9h5g3 2021-08-13 09:33:40 1.6 60.02°N 152.95°W 111 USGS manual confirmed 68 km WNW of Anchor Point, Alaska P / A
27936431 2021-08-13 09:34:09 0.8 43.36°N 12.55°E 8 INGV manual confirmed 2 km W Gubbio (PG) P / A
11455583 2021-08-13 09:36:19 0.3 33.60°N 116.80°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772495 2021-08-13 09:36:19 0.3 33.60°N 116.80°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 13km WNW of Anza, CA P / A
20210813_0000253 2021-08-13 09:38:58 3.3 16.51°N 98.12°W 36 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
20210813_0000138 2021-08-13 09:39:17 2.6 12.23°N 87.60°W 21 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
20210813_0000137 2021-08-13 09:39:29 2.7 4.29°S 103.07°E 61 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021ptzu 2021-08-13 09:39:29 2.7 4.29°S 103.07°E 61 BMKG manual confirmed Southern Sumatra, Indonesia P / A
fr2021hcknxj 2021-08-13 09:40:19 1.8 46.07°N 3.15°E 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 1.8, near of Vichy (France métropolitaine) P / A
11455585 2021-08-13 09:41:02 1.7 62.80°N 143.68°W 0 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ac9is2p 2021-08-13 09:41:02 1.7 62.80°N 143.68°W 0 USGS manual confirmed 14 km SSE of Mentasta Lake, Alaska P / A
auth2021ptzx 2021-08-13 09:42:27 1.8 35.16°N 25.26°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
11455586 2021-08-13 09:47:11 0.9 38.15°N 118.13°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818514 2021-08-13 09:47:11 0.9 38.15°N 118.13°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 26 km S of Mina, Nevada P / A
20210813_0000251 2021-08-13 09:50:42 3.8 18.78°N 102.91°W 81 EMSC manual confirmed MICHOACAN, MEXICO P / A
s2rhai2021puak 2021-08-13 09:57:44 2.5 earthquake 19.68°N 71.32°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210813_0000163 2021-08-13 09:57:46 2.9 19.64°N 71.32°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed DOMINICAN REPUBLIC P / A
auth2021pual 2021-08-13 09:58:27 1.7 40.13°N 24.02°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Chalkidiki - N. Greece P / A
auth2021puam 2021-08-13 10:00:25 2.5 36.31°N 27.09°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
20210813_0000139 2021-08-13 10:00:43 2.8 12.08°N 87.79°W 17 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
auth2021puaq 2021-08-13 10:05:10 1.3 38.79°N 21.11°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
27936811 2021-08-13 10:06:21 0.6 43.07°N 13.13°E 12 INGV manual confirmed 4 km E Pievebovigliana (MC) P / A
auth2021puas 2021-08-13 10:07:29 1.8 39.85°N 21.91°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
usp2021puaw 2021-08-13 10:11:17 4.8 57.94°S 23.72°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11455592 2021-08-13 10:11:18 5.1 57.81°S 23.85°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000142 2021-08-13 10:11:18 5.0 57.82°S 23.90°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5gj 2021-08-13 10:11:18 5.1 57.81°S 23.85°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
11455588 2021-08-13 10:15:44 1.2 63.27°N 151.13°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ac9yq88 2021-08-13 10:15:44 1.2 63.27°N 151.13°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 42 km SE of Denali National Park, Alaska P / A
11455816 2021-08-13 10:16:27 1.6 31.74°N 104.57°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
tx2021puba 2021-08-13 10:16:27 1.6 31.74°N 104.57°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 51 km SSW of Whites City, New Mexico P / A
texnet2021puba 2021-08-13 10:16:27 1.6 earthquake known 31.74°N 104.57°W 7 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
11455589 2021-08-13 10:17:20 1.2 61.97°N 148.90°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ac9z3y4 2021-08-13 10:17:20 1.2 61.97°N 148.90°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 22 km NNW of Sutton-Alpine, Alaska P / A
11455590 2021-08-13 10:21:46 1.6 38.57°N 119.46°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818516 2021-08-13 10:21:46 1.2 38.57°N 119.46°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 4 km E of Coleville, California P / A
nc73609526 2021-08-13 10:21:46 1.6 38.57°N 119.46°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 26km SSW of Smith Valley, NV P / A
11455955 2021-08-13 10:23:10 -0.1 39.33°N 120.00°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818573 2021-08-13 10:23:10 -0.1 39.33°N 120.00°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 7 km SSE of Floriston, California P / A
11455591 2021-08-13 10:26:36 2.1 19.18°N 155.46°W 31 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210813_0000140 2021-08-13 10:26:36 2.1 19.18°N 155.46°W 31 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72642622 2021-08-13 10:26:36 2.1 19.18°N 155.46°W 31 USGS manual confirmed 3 km SE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210813_0000144 2021-08-13 10:30:30 3.5 37.50°N 137.20°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN P / A
11455593 2021-08-13 10:30:46 1.4 62.24°N 150.32°W 17 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021aca1y7n 2021-08-13 10:30:46 1.4 62.24°N 150.32°W 17 USGS manual confirmed 9 km SSW of Trapper Creek, Alaska P / A
11455596 2021-08-13 10:32:25 1.7 19.21°N 155.42°W 32 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210813_0000141 2021-08-13 10:32:25 2.6 19.22°N 155.41°W 33 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72642627 2021-08-13 10:32:25 1.7 19.21°N 155.42°W 32 USGS manual confirmed 6 km E of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
11455594 2021-08-13 10:32:46 1.9 19.41°N 155.27°W -1 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72642632 2021-08-13 10:32:46 1.9 19.41°N 155.27°W -1 USGS manual confirmed 4 km SW of Volcano, Hawaii P / A
11455595 2021-08-13 10:33:50 1.4 61.57°N 147.27°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021aca2lq3 2021-08-13 10:33:50 1.4 61.57°N 147.27°W 35 USGS manual confirmed 32 km SE of Glacier View, Alaska P / A
20210813_0000148 2021-08-13 10:34:28 6.3 60.51°S 27.17°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455601 2021-08-13 10:34:29 6.3 60.49°S 27.18°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
ga2021pvzrxy 2021-08-13 10:34:29 6.1 60.49°S 27.34°W 8 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
us6000f5h2 2021-08-13 10:34:29 6.3 60.49°S 27.18°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
gfz2021pubq 2021-08-13 10:34:30 6.1 60.56°S 27.20°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
bmg2021pubq 2021-08-13 10:34:31 5.7 60.67°S 26.56°W 10 BMKG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
usp2021pubp 2021-08-13 10:34:32 6.2 60.62°S 27.67°W 44 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
fr2021hckssn 2021-08-13 10:34:33 5.3 60.71°S 26.98°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.3, near of Comodoro Rivadavia (Monde) P / A
rs2021pvzrxs 2021-08-13 10:34:36 5.6 60.45°S 27.16°W 65 from location gempa automatic confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
2021p606598 2021-08-13 10:35:40 1.0 39.98°S 176.20°E 24 GNS manual confirmed 25 km north of Dannevirke P / A
11455597 2021-08-13 10:36:09 2.1 19.23°N 155.42°W 31 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72642637 2021-08-13 10:36:09 2.1 19.23°N 155.42°W 31 USGS manual confirmed 6 km ENE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210813_0000143 2021-08-13 10:36:09 2.1 19.23°N 155.42°W 31 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
20210813_0000146 2021-08-13 10:40:30 4.3 9.00°S 109.87°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH OF JAVA, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021pubv 2021-08-13 10:40:31 4.4 8.97°S 109.86°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Java, Indonesia P / A
11455599 2021-08-13 10:46:08 1.9 36.63°N 97.66°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021puca 2021-08-13 10:46:08 1.9 36.63°N 97.66°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 7 km N of Hunter, Oklahoma P / A
11455600 2021-08-13 10:49:25 2.4 61.67°N 148.01°W 19 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021aca5z4m 2021-08-13 10:49:25 2.4 61.67°N 148.01°W 19 USGS manual confirmed 24 km SW of Glacier View, Alaska P / A
20210813_0000151 2021-08-13 10:50:48 4.5 6.16°N 127.29°E 18 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000150 2021-08-13 10:52:00 2.5 41.17°N 43.93°E 1 EMSC manual confirmed GEORGIA (SAK'ART'VELO) P / A
20210813_0000147 2021-08-13 10:53:52 2.7 0.90°N 121.14°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021pucg 2021-08-13 10:53:52 2.7 0.90°N 121.14°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi P / A
11455602 2021-08-13 10:57:07 1.3 36.04°N 120.60°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609531 2021-08-13 10:57:07 1.3 36.04°N 120.60°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 22km NW of Parkfield, CA P / A
oca2021pucj 2021-08-13 10:57:35 3.5 44.88°N 11.61°E 5 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
11455603 2021-08-13 10:58:44 1.6 35.68°N 117.50°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772519 2021-08-13 10:58:44 1.6 35.68°N 117.50°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 13km SW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
fr2021hckuxp 2021-08-13 10:59:16 1.5 quarry blast 42.80°N 1.80°E EOST manual confirmed Quarry blast of magnitude 1.5, near of Carcassonne (France métropolitaine) P / A
20210813_0000149 2021-08-13 11:03:16 3.0 35.55°N 3.49°W 30 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
rs2021pwascv 2021-08-13 11:04:55 3.2 22.06°S 68.50°W 17 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021pucr 2021-08-13 11:06:46 1.8 38.57°N 23.22°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
rs2021pwausy 2021-08-13 11:07:57 3.0 28.38°S 71.31°W 22 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Central Chile P / A
20210813_0000153 2021-08-13 11:09:51 3.2 38.81°S 73.59°W 30 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE ARAUCANIA, CHILE P / A
20210813_0000152 2021-08-13 11:10:51 2.9 17.98°N 66.77°W 25 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
us6000f5hr 2021-08-13 11:10:51 2.9 17.98°N 66.77°W 25 USGS manual confirmed 4 km S of Magas Arriba, Puerto Rico P / A
11455606 2021-08-13 11:10:52 2.9 17.97°N 66.77°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021225008 2021-08-13 11:10:52 3.4 17.97°N 66.77°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 5 km S of Magas Arriba, Puerto Rico P / A
11455605 2021-08-13 11:11:17 1.8 38.55°N 119.53°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609546 2021-08-13 11:11:17 1.8 38.55°N 119.53°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 28km ESE of Markleeville, CA P / A
11455738 2021-08-13 11:13:25 1.5 38.57°N 116.30°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818522 2021-08-13 11:13:25 1.5 38.57°N 116.30°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 97 km SE of Kingston, Nevada P / A
auth2021pucz 2021-08-13 11:15:42 1.9 37.65°N 23.08°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed NE Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
rs2021pwbbne 2021-08-13 11:15:49 2.3 20.88°S 69.17°W 87 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
fr2021hckwkr 2021-08-13 11:16:12 0.2 earthquake 14.80°N 61.17°W -1 EOST manual confirmed Earthquake of magnitude 0.2, near of Fort-de-France (Les Antilles) P / A
11455608 2021-08-13 11:23:46 1.4 62.17°N 152.14°W 96 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021acalvrt 2021-08-13 11:23:46 1.4 62.17°N 152.14°W 96 USGS manual confirmed 43 km WNW of Skwentna, Alaska P / A
11455607 2021-08-13 11:24:08 1.6 33.71°N 116.82°W 17 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772527 2021-08-13 11:24:08 1.6 33.71°N 116.82°W 17 USGS manual confirmed 8km ESE of Valle Vista, CA P / A
20210813_0000155 2021-08-13 11:24:21 3.0 38.85°S 73.54°W 25 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE ARAUCANIA, CHILE P / A
11456059 2021-08-13 11:25:03 4.6 60.20°S 24.94°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5l4 2021-08-13 11:25:03 4.6 60.20°S 24.94°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210813_0000342 2021-08-13 11:25:03 4.6 60.20°S 24.94°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000160 2021-08-13 11:26:15 2.6 27.58°S 70.95°W 22 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE ATACAMA, CHILE P / A
20210813_0000156 2021-08-13 11:26:24 3.4 6.25°N 127.32°E 19 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455773 2021-08-13 11:27:13 0.5 39.42°N 119.85°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818576 2021-08-13 11:27:13 0.5 39.42°N 119.85°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 12 km SSE of Mogul, Nevada P / A
20210813_0000158 2021-08-13 11:28:47 3.5 6.21°N 127.56°E 27 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
auth2021pudm 2021-08-13 11:30:58 1.9 38.29°N 23.39°E 8 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
noa2021pufty 2021-08-13 11:30:59 1.5 37.54°N 23.50°E 11 NOA manual confirmed 3 Km ENE from Poros P / A
noa2021puftz 2021-08-13 11:30:59 2.0 38.33°N 23.33°E 10 NOA manual confirmed 2 Km NE from Thebes P / A
rs2021pwbsdu 2021-08-13 11:35:07 2.7 20.10°S 69.21°W 64 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210813_0000162 2021-08-13 11:42:52 3.2 8.59°S 109.13°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed JAVA, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021pudw 2021-08-13 11:42:52 3.2 8.59°S 109.13°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Java, Indonesia P / A
gfz2021pudz 2021-08-13 11:45:35 5.8 57.18°S 25.66°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210813_0000165 2021-08-13 11:45:38 5.5 57.31°S 25.47°W 40 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
usp2021pudz 2021-08-13 11:45:38 5.6 57.40°S 25.55°W 44 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
fr2021hckzap 2021-08-13 11:45:38 5.3 57.57°S 25.97°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.3, near of Mar del Plata (Monde) P / A
2021p606749 2021-08-13 11:45:39 5.6 57.28°S 25.56°W 44 GNS manual confirmed 8275 km south of Snares Islands P / A
11455613 2021-08-13 11:45:39 5.8 57.29°S 25.56°W 44 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5i9 2021-08-13 11:45:39 5.8 57.29°S 25.56°W 44 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
ga2021pwcbjs 2021-08-13 11:45:43 5.4 57.23°S 25.60°W 80 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
rs2021pwcbej 2021-08-13 11:45:45 5.5 57.23°S 25.61°W 103 from location gempa automatic confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
27937561 2021-08-13 11:46:45 0.4 43.35°N 12.77°E 11 INGV manual confirmed 3 km NE Sigillo (PG) P / A
11455609 2021-08-13 11:51:38 2.1 35.70°N 117.53°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772543 2021-08-13 11:51:38 2.1 35.70°N 117.53°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 14km SW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
20210813_0000161 2021-08-13 11:51:38 2.1 35.69°N 117.53°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
11455611 2021-08-13 11:51:42 -0.2 38.55°N 119.53°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818524 2021-08-13 11:51:42 -0.2 38.55°N 119.53°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 2 km SW of Coleville, California P / A
11455727 2021-08-13 11:52:01 0.5 38.13°N 118.00°W 0 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818562 2021-08-13 11:52:01 0.5 38.13°N 118.00°W 0 USGS manual confirmed 30 km SSE of Mina, Nevada P / A
11455610 2021-08-13 11:52:26 1.4 38.13°N 118.00°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818526 2021-08-13 11:52:26 1.4 38.13°N 118.00°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 30 km SSE of Mina, Nevada P / A
20210813_0000179 2021-08-13 11:58:54 4.0 29.89°N 50.96°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN IRAN P / A
11455612 2021-08-13 12:00:36 2.2 32.36°N 115.31°W 16 IRIS manual confirmed CALIF.-BAJA CALIF. BORDER REGION P / A
20210813_0000164 2021-08-13 12:00:36 2.2 32.36°N 115.31°W 16 EMSC manual confirmed BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO P / A
ci39772551 2021-08-13 12:00:36 2.2 32.36°N 115.31°W 16 USGS manual confirmed 12km W of Delta, B.C., MX P / A
20210813_0000167 2021-08-13 12:03:46 3.2 5.97°N 127.53°E 33 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
27937751 2021-08-13 12:05:42 0.9 43.13°N 13.16°E 14 INGV manual confirmed 6 km W Caldarola (MC) P / A
27937811 2021-08-13 12:13:42 0.9 43.13°N 13.15°E 14 INGV manual confirmed 6 km W Caldarola (MC) P / A
2021p606787 2021-08-13 12:16:10 1.3 39.05°S 177.83°E 22 GNS manual confirmed 35 km east of Wairoa P / A
11455614 2021-08-13 12:17:11 0.7 33.04°N 116.41°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772575 2021-08-13 12:17:11 0.7 33.04°N 116.41°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 18km ESE of Julian, CA P / A
11455615 2021-08-13 12:19:29 1.4 38.77°N 122.71°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609566 2021-08-13 12:19:29 1.4 38.77°N 122.71°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 2km WSW of Anderson Springs, CA P / A
20210813_0000190 2021-08-13 12:20:57 4.0 56.21°N 117.94°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed CHITINSKAYA OBLAST', RUSSIA P / A
11455616 2021-08-13 12:24:13 1.1 38.50°N 119.52°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818531 2021-08-13 12:24:13 1.1 38.50°N 119.52°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 4 km WSW of Walker, California P / A
11455705 2021-08-13 12:24:23 1.8 39.28°N 122.76°W -1 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609571 2021-08-13 12:24:23 1.8 39.28°N 122.76°W -1 USGS manual confirmed 18km NE of Upper Lake, CA P / A
rs2021pwdkij 2021-08-13 12:26:22 2.1 20.91°S 69.15°W 94 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021pufi 2021-08-13 12:26:44 2.5 35.01°N 25.10°E 55 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
11455617 2021-08-13 12:26:47 1.3 35.36°N 118.63°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772591 2021-08-13 12:26:47 1.3 35.36°N 118.63°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 25km NE of Arvin, CA P / A
20210813_0000175 2021-08-13 12:28:57 3.0 39.95°N 48.20°E 48 EMSC manual confirmed AZERBAIJAN P / A
noa2021puhth 2021-08-13 12:30:53 1.4 38.74°N 21.09°E 16 NOA manual confirmed 15 Km SSW from Amfilochia P / A
auth2021pufl 2021-08-13 12:30:53 1.4 38.77°N 21.11°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
27937991 2021-08-13 12:35:26 1.3 42.57°N 13.39°E 15 INGV manual confirmed 2 km NE Campotosto (AQ) P / A
11455624 2021-08-13 12:39:22 4.9 58.93°S 25.36°W 66 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5kd 2021-08-13 12:39:22 4.9 58.93°S 25.36°W 66 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210813_0000176 2021-08-13 12:39:22 4.9 58.93°S 25.36°W 66 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000171 2021-08-13 12:40:35 2.5 20.20°S 69.14°W 100 EMSC manual confirmed TARAPACA, CHILE P / A
rs2021pwdwpg 2021-08-13 12:40:35 2.6 20.26°S 69.21°W 98 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11455896 2021-08-13 12:41:16 0.8 37.61°N 118.89°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609856 2021-08-13 12:41:16 0.8 37.61°N 118.89°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 8km ESE of Mammoth Lakes, CA P / A
20210813_0000173 2021-08-13 12:41:49 3.1 5.63°N 127.50°E 4 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000168 2021-08-13 12:41:55 3.2 35.55°N 3.55°W 20 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
20210813_0000170 2021-08-13 12:43:41 2.9 12.50°N 87.72°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
rs2021pwdzmw 2021-08-13 12:44:02 2.8 23.39°S 68.16°W 174 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210813_0000174 2021-08-13 12:47:05 2.7 35.41°N 31.71°E 6 EMSC manual confirmed CYPRUS REGION P / A
koeri2021pufz 2021-08-13 12:47:07 2.8 35.51°N 31.78°E 10 KOERI manual confirmed Cyprus Region P / A
noa2021puihl 2021-08-13 12:47:17 2.2 35.14°N 32.28°E 5 NOA manual confirmed 268 Km ESE from Kastelorizon P / A
11456304 2021-08-13 12:50:10 1.2 37.71°N 122.54°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609576 2021-08-13 12:50:10 1.2 37.71°N 122.54°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 4km SW of San Francisco Zoo, CA P / A
2021p606854 2021-08-13 12:51:54 1.8 41.04°S 173.64°E 53 GNS manual confirmed 20 km south-west of French Pass P / A
11455619 2021-08-13 12:55:45 1.0 38.50°N 119.54°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609581 2021-08-13 12:55:45 1.1 38.50°N 119.54°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 31km SE of Markleeville, CA P / A
nn00818534 2021-08-13 12:55:45 1.0 38.51°N 119.53°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 4 km W of Walker, California P / A
rs2021pwekht 2021-08-13 12:56:31 2.4 21.40°S 69.80°W 24 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210813_0000188 2021-08-13 12:56:49 2.0 36.79°N 7.47°W 43 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
11455622 2021-08-13 13:00:25 1.0 38.53°N 119.45°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609586 2021-08-13 13:00:25 1.2 38.53°N 119.45°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 29km SSW of Smith Valley, NV P / A
nn00818536 2021-08-13 13:00:25 1.0 38.53°N 119.44°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 3 km ENE of Walker, California P / A
11455623 2021-08-13 13:01:38 1.8 19.21°N 155.41°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72642772 2021-08-13 13:01:38 1.8 19.21°N 155.41°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 7 km E of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210813_0000178 2021-08-13 13:02:33 2.2 35.57°N 3.62°W 16 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
11455625 2021-08-13 13:03:39 1.0 64.73°N 148.52°W 18 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021acbog5p 2021-08-13 13:03:39 1.0 64.73°N 148.52°W 18 USGS manual confirmed 27 km WSW of Ester, Alaska P / A
11455681 2021-08-13 13:05:40 1.7 47.47°N 115.88°W 0 IRIS manual confirmed MONTANA P / A
mb80519189 2021-08-13 13:05:40 1.7 47.47°N 115.88°W 0 USGS manual confirmed 3 km E of Wallace, Idaho P / A
11455627 2021-08-13 13:05:59 1.5 37.53°N 121.91°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609591 2021-08-13 13:05:59 1.5 37.53°N 121.91°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 6km ESE of Fremont, CA P / A
auth2021pugq 2021-08-13 13:06:51 1.9 39.13°N 22.36°E 24 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021pugr 2021-08-13 13:08:19 1.5 38.57°N 23.21°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11455628 2021-08-13 13:08:24 2.8 39.67°N 122.85°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
20210813_0000177 2021-08-13 13:08:24 2.5 39.69°N 122.84°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609596 2021-08-13 13:08:24 2.8 39.67°N 122.85°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 11km WNW of Alder Springs, CA P / A
rs2021pwevxk 2021-08-13 13:09:59 1.9 20.82°S 69.22°W 94 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
usp2021pugv 2021-08-13 13:12:12 5.2 59.88°S 26.53°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000182 2021-08-13 13:12:19 5.4 59.84°S 26.45°W 60 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455640 2021-08-13 13:12:20 5.4 59.86°S 26.52°W 70 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5kr 2021-08-13 13:12:20 5.4 59.86°S 26.52°W 70 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
gfz2021pugv 2021-08-13 13:12:22 5.5 60.13°S 26.42°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
ga2021pwexzn 2021-08-13 13:12:22 5.1 59.87°S 26.67°W 78 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
auth2021pugw 2021-08-13 13:13:30 1.5 38.14°N 22.56°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11455657 2021-08-13 13:13:34 3.1 17.95°N 67.08°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed MONA PASSAGE P / A
pr2021225006 2021-08-13 13:13:34 3.1 17.95°N 67.08°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 5 km SW of La Parguera, Puerto Rico P / A
20210813_0000189 2021-08-13 13:13:34 3.1 17.95°N 67.08°W 12 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
oca2021pugx 2021-08-13 13:14:28 0.7 earthquake 44.51°N 7.30°E 3 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
rs2021pwezwh 2021-08-13 13:14:29 5.4 47.44°S 45.41°W 10 gempa automatic confirmed South Atlantic Ocean P / A
smi_ch_ethz_sed_sc20a_Event_2021pwezgy 2021-08-13 13:14:35 1.7 quarry blast 47.73°N 7.77°E 2 ETHZ manual confirmed Muellheim D P / A
20210813_0000180 2021-08-13 13:14:36 1.7 47.73°N 7.76°E -1 EMSC manual confirmed FRANCE-GERMANY BORDER REGION P / A
QXoyZDB1SGc4SHY2dXYvWUt3Yjc4dz09 2021-08-13 13:18:40 5.5 38.23°N 72.32°E 204 NCS manual confirmed 199km NE of Fayzabad, Afghanistan P / A
SzducmNpR2FoK0VnODlaTTMzUmxKdz09 2021-08-13 13:18:45 4.9 37.48°N 71.94°E 150 NCS manual confirmed Tajikistan P / A
11456103 2021-08-13 13:18:46 4.6 37.59°N 71.84°E 111 IRIS manual confirmed AFGHANISTAN-TAJIKISTAN BORD REG. P / A
us6000f5kt 2021-08-13 13:18:46 4.6 37.59°N 71.84°E 111 USGS manual confirmed 27 km ENE of Khorugh, Tajikistan P / A
gfz2021puha 2021-08-13 13:18:47 4.8 37.53°N 71.80°E GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210813_0000181 2021-08-13 13:18:47 5.0 37.62°N 71.91°E 113 EMSC manual confirmed TAJIKISTAN P / A
rs2021pwfdmm 2021-08-13 13:18:47 4.8 37.58°N 71.85°E 115 from location gempa automatic confirmed Afghanistan-Tajikistan Border Region P / A
11455634 2021-08-13 13:19:30 0.9 33.38°N 116.37°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772615 2021-08-13 13:19:30 0.9 33.38°N 116.37°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 14km N of Borrego Springs, CA P / A
11455636 2021-08-13 13:21:04 0.6 35.89°N 117.68°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772623 2021-08-13 13:21:04 0.6 35.89°N 117.68°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 21km ESE of Little Lake, CA P / A
11455731 2021-08-13 13:21:30 0.2 35.67°N 117.50°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci37345100 2021-08-13 13:21:30 0.2 35.67°N 117.50°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 14km SW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
20210813_0000183 2021-08-13 13:22:10 2.0 37.16°N 3.75°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
11455638 2021-08-13 13:25:13 1.9 38.16°N 116.74°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818538 2021-08-13 13:25:13 1.9 38.16°N 116.74°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 44 km ENE of Tonopah, Nevada P / A
noa2021pujob 2021-08-13 13:25:18 2.5 39.66°N 24.99°E 10 NOA manual confirmed 13 Km N from Agios Efstratios P / A
noa2021pujqi 2021-08-13 13:27:54 1.1 38.21°N 22.57°E 14 NOA manual confirmed 16 Km NNW from Xylokastron P / A
fr2021hclidn 2021-08-13 13:28:19 1.2 43.09°N 0.63°W 5 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 1.2, near of Pau (France métropolitaine) P / A
11455642 2021-08-13 13:30:18 2.4 19.19°N 155.39°W 28 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72642817 2021-08-13 13:30:18 2.4 19.19°N 155.39°W 28 USGS manual confirmed 9 km E of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
11455644 2021-08-13 13:30:22 2.5 19.16°N 155.36°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210813_0000184 2021-08-13 13:30:22 2.5 19.16°N 155.36°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72642827 2021-08-13 13:30:22 2.5 19.16°N 155.36°W 3 USGS manual confirmed Island of Hawaii, Hawaii P / A
20210813_0000185 2021-08-13 13:30:37 2.3 37.16°N 3.76°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
20210813_0000186 2021-08-13 13:38:30 1.5 37.17°N 3.75°W 2 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
11455647 2021-08-13 13:40:45 1.8 61.25°N 149.60°W 31 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021acbwe2y 2021-08-13 13:40:45 1.8 61.25°N 149.60°W 31 USGS manual confirmed 1 km ESE of Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska P / A
11455651 2021-08-13 13:41:02 1.7 61.98°N 149.25°W IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021acbwijh 2021-08-13 13:41:02 1.7 61.98°N 149.25°W USGS manual confirmed 26 km N of Fishhook, Alaska P / A
rs2021pwfygz 2021-08-13 13:42:55 2.1 21.15°S 68.59°W 111 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
rs2021pwgabp 2021-08-13 13:44:58 2.4 21.41°S 68.49°W 130 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11455649 2021-08-13 13:46:17 1.2 34.28°N 116.80°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772639 2021-08-13 13:46:17 1.2 34.28°N 116.80°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 4km ENE of Big Bear City, CA P / A
rs2021pwgcuj 2021-08-13 13:48:10 2.8 18.08°S 70.85°W 2 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
auth2021puib 2021-08-13 13:50:28 1.6 39.72°N 22.12°E 19 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
11455653 2021-08-13 13:53:34 1.2 38.83°N 122.81°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609611 2021-08-13 13:53:34 1.2 38.83°N 122.81°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 7km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
20210813_0000187 2021-08-13 13:58:20 3.3 11.17°N 86.69°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
20210813_0000191 2021-08-13 13:58:38 2.3 35.54°N 3.69°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
auth2021puik 2021-08-13 13:59:49 2.0 38.31°N 23.36°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
noa2021puksa 2021-08-13 14:00:13 1.9 38.34°N 23.33°E 12 NOA manual confirmed 3 Km NNE from Thebes P / A
auth2021puil 2021-08-13 14:00:14 2.0 38.35°N 23.26°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021puim 2021-08-13 14:01:04 1.9 38.34°N 23.29°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021puin 2021-08-13 14:03:01 1.5 38.36°N 23.29°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11455655 2021-08-13 14:03:06 0.7 35.67°N 117.58°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772647 2021-08-13 14:03:06 0.7 35.67°N 117.58°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 10km NE of Ridgecrest, CA P / A
texnet2021puio 2021-08-13 14:04:37 2.0 earthquake known 30.94°N 103.37°W 3 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
11455674 2021-08-13 14:06:44 2.2 46.91°N 112.51°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed MONTANA P / A
20210813_0000195 2021-08-13 14:06:44 2.2 46.91°N 112.51°W 12 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN MONTANA P / A
us6000f5ld 2021-08-13 14:06:44 2.2 46.91°N 112.51°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 14 km ESE of Lincoln, Montana P / A
mb80519194 2021-08-13 14:06:44 2.5 46.91°N 112.51°W 14 USGS manual confirmed 13 km ESE of Lincoln, Montana P / A
usp2021puir 2021-08-13 14:08:03 4.9 58.28°S 26.10°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
27939391 2021-08-13 14:08:16 1.3 42.79°N 12.51°E 8 INGV manual confirmed 2 km NW Massa Martana (PG) P / A
20210813_0000194 2021-08-13 14:11:05 1.7 37.93°N 3.31°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
11455659 2021-08-13 14:12:05 0.7 38.83°N 122.82°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609616 2021-08-13 14:12:05 0.7 38.83°N 122.82°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 8km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
11455661 2021-08-13 14:13:12 1.5 62.20°N 150.08°W 15 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021accbyv0 2021-08-13 14:13:12 1.5 62.20°N 150.08°W 15 USGS manual confirmed 12 km WNW of Susitna North, Alaska P / A
auth2021puiv 2021-08-13 14:13:37 1.2 38.27°N 23.33°E 13 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021puiy 2021-08-13 14:16:52 2.3 35.62°N 25.80°E 60 AUTH manual confirmed South Aegean Sea - S. Greece P / A
20210813_0000193 2021-08-13 14:20:52 3.1 23.88°S 66.61°W 261 EMSC manual confirmed JUJUY, ARGENTINA P / A
11455778 2021-08-13 14:24:14 0.5 39.16°N 118.88°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818577 2021-08-13 14:24:14 0.5 39.16°N 118.88°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 24 km NNW of Schurz, Nevada P / A
20210813_0000197 2021-08-13 14:30:13 3.0 7.70°N 124.83°E 1 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
20210813_0000196 2021-08-13 14:31:04 2.3 35.61°N 3.59°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
2021p607057 2021-08-13 14:37:53 4.5 24.66°S 179.80°W 500 GNS manual confirmed 1300 km north-east of Cape Reinga P / A
11455675 2021-08-13 14:40:14 0.5 33.68°N 116.69°W 15 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772671 2021-08-13 14:40:14 0.5 33.68°N 116.69°W 15 USGS manual confirmed 7km SSE of Idyllwild, CA P / A
auth2021pujt 2021-08-13 14:40:47 1.7 38.29°N 23.28°E 25 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021puju 2021-08-13 14:41:02 1.5 37.93°N 20.56°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Zakynthos Isl. - W. Greece P / A
11455677 2021-08-13 14:42:29 1.4 65.60°N 147.89°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021acci7x2 2021-08-13 14:42:29 1.4 65.60°N 147.89°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 31 km ENE of Livengood, Alaska P / A
11455855 2021-08-13 14:43:47 0.3 58.44°N 154.87°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
ak021acciemv 2021-08-13 14:43:47 0.3 58.44°N 154.87°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 100 km NNW of Karluk, Alaska P / A
27940001 2021-08-13 14:46:56 1.1 37.12°N 14.43°E 18 INGV manual confirmed 5 km SE Niscemi (CL) P / A
20210813_0000200 2021-08-13 14:51:48 5.0 58.53°S 23.69°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
gfz2021pukc 2021-08-13 14:51:49 5.1 58.42°S 23.79°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11455685 2021-08-13 14:51:52 5.0 58.42°S 23.79°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5mx 2021-08-13 14:51:52 5.0 58.42°S 23.79°W 35 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
auth2021pukd 2021-08-13 14:52:35 1.4 38.33°N 23.32°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11455682 2021-08-13 14:52:41 1.1 65.60°N 147.87°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021accke0e 2021-08-13 14:52:41 1.1 65.60°N 147.87°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 32 km ENE of Livengood, Alaska P / A
11456771 2021-08-13 14:53:42 1.6 35.15°N 95.36°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021puke 2021-08-13 14:53:42 1.6 35.15°N 95.36°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 2 km NNE of Quinton, Oklahoma P / A
2021p607087 2021-08-13 14:56:25 1.3 40.57°S 175.82°E 23 GNS manual confirmed 10 km north-east of Eketahuna P / A
2021p607091 2021-08-13 14:58:33 1.6 37.88°S 176.50°E 95 GNS manual confirmed 35 km south-east of Tauranga P / A
2021p607096 2021-08-13 15:01:06 1.2 40.88°S 175.67°E 22 GNS manual confirmed 5 km north of Masterton P / A
20210813_0000201 2021-08-13 15:02:47 3.5 5.68°N 127.75°E 43 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
2021p607102 2021-08-13 15:03:59 2.2 37.87°S 176.03°E 251 GNS manual confirmed 20 km south-west of Tauranga P / A
11455687 2021-08-13 15:04:27 0.8 35.89°N 117.68°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772679 2021-08-13 15:04:27 0.8 35.89°N 117.68°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 21km ESE of Little Lake, CA P / A
11455686 2021-08-13 15:04:28 1.9 62.15°N 153.77°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021accvi8l 2021-08-13 15:04:28 1.9 62.15°N 153.77°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 101 km SSE of Nikolai, Alaska P / A
rs2021pwiqri 2021-08-13 15:04:37 2.5 21.39°S 69.89°W 23 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210813_0000287 2021-08-13 15:06:15 3.0 38.36°S 69.08°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed NEUQUEN, ARGENTINA P / A
gfz2021pukq 2021-08-13 15:08:30 5.9 13.69°N 120.68°E GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210813_0000199 2021-08-13 15:08:30 5.8 13.69°N 120.77°E 118 EMSC manual confirmed MINDORO, PHILIPPINES P / A
11455692 2021-08-13 15:08:32 5.8 13.71°N 120.83°E 129 IRIS manual confirmed MINDORO, PHILIPPINES P / A
2021p607128 2021-08-13 15:08:32 5.4 13.71°N 120.83°E 129 GNS manual confirmed 7640 km north-west of Cape Reinga P / A
us6000f5na 2021-08-13 15:08:32 5.8 13.71°N 120.83°E 129 USGS manual confirmed 6 km W of Bagalangit, Philippines P / A
bmg2021pukr 2021-08-13 15:08:33 5.5 13.80°N 121.00°E 155 BMKG manual confirmed Mindoro, Philippines P / A
ga2021pwiucd 2021-08-13 15:08:33 5.8 13.66°N 120.78°E 153 GA manual confirmed Mindoro, Philippines P / A
koeri2021pukr 2021-08-13 15:08:35 5.8 13.67°N 120.78°E 166 KOERI manual confirmed Mindoro, Philippines P / A
rs2021pwiucb 2021-08-13 15:08:35 5.6 13.65°N 120.78°E 168 from location gempa automatic confirmed Mindoro, Philippines P / A
fr2021hclrba 2021-08-13 15:08:35 5.6 13.67°N 120.66°E 165 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.6, near of Manila (Monde) P / A
usp2021pukr 2021-08-13 15:08:36 5.7 13.64°N 120.78°E 187 IAG manual confirmed Mindoro, Philippines P / A
11455688 2021-08-13 15:09:24 2.4 37.23°N 114.57°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN NEVADA P / A
20210813_0000198 2021-08-13 15:09:24 2.4 37.22°N 114.57°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818542 2021-08-13 15:09:24 2.4 37.23°N 114.57°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 43 km S of Caliente, Nevada P / A
auth2021pukr 2021-08-13 15:09:34 2.1 39.65°N 23.49°E 52 AUTH manual confirmed North Aegean Trough - N. Greece P / A
rs2021pwivys 2021-08-13 15:10:45 2.6 20.65°S 69.83°W 22 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11455691 2021-08-13 15:14:11 1.2 38.57°N 119.46°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609641 2021-08-13 15:14:11 1.5 38.57°N 119.46°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 25km SSW of Smith Valley, NV P / A
nn00818545 2021-08-13 15:14:11 1.2 38.58°N 119.45°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 5 km ENE of Coleville, California P / A
11455696 2021-08-13 15:15:30 3.4 50.30°N 171.88°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH OF ALEUTIAN ISLANDS P / A
20210813_0000202 2021-08-13 15:15:30 3.4 50.30°N 171.88°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH OF ALEUTIAN ISLANDS P / A
us6000f5nd 2021-08-13 15:15:30 3.4 50.30°N 171.88°W 35 USGS manual confirmed 266 km SE of Atka, Alaska P / A
noa2021punff 2021-08-13 15:16:13 2.6 36.36°N 27.00°E 28 NOA manual confirmed 29 Km SSW from Nissiros P / A
20210813_0000206 2021-08-13 15:16:15 3.0 18.94°N 69.45°W 79 EMSC manual confirmed DOMINICAN REPUBLIC P / A
noa2021punip 2021-08-13 15:20:12 2.5 35.48°N 33.57°E 74 NOA manual confirmed 366 Km E from Kastelorizon P / A
auth2021pulc 2021-08-13 15:22:03 1.7 36.51°N 25.48°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Santorini Isl. - S. Greece P / A
11455694 2021-08-13 15:22:41 1.2 34.00°N 116.81°W 16 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772719 2021-08-13 15:22:41 1.2 34.00°N 116.81°W 16 USGS manual confirmed 9km NNW of Cabazon, CA P / A
fr2021hclsii 2021-08-13 15:23:03 1.9 12.84°S 45.41°E 31 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 1.9, near of Mamoudzou (Mayotte) P / A
rs2021pwjhxs 2021-08-13 15:24:37 1.9 20.34°S 69.22°W 83 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11455697 2021-08-13 15:29:01 1.9 19.19°N 155.44°W 37 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72642997 2021-08-13 15:29:01 1.9 19.19°N 155.44°W 37 USGS manual confirmed 3 km ESE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
rs2021pwjnhn 2021-08-13 15:30:51 2.4 20.54°S 69.03°W 85 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210813_0000203 2021-08-13 15:33:53 3.3 49.58°N 0.34°W EMSC manual confirmed FRANCE P / A
fr2021hclthk 2021-08-13 15:33:54 2.8 explosion 49.66°N 0.46°W EOST manual confirmed Explosion of magnitude 2.8, near of Le Havre (France métropolitaine) P / A
fr2021hcltjy 2021-08-13 15:35:00 1.7 48.61°N 6.58°E 15 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 1.7, near of Lunéville (France métropolitaine) P / A
11455699 2021-08-13 15:35:55 1.1 35.61°N 117.47°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772743 2021-08-13 15:35:55 1.1 35.61°N 117.47°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 18km SSW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
27940751 2021-08-13 15:41:18 1.2 43.31°N 12.59°E 9 INGV manual confirmed 5 km S Gubbio (PG) P / A
11455704 2021-08-13 15:43:53 1.1 38.57°N 119.47°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818552 2021-08-13 15:43:53 1.1 38.57°N 119.47°W 4 USGS manual confirmed California-Nevada border region P / A
11455702 2021-08-13 15:44:49 0.8 38.83°N 122.81°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609651 2021-08-13 15:44:49 0.8 38.83°N 122.81°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 7km W of Cobb, CA P / A
11455706 2021-08-13 15:50:01 0.9 33.33°N 116.31°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772767 2021-08-13 15:50:01 0.9 33.33°N 116.31°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 10km NE of Borrego Springs, CA P / A
gfz2021pumc 2021-08-13 15:52:38 5.1 56.99°S 25.15°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
usp2021pumd 2021-08-13 15:52:39 5.2 57.26°S 24.50°W 49 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11455711 2021-08-13 15:52:42 5.0 56.98°S 24.86°W 49 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5py 2021-08-13 15:52:42 5.0 56.98°S 24.86°W 49 USGS manual confirmed P / A
ga2021pwkgbv 2021-08-13 15:52:43 5.1 57.01°S 25.14°W 43 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000205 2021-08-13 15:52:43 5.1 57.03°S 25.06°W 60 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455881 2021-08-13 15:58:42 1.6 38.52°N 119.50°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818554 2021-08-13 15:58:42 1.1 38.52°N 119.49°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 1 km NW of Walker, California P / A
nc73609666 2021-08-13 15:58:42 1.6 38.52°N 119.50°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 32km SE of Markleeville, CA P / A
rs2021pwkrnv 2021-08-13 16:05:56 2.2 22.12°S 68.58°W 131 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
27941111 2021-08-13 16:06:59 1.5 37.97°N 14.57°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 5 km SW San Fratello (ME) P / A
fr2021hclwqn 2021-08-13 16:11:41 1.7 12.81°S 45.35°E 37 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 1.7, near of Mamoudzou (Mayotte) P / A
rs2021pwkywl 2021-08-13 16:14:27 2.4 21.67°S 68.58°W 128 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11455710 2021-08-13 16:14:33 1.1 33.24°N 116.04°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772783 2021-08-13 16:14:33 1.1 33.24°N 116.04°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 10km SW of Salton City, CA P / A
2021p607242 2021-08-13 16:18:44 1.6 38.40°S 177.17°E 26 GNS manual confirmed 30 km west of Matawai P / A
11455713 2021-08-13 16:19:25 1.1 61.31°N 145.73°W 32 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021acdk5co 2021-08-13 16:19:25 1.1 61.31°N 145.73°W 32 USGS manual confirmed 38 km ENE of Valdez, Alaska P / A
11455714 2021-08-13 16:20:08 0.7 35.91°N 117.71°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772791 2021-08-13 16:20:08 0.7 35.91°N 117.71°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 18km E of Little Lake, CA P / A
rs2021pwlebh 2021-08-13 16:20:28 1.6 19.86°S 69.49°W 90 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210813_0000211 2021-08-13 16:20:48 4.9 63.31°S 19.69°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHWESTERN ATLANTIC OCEAN P / A
gfz2021punb 2021-08-13 16:21:20 4.9 60.36°S 26.17°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210813_0000343 2021-08-13 16:21:20 4.9 60.36°S 26.17°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
auth2021punh 2021-08-13 16:28:44 1.8 35.16°N 25.24°E 8 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
20210813_0000208 2021-08-13 16:29:50 3.0 6.28°N 127.29°E 14 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455716 2021-08-13 16:30:05 0.6 19.42°N 155.28°W -0 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72643072 2021-08-13 16:30:05 0.6 19.42°N 155.28°W -0 USGS manual confirmed 5 km WSW of Volcano, Hawaii P / A
auth2021punl 2021-08-13 16:32:46 2.1 37.88°N 21.98°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
11455719 2021-08-13 16:34:01 2.0 62.60°N 145.56°W 179 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021acdnb83 2021-08-13 16:34:01 2.0 62.60°N 145.56°W 179 USGS manual confirmed 35 km NNW of Gakona, Alaska P / A
2021p607272 2021-08-13 16:34:48 1.3 40.50°S 175.64°E 23 GNS manual confirmed 15 km south of Palmerston North P / A
11455717 2021-08-13 16:35:01 1.4 62.65°N 150.07°W 58 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021acdniye 2021-08-13 16:35:01 1.4 62.65°N 150.07°W 58 USGS manual confirmed 22 km N of Chase, Alaska P / A
auth2021punn 2021-08-13 16:35:48 2.4 39.12°N 21.80°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
2021p607274 2021-08-13 16:35:51 2.2 42.68°S 172.94°E 22 GNS manual confirmed 10 km north-east of Culverden P / A
11455718 2021-08-13 16:37:53 1.7 38.57°N 119.46°W -0 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609686 2021-08-13 16:37:53 2.2 38.57°N 119.46°W -0 USGS manual confirmed 25km SSW of Smith Valley, NV P / A
20210813_0000207 2021-08-13 16:37:53 2.2 38.57°N 119.46°W EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
20210813_0000224 2021-08-13 16:39:31 2.2 42.22°N 8.07°W 24 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
11455857 2021-08-13 16:39:54 2.4 58.49°N 136.96°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA P / A
ak021acdoma8 2021-08-13 16:39:54 2.4 58.49°N 136.96°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 48 km NW of Elfin Cove, Alaska P / A
2021p607285 2021-08-13 16:41:42 1.5 39.49°S 175.72°E 10 GNS manual confirmed 20 km north of Taihape P / A
auth2021punt 2021-08-13 16:42:01 1.7 38.34°N 23.33°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
27941421 2021-08-13 16:42:03 0.1 43.26°N 12.53°E 9 INGV manual confirmed 11 km SW Gubbio (PG) P / A
noa2021puqcd 2021-08-13 16:43:36 2.8 36.44°N 27.13°E 16 NOA manual confirmed 16 Km SSW from Nissiros P / A
auth2021punu 2021-08-13 16:43:37 2.8 36.48°N 27.18°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Nisyros Isl. - SE Greece P / A
20210813_0000210 2021-08-13 16:43:37 2.5 36.45°N 27.09°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE IS.-TURKEY BORDER REG P / A
auth2021punv 2021-08-13 16:44:23 1.5 37.60°N 20.72°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Zakynthos Isl. - W. Greece P / A
11455721 2021-08-13 16:44:39 2.0 19.21°N 155.41°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210813_0000209 2021-08-13 16:44:39 2.0 19.21°N 155.41°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72643097 2021-08-13 16:44:39 2.0 19.21°N 155.41°W 35 USGS manual confirmed 6 km E of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
11455787 2021-08-13 16:45:51 1.1 39.70°N 119.39°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818578 2021-08-13 16:45:51 1.1 39.70°N 119.39°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 11 km NW of Wadsworth, Nevada P / A
11455729 2021-08-13 16:46:19 1.1 34.85°N 118.79°W 0 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772839 2021-08-13 16:46:19 1.1 34.85°N 118.79°W 0 USGS manual confirmed 7km E of Lebec, CA P / A
11455732 2021-08-13 16:47:04 0.2 35.73°N 117.47°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772847 2021-08-13 16:47:04 0.2 35.73°N 117.47°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 8km SW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
2021p607303 2021-08-13 16:51:21 2.7 37.42°S 179.84°E 33 GNS manual confirmed 130 km east of Te Araroa P / A
rs2021pwmgwm 2021-08-13 16:53:55 2.3 21.14°S 68.74°W 116 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11455724 2021-08-13 16:55:31 1.3 65.43°N 144.78°W IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021acdrvl1 2021-08-13 16:55:31 1.3 65.43°N 144.78°W USGS manual confirmed 16 km S of Central, Alaska P / A
2021p607313 2021-08-13 16:56:49 1.8 41.32°S 172.65°E 98 GNS manual confirmed 35 km south-west of Motueka P / A
texnet2021puoi 2021-08-13 16:59:21 2.2 earthquake known 28.27°N 99.90°W 10 TXNet manual final Southern Texas P / A
27941591 2021-08-13 17:02:01 0.9 40.83°N 15.14°E 6 INGV manual confirmed 6 km E Bagnoli Irpino (AV) P / A
2021p607325 2021-08-13 17:03:17 2.8 40.47°S 174.96°E 32 GNS manual confirmed 30 km north-west of Levin P / A
noa2021puqtk 2021-08-13 17:03:43 2.4 35.16°N 25.24°E 13 NOA manual confirmed 22 Km SSE from Iraklion P / A
auth2021puol 2021-08-13 17:03:44 2.5 35.14°N 25.23°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
27941651 2021-08-13 17:05:45 0.9 43.64°N 11.27°E 8 INGV manual confirmed 5 km S Impruneta (FI) P / A
20210813_0000214 2021-08-13 17:07:06 3.4 13.40°N 119.97°E 17 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000225 2021-08-13 17:08:39 1.7 42.21°N 8.09°W 22 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
20210813_0000213 2021-08-13 17:12:08 3.3 6.07°N 127.50°E 32 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
rs2021pwmzrm 2021-08-13 17:15:46 2.5 20.76°S 69.56°W 37 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
fr2021hcmclc 2021-08-13 17:16:56 0.5 earthquake 14.80°N 61.17°W -1 EOST manual confirmed Earthquake of magnitude 0.5, near of Fort-de-France (Les Antilles) P / A
20210813_0000212 2021-08-13 17:18:32 2.7 1.62°S 121.24°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021puoy 2021-08-13 17:18:32 2.7 1.62°S 121.24°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Sulawesi, Indonesia P / A
2021p607355 2021-08-13 17:18:48 2.7 43.63°S 172.77°E 5 GNS manual confirmed 15 km south-east of Christchurch P / A
11455728 2021-08-13 17:20:53 0.8 34.18°N 117.79°W 13 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772863 2021-08-13 17:20:53 0.8 34.18°N 117.79°W 13 USGS manual confirmed 8km N of San Dimas, CA P / A
11455737 2021-08-13 17:22:41 0.5 36.01°N 117.80°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
ci39772871 2021-08-13 17:22:41 0.5 36.01°N 117.80°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 13km NE of Little Lake, CA P / A
2021p607362 2021-08-13 17:22:53 1.8 40.28°S 174.88°E 22 GNS manual confirmed 40 km south of Whanganui P / A
11455730 2021-08-13 17:23:55 0.9 38.78°N 122.77°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609711 2021-08-13 17:23:55 0.9 38.78°N 122.77°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 1km W of The Geysers, CA P / A
20210813_0000222 2021-08-13 17:24:20 2.8 24.17°S 67.35°W 209 EMSC manual confirmed SALTA, ARGENTINA P / A
20210813_0000233 2021-08-13 17:27:30 4.5 28.33°N 57.39°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN IRAN P / A
11455748 2021-08-13 17:27:32 4.5 28.29°N 57.34°E 23 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN IRAN P / A
us6000f5sf 2021-08-13 17:27:32 4.5 28.29°N 57.34°E 23 USGS manual confirmed 121 km SSE of K?h Sef?d, Iran P / A
djdyYVhtUTFrYXpFL1VoSnl1TjBsQT09 2021-08-13 17:28:37 3.9 34.63°N 73.68°E 10 NCS manual confirmed Pakistan P / A
20210813_0000219 2021-08-13 17:28:37 3.9 34.63°N 73.68°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed PAKISTAN P / A
11455818 2021-08-13 17:28:42 3.8 55.15°N 157.63°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
us6000f5rl 2021-08-13 17:28:42 3.8 55.15°N 157.63°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 127 km SE of Perryville, Alaska P / A
20210813_0000282 2021-08-13 17:28:42 3.8 55.15°N 157.63°W 33 EMSC manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
20210813_0000217 2021-08-13 17:31:21 4.2 6.12°N 127.29°E 61 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
bmg2021pupj 2021-08-13 17:31:21 4.2 6.12°N 127.29°E 61 BMKG manual confirmed Philippine Islands Region P / A
11455733 2021-08-13 17:32:14 3.9 52.13°N 173.51°W 119 IRIS manual confirmed ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS. P / A
us6000f5rq 2021-08-13 17:32:14 3.9 52.13°N 173.51°W 119 USGS manual confirmed 47 km E of Atka, Alaska P / A
ak021ace7qoj 2021-08-13 17:32:16 3.0 52.00°N 173.47°W 93 USGS manual confirmed 55 km ESE of Atka, Alaska P / A
20210813_0000215 2021-08-13 17:32:16 3.6 51.89°N 173.41°W 82 EMSC manual confirmed ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS. P / A
bmg2021pupl 2021-08-13 17:33:15 4.8 6.28°N 127.22°E 19 BMKG manual confirmed Philippine Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000216 2021-08-13 17:33:15 4.8 6.28°N 127.22°E 19 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455734 2021-08-13 17:35:45 1.8 19.13°N 155.40°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72643197 2021-08-13 17:35:45 1.8 19.13°N 155.40°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 11 km SE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
11455747 2021-08-13 17:40:31 1.0 38.48°N 122.76°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609716 2021-08-13 17:40:31 1.0 38.48°N 122.76°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 4km SSW of Larkfield-Wikiup, CA P / A
20210813_0000220 2021-08-13 17:41:49 3.5 6.15°N 127.43°E 27 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455735 2021-08-13 17:45:55 1.2 34.22°N 117.47°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772903 2021-08-13 17:45:55 1.2 34.22°N 117.47°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 6km SSE of Lytle Creek, CA P / A
20210813_0000218 2021-08-13 17:46:22 3.5 9.00°S 112.62°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH OF JAVA, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021pupw 2021-08-13 17:46:22 3.5 9.00°S 112.62°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Java, Indonesia P / A
11455861 2021-08-13 17:46:56 1.2 59.93°N 152.34°W 88 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021acebebc 2021-08-13 17:46:56 1.2 59.93°N 152.34°W 88 USGS manual confirmed 33 km WNW of Anchor Point, Alaska P / A
11455736 2021-08-13 17:46:59 0.9 35.77°N 117.59°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772911 2021-08-13 17:46:59 0.9 35.77°N 117.59°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 16km W of Searles Valley, CA P / A
27942371 2021-08-13 17:52:52 0.6 46.43°N 13.12°E 15 INGV manual confirmed 6 km W Moggio Udinese (UD) P / A
auth2021puqh 2021-08-13 17:59:38 1.9 39.89°N 21.87°E 13 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
noa2021puspk 2021-08-13 17:59:39 2.0 39.73°N 22.17°E 14 NOA manual confirmed 19 Km S from Elassona P / A
20210813_0000337 2021-08-13 18:00:08 3.6 25.79°N 99.73°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed NUEVO LEON, MEXICO P / A
bmg2021puqk 2021-08-13 18:03:15 4.1 6.16°N 127.10°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Philippine Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000223 2021-08-13 18:03:15 4.1 6.16°N 127.10°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455740 2021-08-13 18:08:15 1.7 35.10°N 95.38°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021puqp 2021-08-13 18:08:15 1.7 35.10°N 95.38°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 2 km SSW of Quinton, Oklahoma P / A
20210813_0000226 2021-08-13 18:09:19 3.2 6.06°N 127.48°E 4 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000335 2021-08-13 18:10:25 3.3 15.95°N 97.32°W 27 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
gfz2021puqs 2021-08-13 18:11:37 5.4 59.96°S 26.37°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210813_0000229 2021-08-13 18:11:39 5.3 60.06°S 26.84°W 40 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455743 2021-08-13 18:11:40 5.3 60.02°S 26.98°W 53 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5se 2021-08-13 18:11:40 5.3 60.02°S 26.98°W 53 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
usp2021puqs 2021-08-13 18:11:44 5.0 59.66°S 27.07°W 68 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
rs2021pwovvc 2021-08-13 18:11:53 5.2 59.97°S 26.89°W 154 from location gempa automatic confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
rs2021pwoxwc 2021-08-13 18:13:57 2.6 22.63°S 70.37°W 15 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
11455765 2021-08-13 18:15:24 2.1 33.07°N 115.00°W -0 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772919 2021-08-13 18:15:24 2.1 33.07°N 115.00°W -0 USGS manual confirmed 45km NE of Holtville, CA P / A
20210813_0000246 2021-08-13 18:15:24 2.1 33.07°N 115.00°W EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
20210813_0000228 2021-08-13 18:17:09 3.9 6.15°N 127.24°E 15 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
11456105 2021-08-13 18:18:48 1.5 38.52°N 119.42°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609726 2021-08-13 18:18:48 1.5 38.52°N 119.42°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 30km SSW of Smith Valley, NV P / A
noa2021putfw 2021-08-13 18:18:50 3.0 39.73°N 22.18°E 9 NOA manual confirmed 18 Km S from Elassona P / A
20210813_0000227 2021-08-13 18:18:50 3.0 39.73°N 22.18°E 9 EMSC manual confirmed GREECE P / A
auth2021puqy 2021-08-13 18:18:51 2.8 39.75°N 22.24°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
20210813_0000230 2021-08-13 18:25:47 4.3 6.21°N 126.94°E 109 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
bmg2021pure 2021-08-13 18:25:47 4.3 6.21°N 126.94°E 109 BMKG manual confirmed Mindanao, Philippines P / A
auth2021purh 2021-08-13 18:29:50 1.6 39.72°N 22.11°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
20210813_0000232 2021-08-13 18:30:13 3.2 6.24°N 127.04°E 4 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
rs2021pwpned 2021-08-13 18:31:45 2.3 21.12°S 69.08°W 108 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11455746 2021-08-13 18:33:23 2.0 19.36°N 155.09°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210813_0000231 2021-08-13 18:33:23 2.0 19.36°N 155.09°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72643272 2021-08-13 18:33:23 2.0 19.36°N 155.09°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 12 km SSE of Fern Forest, Hawaii P / A
20210813_0000336 2021-08-13 18:34:21 3.7 16.08°N 96.67°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
11456994 2021-08-13 18:34:28 1.0 41.78°N 111.61°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed UTAH P / A
uu60452797 2021-08-13 18:34:28 1.0 41.78°N 111.61°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 15 km E of North Logan, Utah P / A
11455745 2021-08-13 18:35:33 1.4 60.11°N 151.95°W 65 IRIS manual confirmed KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA P / A
ak021aceugn3 2021-08-13 18:35:33 1.4 60.11°N 151.95°W 65 USGS manual confirmed 17 km WNW of Ninilchik, Alaska P / A
20210813_0000332 2021-08-13 18:36:00 3.1 15.00°N 93.02°W 67 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO P / A
rs2021pwprer 2021-08-13 18:36:24 3.4 28.27°S 70.77°W 1 from location gempa automatic confirmed Central Chile P / A
11455744 2021-08-13 18:36:27 1.3 38.81°N 122.74°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609736 2021-08-13 18:36:27 1.3 38.81°N 122.74°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 2km SW of Cobb, CA P / A
usp2021puro 2021-08-13 18:38:00 5.0 57.89°S 25.59°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
rs2021pwpsqc 2021-08-13 18:38:04 2.9 28.30°S 70.82°W 2 from location gempa automatic confirmed Central Chile P / A
noa2021putwp 2021-08-13 18:38:22 1.7 38.37°N 22.03°E 11 NOA manual confirmed 14 Km NNW from Aiyion P / A
auth2021purp 2021-08-13 18:38:22 1.8 38.35°N 22.03°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
2021p607505 2021-08-13 18:38:54 2.0 41.77°S 174.23°E 11 GNS manual confirmed 15 km south-east of Seddon P / A
27942981 2021-08-13 18:39:51 0.7 43.28°N 12.74°E 12 INGV manual confirmed 2 km SW Fossato di Vico (PG) P / A
rs2021pwpwvv 2021-08-13 18:42:59 2.6 20.33°S 70.04°W 14 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
20210813_0000235 2021-08-13 18:46:48 3.6 21.26°S 68.68°W 134 EMSC manual confirmed ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE P / A
rs2021pwqaee 2021-08-13 18:46:48 3.5 21.30°S 68.70°W 134 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11455754 2021-08-13 18:46:53 5.5 27.51°S 177.00°W 14 IRIS manual confirmed KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5st 2021-08-13 18:46:53 5.5 27.51°S 177.00°W 14 USGS manual confirmed Kermadec Islands region P / A
2021p607524 2021-08-13 18:46:55 5.3 27.51°S 175.93°W 33 GNS manual confirmed 1240 km north-east of Te Araroa P / A
fr2021hcmkkv 2021-08-13 18:46:56 5.6 27.18°S 176.34°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.6, near of Auckland (Monde) P / A
gfz2021purx 2021-08-13 18:46:58 5.3 27.20°S 176.69°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
ga2021pwqaay 2021-08-13 18:46:58 5.5 27.40°S 176.45°W 35 GA manual confirmed Kermadec Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000237 2021-08-13 18:46:58 5.3 27.20°S 176.69°W 26 EMSC manual confirmed KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION P / A
bmg2021purw 2021-08-13 18:47:11 5.1 27.08°S 176.52°W 172 BMKG manual confirmed Kermadec Islands Region P / A
auth2021pusa 2021-08-13 18:51:47 1.3 38.73°N 22.66°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210813_0000236 2021-08-13 18:52:03 3.4 31.68°N 104.42°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
11455753 2021-08-13 18:52:04 3.4 31.67°N 104.42°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
tx2021pusb 2021-08-13 18:52:04 3.4 31.67°N 104.42°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 55 km S of Whites City, New Mexico P / A
texnet2021pusb 2021-08-13 18:52:04 3.4 earthquake known 31.67°N 104.42°W 7 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
auth2021pusc 2021-08-13 18:53:46 1.3 38.65°N 21.33°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
auth2021puse 2021-08-13 18:56:35 1.1 40.62°N 23.47°E 14 AUTH manual confirmed Mygdonia Basin - N. Greece P / A
rs2021pwqjje 2021-08-13 18:57:29 2.7 33.62°N 117.19°W 16 from location gempa automatic confirmed Southern California P / A
11455749 2021-08-13 18:57:33 2.4 34.01°N 117.19°W 14 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
20210813_0000234 2021-08-13 18:57:33 2.4 34.01°N 117.19°W 14 EMSC manual confirmed GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA, CALIF. P / A
ci39772927 2021-08-13 18:57:33 2.4 34.01°N 117.19°W 14 USGS manual confirmed 5km S of Redlands, CA P / A
11455770 2021-08-13 18:59:37 4.7 2.28°S 80.87°W 44 IRIS manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF ECUADOR P / A
us6000f5t9 2021-08-13 18:59:37 4.7 2.28°S 80.87°W 44 USGS manual confirmed 6 km SSW of Santa Elena, Ecuador P / A
20210813_0000248 2021-08-13 18:59:41 4.7 1.60°S 81.00°W 50 EMSC manual confirmed OFF COAST OF ECUADOR P / A
bmg2021pusi 2021-08-13 19:00:34 5.1 6.35°N 127.30°E 104 BMKG manual confirmed Philippine Islands Region P / A
11455759 2021-08-13 19:00:36 4.9 6.21°N 127.06°E 67 IRIS manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5ta 2021-08-13 19:00:36 4.9 6.21°N 127.06°E 67 USGS manual confirmed 99 km E of Pondaguitan, Philippines P / A
20210813_0000241 2021-08-13 19:00:36 4.9 6.16°N 127.08°E 64 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
11456999 2021-08-13 19:01:36 1.6 46.01°N 112.46°W -2 IRIS manual confirmed MONTANA P / A
mb80519204 2021-08-13 19:01:36 1.6 46.01°N 112.46°W -2 USGS manual confirmed 5 km E of Butte, Montana P / A
20210813_0000244 2021-08-13 19:01:52 2.2 43.01°N 7.39°W 17 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
2021p607549 2021-08-13 19:02:09 1.7 39.34°S 174.79°E 17 GNS manual confirmed 40 km east of Stratford P / A
11456000 2021-08-13 19:02:44 4.3 19.86°S 70.08°W 59 IRIS manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NORTHERN CHILE P / A
us6000f5tb 2021-08-13 19:02:44 4.3 19.86°S 70.08°W 59 USGS manual confirmed 39 km N of Iquique, Chile P / A
20210813_0000238 2021-08-13 19:02:45 4.0 19.91°S 69.95°W 61 EMSC manual confirmed TARAPACA, CHILE P / A
rs2021pwqnwy 2021-08-13 19:02:45 4.3 19.90°S 70.00°W 35 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
auth2021pusk 2021-08-13 19:02:47 1.1 38.22°N 21.81°E 13 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
20210813_0000240 2021-08-13 19:03:48 5.1 1.63°S 80.97°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF ECUADOR P / A
ga2021pwqovm 2021-08-13 19:03:49 5.0 1.70°S 81.00°W 10 GA manual confirmed Off Coast of Ecuador P / A
usp2021pusl 2021-08-13 19:03:49 5.0 1.68°S 80.90°W 10 IAG manual confirmed Near Coast of Ecuador P / A
gfz2021pusk 2021-08-13 19:03:51 4.9 1.58°S 80.89°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11455761 2021-08-13 19:03:52 5.0 1.58°S 80.91°W 37 IRIS manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF ECUADOR P / A
us6000f5tm 2021-08-13 19:03:52 5.0 1.58°S 80.91°W 37 USGS manual confirmed 44 km SW of Jipijapa, Ecuador P / A
20210813_0000334 2021-08-13 19:05:42 4.0 14.93°N 92.37°W 106 EMSC manual confirmed CHIAPAS, MEXICO P / A
11455750 2021-08-13 19:07:13 1.0 38.84°N 122.77°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609756 2021-08-13 19:07:13 1.0 38.84°N 122.77°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 4km WNW of Cobb, CA P / A
20210813_0000239 2021-08-13 19:07:22 3.0 30.64°S 71.56°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed COQUIMBO, CHILE P / A
20210813_0000333 2021-08-13 19:08:28 4.0 15.06°N 92.98°W 81 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO P / A
2021p607561 2021-08-13 19:08:40 2.8 37.45°S 179.88°E 12 GNS manual confirmed 135 km east of Te Araroa P / A
11455752 2021-08-13 19:09:56 0.7 38.84°N 122.77°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609761 2021-08-13 19:09:56 0.7 38.84°N 122.77°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 4km WNW of Cobb, CA P / A
auth2021pusq 2021-08-13 19:10:06 1.3 38.75°N 20.61°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Lefkada Isl. - W. Greece P / A
20210813_0000290 2021-08-13 19:10:14 3.9 51.83°N 159.15°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA P / A
2021p607566 2021-08-13 19:11:28 1.8 42.04°S 174.03°E 21 GNS manual confirmed 40 km south of Seddon P / A
20210813_0000242 2021-08-13 19:14:07 3.6 6.25°N 127.26°E 15 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
11456106 2021-08-13 19:14:40 0.5 38.52°N 119.55°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609766 2021-08-13 19:14:40 0.5 38.52°N 119.55°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 29km SE of Markleeville, CA P / A
20210813_0000301 2021-08-13 19:15:50 3.2 58.42°N 153.15°W 70 EMSC manual confirmed KODIAK ISLAND REGION, ALASKA P / A
11455755 2021-08-13 19:15:51 2.7 58.41°N 153.16°W 52 IRIS manual confirmed KODIAK ISLAND REGION, ALASKA P / A
ak021acfbnc0 2021-08-13 19:15:51 2.7 58.41°N 153.16°W 52 USGS manual confirmed 41 km NNW of Aleneva, Alaska P / A
11455756 2021-08-13 19:17:32 0.6 33.46°N 116.58°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39772951 2021-08-13 19:17:32 0.6 33.46°N 116.58°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 14km SE of Anza, CA P / A
20210813_0000243 2021-08-13 19:18:27 3.6 6.29°N 127.28°E 22 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
smi_ch_ethz_sed_sc20a_Event_2021pwrbrk 2021-08-13 19:18:50 -0.1 ice quake 46.59°N 8.38°E -2 ETHZ manual confirmed Oberwald VS P / A
11456789 2021-08-13 19:20:09 1.2 35.95°N 97.77°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021pusy 2021-08-13 19:20:09 1.2 35.95°N 97.77°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 12 km ESE of Dover, Oklahoma P / A
2021p607596 2021-08-13 19:27:20 2.2 38.97°S 176.03°E 76 GNS manual confirmed 20 km east of Turangi P / A
20210813_0000330 2021-08-13 19:28:49 3.6 14.01°N 93.28°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed OFF COAST OF CHIAPAS, MEXICO P / A
11456979 2021-08-13 19:30:15 1.1 35.14°N 95.35°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021puth 2021-08-13 19:30:15 1.1 35.14°N 95.35°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 2 km NE of Quinton, Oklahoma P / A
20210813_0000331 2021-08-13 19:30:25 3.6 15.64°N 95.56°W 12 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
20210813_0000249 2021-08-13 19:30:42 3.3 6.04°N 127.41°E 29 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000245 2021-08-13 19:31:29 2.5 12.25°N 87.56°W 48 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
11455763 2021-08-13 19:31:33 1.1 60.09°N 150.27°W 34 IRIS manual confirmed KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA P / A
ak021acff1cu 2021-08-13 19:31:33 1.1 60.09°N 150.27°W 34 USGS manual confirmed 45 km ENE of Fox River, Alaska P / A
noa2021puvse 2021-08-13 19:33:49 3.0 39.73°N 22.17°E 13 NOA manual confirmed 19 Km S from Elassona P / A
20210813_0000250 2021-08-13 19:33:49 2.9 39.73°N 22.17°E 13 EMSC manual confirmed GREECE P / A
auth2021putk 2021-08-13 19:33:50 2.7 39.75°N 22.23°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
auth2021putm 2021-08-13 19:36:19 1.5 38.36°N 23.30°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210813_0000328 2021-08-13 19:36:56 3.2 18.04°N 99.88°W 56 EMSC manual confirmed GUERRERO, MEXICO P / A
20210813_0000329 2021-08-13 19:38:18 3.4 15.00°N 93.03°W 70 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO P / A
2021p607618 2021-08-13 19:38:54 1.9 38.88°S 177.75°E 12 GNS manual confirmed 30 km south-west of Gisborne P / A
nn00818574 2021-08-13 19:39:06 1.0 38.59°N 119.49°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 2 km NE of Coleville, California P / A
11455768 2021-08-13 19:39:07 1.0 38.58°N 119.49°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609771 2021-08-13 19:39:07 1.2 38.58°N 119.49°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 26km SSW of Smith Valley, NV P / A
11455766 2021-08-13 19:39:53 2.3 32.31°N 115.38°W 16 IRIS manual confirmed CALIF.-BAJA CALIF. BORDER REGION P / A
11455769 2021-08-13 19:39:53 1.2 38.38°N 118.90°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
20210813_0000247 2021-08-13 19:39:53 2.3 32.31°N 115.38°W 16 EMSC manual confirmed BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO P / A
ci39772967 2021-08-13 19:39:53 2.3 32.31°N 115.38°W 16 USGS manual confirmed 18km WSW of Delta, B.C., MX P / A
nn00818575 2021-08-13 19:39:53 1.2 38.38°N 118.90°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 28 km SW of Hawthorne, Nevada P / A
11455767 2021-08-13 19:40:39 2.0 40.39°N 124.34°W 22 IRIS manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NORTHERN CALIF. P / A
nc73609776 2021-08-13 19:40:39 2.0 40.39°N 124.34°W 22 USGS manual confirmed 8km NW of Petrolia, CA P / A
20210813_0000266 2021-08-13 19:42:03 2.6 17.92°N 66.84°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021225005 2021-08-13 19:42:03 2.6 17.92°N 66.84°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 7 km SE of Maria Antonia, Puerto Rico P / A
auth2021puts 2021-08-13 19:43:07 1.3 39.73°N 22.17°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
noa2021puwda 2021-08-13 19:46:25 1.8 39.71°N 22.17°E 11 NOA manual confirmed 20 Km S from Elassona P / A
auth2021putv 2021-08-13 19:46:26 1.8 39.73°N 22.19°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
11455849 2021-08-13 19:52:23 4.1 14.17°N 91.20°W 104 IRIS manual confirmed GUATEMALA P / A
us6000f5um 2021-08-13 19:52:23 4.1 14.17°N 91.20°W 104 USGS manual confirmed 10 km ESE of Nueva Concepción, Guatemala P / A
20210813_0000304 2021-08-13 19:52:23 4.1 14.17°N 91.20°W 104 EMSC manual confirmed GUATEMALA P / A
noa2021puwja 2021-08-13 19:53:24 2.5 35.17°N 25.26°E 15 NOA manual confirmed 21 Km SSE from Iraklion P / A
auth2021puub 2021-08-13 19:53:25 2.7 35.14°N 25.24°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
noa2021puwki 2021-08-13 19:54:56 2.8 35.14°N 25.25°E 10 NOA manual confirmed 24 Km SSE from Iraklion P / A
20210813_0000341 2021-08-13 19:54:56 2.8 35.14°N 25.24°E 3 EMSC manual confirmed CRETE, GREECE P / A
auth2021puuc 2021-08-13 19:54:56 2.8 35.14°N 25.24°E 3 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
20210813_0000268 2021-08-13 19:59:57 3.3 20.00°N 121.68°E 29 EMSC manual confirmed BATAN ISL REGION, PHILIPPINES P / A
noa2021puwpf 2021-08-13 20:00:40 1.4 38.33°N 23.34°E 9 NOA manual confirmed 3 Km NE from Thebes P / A
auth2021puuh 2021-08-13 20:00:40 1.7 38.34°N 23.31°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021puui 2021-08-13 20:02:05 2.0 37.18°N 23.54°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed South Aegean Sea - S. Greece P / A
11455834 2021-08-13 20:02:47 2.2 19.37°N 154.97°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210813_0000293 2021-08-13 20:02:47 2.2 19.37°N 154.97°W 2 EMSC manual confirmed HAWAII REGION, HAWAII P / A
hv72643437 2021-08-13 20:02:47 2.2 19.37°N 154.97°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 12 km SSW of Leilani Estates, Hawaii P / A
20210813_0000270 2021-08-13 20:04:21 2.6 24.07°S 67.45°W 230 EMSC manual confirmed SALTA, ARGENTINA P / A
11455786 2021-08-13 20:04:53 5.4 57.82°S 23.99°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5u9 2021-08-13 20:04:53 5.4 57.82°S 23.99°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
usp2021puul 2021-08-13 20:04:54 5.4 58.07°S 23.68°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000271 2021-08-13 20:04:54 5.3 57.95°S 24.07°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
ga2021pwsptz 2021-08-13 20:04:55 5.3 57.87°S 24.00°W 10 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
gfz2021puul 2021-08-13 20:04:55 5.2 57.91°S 24.00°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
bmg2021puul 2021-08-13 20:04:56 5.0 57.87°S 24.10°W 10 BMKG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
fr2021hcmriw 2021-08-13 20:04:57 5.1 57.94°S 23.94°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.1, near of Mar del Plata (Monde) P / A
20210813_0000269 2021-08-13 20:05:06 3.5 5.95°N 127.34°E 55 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
auth2021puun 2021-08-13 20:07:50 1.8 35.15°N 25.28°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
rs2021pwssid 2021-08-13 20:08:20 2.8 20.88°S 70.09°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
20210813_0000272 2021-08-13 20:08:57 3.2 23.99°S 67.44°W 259 EMSC manual confirmed ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE P / A
auth2021puup 2021-08-13 20:10:13 2.1 35.11°N 25.26°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
11455801 2021-08-13 20:10:37 1.4 34.64°N 117.31°W -1 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773007 2021-08-13 20:10:37 1.4 34.64°N 117.31°W -1 USGS manual confirmed 11km ENE of Adelanto, CA P / A
2021p607679 2021-08-13 20:11:55 3.1 38.97°S 175.63°E 114 GNS manual confirmed 15 km west of Turangi P / A
20210813_0000267 2021-08-13 20:11:55 3.1 38.97°S 175.63°E 114 EMSC manual confirmed NORTH ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND P / A
auth2021puut 2021-08-13 20:14:36 2.2 38.13°N 22.27°E 74 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
rs2021pwsyzy 2021-08-13 20:15:58 2.6 24.27°S 69.69°W 111 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210813_0000273 2021-08-13 20:18:47 2.7 21.18°S 68.03°W 176 EMSC manual confirmed POTOSI, BOLIVIA P / A
rs2021pwtblt 2021-08-13 20:18:49 2.7 21.17°S 68.27°W 184 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
ga2021pwtbzw 2021-08-13 20:19:28 2.2 34.40°S 148.76°E 10 GA manual confirmed Boorowa, NSW P / A
20210813_0000345 2021-08-13 20:19:28 2.2 34.40°S 148.76°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA P / A
20210813_0000276 2021-08-13 20:21:47 2.8 19.75°N 69.51°W 15 EMSC manual confirmed DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION P / A
11455791 2021-08-13 20:22:44 0.4 36.66°N 116.27°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818579 2021-08-13 20:22:44 0.4 36.66°N 116.27°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 51 km ESE of Beatty, Nevada P / A
11455790 2021-08-13 20:23:35 0.9 38.83°N 122.80°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609781 2021-08-13 20:23:35 0.9 38.83°N 122.80°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 7km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
11455800 2021-08-13 20:25:27 5.3 57.88°S 24.06°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5uu 2021-08-13 20:25:27 5.3 57.88°S 24.06°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
gfz2021puvc 2021-08-13 20:25:28 5.2 57.97°S 24.05°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
bmg2021puvc 2021-08-13 20:25:29 5.1 57.80°S 23.88°W 10 BMKG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
ga2021pwthfa 2021-08-13 20:25:30 5.2 57.89°S 23.93°W 19 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000275 2021-08-13 20:25:31 5.3 57.95°S 24.06°W 40 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
usp2021puvd 2021-08-13 20:25:32 5.3 58.02°S 23.91°W 51 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210813_0000279 2021-08-13 20:26:13 2.3 35.45°N 3.58°W 24 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
11455796 2021-08-13 20:29:59 1.4 62.86°N 150.02°W 75 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021acg03l3 2021-08-13 20:29:59 1.4 62.86°N 150.02°W 75 USGS manual confirmed 45 km N of Chase, Alaska P / A
11456777 2021-08-13 20:30:31 1.1 36.25°N 95.81°W IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021puvh 2021-08-13 20:30:31 1.1 36.25°N 95.81°W USGS manual confirmed 4 km ESE of Owasso, Oklahoma P / A
20210813_0000274 2021-08-13 20:32:15 3.2 24.13°S 67.50°W 211 EMSC manual confirmed SALTA, ARGENTINA P / A
auth2021puvj 2021-08-13 20:33:14 39.14°N 22.03°E 82 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11455803 2021-08-13 20:38:04 0.5 33.69°N 116.76°W 13 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773031 2021-08-13 20:38:04 0.5 33.69°N 116.76°W 13 USGS manual confirmed 7km SW of Idyllwild, CA P / A
20210813_0000277 2021-08-13 20:38:07 3.2 5.98°N 126.47°E 4 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
20210813_0000280 2021-08-13 20:38:59 5.0 26.67°S 175.76°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH OF TONGA P / A
11455815 2021-08-13 20:39:00 5.0 26.47°S 175.74°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH OF TONGA ISLANDS P / A
2021p607740 2021-08-13 20:39:00 5.3 26.45°S 175.72°W 10 GNS manual confirmed 1355 km north-east of Te Araroa P / A
us6000f5vh 2021-08-13 20:39:00 5.0 26.47°S 175.74°W 10 USGS manual confirmed south of Tonga P / A
11455799 2021-08-13 20:39:51 1.1 35.71°N 117.55°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773039 2021-08-13 20:39:51 1.1 35.71°N 117.55°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 15km WSW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
fr2021hcmuog 2021-08-13 20:41:05 1.4 42.87°N 1.17°W 12 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 1.4, near of Pamplona (France métropolitaine) P / A
ga2021pwtvwj 2021-08-13 20:42:31 2.4 30.91°S 117.27°E 4 GA manual confirmed SW of Koorda, WA P / A
20210813_0000278 2021-08-13 20:42:31 2.4 30.91°S 117.27°E 4 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN AUSTRALIA P / A
11455802 2021-08-13 20:43:28 1.0 33.49°N 116.51°W 13 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773047 2021-08-13 20:43:28 1.0 33.49°N 116.51°W 13 USGS manual confirmed 17km ESE of Anza, CA P / A
auth2021puvt 2021-08-13 20:45:16 1.5 38.27°N 22.60°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
auth2021puvv 2021-08-13 20:46:47 2.2 38.90°N 22.56°E 23 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210813_0000281 2021-08-13 20:47:55 2.5 35.50°N 3.65°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
27944021 2021-08-13 20:48:10 1.3 44.22°N 11.10°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 5 km N Camugnano (BO) P / A
11455835 2021-08-13 20:49:52 5.2 60.52°S 24.76°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5w3 2021-08-13 20:49:52 5.2 60.52°S 24.76°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210813_0000294 2021-08-13 20:49:55 5.2 60.54°S 24.79°W 30 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
bmg2021puvx 2021-08-13 20:49:57 4.9 60.70°S 24.81°W 10 BMKG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
fr2021hcmvis 2021-08-13 20:49:57 5.1 60.74°S 24.88°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.1, near of Mar del Plata (Monde) P / A
11455808 2021-08-13 20:50:26 0.5 35.92°N 117.68°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773063 2021-08-13 20:50:26 0.5 35.92°N 117.68°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 21km E of Little Lake, CA P / A
11456969 2021-08-13 20:50:40 1.3 36.98°N 97.51°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021puvy 2021-08-13 20:50:40 1.3 36.98°N 97.51°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 9 km WSW of Hunnewell, Kansas P / A
auth2021puvz 2021-08-13 20:52:17 1.4 38.07°N 23.79°E 12 AUTH manual confirmed Attica - C. Greece P / A
noa2021puygy 2021-08-13 20:52:18 1.3 38.06°N 23.76°E 13 NOA manual confirmed 10 Km NNE from Athinai P / A
rs2021pwujmq 2021-08-13 20:58:20 2.8 22.29°S 68.96°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
27944101 2021-08-13 20:59:42 1.2 42.54°N 13.28°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 3 km NW Capitignano (AQ) P / A
11455814 2021-08-13 21:01:55 1.0 35.91°N 117.71°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773071 2021-08-13 21:01:55 1.0 35.91°N 117.71°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 18km E of Little Lake, CA P / A
noa2021puyql 2021-08-13 21:02:41 2.0 37.09°N 22.73°E 42 NOA manual confirmed 27 Km E from Sparti P / A
auth2021puwi 2021-08-13 21:02:41 2.0 37.09°N 22.85°E 35 AUTH manual confirmed SE Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
11455830 2021-08-13 21:05:30 0.2 46.21°N 122.18°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed WASHINGTON P / A
uw61766391 2021-08-13 21:05:30 0.2 46.21°N 122.18°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 38 km NNE of Amboy, Washington P / A
11455868 2021-08-13 21:08:36 0.5 35.82°N 117.63°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773087 2021-08-13 21:08:36 0.5 35.82°N 117.63°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 22km WNW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
20210813_0000284 2021-08-13 21:10:43 3.2 6.24°N 127.09°E 16 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455824 2021-08-13 21:11:59 2.3 17.94°N 66.76°W 16 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
20210813_0000285 2021-08-13 21:11:59 2.3 17.94°N 66.76°W 16 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021225009 2021-08-13 21:11:59 2.3 17.94°N 66.76°W 16 USGS manual confirmed 7 km SW of Tallaboa, Puerto Rico P / A
11455820 2021-08-13 21:13:17 1.9 61.90°N 151.89°W 110 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021acgi0fl 2021-08-13 21:13:17 1.9 61.90°N 151.89°W 110 USGS manual confirmed 27 km WSW of Skwentna, Alaska P / A
20210813_0000297 2021-08-13 21:13:26 2.7 9.34°S 115.23°E 28 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH OF BALI, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021puws 2021-08-13 21:13:26 2.7 9.34°S 115.23°E 28 BMKG manual confirmed South of Bali, Indonesia P / A
20210813_0000283 2021-08-13 21:14:42 2.0 37.84°N 26.92°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE ISLANDS, GREECE P / A
20210813_0000327 2021-08-13 21:18:10 3.7 15.05°N 93.01°W 76 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO P / A
bmg2021puwy 2021-08-13 21:19:18 2.7 4.19°N 95.94°E 40 BMKG manual confirmed Northern Sumatra, Indonesia P / A
rs2021pwvbor 2021-08-13 21:19:18 2.2 20.28°S 68.95°W 91 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
27944201 2021-08-13 21:19:32 0.9 43.55°N 11.93°E 8 INGV manual confirmed 5 km E Subbiano (AR) P / A
bmg2021puwx 2021-08-13 21:19:33 2.4 8.26°S 116.14°E 27 BMKG manual confirmed Sumbawa Region, Indonesia P / A
20210813_0000291 2021-08-13 21:20:03 4.0 3.83°N 126.43°E 6 EMSC manual confirmed KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA P / A
auth2021puwy 2021-08-13 21:21:42 1.0 40.78°N 23.02°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Mygdonia Basin - N. Greece P / A
11456974 2021-08-13 21:22:11 0.8 36.13°N 117.84°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
ci39773119 2021-08-13 21:22:11 0.8 36.13°N 117.84°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 14km NE of Coso Junction, CA P / A
11455826 2021-08-13 21:22:16 2.1 19.18°N 155.47°W 36 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210813_0000286 2021-08-13 21:22:16 2.1 19.18°N 155.47°W 36 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72643557 2021-08-13 21:22:16 2.1 19.18°N 155.47°W 36 USGS manual confirmed 2 km SSE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
11456985 2021-08-13 21:22:44 0.1 35.86°N 117.65°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci37479405 2021-08-13 21:22:44 0.1 35.86°N 117.65°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 24km ESE of Little Lake, CA P / A
20210813_0000325 2021-08-13 21:22:48 3.0 16.01°N 97.60°W 47 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
20210813_0000326 2021-08-13 21:24:32 3.8 17.98°N 102.06°W 20 EMSC manual confirmed GUERRERO, MEXICO P / A
11455827 2021-08-13 21:24:58 2.0 19.18°N 155.47°W 38 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210813_0000288 2021-08-13 21:24:58 2.3 19.18°N 155.47°W 38 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72643562 2021-08-13 21:24:58 2.0 19.18°N 155.47°W 38 USGS manual confirmed 2 km SSE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
rs2021pwvgom 2021-08-13 21:25:06 2.4 48.53°N 123.25°W 17 from location gempa automatic confirmed Vancouver Island, Canada Region P / A
11455828 2021-08-13 21:25:07 2.4 48.49°N 123.39°W 24 IRIS manual confirmed VANCOUVER ISLAND, CANADA REGION P / A
uw61766396 2021-08-13 21:25:07 2.4 48.49°N 123.39°W 24 USGS manual confirmed 6 km NNW of Victoria, Canada P / A
20210813_0000289 2021-08-13 21:25:07 2.2 48.47°N 123.36°W 21 EMSC manual confirmed VANCOUVER ISLAND, CANADA REGION P / A
auth2021puxd 2021-08-13 21:25:10 1.3 38.10°N 22.28°E 53 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
auth2021puxc 2021-08-13 21:25:10 2.5 35.13°N 25.22°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
20210813_0000324 2021-08-13 21:26:21 3.1 17.28°N 100.63°W 43 EMSC manual confirmed GUERRERO, MEXICO P / A
20210813_0000292 2021-08-13 21:28:59 1.8 35.41°N 3.63°W 20 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
27944361 2021-08-13 21:29:10 1.4 44.17°N 12.62°E 18 INGV manual confirmed Costa Romagnola meridionale (Rimini, Forli-Cesena) P / A
rs2021pwvlot 2021-08-13 21:30:55 2.0 21.27°S 68.78°W 109 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
20210813_0000295 2021-08-13 21:31:50 3.0 12.06°N 87.88°W 15 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
20210813_0000299 2021-08-13 21:32:02 2.6 37.81°N 16.93°E 42 EMSC manual confirmed IONIAN SEA P / A
27944411 2021-08-13 21:32:02 2.6 37.81°N 16.93°E 42 INGV manual confirmed Mar Ionio Settentrionale (MARE) P / A
auth2021puxi 2021-08-13 21:32:46 38.79°N 19.82°E 259 AUTH manual confirmed Central Ionian Sea - W. Greece P / A
auth2021puxj 2021-08-13 21:34:10 1.6 38.40°N 23.28°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210813_0000296 2021-08-13 21:35:19 1.8 42.21°N 8.11°W 26 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
27944581 2021-08-13 21:37:50 0.9 45.74°N 11.16°E 12 INGV manual confirmed 5 km SE Vallarsa (TN) P / A
auth2021puxp 2021-08-13 21:40:11 2.5 34.53°N 23.71°E 15 AUTH manual confirmed SW of Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
rs2021pwvxbw 2021-08-13 21:44:16 2.3 22.00°S 68.65°W 83 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210813_0000298 2021-08-13 21:44:24 1.8 35.46°N 3.64°W 18 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
gfz2021puxt 2021-08-13 21:45:02 4.8 6.34°N 127.25°E GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11455848 2021-08-13 21:45:06 4.8 6.21°N 127.09°E 35 IRIS manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
bmg2021puxt 2021-08-13 21:45:06 5.0 6.21°N 127.25°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Philippine Islands Region P / A
us6000f5xa 2021-08-13 21:45:06 4.8 6.21°N 127.09°E 35 USGS manual confirmed 102 km E of Pondaguitan, Philippines P / A
20210813_0000302 2021-08-13 21:45:07 4.8 6.21°N 127.10°E 47 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
auth2021puxt 2021-08-13 21:45:07 1.5 39.54°N 23.70°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Aegean Trough - N. Greece P / A
rs2021pwvyyf 2021-08-13 21:46:26 2.2 21.96°S 68.46°W 97 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
27944681 2021-08-13 21:47:27 0.9 43.56°N 11.93°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 5 km E Subbiano (AR) P / A
11455847 2021-08-13 21:51:10 5.0 58.29°S 23.54°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5xe 2021-08-13 21:51:10 5.0 58.29°S 23.54°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
gfz2021puxy 2021-08-13 21:51:11 5.0 58.31°S 23.42°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210813_0000307 2021-08-13 21:51:11 5.0 58.36°S 23.52°W 20 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210813_0000305 2021-08-13 21:51:55 3.1 6.13°N 127.44°E 31 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
noa2021pvagt 2021-08-13 21:51:59 1.3 38.83°N 21.25°E 18 NOA manual confirmed 8 Km ESE from Amfilochia P / A
auth2021puxz 2021-08-13 21:51:59 1.3 38.83°N 21.24°E 15 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
27944771 2021-08-13 21:53:09 0.9 43.40°N 12.47°E 7 INGV manual confirmed 5 km SE Pietralunga (PG) P / A
20210813_0000338 2021-08-13 21:55:55 3.8 32.06°N 60.56°E 17 EMSC manual confirmed EASTERN IRAN P / A
20210813_0000306 2021-08-13 21:58:44 2.0 43.95°N 13.11°E 14 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL ITALY P / A
27944851 2021-08-13 21:58:44 2.0 43.95°N 13.11°E 14 INGV manual confirmed Costa Marchigiana Pesarese (Pesaro-Urbino) P / A
auth2021puyg 2021-08-13 22:00:05 1.9 39.55°N 23.81°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed North Aegean Trough - N. Greece P / A
noa2021pvant 2021-08-13 22:00:08 2.4 37.72°N 23.84°E 57 NOA manual confirmed 19 Km W from Lavrion P / A
fr2021hcnbps 2021-08-13 22:00:36 1.3 42.87°N 1.17°W 5 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 1.3, near of Pamplona (France métropolitaine) P / A
20210813_0000303 2021-08-13 22:01:49 2.0 35.48°N 3.55°W 22 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
11455845 2021-08-13 22:01:57 1.8 38.50°N 119.51°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
20210813_0000300 2021-08-13 22:01:57 2.1 38.50°N 119.51°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609796 2021-08-13 22:01:57 2.1 38.50°N 119.51°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 32km SE of Markleeville, CA P / A
rs2021pwwnaq 2021-08-13 22:02:49 2.7 22.85°S 69.45°W 1 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021puyi 2021-08-13 22:02:53 1.2 38.14°N 21.66°E 40 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
20210813_0000339 2021-08-13 22:03:21 3.9 31.91°N 56.12°E 9 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL IRAN P / A
noa2021pvasj 2021-08-13 22:05:31 1.5 39.75°N 22.12°E 12 NOA manual confirmed 17 Km SSW from Elassona P / A
auth2021puyk 2021-08-13 22:05:32 1.5 39.76°N 22.13°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
rs2021pwwuof 2021-08-13 22:11:29 3.3 21.85°S 68.41°W 17 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
20210813_0000308 2021-08-13 22:11:30 2.8 21.82°S 68.68°W 106 EMSC manual confirmed ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE P / A
auth2021puyq 2021-08-13 22:11:50 1.8 35.20°N 25.28°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
fr2021hcncwq 2021-08-13 22:14:52 1.1 12.83°S 45.37°E 35 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 1.1, near of Mamoudzou (Mayotte) P / A
auth2021puys 2021-08-13 22:15:01 38.76°N 19.66°E 317 AUTH manual confirmed Central Ionian Sea - W. Greece P / A
11455862 2021-08-13 22:19:26 1.9 17.99°N 66.99°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021225010 2021-08-13 22:19:26 1.9 17.99°N 66.99°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 6 km ENE of La Parguera, Puerto Rico P / A
auth2021puyy 2021-08-13 22:21:27 1.8 38.85°N 21.02°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
rs2021pwxika 2021-08-13 22:27:34 2.2 21.25°S 68.78°W 98 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
20210813_0000309 2021-08-13 22:28:13 3.4 12.12°N 87.78°W 12 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
fr2021hcnefj 2021-08-13 22:29:54 2.0 12.84°S 45.64°E 31 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 2.0, near of Mamoudzou (Mayotte) P / A
11455856 2021-08-13 22:32:42 1.8 61.93°N 150.50°W 56 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ach7kky 2021-08-13 22:32:42 1.8 61.93°N 150.50°W 56 USGS manual confirmed 31 km NW of Willow, Alaska P / A
oca2021puzl 2021-08-13 22:36:27 2.9 43.87°N 12.61°E 10 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210813_0000310 2021-08-13 22:36:27 2.2 43.76°N 12.60°E 40 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL ITALY P / A
27945161 2021-08-13 22:36:27 2.5 43.76°N 12.60°E 40 INGV manual confirmed 5 km NW Urbino (PU) P / A
11456967 2021-08-13 22:37:03 1.4 35.90°N 95.17°W IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021puzl 2021-08-13 22:37:03 1.4 35.90°N 95.17°W USGS manual confirmed Oklahoma P / A
11456299 2021-08-13 22:40:59 2.2 40.31°N 124.38°W 29 IRIS manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NORTHERN CALIF. P / A
nc73609811 2021-08-13 22:40:59 2.2 40.31°N 124.38°W 29 USGS manual confirmed 8km WSW of Petrolia, CA P / A
20210813_0000344 2021-08-13 22:40:59 2.2 40.31°N 124.38°W 29 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
2021p607960 2021-08-13 22:41:16 2.3 41.74°S 173.72°E 30 GNS manual confirmed 25 km west of Seddon P / A
auth2021puzp 2021-08-13 22:41:31 1.4 39.27°N 20.99°E 33 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
rs2021pwxwfo 2021-08-13 22:43:38 1.7 20.27°S 69.43°W 82 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11455859 2021-08-13 22:44:50 2.8 44.27°N 115.18°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN IDAHO P / A
us6000f5xv 2021-08-13 22:44:50 2.8 44.27°N 115.18°W 10 USGS manual confirmed southern Idaho P / A
20210813_0000311 2021-08-13 22:44:51 3.2 44.28°N 115.19°W 11 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN IDAHO P / A
20210813_0000317 2021-08-13 22:46:17 2.6 18.23°N 71.49°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed DOMINICAN REPUBLIC P / A
fr2021hcnfso 2021-08-13 22:46:53 1.4 12.78°S 45.33°E 37 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 1.4, near of Mamoudzou (Mayotte) P / A
fr2021hcnftc 2021-08-13 22:47:05 0.9 earthquake 43.58°N 7.21°E 22 EOST manual confirmed Earthquake of magnitude 0.9, near of Nice (France métropolitaine) P / A
oca2021puzu 2021-08-13 22:47:06 1.1 earthquake 43.62°N 7.20°E 10 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
auth2021puzw 2021-08-13 22:49:03 1.6 39.34°N 23.71°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Aegean Trough - N. Greece P / A
27945231 2021-08-13 22:49:17 0.4 43.43°N 12.80°E 14 INGV manual confirmed 5 km W Sassoferrato (AN) P / A
rs2021pwybds 2021-08-13 22:49:21 2.4 21.43°S 69.78°W 21 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11456962 2021-08-13 22:52:08 1.4 36.00°N 96.53°W IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021puzy 2021-08-13 22:52:08 1.4 36.00°N 96.53°W USGS manual confirmed 6 km ENE of Drumright, Oklahoma P / A
20210813_0000312 2021-08-13 22:53:06 2.5 39.93°N 38.63°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed EASTERN TURKEY P / A
27945261 2021-08-13 22:53:36 1.0 42.84°N 13.04°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 5 km S Preci (PG) P / A
auth2021pvad 2021-08-13 22:57:08 1.4 39.30°N 23.72°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Aegean Trough - N. Greece P / A
auth2021pvae 2021-08-13 22:58:24 1.7 38.96°N 22.72°E 28 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021pvaf 2021-08-13 22:59:52 1.3 40.41°N 23.99°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Chalkidiki - N. Greece P / A
2021p607998 2021-08-13 23:01:31 3.6 36.76°S 178.82°E 30 GNS manual confirmed 100 km north-east of Te Araroa P / A
20210813_0000313 2021-08-13 23:01:31 3.5 36.83°S 178.83°E 19 EMSC manual confirmed OFF E. COAST OF N. ISLAND, N.Z. P / A
20210813_0000314 2021-08-13 23:02:04 2.0 35.47°N 3.54°W 22 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
11457040 2021-08-13 23:02:57 1.9 31.58°N 104.56°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
tx2021pvai 2021-08-13 23:02:57 1.9 31.58°N 104.56°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 64 km NNE of Van Horn, Texas P / A
texnet2021pvai 2021-08-13 23:02:57 1.9 earthquake known 31.58°N 104.56°W 9 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
11456301 2021-08-13 23:12:30 0.3 37.61°N 118.98°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609821 2021-08-13 23:12:30 0.3 37.61°N 118.98°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 3km S of Mammoth Lakes, CA P / A
2021p608023 2021-08-13 23:14:53 3.3 39.36°S 176.90°E 16 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north of Napier P / A
20210813_0000315 2021-08-13 23:14:53 3.3 39.36°S 176.90°E 16 EMSC manual confirmed NORTH ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND P / A
auth2021pvas 2021-08-13 23:15:10 1.4 38.10°N 21.70°E 33 AUTH manual confirmed North Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
noa2021pvdad 2021-08-13 23:15:12 0.8 38.16°N 21.69°E 28 NOA manual confirmed 9 Km SSW from Patrai P / A
11455869 2021-08-13 23:18:44 2.9 20.41°N 156.43°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210813_0000316 2021-08-13 23:18:44 2.9 20.40°N 156.44°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed MAUI REGION, HAWAII P / A
hv72643697 2021-08-13 23:18:44 2.8 20.41°N 156.43°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 26 km S of M?kena, Hawaii P / A
noa2021pvdgp 2021-08-13 23:22:47 2.5 35.16°N 25.25°E 12 NOA manual confirmed 22 Km SSE from Iraklion P / A
auth2021pvay 2021-08-13 23:22:47 2.7 35.15°N 25.23°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
11455871 2021-08-13 23:24:39 0.8 63.06°N 151.69°W 17 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021achra9q 2021-08-13 23:24:39 0.8 63.06°N 151.69°W 17 USGS manual confirmed 54 km S of Denali National Park, Alaska P / A
2021p608048 2021-08-13 23:28:23 2.5 36.97°S 177.09°E 12 GNS manual confirmed 100 km north-west of Te Kaha P / A
20210813_0000318 2021-08-13 23:28:57 2.4 39.01°N 27.87°E 9 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN TURKEY P / A
11455874 2021-08-13 23:29:31 0.7 37.62°N 118.85°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609826 2021-08-13 23:29:31 0.7 37.62°N 118.85°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 11km ESE of Mammoth Lakes, CA P / A
auth2021pvbh 2021-08-13 23:32:38 1.4 35.20°N 25.28°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
20210813_0000319 2021-08-13 23:32:41 5.0 60.59°S 26.62°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455883 2021-08-13 23:32:42 5.0 60.54°S 26.74°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5y4 2021-08-13 23:32:42 5.0 60.54°S 26.74°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
gfz2021pvbh 2021-08-13 23:32:43 5.1 60.46°S 26.38°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
auth2021pvbi 2021-08-13 23:33:06 1.9 39.94°N 21.79°E 60 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
27945371 2021-08-13 23:33:21 0.7 43.35°N 12.77°E 12 INGV manual confirmed 3 km NE Sigillo (PG) P / A
oca2021pvbk 2021-08-13 23:36:12 0.5 earthquake 44.33°N 7.27°E 5 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
auth2021pvbl 2021-08-13 23:37:20 2.6 37.14°N 20.87°E 43 AUTH manual confirmed W of Peloponnese - SW Greece P / A
noa2021pvdtj 2021-08-13 23:37:39 2.0 38.79°N 21.08°E 9 NOA manual confirmed 11 Km SW from Amfilochia P / A
11455877 2021-08-13 23:39:49 1.2 64.94°N 147.29°W IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021achuiqz 2021-08-13 23:39:49 1.2 64.94°N 147.29°W USGS manual confirmed 14 km WNW of Two Rivers, Alaska P / A
auth2021pvbn 2021-08-13 23:40:06 2.3 36.34°N 27.00°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
20210813_0000323 2021-08-13 23:40:15 3.2 5.36°N 126.95°E 15 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
11455878 2021-08-13 23:40:24 0.8 37.62°N 118.85°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609836 2021-08-13 23:40:24 0.8 37.62°N 118.85°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 12km E of Mammoth Lakes, CA P / A
20210813_0000321 2021-08-13 23:41:04 2.4 42.33°N 8.58°W 16 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
11455880 2021-08-13 23:43:11 1.7 61.43°N 150.24°W 36 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021achvani 2021-08-13 23:43:11 1.7 61.43°N 150.24°W 36 USGS manual confirmed 15 km WNW of Point MacKenzie, Alaska P / A
27945491 2021-08-13 23:45:53 1.0 41.53°N 14.62°E 12 INGV manual confirmed 4 km W Ferrazzano (CB) P / A
noa2021pvebs 2021-08-13 23:47:24 1.9 38.89°N 21.14°E 6 NOA manual confirmed 3 Km NW from Amfilochia P / A
auth2021pvbu 2021-08-13 23:47:25 1.8 38.84°N 21.12°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
20210813_0000320 2021-08-13 23:48:12 2.0 35.42°N 3.66°W 14 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
auth2021pvbx 2021-08-13 23:51:10 1.4 38.09°N 22.69°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
11455886 2021-08-13 23:54:04 1.4 60.98°N 149.29°W 29 IRIS manual confirmed KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA P / A
ak021achxn17 2021-08-13 23:54:04 1.4 60.98°N 149.29°W 29 USGS manual confirmed 7 km NW of Girdwood, Alaska P / A
20210813_0000322 2021-08-13 23:54:10 3.3 31.77°S 70.40°W 134 EMSC manual confirmed SAN JUAN, ARGENTINA P / A
rs2021pxages 2021-08-13 23:55:32 2.6 21.39°S 69.88°W 28 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11456756 2021-08-13 23:55:54 1.9 35.15°N 95.36°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021pvcb 2021-08-13 23:55:54 1.9 35.15°N 95.36°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 2 km NNE of Quinton, Oklahoma P / A