

Event ID Origin Time
Mag Type Type
Agency M S FM Felt Region Name XML
11455891 2021-08-14 00:03:41 0.7 35.70°N 117.56°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773215 2021-08-14 00:03:41 0.7 35.70°N 117.56°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 14km NE of Ridgecrest, CA P / A
27945591 2021-08-14 00:04:24 1.4 42.97°N 12.88°E 11 INGV manual confirmed 10 km NW Sellano (PG) P / A
11455893 2021-08-14 00:05:53 1.4 63.45°N 144.95°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021adrhmct 2021-08-14 00:05:53 1.4 63.45°N 144.95°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 26 km SSW of Dry Creek, Alaska P / A
fr2021hcnmzg 2021-08-14 00:08:40 1.3 12.85°S 45.44°E 41 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 1.3, near of Mamoudzou (Mayotte) P / A
11455907 2021-08-14 00:08:50 1.1 33.89°N 116.00°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773223 2021-08-14 00:08:50 1.1 33.89°N 116.00°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 27km NE of Indio, CA P / A
27945671 2021-08-14 00:10:47 1.1 42.94°N 12.77°E 15 INGV manual confirmed 5 km E Foligno (PG) P / A
auth2021pvcq 2021-08-14 00:13:02 1.5 37.39°N 20.49°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed South Ionian Sea - W. Greece P / A
20210814_0000004 2021-08-14 00:16:34 5.0 59.84°S 26.35°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
gfz2021pvct 2021-08-14 00:16:35 5.2 59.80°S 26.23°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11455908 2021-08-14 00:16:38 5.1 59.80°S 26.53°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5yg 2021-08-14 00:16:38 5.1 59.80°S 26.53°W 35 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
27945711 2021-08-14 00:19:41 1.0 42.83°N 12.92°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 1 km NE Cerreto di Spoleto (PG) P / A
auth2021pvcx 2021-08-14 00:21:15 1.4 38.72°N 22.15°E 44 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210814_0000001 2021-08-14 00:21:27 3.5 20.77°S 68.97°W 106 EMSC manual confirmed TARAPACA, CHILE P / A
rs2021pxbcog 2021-08-14 00:21:27 3.8 20.77°S 68.97°W 97 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
27945751 2021-08-14 00:21:55 0.4 42.84°N 13.09°E 12 INGV manual confirmed 6 km N Norcia (PG) P / A
11455911 2021-08-14 00:23:33 5.0 58.46°S 24.94°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5yi 2021-08-14 00:23:33 5.0 58.46°S 24.94°W 35 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210814_0000007 2021-08-14 00:23:33 5.0 58.46°S 24.94°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210814_0000006 2021-08-14 00:24:30 3.5 10.35°N 86.26°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed OFF COAST OF COSTA RICA P / A
nn00818586 2021-08-14 00:25:01 1.4 38.54°N 119.43°W 0 USGS manual confirmed 4 km ENE of Walker, California P / A
11455901 2021-08-14 00:25:02 1.1 38.53°N 119.43°W 0 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609861 2021-08-14 00:25:02 1.5 38.53°N 119.43°W 0 USGS manual confirmed 30km SSW of Smith Valley, NV P / A
20210814_0000003 2021-08-14 00:25:14 3.2 5.85°N 127.01°E 150 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
usp2021pvdb 2021-08-14 00:25:54 3.3 2.71°N 59.54°W IAG manual confirmed Guyana P / A
11455902 2021-08-14 00:27:14 0.8 38.82°N 122.79°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609866 2021-08-14 00:27:14 0.8 38.82°N 122.79°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 6km W of Cobb, CA P / A
auth2021pvdd 2021-08-14 00:28:35 1.2 40.27°N 20.64°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Greece-Albania border P / A
20210814_0000002 2021-08-14 00:29:34 3.6 22.60°S 66.20°W 273 EMSC manual confirmed JUJUY, ARGENTINA P / A
11455905 2021-08-14 00:30:16 0.7 34.01°N 117.18°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773231 2021-08-14 00:30:16 0.7 34.01°N 117.18°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 5km S of Redlands, CA P / A
27945831 2021-08-14 00:31:49 1.0 42.95°N 13.02°E 11 INGV manual confirmed 5 km S Monte Cavallo (MC) P / A
bmg2021pvdk 2021-08-14 00:37:00 3.7 7.44°S 106.12°E 33 BMKG manual confirmed Java, Indonesia P / A
20210814_0000005 2021-08-14 00:37:00 3.7 7.44°S 106.12°E 33 EMSC manual confirmed JAVA, INDONESIA P / A
11457127 2021-08-14 00:37:35 0.9 38.53°N 119.42°W IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818589 2021-08-14 00:37:35 0.9 38.53°N 119.42°W USGS manual confirmed 5 km ENE of Walker, California P / A
auth2021pvdm 2021-08-14 00:38:54 1.9 38.88°N 26.09°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed North Aegean Sea - N. Greece P / A
27945881 2021-08-14 00:39:53 1.3 43.89°N 12.01°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 5 km NE Bagno di Romagna (FC) P / A
auth2021pvdr 2021-08-14 00:44:27 2.1 39.40°N 21.85°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
rs2021pxbwzc 2021-08-14 00:45:11 3.2 28.70°S 68.85°W 176 from location gempa automatic confirmed La Rioja Province, Argentina P / A
auth2021pvdt 2021-08-14 00:47:06 2.4 36.17°N 26.50°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
27945931 2021-08-14 00:47:10 0.7 40.54°N 15.92°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 3 km N Anzi (PZ) P / A
s2rhai2021pvdt 2021-08-14 00:47:11 3.8 earthquake 19.75°N 75.54°W 16 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
11455914 2021-08-14 00:47:15 0.7 35.90°N 117.74°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773247 2021-08-14 00:47:15 0.7 35.90°N 117.74°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 16km ESE of Little Lake, CA P / A
20210814_0000008 2021-08-14 00:58:00 3.3 12.13°N 87.78°W 22 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
11456785 2021-08-14 00:59:59 1.1 35.14°N 95.35°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021pvee 2021-08-14 00:59:59 1.1 35.14°N 95.35°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 2 km NE of Quinton, Oklahoma P / A
11455922 2021-08-14 01:02:29 1.2 63.18°N 149.38°W 87 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ads2cw5 2021-08-14 01:02:29 1.2 63.18°N 149.38°W 87 USGS manual confirmed 31 km SW of Cantwell, Alaska P / A
11455923 2021-08-14 01:03:23 0.9 38.57°N 119.45°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818591 2021-08-14 01:03:23 0.9 38.57°N 119.45°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 4 km E of Coleville, California P / A
auth2021pvek 2021-08-14 01:07:29 1.5 38.37°N 23.32°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210814_0000009 2021-08-14 01:07:35 2.8 12.79°N 83.90°W 2 EMSC manual confirmed NICARAGUA P / A
auth2021pvem 2021-08-14 01:08:57 1.5 38.52°N 23.22°E 16 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210814_0000010 2021-08-14 01:15:03 2.8 59.99°N 152.59°W 103 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
11455928 2021-08-14 01:15:04 2.5 60.02°N 152.61°W 98 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ads539p 2021-08-14 01:15:04 2.5 60.02°N 152.61°W 98 USGS manual confirmed 49 km W of Happy Valley, Alaska P / A
rs2021pxcyma 2021-08-14 01:17:05 2.3 20.74°S 68.82°W 88 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
rs2021pxdcmo 2021-08-14 01:21:46 2.7 20.10°S 69.36°W 76 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11455933 2021-08-14 01:24:16 1.0 38.76°N 122.71°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609876 2021-08-14 01:24:16 1.0 38.76°N 122.71°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 3km SW of Anderson Springs, CA P / A
20210814_0000012 2021-08-14 01:24:49 3.6 6.22°N 127.19°E 15 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
koeri2021pvfc 2021-08-14 01:27:38 5.4 6.17°N 127.23°E 10 KOERI manual confirmed Philippine Islands Region P / A
fr2021hcntzo 2021-08-14 01:27:39 5.4 6.17°N 126.95°E 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.4, near of Davao (Monde) P / A
gfz2021pvfc 2021-08-14 01:27:40 5.4 6.09°N 127.10°E GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210814_0000011 2021-08-14 01:27:40 5.4 6.12°N 127.15°E 26 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455938 2021-08-14 01:27:43 5.1 6.00°N 127.09°E 54 IRIS manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5yv 2021-08-14 01:27:43 5.1 6.00°N 127.09°E 54 USGS manual confirmed 108 km ESE of Pondaguitan, Philippines P / A
rs2021pxdhoh 2021-08-14 01:27:43 5.2 6.02°N 127.07°E 57 from location gempa automatic confirmed Philippine Islands Region P / A
ga2021pxdhpo 2021-08-14 01:27:45 5.3 5.99°N 127.11°E 68 GA manual confirmed Philippine Islands Region P / A
bmg2021pvfc 2021-08-14 01:27:45 5.3 6.04°N 127.18°E 57 BMKG manual confirmed Philippine Islands Region P / A
11456998 2021-08-14 01:28:07 0.8 39.71°N 110.75°W -3 IRIS manual confirmed UTAH P / A
uu60452832 2021-08-14 01:28:07 0.8 39.71°N 110.75°W -3 USGS manual confirmed 5 km ENE of Kenilworth, Utah P / A
rs2021pxdjju 2021-08-14 01:29:45 2.2 45.36°N 123.06°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Washington-Oregon Border Region P / A
auth2021pvff 2021-08-14 01:31:52 1.5 37.76°N 20.83°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Zakynthos Isl. - W. Greece P / A
27946081 2021-08-14 01:32:58 1.1 42.59°N 13.32°E 13 INGV manual confirmed 5 km NW Campotosto (AQ) P / A
20210814_0000013 2021-08-14 01:34:19 2.6 20.47°S 69.24°W 106 EMSC manual confirmed TARAPACA, CHILE P / A
rs2021pxdmwp 2021-08-14 01:34:19 2.7 20.48°S 69.35°W 103 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021pvfk 2021-08-14 01:37:33 1.8 36.24°N 22.13°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed S of Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
gfz2021pvfm 2021-08-14 01:39:50 5.0 21.77°S 113.40°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210814_0000014 2021-08-14 01:39:50 5.0 21.77°S 113.40°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE P / A
11455941 2021-08-14 01:39:51 5.0 21.83°S 113.36°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE P / A
us6000f5yz 2021-08-14 01:39:51 5.0 21.83°S 113.36°W 10 USGS manual confirmed southern East Pacific Rise P / A
auth2021pvfn 2021-08-14 01:41:19 1.1 38.36°N 21.80°E 18 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Patras - W. Greece P / A
11455939 2021-08-14 01:42:33 1.7 37.88°N 118.58°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818593 2021-08-14 01:42:33 1.6 37.91°N 118.62°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 16 km NW of Benton, California P / A
nc73609881 2021-08-14 01:42:33 1.5 37.88°N 118.58°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 36km NNE of Toms Place, CA P / A
rs2021pxdvdg 2021-08-14 01:43:24 2.7 17.81°S 69.83°W 156 from location gempa automatic confirmed Peru-Bolivia Border Region P / A
20210814_0000015 2021-08-14 01:43:25 2.9 17.83°S 69.57°W 155 EMSC manual confirmed TARAPACA, CHILE P / A
11456555 2021-08-14 01:44:00 0.5 35.86°N 117.67°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773263 2021-08-14 01:44:00 0.5 35.86°N 117.67°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 23km ESE of Little Lake, CA P / A
2021p608308 2021-08-14 01:46:43 2.0 40.63°S 174.54°E 50 GNS manual confirmed 50 km north-west of Paraparaumu P / A
11455966 2021-08-14 01:46:55 3.2 17.81°N 66.81°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021226000 2021-08-14 01:46:55 3.2 17.81°N 66.81°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 20 km SSE of Maria Antonia, Puerto Rico P / A
20210814_0000026 2021-08-14 01:46:55 3.2 17.81°N 66.81°W 4 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
27946151 2021-08-14 01:47:08 0.7 42.91°N 13.16°E 9 INGV manual confirmed 2 km N Castelsantangelo sul Nera (MC) P / A
27946201 2021-08-14 01:49:27 0.6 43.30°N 12.75°E 11 INGV manual confirmed 1 km NW Fossato di Vico (PG) P / A
11455940 2021-08-14 01:49:39 0.4 38.84°N 122.84°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609886 2021-08-14 01:49:39 0.4 38.84°N 122.84°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 10km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
fr2021hcnvzw 2021-08-14 01:50:20 1.5 12.87°S 45.41°E 35 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 1.5, near of Mamoudzou (Mayotte) P / A
rs2021pxebll 2021-08-14 01:50:44 2.2 22.17°S 70.11°W 48 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
auth2021pvfw 2021-08-14 01:51:37 39.46°N 22.31°E 114 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
20210814_0000028 2021-08-14 01:53:39 2.1 35.47°N 3.66°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
rs2021pxeebp 2021-08-14 01:53:46 2.7 20.83°S 69.67°W 15 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210814_0000017 2021-08-14 01:54:55 2.9 56.12°N 149.66°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed GULF OF ALASKA P / A
11455948 2021-08-14 01:54:55 2.9 56.12°N 149.66°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed GULF OF ALASKA P / A
us6000f5z0 2021-08-14 01:54:55 2.9 56.12°N 149.66°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 230 km SE of Chiniak, Alaska P / A
27946281 2021-08-14 01:56:50 0.1 43.30°N 12.75°E 11 INGV manual confirmed 1 km NW Fossato di Vico (PG) P / A
2021p608328 2021-08-14 01:57:10 2.3 45.01°S 167.67°E 65 GNS manual confirmed 40 km south-west of Milford Sound P / A
20210814_0000025 2021-08-14 01:57:24 2.0 41.55°N 20.24°E 8 EMSC manual confirmed ALBANIA P / A
auth2021pvgb 2021-08-14 01:57:25 1.9 41.65°N 20.23°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Albania P / A
11455942 2021-08-14 01:57:30 1.7 60.03°N 148.99°W IRIS manual confirmed KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA P / A
ak021adse5e9 2021-08-14 01:57:30 1.7 60.03°N 148.99°W USGS manual confirmed 25 km E of Lowell Point, Alaska P / A
11455967 2021-08-14 02:01:56 3.2 17.95°N 66.33°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021226001 2021-08-14 02:01:56 3.2 17.95°N 66.33°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 4 km SSW of Las Ochenta, Puerto Rico P / A
20210814_0000027 2021-08-14 02:01:56 3.2 17.95°N 66.33°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
auth2021pvgh 2021-08-14 02:05:10 1.6 39.71°N 22.11°E 19 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
noa2021pvipy 2021-08-14 02:05:12 1.5 39.62°N 22.18°E 9 NOA manual confirmed 20 Km W from Larissa P / A
20210814_0000020 2021-08-14 02:05:16 3.1 5.82°N 127.04°E 90 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
noa2021pvisf 2021-08-14 02:07:50 2.5 38.11°N 22.68°E 9 NOA manual confirmed 5 Km NE from Xylokastron P / A
auth2021pvgk 2021-08-14 02:07:51 2.5 38.13°N 22.75°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
20210814_0000018 2021-08-14 02:09:37 3.1 5.75°N 127.25°E 3 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
27946311 2021-08-14 02:11:54 0.6 42.84°N 13.04°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 5 km S Preci (PG) P / A
noa2021pvixg 2021-08-14 02:13:45 2.4 38.84°N 21.22°E 13 NOA manual confirmed 5 Km ESE from Amfilochia P / A
auth2021pvgp 2021-08-14 02:13:45 2.4 38.82°N 21.19°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
20210814_0000019 2021-08-14 02:13:55 4.5 6.07°N 127.39°E 111 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
noa2021pvixl 2021-08-14 02:13:56 2.6 36.31°N 27.03°E 14 NOA manual confirmed 32 Km SSW from Nissiros P / A
auth2021pvgq 2021-08-14 02:13:56 2.7 36.36°N 27.06°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
bmg2021pvgp 2021-08-14 02:13:57 4.5 5.93°N 127.19°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Philippine Islands Region P / A
20210814_0000016 2021-08-14 02:16:50 3.4 12.10°N 87.78°W 16 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
11456007 2021-08-14 02:17:34 3.2 17.94°N 66.34°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021226002 2021-08-14 02:17:34 3.2 17.94°N 66.34°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 4 km SE of Jauca, Puerto Rico P / A
20210814_0000050 2021-08-14 02:17:34 3.2 17.94°N 66.34°W 4 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
auth2021pvgt 2021-08-14 02:19:14 1.5 37.63°N 21.59°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed West Peloponnese - SW Greece P / A
auth2021pvgy 2021-08-14 02:24:02 1.4 35.16°N 25.25°E 13 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
11456289 2021-08-14 02:24:12 1.3 59.54°N 152.84°W 84 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adsshe5 2021-08-14 02:24:12 1.3 59.54°N 152.84°W 84 USGS manual confirmed 55 km WNW of Nanwalek, Alaska P / A
rs2021pxfett 2021-08-14 02:24:45 2.6 23.11°S 70.65°W 7 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
auth2021pvgz 2021-08-14 02:25:18 39.93°N 22.57°E 125 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
11455953 2021-08-14 02:25:38 0.8 38.55°N 119.43°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818594 2021-08-14 02:25:38 0.8 38.55°N 119.43°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 5 km NE of Walker, California P / A
auth2021pvhb 2021-08-14 02:27:06 2.4 36.38°N 27.12°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
11455952 2021-08-14 02:28:06 1.9 61.37°N 147.52°W 19 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adstbc6 2021-08-14 02:28:06 1.9 61.37°N 147.52°W 19 USGS manual confirmed 48 km S of Glacier View, Alaska P / A
auth2021pvhc 2021-08-14 02:28:14 2.2 36.33°N 22.26°E 28 AUTH manual confirmed S of Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
11457004 2021-08-14 02:30:12 1.1 38.87°N 111.28°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed UTAH P / A
uu60452837 2021-08-14 02:30:12 1.1 38.87°N 111.28°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 6 km SSW of Emery, Utah P / A
11456006 2021-08-14 02:30:54 2.6 17.94°N 66.33°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
20210814_0000049 2021-08-14 02:30:54 2.6 17.94°N 66.33°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021226003 2021-08-14 02:30:54 2.6 17.94°N 66.33°W 7 USGS manual confirmed Puerto Rico region P / A
auth2021pvhe 2021-08-14 02:30:56 0.8 38.78°N 21.10°E 15 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
11455960 2021-08-14 02:32:23 4.7 58.68°S 25.13°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210814_0000022 2021-08-14 02:32:23 4.7 58.68°S 25.13°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5z7 2021-08-14 02:32:23 4.7 58.68°S 25.13°W 35 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
auth2021pvhi 2021-08-14 02:35:33 1.9 35.15°N 25.26°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
11456294 2021-08-14 02:37:00 1.1 53.55°N 167.13°W 13 IRIS manual confirmed FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS P / A
ak021adsv2j5 2021-08-14 02:37:00 1.1 53.55°N 167.13°W 13 USGS manual confirmed 53 km SW of Unalaska, Alaska P / A
rs2021pxfpzl 2021-08-14 02:37:46 2.2 20.64°S 68.96°W 90 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11455954 2021-08-14 02:37:49 1.1 35.71°N 117.50°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773279 2021-08-14 02:37:49 1.1 35.71°N 117.50°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 11km SW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
20210814_0000024 2021-08-14 02:38:16 3.2 6.17°N 126.93°E 98 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
noa2021pvjsi 2021-08-14 02:38:20 1.2 38.06°N 23.76°E 15 NOA manual confirmed 11 Km NNE from Athinai P / A
auth2021pvhk 2021-08-14 02:38:21 1.6 38.07°N 23.75°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Attica - C. Greece P / A
11455958 2021-08-14 02:39:27 1.4 34.72°N 120.70°W -0 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773287 2021-08-14 02:39:27 1.4 34.72°N 120.70°W -0 USGS manual confirmed 17km WSW of Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA P / A
rs2021pxfrzc 2021-08-14 02:40:03 2.1 22.13°S 68.71°W 133 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
rs2021pxftmg 2021-08-14 02:41:49 2.5 22.67°S 68.87°W 101 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11455959 2021-08-14 02:42:23 2.0 19.21°N 155.46°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210814_0000021 2021-08-14 02:42:23 2.0 19.21°N 155.46°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72644122 2021-08-14 02:42:23 2.0 19.21°N 155.46°W 35 USGS manual confirmed 1 km ENE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
11455961 2021-08-14 02:44:35 2.9 57.26°N 154.91°W 60 IRIS manual confirmed KODIAK ISLAND REGION, ALASKA P / A
20210814_0000023 2021-08-14 02:44:35 2.9 57.25°N 155.00°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
ak021adswt26 2021-08-14 02:44:35 3.0 57.26°N 154.91°W 60 USGS manual confirmed 43 km SW of Karluk, Alaska P / A
rs2021pxfxbk 2021-08-14 02:45:57 2.5 22.27°S 70.44°W 1 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
11455962 2021-08-14 02:48:44 1.5 65.46°N 153.44°W IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adsxon8 2021-08-14 02:48:44 1.5 65.46°N 153.44°W USGS manual confirmed 71 km WNW of Tanana, Alaska P / A
auth2021pvhy 2021-08-14 02:54:27 1.3 38.43°N 23.41°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11455965 2021-08-14 02:57:18 0.8 33.94°N 117.06°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773295 2021-08-14 02:57:18 0.8 33.94°N 117.06°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 6km S of Calimesa, CA P / A
2021p608447 2021-08-14 03:00:37 1.7 41.00°S 175.58°E 22 GNS manual confirmed 5 km south-west of Masterton P / A
11455968 2021-08-14 03:03:02 1.4 61.39°N 150.45°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adt9dro 2021-08-14 03:03:02 1.4 61.39°N 150.45°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 18 km SSE of Susitna, Alaska P / A
11455969 2021-08-14 03:03:20 0.7 33.16°N 116.57°W 14 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773303 2021-08-14 03:03:20 0.7 33.16°N 116.57°W 14 USGS manual confirmed 9km NNE of Julian, CA P / A
20210814_0000029 2021-08-14 03:04:46 5.3 58.84°S 24.80°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455971 2021-08-14 03:04:47 5.2 58.80°S 24.73°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
gfz2021pvih 2021-08-14 03:04:47 5.3 58.85°S 24.76°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
us6000f5zg 2021-08-14 03:04:47 5.2 58.80°S 24.73°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
usp2021pvih 2021-08-14 03:04:50 5.3 58.46°S 25.36°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
ga2021pxgnhd 2021-08-14 03:04:53 5.1 58.76°S 24.96°W 55 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
rs2021pxgnkl 2021-08-14 03:04:57 5.3 58.65°S 24.79°W 96 from location gempa automatic confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
auth2021pvii 2021-08-14 03:05:31 2.1 39.41°N 22.61°E 62 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
bmg2021pvil 2021-08-14 03:09:02 4.4 3.01°S 141.81°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed New Guinea, Papua New Guinea P / A
auth2021pvil 2021-08-14 03:09:05 2.2 38.29°N 24.24°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Southern Evia - C. Greece P / A
20210814_0000068 2021-08-14 03:09:07 4.2 3.22°S 141.40°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed NEW GUINEA, PAPUA NEW GUINEA P / A
20210814_0000030 2021-08-14 03:11:15 1.8 36.46°N 3.08°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
20210814_0000031 2021-08-14 03:14:37 1.6 37.16°N 3.75°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
sx2021pvkyo 2021-08-14 03:15:52 -0.2 earthquake 50.41°N 12.33°E 17 SX manual confirmed SN Vogtlandkreis P / A
noa2021pvkzz 2021-08-14 03:17:30 1.8 39.79°N 21.96°E 6 NOA manual confirmed 23 Km N from Elassona P / A
auth2021pvis 2021-08-14 03:17:31 1.9 39.80°N 21.98°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
27946461 2021-08-14 03:18:05 0.4 43.60°N 10.96°E 6 INGV manual confirmed 1 km SW Castelfiorentino (FI) P / A
11455970 2021-08-14 03:19:31 1.5 61.60°N 146.39°W 30 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adtcvfu 2021-08-14 03:19:31 1.5 61.60°N 146.39°W 30 USGS manual confirmed 47 km SSE of Nelchina, Alaska P / A
20210814_0000042 2021-08-14 03:20:14 3.6 34.04°N 60.18°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHEASTERN IRAN P / A
27946491 2021-08-14 03:22:30 1.8 38.46°N 15.59°E 135 INGV manual confirmed Tirreno Meridionale (MARE) P / A
usp2021pvix 2021-08-14 03:23:35 5.0 61.34°S 26.28°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210814_0000039 2021-08-14 03:23:40 5.0 60.51°S 26.97°W 2 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
gfz2021pvix 2021-08-14 03:23:42 5.2 60.73°S 27.18°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11455985 2021-08-14 03:23:43 5.1 60.31°S 27.08°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f60h 2021-08-14 03:23:43 5.1 60.31°S 27.08°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
rs2021pxhdsk 2021-08-14 03:23:56 5.3 59.29°S 29.76°W 10 gempa automatic confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11455972 2021-08-14 03:28:20 0.8 38.79°N 122.77°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609896 2021-08-14 03:28:20 0.8 38.79°N 122.77°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 1km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
11455973 2021-08-14 03:30:46 2.4 55.66°N 157.78°W 25 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
ak021adtf8zz 2021-08-14 03:30:46 2.4 55.66°N 157.78°W 25 USGS manual confirmed 80 km SSE of Chignik, Alaska P / A
20210814_0000040 2021-08-14 03:30:47 1.7 35.44°N 3.64°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
auth2021pvjd 2021-08-14 03:30:47 1.9 38.26°N 23.17°E 57 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
usp2021pvje 2021-08-14 03:31:29 5.3 58.76°S 25.12°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210814_0000034 2021-08-14 03:31:30 5.1 58.42°S 24.93°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
gfz2021pvje 2021-08-14 03:31:31 5.2 58.42°S 24.96°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11455976 2021-08-14 03:31:34 5.1 58.44°S 24.88°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5zv 2021-08-14 03:31:34 5.1 58.44°S 24.88°W 35 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
ga2021pxhklz 2021-08-14 03:31:39 5.2 58.44°S 25.10°W 75 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
auth2021pvje 2021-08-14 03:31:48 1.5 38.34°N 23.41°E 18 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
gfz2021pvjg 2021-08-14 03:33:59 5.2 57.76°S 25.13°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
fr2021hcoffd 2021-08-14 03:33:59 5.0 57.51°S 24.30°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.0, near of Mar del Plata (Monde) P / A
usp2021pvjg 2021-08-14 03:34:00 5.4 57.68°S 25.45°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210814_0000033 2021-08-14 03:34:04 5.4 57.81°S 25.31°W 50 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11455979 2021-08-14 03:34:05 5.3 57.83°S 25.52°W 51 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f5zx 2021-08-14 03:34:05 5.3 57.83°S 25.52°W 51 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
ga2021pxhmlw 2021-08-14 03:34:09 5.1 57.78°S 25.50°W 91 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210814_0000043 2021-08-14 03:35:44 4.1 41.84°N 79.45°E 1 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA P / A
11455974 2021-08-14 03:40:45 1.9 38.57°N 119.47°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609901 2021-08-14 03:40:45 1.9 38.57°N 119.47°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 26km SSW of Smith Valley, NV P / A
11455977 2021-08-14 03:44:13 1.3 61.16°N 149.54°W 28 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adti6xh 2021-08-14 03:44:13 1.3 61.16°N 149.54°W 28 USGS manual confirmed 11 km SSE of Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska P / A
oca2021pvjp 2021-08-14 03:45:14 0.3 earthquake 44.43°N 6.93°E 4 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000038 2021-08-14 03:45:35 2.0 35.46°N 3.66°W 16 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
11456780 2021-08-14 03:46:12 1.2 36.36°N 98.16°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021pvjq 2021-08-14 03:46:12 1.2 36.36°N 98.16°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 3 km SE of Meno, Oklahoma P / A
11455978 2021-08-14 03:47:21 2.6 36.62°N 121.18°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
20210814_0000032 2021-08-14 03:47:21 2.6 36.62°N 121.18°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609906 2021-08-14 03:47:21 2.6 36.62°N 121.18°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 10km NNW of Pinnacles, CA P / A
20210814_0000037 2021-08-14 03:48:08 1.6 37.79°N 6.82°W 2 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
auth2021pvjs 2021-08-14 03:48:16 2.4 36.03°N 25.78°E 59 AUTH manual confirmed South Aegean Sea - S. Greece P / A
rs2021pxibcs 2021-08-14 03:51:01 3.4 49.25°N 4.84°E 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed France P / A
20210814_0000041 2021-08-14 03:51:01 2.8 61.53°N 151.02°W 75 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
11455980 2021-08-14 03:51:02 2.6 61.54°N 151.12°W 64 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adtjo12 2021-08-14 03:51:02 2.6 61.54°N 151.12°W 64 USGS manual confirmed 32 km W of Susitna, Alaska P / A
11455981 2021-08-14 03:54:25 2.2 36.61°N 121.17°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
20210814_0000035 2021-08-14 03:54:25 2.2 36.61°N 121.17°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609911 2021-08-14 03:54:25 2.2 36.61°N 121.17°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 10km NNW of Pinnacles, CA P / A
auth2021pvjz 2021-08-14 03:56:25 2.6 38.66°N 23.41°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Northern Evia - C. Greece P / A
11455982 2021-08-14 03:59:28 2.4 36.60°N 121.18°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609916 2021-08-14 03:59:28 2.4 36.60°N 121.18°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 8km NNW of Pinnacles, CA P / A
20210814_0000036 2021-08-14 03:59:28 2.4 36.60°N 121.18°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
usp2021pvkc 2021-08-14 03:59:49 2.9 17.78°S 44.66°W IAG manual confirmed Lassance/MG P / A
rs2021pxijjh 2021-08-14 04:00:34 2.2 21.11°S 68.69°W 125 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
auth2021pvkd 2021-08-14 04:00:47 1.9 37.12°N 20.68°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed South Ionian Sea - W. Greece P / A
20210814_0000074 2021-08-14 04:01:37 1.5 35.51°N 3.71°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
11455986 2021-08-14 04:04:44 2.0 60.95°N 147.85°W 20 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adtv4cn 2021-08-14 04:04:44 2.0 60.95°N 147.85°W 20 USGS manual confirmed 49 km ENE of Whittier, Alaska P / A
11455987 2021-08-14 04:08:21 1.0 38.48°N 119.49°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818598 2021-08-14 04:08:21 1.0 38.48°N 119.49°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 3 km SSW of Walker, California P / A
11455988 2021-08-14 04:11:00 1.5 61.91°N 151.22°W 69 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adtwiyc 2021-08-14 04:11:00 1.5 61.91°N 151.22°W 69 USGS manual confirmed 12 km SE of Skwentna, Alaska P / A
27946651 2021-08-14 04:23:04 1.0 43.00°N 12.99°E 12 INGV manual confirmed 1 km NW Monte Cavallo (MC) P / A
20210814_0000045 2021-08-14 04:23:17 3.0 21.24°S 68.82°W 118 EMSC manual confirmed TARAPACA, CHILE P / A
rs2021pxjcxy 2021-08-14 04:23:17 3.1 21.25°S 68.93°W 121 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11455991 2021-08-14 04:24:41 1.6 47.71°N 120.32°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed WASHINGTON P / A
20210814_0000044 2021-08-14 04:24:41 2.4 47.71°N 120.32°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed WASHINGTON P / A
uw61766486 2021-08-14 04:24:41 1.6 47.71°N 120.32°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 9 km WNW of Entiat, Washington P / A
auth2021pvlb 2021-08-14 04:28:46 2.3 34.93°N 24.17°E 28 AUTH manual confirmed SW of Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
20210814_0000046 2021-08-14 04:28:59 3.1 36.35°N 3.29°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN ALGERIA P / A
11455995 2021-08-14 04:30:55 0.8 35.81°N 117.63°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773311 2021-08-14 04:30:55 0.8 35.81°N 117.63°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 21km WNW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
auth2021pvle 2021-08-14 04:31:50 1.6 38.40°N 23.66°E 15 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
noa2021pvnmx 2021-08-14 04:33:08 1.2 35.22°N 25.17°E 18 NOA manual confirmed 13 Km SSE from Iraklion P / A
20210814_0000048 2021-08-14 04:33:11 4.0 15.02°N 93.06°W 63 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO P / A
auth2021pvlg 2021-08-14 04:34:07 1.7 38.77°N 21.55°E 37 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
noa2021pvnnt 2021-08-14 04:34:11 1.1 38.52°N 21.62°E 9 NOA manual confirmed 22 Km SE from Agrinion P / A
OXlHdnMzTnRoU0lLc3FldEN0NUREUT09 2021-08-14 04:36:00 6.4 5.79°N 93.54°E 10 NCS manual confirmed 141km SSW of Campbell Bay, Andaman and Nicobar island, India P / A
auth2021pvli 2021-08-14 04:37:09 38.79°N 21.02°E 96 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
11455999 2021-08-14 04:37:21 1.2 33.09°N 116.03°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773327 2021-08-14 04:37:21 1.2 33.09°N 116.03°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 11km ESE of Ocotillo Wells, CA P / A
11456003 2021-08-14 04:37:39 1.1 61.47°N 150.78°W 66 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adu26kr 2021-08-14 04:37:39 1.1 61.47°N 150.78°W 66 USGS manual confirmed 16 km WSW of Susitna, Alaska P / A
s2rhai2021pvlk 2021-08-14 04:38:50 2.3 earthquake 18.29°N 71.95°W 9 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000137 2021-08-14 04:38:50 2.3 18.29°N 71.95°W 9 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456004 2021-08-14 04:40:12 2.0 19.38°N 155.50°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210814_0000047 2021-08-14 04:40:12 2.0 19.38°N 155.50°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72644277 2021-08-14 04:40:12 2.0 19.38°N 155.50°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 19 km N of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210814_0000051 2021-08-14 04:41:29 2.8 29.03°N 77.32°E 16 EMSC manual confirmed UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA P / A
MGlURVVqZFRpK2VCS3pDemMvYXV0dz09 2021-08-14 04:41:29 2.8 29.03°N 77.32°E 16 NCS manual confirmed Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh P / A
27946701 2021-08-14 04:41:32 1.5 43.75°N 12.60°E 45 INGV manual confirmed 4 km NW Urbino (PU) P / A
11456830 2021-08-14 04:47:45 1.1 44.27°N 114.91°W 0 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN IDAHO P / A
mb80519239 2021-08-14 04:47:45 1.1 44.27°N 114.91°W 0 USGS manual confirmed 6 km NNE of Stanley, Idaho P / A
11456022 2021-08-14 04:50:31 2.8 17.80°N 66.90°W 13 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021226004 2021-08-14 04:50:31 2.8 17.80°N 66.90°W 13 USGS manual confirmed 19 km S of Guánica, Puerto Rico P / A
20210814_0000054 2021-08-14 04:50:31 2.8 17.80°N 66.90°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
20210814_0000055 2021-08-14 04:52:07 1.5 37.00°N 2.52°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
11456009 2021-08-14 04:52:30 0.8 34.05°N 117.50°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773335 2021-08-14 04:52:30 0.8 34.05°N 117.50°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 4km NNW of Glen Avon, CA P / A
11456010 2021-08-14 04:53:16 0.5 33.72°N 116.81°W 15 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773343 2021-08-14 04:53:16 0.5 33.72°N 116.81°W 15 USGS manual confirmed 8km WSW of Idyllwild, CA P / A
11456011 2021-08-14 04:54:12 0.8 38.51°N 119.53°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818599 2021-08-14 04:54:12 0.8 38.51°N 119.53°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 4 km W of Walker, California P / A
20210814_0000057 2021-08-14 04:56:16 1.7 35.52°N 3.63°W 17 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
rs2021pxkgui 2021-08-14 04:57:56 2.3 21.96°S 68.77°W 118 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11456013 2021-08-14 05:04:17 1.5 33.87°N 117.69°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773383 2021-08-14 05:04:17 1.5 33.87°N 117.69°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 11km W of Corona, CA P / A
27946821 2021-08-14 05:04:46 1.3 42.89°N 13.17°E 7 INGV manual confirmed 1 km E Castelsantangelo sul Nera (MC) P / A
auth2021pvmi 2021-08-14 05:06:43 2.4 36.30°N 27.05°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
11456014 2021-08-14 05:09:54 0.8 38.82°N 122.80°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609921 2021-08-14 05:09:54 0.8 38.82°N 122.80°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 6km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
11456016 2021-08-14 05:12:29 2.8 36.60°N 121.20°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
20210814_0000052 2021-08-14 05:12:29 2.8 36.60°N 121.20°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609926 2021-08-14 05:12:29 2.8 36.60°N 121.20°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 9km NNW of Pinnacles, CA P / A
11456019 2021-08-14 05:14:15 1.6 40.56°N 119.79°W 14 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818601 2021-08-14 05:14:15 1.6 40.56°N 119.79°W 14 USGS manual confirmed 38 km W of Empire, Nevada P / A
usp2021pvmo 2021-08-14 05:14:33 5.0 60.04°S 25.71°W 10 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210814_0000056 2021-08-14 05:14:36 5.2 59.78°S 26.30°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
gfz2021pvmo 2021-08-14 05:14:38 5.2 59.87°S 26.48°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11456023 2021-08-14 05:14:41 5.3 59.77°S 26.30°W 44 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f613 2021-08-14 05:14:41 5.3 59.77°S 26.30°W 44 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
rs2021pxkvkj 2021-08-14 05:14:57 5.1 59.50°S 27.30°W 155 from location gempa automatic confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
noa2021pvoyj 2021-08-14 05:16:52 3.1 36.30°N 27.06°E 10 NOA manual confirmed 31 Km N from Tilos P / A
20210814_0000053 2021-08-14 05:16:52 3.1 36.32°N 27.09°E 1 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE IS.-TURKEY BORDER REG P / A
auth2021pvmq 2021-08-14 05:16:53 3.1 36.32°N 27.09°E 1 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
20210814_0000073 2021-08-14 05:18:32 1.8 35.46°N 3.75°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
11456024 2021-08-14 05:20:16 5.0 58.50°S 25.00°W 65 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f616 2021-08-14 05:20:16 5.0 58.50°S 25.00°W 65 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210814_0000058 2021-08-14 05:20:16 5.0 58.50°S 25.00°W 65 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210814_0000069 2021-08-14 05:20:27 1.8 35.44°N 3.75°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
27946961 2021-08-14 05:23:17 0.9 43.05°N 12.96°E 12 INGV manual confirmed 3 km S Serravalle di Chienti (MC) P / A
20210814_0000066 2021-08-14 05:23:24 1.8 35.46°N 3.86°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
20210814_0000059 2021-08-14 05:24:18 3.0 35.40°N 26.13°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed CRETE, GREECE P / A
auth2021pvmx 2021-08-14 05:24:18 3.0 35.40°N 26.13°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
noa2021pvpet 2021-08-14 05:24:19 2.9 35.36°N 26.11°E 14 NOA manual confirmed 16 Km N from Sitia P / A
11456030 2021-08-14 05:26:26 3.1 17.87°N 66.86°W 13 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
20210814_0000061 2021-08-14 05:26:26 3.1 17.87°N 66.86°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021226005 2021-08-14 05:26:26 3.1 17.87°N 66.86°W 13 USGS manual confirmed 12 km SSE of Guánica, Puerto Rico P / A
27947001 2021-08-14 05:26:29 0.6 42.81°N 13.12°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 3 km NE Norcia (PG) P / A
11457091 2021-08-14 05:27:24 2.2 31.60°N 104.00°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
texnet2021pvmz 2021-08-14 05:27:24 2.1 earthquake known 31.60°N 104.00°W 8 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
tx2021pvmz 2021-08-14 05:27:24 2.2 31.60°N 104.00°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 37 km NNW of Toyah, Texas P / A
20210814_0000378 2021-08-14 05:27:24 2.2 31.60°N 104.00°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
rs2021pxlhtn 2021-08-14 05:29:13 2.6 21.96°S 68.81°W 129 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11456025 2021-08-14 05:38:47 1.2 36.18°N 117.60°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
ci39773407 2021-08-14 05:38:47 1.2 36.18°N 117.60°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 35km ENE of Coso Junction, CA P / A
11456026 2021-08-14 05:39:25 1.6 62.92°N 146.45°W 250 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021aduo0hi 2021-08-14 05:39:25 1.6 62.92°N 146.45°W 250 USGS manual confirmed Central Alaska P / A
11456027 2021-08-14 05:46:47 0.8 38.84°N 122.81°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609931 2021-08-14 05:46:47 0.8 38.84°N 122.81°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 8km WNW of Cobb, CA P / A
11456032 2021-08-14 05:48:13 2.6 18.00°N 66.83°W 18 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021226006 2021-08-14 05:48:13 2.6 18.00°N 66.83°W 18 USGS manual confirmed 1 km NW of Indios, Puerto Rico P / A
20210814_0000062 2021-08-14 05:48:13 2.6 18.00°N 66.83°W 18 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO P / A
2021p608762 2021-08-14 05:48:55 3.0 41.12°S 173.11°E 104 GNS manual confirmed 5 km east of Motueka P / A
auth2021pvnt 2021-08-14 05:49:54 2.4 38.45°N 25.49°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Aegean Sea - C. Greece P / A
20210814_0000065 2021-08-14 05:50:10 2.0 35.47°N 3.70°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
rs2021pxmbht 2021-08-14 05:51:56 2.6 21.39°S 69.80°W 27 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11456028 2021-08-14 05:56:49 2.2 19.22°N 155.41°W 34 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210814_0000060 2021-08-14 05:56:49 2.2 19.22°N 155.41°W 34 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72644377 2021-08-14 05:56:49 2.2 19.22°N 155.41°W 34 USGS manual confirmed 6 km ENE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210814_0000063 2021-08-14 06:09:18 2.5 39.96°N 28.09°E 11 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN TURKEY P / A
koeri2021pvoj 2021-08-14 06:09:19 2.5 39.98°N 28.10°E 9 KOERI manual confirmed Susurluk-Balikesir P / A
20210814_0000064 2021-08-14 06:10:04 3.1 39.94°S 73.19°W 41 EMSC manual confirmed LOS LAGOS, CHILE P / A
11457130 2021-08-14 06:18:34 0.7 46.87°N 112.51°W 13 IRIS manual confirmed MONTANA P / A
mb80519504 2021-08-14 06:18:34 0.7 46.87°N 112.51°W 13 USGS manual confirmed 16 km SE of Lincoln, Montana P / A
11456033 2021-08-14 06:21:19 0.3 38.81°N 122.78°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609936 2021-08-14 06:21:19 0.3 38.81°N 122.78°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 4km NNW of The Geysers, CA P / A
11456034 2021-08-14 06:21:32 1.0 33.87°N 117.69°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773423 2021-08-14 06:21:32 1.0 33.87°N 117.69°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 11km W of Corona, CA P / A
noa2021pvrci 2021-08-14 06:22:03 1.6 37.56°N 23.55°E 9 NOA manual confirmed 8 Km ENE from Poros P / A
auth2021pvou 2021-08-14 06:22:05 2.1 37.73°N 23.49°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Saronikos Gulf - S. Greece P / A
11456035 2021-08-14 06:22:25 0.8 38.80°N 122.78°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609941 2021-08-14 06:22:25 0.8 38.80°N 122.78°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 4km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
11457236 2021-08-14 06:22:40 0.5 47.63°N 120.41°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed WASHINGTON P / A
uw61766506 2021-08-14 06:22:40 0.5 47.63°N 120.41°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 12 km NNE of Cashmere, Washington P / A
oca2021pvoy 2021-08-14 06:26:43 1.2 earthquake 44.45°N 7.05°E 3 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
27947351 2021-08-14 06:26:43 0.9 44.46°N 7.08°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 1 km NW Canosio (CN) P / A
fr2021hcounr 2021-08-14 06:26:43 1.0 earthquake 44.46°N 7.05°E 6 EOST manual confirmed Earthquake of magnitude 1.0, near of Gap (France métropolitaine) P / A
11456036 2021-08-14 06:28:45 1.1 34.34°N 116.86°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773431 2021-08-14 06:28:45 1.1 34.34°N 116.86°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 9km N of Big Bear City, CA P / A
auth2021pvpa 2021-08-14 06:29:14 1.9 38.53°N 22.91°E 38 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
bmg2021pvpf 2021-08-14 06:34:38 3.2 1.89°S 120.45°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Sulawesi, Indonesia P / A
20210814_0000067 2021-08-14 06:34:38 3.2 1.91°S 120.46°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
11456147 2021-08-14 06:36:20 1.0 37.42°N 118.63°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73609946 2021-08-14 06:36:20 1.0 37.42°N 118.63°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 3km WNW of Round Valley, CA P / A
11456037 2021-08-14 06:37:07 1.0 33.20°N 116.18°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773439 2021-08-14 06:37:07 1.0 33.20°N 116.18°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 8km NW of Ocotillo Wells, CA P / A
11456038 2021-08-14 06:38:36 1.3 32.72°N 115.46°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed CALIF.-BAJA CALIF. BORDER REGION P / A
ci39773447 2021-08-14 06:38:36 1.3 32.72°N 115.46°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 6km NE of Calexico, CA P / A
11456039 2021-08-14 06:43:37 0.4 33.05°N 116.41°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773455 2021-08-14 06:43:37 0.4 33.05°N 116.41°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 18km E of Julian, CA P / A
11456559 2021-08-14 06:44:13 0.8 33.20°N 115.57°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci37479365 2021-08-14 06:44:13 0.8 33.20°N 115.57°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 6km SW of Niland, CA P / A
20210814_0000070 2021-08-14 06:50:16 3.2 6.33°N 127.07°E 32 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
rs2021pxoafa 2021-08-14 06:51:00 2.4 18.03°S 69.45°W 155 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021pvpu 2021-08-14 06:52:16 1.7 37.53°N 23.55°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Saronikos Gulf - S. Greece P / A
11456040 2021-08-14 06:57:19 0.8 33.29°N 116.27°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773463 2021-08-14 06:57:19 0.8 33.29°N 116.27°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 10km ENE of Borrego Springs, CA P / A
noa2021pvsgm 2021-08-14 06:57:35 1.6 38.89°N 21.56°E 25 NOA manual confirmed 20 Km W from Karpenissi P / A
auth2021pvpz 2021-08-14 06:57:36 1.6 38.91°N 21.52°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210814_0000071 2021-08-14 07:00:52 2.5 11.47°N 86.95°W 27 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
auth2021pvqc 2021-08-14 07:01:52 1.3 39.11°N 21.64°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210814_0000072 2021-08-14 07:04:00 2.9 11.43°N 86.90°W 17 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
noa2021pvsml 2021-08-14 07:04:11 3.3 38.83°N 20.55°E 11 NOA manual confirmed 13 Km W from Lefkas P / A
auth2021pvqe 2021-08-14 07:04:11 3.4 38.84°N 20.54°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed Lefkada Isl. - W. Greece P / A
20210814_0000075 2021-08-14 07:04:12 3.3 38.78°N 20.60°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed GREECE P / A
20210814_0000149 2021-08-14 07:06:59 3.6 16.22°N 98.13°W 4 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
11456043 2021-08-14 07:07:27 5.0 59.34°S 25.51°W 50 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f629 2021-08-14 07:07:27 5.0 59.34°S 25.51°W 50 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210814_0000078 2021-08-14 07:07:27 5.0 59.34°S 25.51°W 50 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11456042 2021-08-14 07:10:58 1.6 36.57°N 121.05°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609951 2021-08-14 07:10:58 1.6 36.57°N 121.05°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 10km ENE of Pinnacles, CA P / A
rs2021pxotdz 2021-08-14 07:12:59 3.7 21.50°S 68.61°W 149 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
20210814_0000077 2021-08-14 07:13:00 3.6 21.46°S 68.45°W 135 EMSC manual confirmed ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE P / A
auth2021pvqn 2021-08-14 07:14:11 1.5 38.83°N 20.55°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Lefkada Isl. - W. Greece P / A
rs2021pxovsi 2021-08-14 07:15:57 2.2 8.42°N 82.96°W 24 from location gempa automatic confirmed Panama-Costa Rica Border Region P / A
20210814_0000079 2021-08-14 07:16:29 3.1 63.67°N 19.11°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed ICELAND P / A
20210814_0000076 2021-08-14 07:16:34 2.8 12.01°N 87.81°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
11457186 2021-08-14 07:17:40 1.1 47.62°N 122.18°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed WASHINGTON P / A
uw61766511 2021-08-14 07:17:40 1.1 47.62°N 122.18°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 1 km N of Wilburton, Washington P / A
noa2021pvtbl 2021-08-14 07:21:41 1.5 38.90°N 21.56°E 23 NOA manual confirmed 20 Km W from Karpenissi P / A
auth2021pvqt 2021-08-14 07:21:41 1.5 38.91°N 21.50°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210814_0000150 2021-08-14 07:24:03 3.8 15.12°N 94.42°W 16 EMSC manual confirmed OFF COAST OF CHIAPAS, MEXICO P / A
20210814_0000102 2021-08-14 07:24:06 3.2 27.39°S 66.09°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed CATAMARCA, ARGENTINA P / A
2021p608942 2021-08-14 07:24:20 2.1 43.18°S 171.99°E 5 GNS manual confirmed 20 km north-west of Oxford P / A
auth2021pvqw 2021-08-14 07:25:00 1.2 38.90°N 21.55°E 17 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
27948061 2021-08-14 07:25:52 0.8 42.92°N 13.16°E 14 INGV manual confirmed 3 km N Castelsantangelo sul Nera (MC) P / A
20210814_0000082 2021-08-14 07:27:05 2.5 35.44°N 3.72°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
11456044 2021-08-14 07:30:14 1.8 33.14°N 115.63°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773471 2021-08-14 07:30:14 1.8 33.14°N 115.63°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 11km W of Calipatria, CA P / A
20210814_0000081 2021-08-14 07:33:57 3.0 19.05°N 121.44°E 21 EMSC manual confirmed BABUYAN ISL REGION, PHILIPPINES P / A
rs2021pxplhg 2021-08-14 07:34:02 2.2 21.51°S 68.65°W 145 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
27948251 2021-08-14 07:34:12 1.0 43.26°N 12.54°E 8 INGV manual confirmed 11 km S Gubbio (PG) P / A
rs2021pxpnes 2021-08-14 07:36:15 2.2 21.20°S 68.53°W 144 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11456045 2021-08-14 07:45:27 2.2 32.04°N 116.20°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed CALIF.-BAJA CALIF. BORDER REGION P / A
20210814_0000080 2021-08-14 07:45:27 2.2 32.04°N 116.20°W 11 EMSC manual confirmed BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO P / A
ci39773479 2021-08-14 07:45:27 2.2 32.04°N 116.20°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 44km ENE of Ensenada, B.C., MX P / A
27948401 2021-08-14 07:46:56 1.0 44.23°N 11.67°E 7 INGV manual confirmed 4 km E Casola Valsenio (RA) P / A
11456046 2021-08-14 07:49:07 2.0 19.18°N 155.49°W 34 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72644447 2021-08-14 07:49:07 2.0 19.18°N 155.49°W 34 USGS manual confirmed 2 km SSW of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210814_0000151 2021-08-14 07:52:53 3.9 14.34°N 92.99°W 21 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO P / A
auth2021pvrv 2021-08-14 07:53:41 1.8 38.23°N 23.93°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Attica - C. Greece P / A
11456047 2021-08-14 07:53:44 0.4 38.83°N 122.81°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609956 2021-08-14 07:53:44 0.4 38.83°N 122.81°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 8km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
11456825 2021-08-14 07:55:59 0.5 44.83°N 111.48°W 14 IRIS manual confirmed HEBGEN LAKE REGION P / A
mb80519244 2021-08-14 07:55:59 0.5 44.83°N 111.48°W 14 USGS manual confirmed 24 km WNW of Hebgen Lake Estates, Montana P / A
20210814_0000152 2021-08-14 07:56:03 3.1 17.11°N 99.59°W 46 EMSC manual confirmed GUERRERO, MEXICO P / A
11456048 2021-08-14 07:59:58 0.9 38.82°N 122.79°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609961 2021-08-14 07:59:58 0.9 38.82°N 122.79°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 6km W of Cobb, CA P / A
11456049 2021-08-14 08:02:49 1.9 19.42°N 155.62°W -2 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72644472 2021-08-14 08:02:49 1.9 19.42°N 155.62°W -2 USGS manual confirmed 26 km E of Honaunau-Napoopoo, Hawaii P / A
20210814_0000154 2021-08-14 08:05:26 3.3 19.28°N 104.46°W 47 EMSC manual confirmed JALISCO, MEXICO P / A
20210814_0000153 2021-08-14 08:06:36 3.4 17.25°N 95.37°W 111 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
rs2021pxqocc 2021-08-14 08:07:27 2.8 20.91°S 68.85°W 65 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
auth2021pvsk 2021-08-14 08:11:18 1.3 38.92°N 21.56°E 27 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11456052 2021-08-14 08:11:50 1.3 60.82°N 143.30°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adwad8l 2021-08-14 08:11:50 1.3 60.82°N 143.30°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 71 km SSW of McCarthy, Alaska P / A
20210814_0000155 2021-08-14 08:14:22 3.4 16.47°N 93.48°W 9 EMSC manual confirmed CHIAPAS, MEXICO P / A
11456054 2021-08-14 08:14:28 2.7 32.12°N 102.15°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
tx2021pvsn 2021-08-14 08:14:28 2.7 32.12°N 102.15°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 14 km NNW of Midland, Texas P / A
texnet2021pvsn 2021-08-14 08:14:28 2.7 earthquake known 32.12°N 102.15°W 7 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
us6000f62q 2021-08-14 08:14:28 2.7 32.11°N 102.16°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 14 km NNW of Midland, Texas P / A
20210814_0000083 2021-08-14 08:14:28 2.7 32.11°N 102.16°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
20210814_0000085 2021-08-14 08:17:29 3.6 9.44°N 125.52°E 1 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
11457149 2021-08-14 08:18:07 0.4 46.89°N 112.52°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed MONTANA P / A
mb80519524 2021-08-14 08:18:07 0.4 46.89°N 112.52°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 14 km ESE of Lincoln, Montana P / A
27948881 2021-08-14 08:18:33 1.8 42.69°N 13.30°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 5 km E Accumoli (RI) P / A
auth2021pvsq 2021-08-14 08:18:42 2.6 36.30°N 27.07°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
20210814_0000088 2021-08-14 08:18:43 2.0 36.32°N 27.19°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE IS.-TURKEY BORDER REG P / A
27948941 2021-08-14 08:20:53 1.1 42.68°N 13.33°E 12 INGV manual confirmed 7 km E Accumoli (RI) P / A
20210814_0000084 2021-08-14 08:25:22 2.9 36.32°N 27.10°E 1 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE IS.-TURKEY BORDER REG P / A
noa2021pvvec 2021-08-14 08:25:23 3.1 36.31°N 27.09°E 18 NOA manual confirmed 28 Km N from Tilos P / A
auth2021pvsw 2021-08-14 08:25:23 3.0 36.32°N 27.10°E 0 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
20210814_0000091 2021-08-14 08:25:47 2.8 24.02°S 67.15°W 189 EMSC manual confirmed SALTA, ARGENTINA P / A
11456056 2021-08-14 08:27:00 2.2 59.96°N 140.29°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adwdote 2021-08-14 08:27:00 2.2 59.96°N 140.29°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 55 km NW of Yakutat, Alaska P / A
11456057 2021-08-14 08:29:43 0.8 38.83°N 122.82°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609971 2021-08-14 08:29:43 0.8 38.83°N 122.82°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 8km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
ga2021pxriyr 2021-08-14 08:31:40 2.1 30.23°S 117.71°E 1 GA manual confirmed NW of Beacon, WA P / A
20210814_0000361 2021-08-14 08:31:40 2.1 30.23°S 117.71°E 1 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN AUSTRALIA P / A
20210814_0000089 2021-08-14 08:33:09 2.1 37.24°N 31.00°E 98 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN TURKEY P / A
ga2021pxrlrm 2021-08-14 08:34:59 2.0 30.27°S 117.74°E 3 GA manual confirmed NW of Beacon, WA P / A
20210814_0000362 2021-08-14 08:34:59 2.0 30.26°S 117.74°E 3 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN AUSTRALIA P / A
20210814_0000086 2021-08-14 08:36:18 4.0 25.17°N 100.48°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed NUEVO LEON, MEXICO P / A
11456058 2021-08-14 08:41:29 1.3 63.25°N 151.77°W 0 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021adwgr23 2021-08-14 08:41:29 1.3 63.25°N 151.77°W 0 USGS manual confirmed 32 km S of Denali National Park, Alaska P / A
2021p609094 2021-08-14 08:45:37 1.6 39.41°S 177.03°E 22 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north-east of Napier P / A
ga2021pxrzor 2021-08-14 08:51:13 2.4 30.25°S 117.71°E 2 GA manual confirmed NW of Beacon, WA P / A
20210814_0000363 2021-08-14 08:51:13 2.4 30.25°S 117.71°E 2 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN AUSTRALIA P / A
2021p609122 2021-08-14 09:00:32 2.1 41.34°S 174.64°E 14 GNS manual confirmed 10 km south-west of Wellington P / A
11456060 2021-08-14 09:00:33 1.4 36.68°N 121.37°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609976 2021-08-14 09:00:33 1.4 36.68°N 121.37°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 13km SSW of Tres Pinos, CA P / A
11456767 2021-08-14 09:01:03 1.4 35.15°N 95.36°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021pvub 2021-08-14 09:01:03 1.4 35.15°N 95.36°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 3 km NNE of Quinton, Oklahoma P / A
20210814_0000087 2021-08-14 09:02:03 3.3 5.54°N 126.92°E 14 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
11456062 2021-08-14 09:08:50 1.9 65.57°N 147.90°W IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adwv5pn 2021-08-14 09:08:50 1.9 65.57°N 147.90°W USGS manual confirmed 30 km E of Livengood, Alaska P / A
11456061 2021-08-14 09:08:52 1.7 38.81°N 122.82°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609981 2021-08-14 09:08:52 1.7 38.81°N 122.82°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 6km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
auth2021pvuh 2021-08-14 09:09:09 2.8 38.21°N 24.93°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Aegean Sea - C. Greece P / A
11456063 2021-08-14 09:12:16 1.1 33.35°N 116.91°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773495 2021-08-14 09:12:16 1.1 33.35°N 116.91°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 5km WSW of Palomar Observatory, CA P / A
20210814_0000147 2021-08-14 09:13:10 3.8 16.86°N 95.22°W 103 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
rs2021pxstyh 2021-08-14 09:14:37 2.3 21.64°S 68.55°W 139 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
20210814_0000090 2021-08-14 09:15:13 2.4 69.21°N 144.62°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN ALASKA P / A
11456064 2021-08-14 09:15:14 2.5 69.26°N 144.26°W 24 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adwwkwn 2021-08-14 09:15:14 2.5 69.26°N 144.26°W 24 USGS manual confirmed 100 km SSW of Kaktovik, Alaska P / A
auth2021pvuo 2021-08-14 09:16:46 1.7 39.89°N 21.59°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
11456065 2021-08-14 09:19:29 0.8 38.81°N 122.82°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609991 2021-08-14 09:19:29 0.8 38.81°N 122.82°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 7km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
20210814_0000093 2021-08-14 09:22:51 3.3 5.69°N 127.25°E 20 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
27949731 2021-08-14 09:24:11 1.6 42.78°N 13.41°E 18 INGV manual confirmed 1 km NE Acquasanta Terme (AP) P / A
auth2021pvuv 2021-08-14 09:25:04 1.5 35.16°N 25.23°E 12 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
20210814_0000092 2021-08-14 09:25:08 3.7 1.22°N 120.38°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021pvuv 2021-08-14 09:25:09 3.7 1.19°N 120.41°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi P / A
20210814_0000148 2021-08-14 09:27:31 3.7 31.62°N 114.67°W 2 EMSC manual confirmed GULF OF CALIFORNIA P / A
20210814_0000099 2021-08-14 09:27:37 3.6 12.97°N 90.47°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR P / A
20210814_0000095 2021-08-14 09:28:18 2.5 28.65°S 71.42°W 28 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE ATACAMA, CHILE P / A
27949781 2021-08-14 09:29:25 3.4 40.42°N 16.36°E 23 INGV manual confirmed 11 km E Stigliano (MT) P / A
20210814_0000094 2021-08-14 09:29:27 3.4 40.42°N 16.36°E 23 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN ITALY P / A
20210814_0000105 2021-08-14 09:30:48 2.0 36.47°N 27.24°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE IS.-TURKEY BORDER REG P / A
11456066 2021-08-14 09:31:22 0.9 38.57°N 119.45°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818603 2021-08-14 09:31:22 0.9 38.57°N 119.45°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 5 km E of Coleville, California P / A
27949901 2021-08-14 09:32:22 1.9 40.42°N 16.27°E 14 INGV manual confirmed 4 km E Stigliano (MT) P / A
11456072 2021-08-14 09:35:05 4.1 12.98°N 90.44°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed OFF COAST OF CENTRAL AMERICA P / A
us6000f636 2021-08-14 09:35:05 4.1 12.98°N 90.44°W 35 USGS manual confirmed 95 km SW of Acajutla, El Salvador P / A
20210814_0000096 2021-08-14 09:35:05 4.1 12.98°N 90.44°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE EL SALVADOR P / A
11456067 2021-08-14 09:37:54 0.6 33.72°N 116.76°W 16 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773511 2021-08-14 09:37:54 0.6 33.72°N 116.76°W 16 USGS manual confirmed 5km WSW of Idyllwild, CA P / A
11456068 2021-08-14 09:39:29 0.3 33.60°N 116.81°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773519 2021-08-14 09:39:29 0.3 33.60°N 116.81°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 13km WNW of Anza, CA P / A
11456075 2021-08-14 09:46:36 4.7 58.54°S 25.42°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f63d 2021-08-14 09:46:36 4.7 58.54°S 25.42°W 35 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210814_0000097 2021-08-14 09:46:36 4.7 58.54°S 25.42°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
rs2021pxtwgk 2021-08-14 09:47:27 2.6 8.61°N 82.71°W 8 from location gempa automatic confirmed Panama-Costa Rica Border Region P / A
20210814_0000146 2021-08-14 09:48:27 3.4 31.34°N 115.74°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO P / A
gfz2021pvvq 2021-08-14 09:50:10 5.3 22.82°S 174.14°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11456078 2021-08-14 09:50:13 5.5 22.42°S 174.55°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed TONGA ISLANDS REGION P / A
2021p609222 2021-08-14 09:50:13 6.0 22.43°S 174.09°W 33 GNS manual confirmed 1830 km north-east of Te Araroa P / A
us6000f63e 2021-08-14 09:50:13 5.5 22.42°S 174.55°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 127 km SSE of ‘Ohonua, Tonga P / A
20210814_0000104 2021-08-14 09:50:13 5.5 22.49°S 174.53°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed TONGA REGION P / A
fr2021hcpmpi 2021-08-14 09:50:14 5.2 22.55°S 174.28°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.2, near of North Shore (Monde) P / A
ga2021pxtyrw 2021-08-14 09:50:18 5.6 22.50°S 174.71°W 38 GA manual confirmed Tonga Islands Region P / A
bmg2021pvvr 2021-08-14 09:50:21 5.4 22.47°S 175.25°W 47 BMKG manual confirmed Tonga Islands Region P / A
11456070 2021-08-14 09:51:32 1.1 62.93°N 149.83°W 51 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021adx4c1c 2021-08-14 09:51:32 1.1 62.93°N 149.83°W 51 USGS manual confirmed 55 km NNE of Chase, Alaska P / A
11456069 2021-08-14 09:51:33 1.1 33.24°N 116.65°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773527 2021-08-14 09:51:33 1.1 33.24°N 116.65°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 5km SSW of Warner Springs, CA P / A
11456071 2021-08-14 09:53:51 1.9 19.17°N 155.48°W 36 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72644582 2021-08-14 09:53:51 1.9 19.17°N 155.48°W 36 USGS manual confirmed 3 km S of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210814_0000098 2021-08-14 09:54:44 3.1 23.82°S 67.06°W 222 EMSC manual confirmed JUJUY, ARGENTINA P / A
11456073 2021-08-14 09:56:39 1.1 38.54°N 119.52°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818604 2021-08-14 09:56:39 1.1 38.54°N 119.52°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 2 km SSW of Coleville, California P / A
11456077 2021-08-14 09:57:20 5.3 55.94°S 26.35°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
rs2021pxueuh 2021-08-14 09:57:20 5.5 55.77°S 26.06°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
20210814_0000103 2021-08-14 09:57:20 5.2 55.96°S 26.26°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f63h 2021-08-14 09:57:20 5.3 55.94°S 26.35°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
gfz2021pvwa 2021-08-14 09:57:21 5.4 55.83°S 26.15°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
ga2021pxueuf 2021-08-14 09:57:21 5.3 55.84°S 26.15°W 10 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
fr2021hcpngy 2021-08-14 09:57:21 5.2 55.76°S 25.32°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.2, near of Mar del Plata (Monde) P / A
rs2021pxufou 2021-08-14 09:58:18 2.6 21.61°S 68.58°W 130 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
20210814_0000100 2021-08-14 10:00:08 5.7 60.41°S 26.98°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
bmg2021pvvz 2021-08-14 10:00:09 5.4 60.30°S 27.26°W 10 BMKG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11456081 2021-08-14 10:00:09 5.4 60.32°S 27.06°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
gfz2021pvvz 2021-08-14 10:00:09 5.9 60.34°S 26.76°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
us6000f63n 2021-08-14 10:00:09 5.4 60.32°S 27.06°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
fr2021hcpnmj 2021-08-14 10:00:11 5.5 60.32°S 27.19°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.5, near of Comodoro Rivadavia (Monde) P / A
rs2021pxugzb 2021-08-14 10:00:19 5.8 60.27°S 26.61°W 104 from location gempa automatic confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
ga2021pxuhew 2021-08-14 10:00:20 5.5 60.34°S 27.09°W 105 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11456074 2021-08-14 10:01:22 1.5 35.91°N 117.68°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773535 2021-08-14 10:01:22 1.5 35.91°N 117.68°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 20km E of Little Lake, CA P / A
20210814_0000101 2021-08-14 10:02:54 3.1 21.82°S 68.62°W 126 EMSC manual confirmed ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE P / A
rs2021pxujoi 2021-08-14 10:02:54 3.2 21.81°S 68.79°W 138 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11456076 2021-08-14 10:02:57 0.7 35.91°N 117.68°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773543 2021-08-14 10:02:57 0.7 35.91°N 117.68°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 20km E of Little Lake, CA P / A
rs2021pxunvg 2021-08-14 10:07:50 3.2 22.63°S 70.46°W 27 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
2021p609253 2021-08-14 10:10:16 2.1 40.60°S 175.85°E 24 GNS manual confirmed 10 km east of Eketahuna P / A
20210814_0000106 2021-08-14 10:16:32 4.0 25.20°N 100.54°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed NUEVO LEON, MEXICO P / A
11456772 2021-08-14 10:19:45 1.5 36.36°N 98.15°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021pvwq 2021-08-14 10:19:45 1.5 36.36°N 98.15°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 3 km SE of Meno, Oklahoma P / A
11456080 2021-08-14 10:19:53 0.7 38.84°N 122.79°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73609996 2021-08-14 10:19:53 0.7 38.84°N 122.79°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 6km WNW of Cobb, CA P / A
20210814_0000109 2021-08-14 10:20:34 2.2 35.45°N 3.67°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
ga2021pxvbec 2021-08-14 10:23:24 5.0 57.46°S 25.12°W 51 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11456086 2021-08-14 10:23:24 4.9 57.45°S 24.95°W 57 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f645 2021-08-14 10:23:24 4.9 57.45°S 24.95°W 57 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
20210814_0000111 2021-08-14 10:23:24 4.8 57.52°S 25.15°W 49 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210814_0000108 2021-08-14 10:27:13 2.7 27.76°S 70.05°W 97 EMSC manual confirmed ATACAMA, CHILE P / A
rs2021pxveni 2021-08-14 10:27:13 2.9 27.72°S 69.98°W 86 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
rs2021pxvgur 2021-08-14 10:29:50 3.1 21.06°S 67.88°W 198 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
gfz2021pvwz 2021-08-14 10:30:07 5.3 59.97°S 26.54°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210814_0000113 2021-08-14 10:30:07 5.1 60.06°S 26.77°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
ga2021pxvhaw 2021-08-14 10:30:13 5.1 60.00°S 26.88°W 52 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11456090 2021-08-14 10:30:14 5.2 60.00°S 26.86°W 67 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f64b 2021-08-14 10:30:14 5.2 60.00°S 26.86°W 67 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
bmg2021pvxa 2021-08-14 10:30:15 4.9 60.17°S 26.33°W 52 BMKG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
fr2021hcpqeo 2021-08-14 10:30:37 5.1 10.20°N 125.78°E 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.1, near of Davao (Monde) P / A
gfz2021pvxa 2021-08-14 10:30:39 5.0 9.92°N 126.08°E GFZ manual confirmed P / A
bmg2021pvwz 2021-08-14 10:30:41 4.8 10.01°N 126.25°E 74 BMKG manual confirmed Philippine Islands Region P / A
11456099 2021-08-14 10:30:42 4.9 9.83°N 125.90°E 71 IRIS manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
us6000f64s 2021-08-14 10:30:42 4.9 9.83°N 125.90°E 71 USGS manual confirmed 9 km WSW of Del Carmen, Surigao del Norte, Philippines P / A
20210814_0000112 2021-08-14 10:30:42 4.9 9.83°N 125.88°E 80 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
11456084 2021-08-14 10:35:09 3.5 59.64°N 151.90°W 184 IRIS manual confirmed KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA P / A
ak021adxmag2 2021-08-14 10:35:09 3.5 59.64°N 151.90°W 184 USGS manual confirmed 16 km SSW of Anchor Point, Alaska P / A
20210814_0000107 2021-08-14 10:35:14 4.0 60.03°N 153.49°W 149 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
11456082 2021-08-14 10:35:15 4.0 59.98°N 153.46°W 151 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adxmavp 2021-08-14 10:35:15 4.0 59.98°N 153.46°W 151 USGS manual confirmed 42 km ENE of Pedro Bay, Alaska P / A
11456083 2021-08-14 10:36:32 0.5 38.53°N 119.53°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818611 2021-08-14 10:36:32 0.5 38.53°N 119.53°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 4 km SSW of Coleville, California P / A
11456085 2021-08-14 10:39:09 1.9 36.49°N 98.49°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021pvxh 2021-08-14 10:39:09 1.9 36.49°N 98.49°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 4 km WSW of Aline, Oklahoma P / A
20210814_0000110 2021-08-14 10:39:09 2.0 36.49°N 98.48°W 2 EMSC manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
rs2021pxvouy 2021-08-14 10:39:09 2.4 36.49°N 98.49°W 2 from location gempa automatic confirmed Oklahoma P / A
11456087 2021-08-14 10:41:50 0.7 38.56°N 119.47°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818612 2021-08-14 10:41:50 0.7 38.56°N 119.47°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 3 km E of Coleville, California P / A
noa2021pvzrs 2021-08-14 10:42:29 2.3 38.35°N 23.35°E 10 NOA manual confirmed 4 Km NE from Thebes P / A
auth2021pvxj 2021-08-14 10:42:29 2.4 38.34°N 23.32°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11456089 2021-08-14 10:47:49 1.5 38.15°N 117.94°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818614 2021-08-14 10:47:49 1.5 38.15°N 117.94°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 30 km SSE of Mina, Nevada P / A
11456091 2021-08-14 10:48:14 1.4 68.55°N 147.11°W IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adxp35d 2021-08-14 10:48:14 1.4 68.55°N 147.11°W USGS manual confirmed 80 km NW of Arctic Village, Alaska P / A
20210814_0000116 2021-08-14 10:50:35 3.0 36.36°N 27.08°E 5 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE IS.-TURKEY BORDER REG P / A
noa2021pvzyr 2021-08-14 10:50:36 3.1 36.37°N 27.06°E 12 NOA manual confirmed 25 Km SSW from Nissiros P / A
auth2021pvxq 2021-08-14 10:50:36 3.0 36.38°N 27.10°E 4 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
11456093 2021-08-14 10:50:45 1.8 19.18°N 155.49°W 34 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72644632 2021-08-14 10:50:45 1.8 19.18°N 155.49°W 34 USGS manual confirmed 2 km SSW of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210814_0000114 2021-08-14 10:50:45 2.5 19.18°N 155.49°W 34 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
11456092 2021-08-14 10:52:21 1.4 37.41°N 122.23°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73610006 2021-08-14 10:52:21 1.4 37.41°N 122.23°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 3km N of Portola Valley, CA P / A
2021p609334 2021-08-14 10:53:28 2.2 40.97°S 172.87°E 3 GNS manual confirmed 20 km north-west of Motueka P / A
20210814_0000117 2021-08-14 10:53:33 3.2 20.47°N 121.64°E 9 EMSC manual confirmed BATAN ISL REGION, PHILIPPINES P / A
20210814_0000115 2021-08-14 10:56:02 3.4 35.51°N 3.60°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
20210814_0000133 2021-08-14 10:57:23 2.5 35.46°N 3.68°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
11456094 2021-08-14 10:58:28 1.4 61.35°N 146.77°W 26 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adxr9d8 2021-08-14 10:58:28 1.4 61.35°N 146.77°W 26 USGS manual confirmed 33 km NW of Valdez, Alaska P / A
auth2021pvxy 2021-08-14 10:59:56 2.5 34.89°N 24.10°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed SW of Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
11456095 2021-08-14 11:00:07 1.1 33.02°N 117.34°W 16 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773559 2021-08-14 11:00:07 1.1 33.02°N 117.34°W 16 USGS manual confirmed 5km WSW of Encinitas, CA P / A
20210814_0000118 2021-08-14 11:05:02 3.5 20.28°N 121.26°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed BATAN ISL REGION, PHILIPPINES P / A
20210814_0000119 2021-08-14 11:05:44 3.6 20.56°S 69.54°W 75 EMSC manual confirmed TARAPACA, CHILE P / A
rs2021pxwlsx 2021-08-14 11:05:46 3.6 20.57°S 69.58°W 56 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210814_0000293 2021-08-14 11:06:28 3.7 19.95°N 73.56°W 22 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
noa2021pwamn 2021-08-14 11:06:58 1.9 35.18°N 25.25°E 16 NOA manual confirmed 20 Km SSE from Iraklion P / A
auth2021pvye 2021-08-14 11:06:59 2.1 35.16°N 25.24°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
11456096 2021-08-14 11:07:17 0.6 38.58°N 119.45°W IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818618 2021-08-14 11:07:17 0.6 38.58°N 119.45°W USGS manual confirmed 5 km E of Coleville, California P / A
20210814_0000120 2021-08-14 11:08:55 1.9 35.47°N 3.69°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
11456097 2021-08-14 11:09:17 1.7 59.02°N 153.05°W 95 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ady262u 2021-08-14 11:09:17 1.7 59.02°N 153.05°W 95 USGS manual confirmed 74 km WSW of Nanwalek, Alaska P / A
11456098 2021-08-14 11:16:23 0.1 38.52°N 119.57°W 15 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818619 2021-08-14 11:16:23 0.1 38.52°N 119.57°W 15 USGS manual confirmed 7 km SW of Coleville, California P / A
11456100 2021-08-14 11:25:01 0.7 38.81°N 122.82°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73610011 2021-08-14 11:25:01 0.7 38.81°N 122.82°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 7km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
11456101 2021-08-14 11:28:13 2.5 37.92°N 118.56°W -1 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nc73610016 2021-08-14 11:28:13 2.1 37.92°N 118.56°W -1 USGS manual confirmed 41km NNE of Toms Place, CA P / A
20210814_0000121 2021-08-14 11:28:13 2.5 37.93°N 118.58°W 11 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
11456102 2021-08-14 11:28:52 1.5 38.54°N 122.65°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73610021 2021-08-14 11:28:52 1.5 38.54°N 122.65°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 8km SW of Calistoga, CA P / A
11456104 2021-08-14 11:31:22 2.6 17.95°N 67.17°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed MONA PASSAGE P / A
us6000f64y 2021-08-14 11:31:22 2.6 17.95°N 67.17°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 3 km SE of Pole Ojea, Puerto Rico P / A
20210814_0000122 2021-08-14 11:31:22 2.6 17.95°N 67.17°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
11456127 2021-08-14 11:33:07 4.6 59.73°S 25.94°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210814_0000163 2021-08-14 11:33:07 4.6 59.73°S 25.94°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f65j 2021-08-14 11:33:07 4.6 59.73°S 25.94°W 35 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
11456788 2021-08-14 11:34:10 1.0 36.52°N 99.00°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021pvzd 2021-08-14 11:34:10 1.0 36.52°N 99.00°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 8 km NNE of Quinlan, Oklahoma P / A
11456782 2021-08-14 11:34:57 1.1 36.27°N 97.50°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021pvzc 2021-08-14 11:34:57 1.1 36.27°N 97.50°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 4 km W of Lucien, Oklahoma P / A
auth2021pvze 2021-08-14 11:37:09 1.6 38.33°N 23.30°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
27951371 2021-08-14 11:37:46 2.4 37.06°N 15.31°E 29 INGV manual confirmed Costa Siracusana (Siracusa) P / A
20210814_0000123 2021-08-14 11:37:46 2.4 37.06°N 15.31°E 29 EMSC manual confirmed SICILY, ITALY P / A
20210814_0000127 2021-08-14 11:38:31 4.0 25.18°N 100.39°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed NUEVO LEON, MEXICO P / A
auth2021pvzg 2021-08-14 11:39:01 2.0 38.33°N 23.39°E 32 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
2021p609421 2021-08-14 11:39:54 1.6 40.02°S 176.69°E 35 GNS manual confirmed 10 km east of Waipukurau P / A
20210814_0000138 2021-08-14 11:40:23 2.1 38.01°N 38.06°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed EASTERN TURKEY P / A
bmg2021pvzh 2021-08-14 11:40:33 3.4 2.62°S 129.35°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Seram, Indonesia P / A
20210814_0000126 2021-08-14 11:40:33 3.3 2.60°S 129.34°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SERAM, INDONESIA P / A
20210814_0000131 2021-08-14 11:41:02 2.5 35.46°N 3.59°W 20 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
11457144 2021-08-14 11:43:59 1.4 38.44°N 117.85°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818626 2021-08-14 11:43:59 1.4 38.44°N 117.85°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 23 km ENE of Mina, Nevada P / A
20210814_0000124 2021-08-14 11:45:36 2.0 37.87°N 26.86°E 8 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE ISLANDS, GREECE P / A
27951451 2021-08-14 11:46:04 1.3 44.28°N 11.65°E 17 INGV manual confirmed 3 km SE Casalfiumanese (BO) P / A
11456107 2021-08-14 11:48:54 1.2 36.05°N 117.39°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
ci39773575 2021-08-14 11:48:54 1.2 36.05°N 117.39°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 32km N of Searles Valley, CA P / A
20210814_0000141 2021-08-14 11:53:34 1.8 35.50°N 3.76°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
oca2021pvzt 2021-08-14 11:53:43 1.1 earthquake 44.42°N 7.26°E 3 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
11456109 2021-08-14 11:54:37 1.3 60.26°N 150.86°W 61 IRIS manual confirmed KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA P / A
ak021adybusx 2021-08-14 11:54:37 1.3 60.26°N 150.86°W 61 USGS manual confirmed 24 km ESE of Kasilof, Alaska P / A
11456108 2021-08-14 11:55:54 1.2 33.14°N 117.49°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773583 2021-08-14 11:55:54 1.2 33.14°N 117.49°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 13km W of Carlsbad, CA P / A
20210814_0000128 2021-08-14 11:57:42 7.0 55.32°N 157.71°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
koeri2021pvzw 2021-08-14 11:57:43 6.7 55.35°N 157.80°W 10 KOERI manual confirmed Alaska Peninsula P / A
gfz2021pvzw 2021-08-14 11:57:43 6.8 55.37°N 157.72°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
ga2021pxyemn 2021-08-14 11:57:43 6.8 55.35°N 157.74°W 10 GA manual confirmed Alaska Peninsula P / A
EMSC20210814115743 2021-08-14 11:57:43 6.9 55.38°N 157.79°W 9 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
11456110 2021-08-14 11:57:44 6.9 55.08°N 157.54°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
2021p609456 2021-08-14 11:57:44 6.9 55.27°N 157.68°W 21 GNS manual confirmed 10330 km north of Cape Reinga P / A
rs2021pxyenc 2021-08-14 11:57:44 7.0 55.33°N 157.68°W 13 from location gempa automatic confirmed Alaska Peninsula P / A
27951611 2021-08-14 11:57:44 6.9 55.30°N 157.79°W 10 INGV manual confirmed Alaska Peninsula, United States [Sea: United States] P / A
fr2021hcpxxo 2021-08-14 11:57:44 6.7 55.47°N 157.74°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 6.7, near of Anchorage (Monde) P / A
us6000f652 2021-08-14 11:57:44 6.9 55.27°N 157.68°W 21 USGS manual confirmed 117 km SE of Perryville, Alaska P / A
ak021adyci6n 2021-08-14 11:57:44 6.9 55.08°N 157.54°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 136 km SE of Perryville, Alaska P / A
usp2021pvzw 2021-08-14 11:57:46 6.9 55.44°N 157.91°W 32 IAG manual confirmed Alaska Peninsula P / A
bmg2021pvzw 2021-08-14 11:57:48 6.8 55.43°N 157.68°W 47 BMKG manual confirmed Alaska Peninsula P / A
2021p609455 2021-08-14 11:58:11 2.7 38.10°S 176.09°E 143 GNS manual confirmed 10 km west of Rotorua P / A
rs2021pxyflt 2021-08-14 11:58:50 2.1 21.66°S 69.08°W 102 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11456111 2021-08-14 11:59:42 3.6 62.97°N 148.47°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
20210814_0000125 2021-08-14 11:59:42 3.6 62.97°N 148.47°W 11 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021adycyhx 2021-08-14 11:59:42 3.6 62.97°N 148.47°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 52 km SSE of Cantwell, Alaska P / A
11456134 2021-08-14 12:01:06 2.7 17.92°N 66.85°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021226008 2021-08-14 12:01:06 2.7 17.92°N 66.85°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 8 km SSE of Maria Antonia, Puerto Rico P / A
20210814_0000180 2021-08-14 12:01:06 2.7 17.92°N 66.85°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
20210814_0000134 2021-08-14 12:03:00 3.2 19.42°N 69.68°W 80 EMSC manual confirmed DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION P / A
noa2021pwcjd 2021-08-14 12:03:16 1.9 38.33°N 23.35°E 11 NOA manual confirmed 3 Km NE from Thebes P / A
auth2021pwab 2021-08-14 12:03:16 2.0 38.36°N 23.33°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210814_0000295 2021-08-14 12:04:30 2.9 19.70°N 69.48°W 15 EMSC manual confirmed DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION P / A
auth2021pwae 2021-08-14 12:07:21 1.7 38.35°N 23.27°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
gfz2021pwag 2021-08-14 12:08:38 5.3 28.07°N 43.88°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210814_0000136 2021-08-14 12:08:38 5.3 28.09°N 43.87°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE P / A
11456116 2021-08-14 12:08:39 5.4 28.10°N 43.91°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE P / A
us6000f65c 2021-08-14 12:08:39 5.4 28.10°N 43.91°W 10 USGS manual confirmed northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge P / A
oca2021pwaf 2021-08-14 12:08:40 4.3 47.18°N 9.60°E 524 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
ga2021pxynyj 2021-08-14 12:08:40 5.2 28.27°N 43.99°W 10 GA manual confirmed Northern Mid Atlantic Ridge P / A
usp2021pwag 2021-08-14 12:08:45 5.3 27.24°N 44.74°W 10 IAG manual confirmed Northern Mid Atlantic Ridge P / A
fr2021hcpyxe 2021-08-14 12:08:48 5.4 29.09°N 43.72°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.4, near of St. John's (Monde) P / A
auth2021pwag 2021-08-14 12:08:50 other 41.74°N 23.74°E 750 AUTH manual confirmed Bulgaria P / A
11456112 2021-08-14 12:13:49 1.6 38.55°N 119.46°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818634 2021-08-14 12:13:49 1.9 38.55°N 119.45°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 4 km NNE of Walker, California P / A
nc71124899 2021-08-14 12:13:49 1.6 38.55°N 119.46°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 28km SSW of Smith Valley, NV P / A
20210814_0000129 2021-08-14 12:13:49 2.7 38.55°N 119.47°W EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
11456113 2021-08-14 12:14:52 3.6 55.14°N 157.43°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
20210814_0000130 2021-08-14 12:14:52 3.6 55.14°N 157.43°W 9 EMSC manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
ak021adyoqu4 2021-08-14 12:14:52 3.6 55.14°N 157.43°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 137 km SE of Perryville, Alaska P / A
20210814_0000135 2021-08-14 12:18:19 2.7 23.64°S 67.34°W 235 EMSC manual confirmed ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE P / A
11456114 2021-08-14 12:18:46 2.2 19.14°N 155.51°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72644747 2021-08-14 12:18:46 2.2 19.14°N 155.51°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 7 km SSW of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
rs2021pxyxdi 2021-08-14 12:19:21 3.0 22.98°S 68.77°W 6 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11456115 2021-08-14 12:20:22 2.0 38.55°N 119.53°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818638 2021-08-14 12:20:22 2.0 38.55°N 119.53°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 2 km SW of Coleville, California P / A
20210814_0000132 2021-08-14 12:20:22 2.0 38.55°N 119.53°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
20210814_0000161 2021-08-14 12:20:56 2.0 35.48°N 3.58°W 33 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
auth2021pwaq 2021-08-14 12:21:14 2.9 39.90°N 22.69°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
20210814_0000156 2021-08-14 12:27:13 2.4 36.32°N 27.07°E 12 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE IS.-TURKEY BORDER REG P / A
auth2021pwav 2021-08-14 12:27:13 2.5 36.32°N 27.01°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
auth2021pwaw 2021-08-14 12:28:28 1.7 38.32°N 23.25°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwax 2021-08-14 12:29:07 7.0 earthquake 18.49°N 73.59°W 2 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
usp2021pwax 2021-08-14 12:29:07 7.2 18.41°N 73.45°W 10 IAG manual confirmed Haiti Region P / A
rs2021pxzfpf 2021-08-14 12:29:07 7.3 18.38°N 73.40°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Haiti Region P / A
pt21226002 2021-08-14 12:29:08 7.0 18.56°N 73.55°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 5 km NW of Petit Trou de Nippes, Haiti P / A
11456117 2021-08-14 12:29:08 7.2 18.41°N 73.48°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
us6000f65h 2021-08-14 12:29:08 7.2 18.41°N 73.48°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 13 km SSE of Petit Trou de Nippes, Haiti P / A
ga2021pxzfpj 2021-08-14 12:29:09 7.1 18.36°N 73.39°W 10 GA manual confirmed Haiti Region P / A
gfz2021pwax 2021-08-14 12:29:09 7.1 18.34°N 73.44°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
koeri2021pwax 2021-08-14 12:29:09 6.3 18.43°N 73.35°W 10 KOERI manual confirmed Haiti Region P / A
20210814_0000164 2021-08-14 12:29:09 7.2 18.36°N 73.48°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
20210814_0000143 2021-08-14 12:29:09 7.2 18.37°N 73.45°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
bmg2021pwax 2021-08-14 12:29:10 6.4 18.34°N 73.71°W 10 BMKG manual confirmed Haiti Region P / A
EMSC20210814122910 2021-08-14 12:29:10 7.2 18.37°N 73.45°W 4 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
27951871 2021-08-14 12:29:10 7.5 18.32°N 73.46°W 10 INGV manual confirmed Haiti region [Land: Haiti] P / A
fr2021hcqasc 2021-08-14 12:29:10 6.2 18.52°N 73.44°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 6.2, near of Port-au-Prince (Monde) P / A
at00qxtxcn 2021-08-14 12:29:11 7.0 18.60°N 73.50°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 8 km N of Petit Trou de Nippes, Haiti P / A
rs2021pxzgko 2021-08-14 12:30:06 2.3 21.41°S 68.57°W 133 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
2021p609517 2021-08-14 12:31:08 2.4 40.66°S 174.18°E 49 GNS manual confirmed 40 km north-east of French Pass P / A
11456118 2021-08-14 12:34:55 3.3 55.20°N 157.66°W 14 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
20210814_0000139 2021-08-14 12:34:55 3.3 55.20°N 157.66°W 14 EMSC manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
ak021adyt1ij 2021-08-14 12:34:55 3.3 55.20°N 157.66°W 14 USGS manual confirmed Alaska Peninsula P / A
20210814_0000144 2021-08-14 12:36:21 2.3 35.48°N 3.61°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
20210814_0000157 2021-08-14 12:36:42 2.0 36.41°N 27.14°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE IS.-TURKEY BORDER REG P / A
11456119 2021-08-14 12:41:00 2.4 19.59°N 155.12°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72644777 2021-08-14 12:41:00 2.4 19.59°N 155.12°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 4 km NNW of Mountain View, Hawaii P / A
20210814_0000140 2021-08-14 12:41:00 2.4 19.59°N 155.12°W 4 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
11456120 2021-08-14 12:43:45 2.4 19.53°N 155.66°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210814_0000142 2021-08-14 12:43:45 2.4 19.53°N 155.66°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72644782 2021-08-14 12:43:45 2.4 19.53°N 155.66°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 22 km ENE of Honaunau-Napoopoo, Hawaii P / A
11456123 2021-08-14 12:49:33 5.2 18.39°N 73.82°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
us6000f65p 2021-08-14 12:49:33 5.2 18.39°N 73.82°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 20 km WNW of Cavaillon, Haiti P / A
s2rhai2021pwbo 2021-08-14 12:49:38 5.1 earthquake 18.58°N 73.68°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000158 2021-08-14 12:49:38 5.2 18.89°N 73.71°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
gfz2021pwbo 2021-08-14 12:49:39 5.3 18.63°N 73.65°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
bmg2021pwbp 2021-08-14 12:49:39 5.3 18.63°N 73.65°W 10 BMKG manual confirmed Haiti Region P / A
2021p609558 2021-08-14 12:53:06 3.2 37.96°S 175.90°E 235 GNS manual confirmed 25 km north of Tokoroa P / A
20210814_0000145 2021-08-14 12:53:06 3.2 37.96°S 175.90°E 235 EMSC manual confirmed NORTH ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND P / A
2021p609560 2021-08-14 12:54:02 1.8 39.19°S 174.92°E 21 GNS manual confirmed 45 km south-west of Taumarunui P / A
11456121 2021-08-14 12:55:09 2.6 61.43°N 150.67°W 57 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adyxg0h 2021-08-14 12:55:09 2.6 61.43°N 150.67°W 57 USGS manual confirmed 15 km SSW of Susitna, Alaska P / A
s2rhai2021pwbv 2021-08-14 12:56:58 4.5 earthquake 18.42°N 73.82°W 0 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000162 2021-08-14 12:56:58 4.6 18.42°N 73.82°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
2021p609569 2021-08-14 12:58:26 1.1 40.63°S 175.87°E 26 GNS manual confirmed 10 km east of Eketahuna P / A
11456122 2021-08-14 13:00:40 2.3 61.12°N 141.75°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adz75kf 2021-08-14 13:00:40 2.3 61.12°N 141.75°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 71 km ESE of McCarthy, Alaska P / A
rs2021pyalno 2021-08-14 13:06:12 3.2 20.93°S 69.22°W 94 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11456298 2021-08-14 13:06:14 3.6 55.16°N 158.20°W 30 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
ak021adz8dw2 2021-08-14 13:06:14 3.6 55.16°N 158.20°W 30 USGS manual confirmed 102 km SE of Perryville, Alaska P / A
11456126 2021-08-14 13:06:39 4.2 54.96°N 157.55°W 20 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH OF ALASKA P / A
20210814_0000160 2021-08-14 13:06:39 4.0 54.96°N 157.55°W 20 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH OF ALASKA P / A
ak021adz8fob 2021-08-14 13:06:39 4.0 54.96°N 157.55°W 20 USGS manual confirmed 146 km SE of Perryville, Alaska P / A
us6000f65t 2021-08-14 13:06:39 4.2 55.04°N 157.73°W 29 USGS manual confirmed 132 km SE of Perryville, Alaska P / A
20210814_0000178 2021-08-14 13:06:51 2.0 38.60°N 31.45°E 8 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN TURKEY P / A
rs2021pyaofx 2021-08-14 13:09:20 3.2 20.43°S 68.91°W 111 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11456124 2021-08-14 13:13:00 1.4 38.83°N 122.80°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73610056 2021-08-14 13:13:00 1.4 38.83°N 122.80°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 7km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
s2rhai2021pwck 2021-08-14 13:14:11 4.5 earthquake 18.54°N 73.54°W 2 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
11456132 2021-08-14 13:14:12 4.1 18.45°N 73.46°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
20210814_0000165 2021-08-14 13:14:12 4.1 18.44°N 73.53°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
us6000f65w 2021-08-14 13:14:12 4.1 18.45°N 73.46°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 9 km SSE of Petit Trou de Nippes, Haiti P / A
11456125 2021-08-14 13:14:41 2.3 19.17°N 155.47°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72644837 2021-08-14 13:14:41 2.3 19.17°N 155.47°W 35 USGS manual confirmed 4 km SSE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210814_0000159 2021-08-14 13:14:41 2.3 19.17°N 155.47°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
11456136 2021-08-14 13:14:56 4.4 18.27°N 73.43°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
us6000f667 2021-08-14 13:14:56 4.4 18.27°N 73.43°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 4 km WSW of Aquin, Haiti P / A
20210814_0000170 2021-08-14 13:15:45 2.4 35.47°N 3.62°W 19 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
s2rhai2021pwcn 2021-08-14 13:18:07 4.0 earthquake 18.53°N 73.61°W 3 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000169 2021-08-14 13:18:07 4.0 18.53°N 73.61°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
2021p609617 2021-08-14 13:21:07 4.7 20.73°S 179.13°W 100 GNS manual confirmed 1715 km north-east of Cape Reinga P / A
gfz2021pwcq 2021-08-14 13:21:23 4.5 21.37°S 177.35°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11456133 2021-08-14 13:21:24 4.5 21.41°S 177.31°W 386 IRIS manual confirmed FIJI ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210814_0000177 2021-08-14 13:21:24 4.5 21.23°S 177.24°W 400 EMSC manual confirmed FIJI REGION P / A
us6000f668 2021-08-14 13:21:24 4.5 21.41°S 177.31°W 386 USGS manual confirmed 219 km W of Haveluloto, Tonga P / A
s2rhai2021pwcq 2021-08-14 13:22:12 4.3 earthquake 18.47°N 74.05°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000171 2021-08-14 13:22:12 4.3 18.47°N 74.05°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
20210814_0000172 2021-08-14 13:22:34 1.5 42.71°N 8.48°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SPAIN P / A
11456131 2021-08-14 13:23:12 2.7 17.97°N 67.17°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed MONA PASSAGE P / A
us6000f666 2021-08-14 13:23:12 2.5 17.96°N 67.16°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 2 km ESE of Pole Ojea, Puerto Rico P / A
20210814_0000174 2021-08-14 13:23:12 2.7 17.97°N 67.17°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO P / A
pr2021226009 2021-08-14 13:23:12 2.7 17.97°N 67.17°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 2 km E of Pole Ojea, Puerto Rico P / A
s2rhai2021pwct 2021-08-14 13:24:39 3.9 earthquake 18.43°N 73.43°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000176 2021-08-14 13:24:39 3.9 18.43°N 73.43°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
20210814_0000166 2021-08-14 13:27:33 2.3 42.50°N 2.13°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed PYRENEES P / A
fr2021hcqfww 2021-08-14 13:27:34 2.4 earthquake 42.51°N 2.15°E EOST manual confirmed Earthquake of magnitude 2.4, near of Andorra (France métropolitaine) P / A
rs2021pybenc 2021-08-14 13:28:13 2.8 20.41°S 69.27°W 96 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
27952171 2021-08-14 13:28:58 1.6 40.45°N 16.34°E 17 INGV manual confirmed 9 km SE San Mauro Forte (MT) P / A
20210814_0000175 2021-08-14 13:30:14 2.2 35.55°N 3.65°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
s2rhai2021pwcy 2021-08-14 13:30:29 4.0 earthquake 18.32°N 73.88°W 4 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000185 2021-08-14 13:30:29 4.0 18.32°N 73.88°W 4 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11457061 2021-08-14 13:30:47 1.4 47.38°N 113.98°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed MONTANA P / A
mb80519439 2021-08-14 13:30:47 1.4 47.38°N 113.98°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 10 km NE of Saint Ignatius, Montana P / A
11456128 2021-08-14 13:31:00 0.8 35.90°N 117.74°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773599 2021-08-14 13:31:00 0.8 35.90°N 117.74°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 16km ESE of Little Lake, CA P / A
s2rhai2021pwcz 2021-08-14 13:32:22 4.0 earthquake 18.57°N 73.43°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000181 2021-08-14 13:32:22 4.0 18.57°N 73.43°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
2021p609637 2021-08-14 13:34:38 1.8 37.89°S 176.60°E 128 GNS manual confirmed 30 km west of Whakatane P / A
s2rhai2021pwdc 2021-08-14 13:35:44 3.8 earthquake 18.46°N 73.85°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000182 2021-08-14 13:35:44 3.8 18.46°N 73.85°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
27952271 2021-08-14 13:36:06 1.2 40.59°N 15.79°E 19 INGV manual confirmed 1 km NE Pignola (PZ) P / A
oca2021pwdd 2021-08-14 13:36:32 2.1 earthquake 44.21°N 6.81°E 4 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
11456129 2021-08-14 13:36:32 2.8 61.34°N 152.22°W 118 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adzev74 2021-08-14 13:36:32 2.8 61.34°N 152.22°W 118 USGS manual confirmed 65 km WNW of Beluga, Alaska P / A
fr2021hcqgrp 2021-08-14 13:36:32 1.1 earthquake 44.21°N 6.80°E 2 EOST manual confirmed Earthquake of magnitude 1.1, near of Grasse (France métropolitaine) P / A
20210814_0000167 2021-08-14 13:38:30 4.1 37.50°N 137.20°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN P / A
20210814_0000168 2021-08-14 13:43:30 2.7 12.09°N 87.74°W 23 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
27952341 2021-08-14 13:44:10 1.4 46.47°N 10.69°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 12 km N Peio (TN) P / A
20210814_0000211 2021-08-14 13:44:10 1.4 46.46°N 10.69°E 2 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN ITALY P / A
smi_ch_ethz_sed_sc20a_Event_2021pybsbx 2021-08-14 13:44:10 1.4 earthquake 46.46°N 10.69°E 2 ETHZ manual confirmed Bormio I P / A
20210814_0000173 2021-08-14 13:45:38 2.9 21.69°S 68.53°W 117 EMSC manual confirmed ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE P / A
rs2021pybtnh 2021-08-14 13:45:38 3.3 21.68°S 68.56°W 118 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
s2rhai2021pwdl 2021-08-14 13:45:47 4.1 earthquake 18.37°N 73.45°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000183 2021-08-14 13:45:47 4.1 18.37°N 73.45°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456130 2021-08-14 13:47:08 2.1 61.52°N 146.49°W 32 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021adzh5sn 2021-08-14 13:47:08 2.1 61.52°N 146.49°W 32 USGS manual confirmed Southern Alaska P / A
auth2021pwdm 2021-08-14 13:47:22 2.1 37.56°N 22.00°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Peloponnese- S. Greece P / A
20210814_0000353 2021-08-14 13:48:54 4.1 18.69°N 73.31°W 15 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
sx2021pwfxw 2021-08-14 13:51:30 0.5 earthquake 50.72°N 12.08°E 14 SX manual confirmed TH Kreis Greiz P / A
auth2021pwdq 2021-08-14 13:51:51 1.9 38.09°N 20.75°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Cephalonia Isl. - W. Greece P / A
rs2021pycagp 2021-08-14 13:53:28 2.5 21.10°S 69.09°W 105 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11457259 2021-08-14 13:57:48 2.1 39.67°N 122.86°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73610061 2021-08-14 13:57:48 2.1 39.67°N 122.86°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 12km W of Alder Springs, CA P / A
20210814_0000380 2021-08-14 13:57:48 2.1 39.67°N 122.86°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
s2rhai2021pwdw 2021-08-14 13:59:08 3.7 earthquake 18.52°N 73.53°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000198 2021-08-14 13:59:08 3.7 18.52°N 73.53°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456272 2021-08-14 14:02:35 4.2 18.45°N 73.60°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
20210814_0000265 2021-08-14 14:02:35 4.2 18.45°N 73.60°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
us6000f66b 2021-08-14 14:02:35 4.2 18.45°N 73.60°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 5 km SE of Baradères, Haiti P / A
11456824 2021-08-14 14:03:31 2.0 45.87°N 111.61°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed MONTANA P / A
20210814_0000371 2021-08-14 14:03:31 2.0 45.87°N 111.61°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN MONTANA P / A
mb80519294 2021-08-14 14:03:31 2.0 45.87°N 111.61°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 5 km NNE of Willow Creek, Montana P / A
27952601 2021-08-14 14:04:47 1.0 43.40°N 13.26°E 7 INGV manual confirmed 5 km NE Cingoli (MC) P / A
20210814_0000260 2021-08-14 14:05:15 5.3 18.43°N 73.68°W 15 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
auth2021pwed 2021-08-14 14:07:20 2.0 38.34°N 22.29°E 8 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Corinth - C. Greece P / A
noa2021pwglj 2021-08-14 14:07:23 1.6 38.36°N 22.03°E 9 NOA manual confirmed 13 Km NNW from Aiyion P / A
s2rhai2021pwef 2021-08-14 14:09:31 3.8 earthquake 18.51°N 73.52°W 0 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
s2rhai2021pweh 2021-08-14 14:12:21 4.2 earthquake 18.48°N 73.59°W 6 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000206 2021-08-14 14:12:21 4.2 18.48°N 73.59°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
2021p609708 2021-08-14 14:12:32 3.5 39.56°S 175.59°E 49 GNS manual confirmed 20 km south-east of Ohakune P / A
20210814_0000179 2021-08-14 14:12:33 3.4 39.59°S 175.56°E 38 EMSC manual confirmed NORTH ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND P / A
s2rhai2021pwej 2021-08-14 14:16:33 3.8 earthquake 18.55°N 73.59°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000210 2021-08-14 14:16:33 3.8 18.55°N 73.59°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456268 2021-08-14 14:20:56 3.2 55.17°N 157.54°W 26 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
20210814_0000261 2021-08-14 14:20:56 3.2 55.17°N 157.54°W 26 EMSC manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
ak021adzww77 2021-08-14 14:20:56 3.2 55.17°N 157.54°W 26 USGS manual confirmed 131 km SE of Perryville, Alaska P / A
us6000f66g 2021-08-14 14:20:56 3.2 55.26°N 157.94°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 104 km SE of Perryville, Alaska P / A
s2rhai2021pwer 2021-08-14 14:23:31 4.1 earthquake 18.38°N 73.42°W 3 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000186 2021-08-14 14:23:31 4.1 18.38°N 73.42°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
20210814_0000191 2021-08-14 14:23:34 2.3 35.48°N 3.73°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
s2rhai2021pwew 2021-08-14 14:28:49 5.0 earthquake 18.46°N 73.57°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
11456138 2021-08-14 14:28:51 4.6 18.49°N 73.55°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
us6000f66l 2021-08-14 14:28:51 4.6 18.49°N 73.55°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 6 km SW of Petit Trou de Nippes, Haiti P / A
20210814_0000184 2021-08-14 14:28:51 4.6 18.51°N 73.55°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
gfz2021pwew 2021-08-14 14:28:52 4.5 18.50°N 73.52°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
usp2021pwew 2021-08-14 14:28:52 4.7 18.61°N 73.25°W 10 IAG manual confirmed Haiti Region P / A
20210814_0000193 2021-08-14 14:31:11 1.8 35.51°N 3.70°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
11456262 2021-08-14 14:31:19 4.6 5.59°S 153.10°E 10 IRIS manual confirmed NEW IRELAND REGION, P.N.G. P / A
20210814_0000255 2021-08-14 14:31:19 4.6 5.59°S 153.10°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed NEW IRELAND REGION, P.N.G. P / A
us6000f670 2021-08-14 14:31:19 4.6 5.59°S 153.10°E 10 USGS manual confirmed 165 km SSE of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea P / A
s2rhai2021pwfd 2021-08-14 14:37:27 3.7 earthquake 18.38°N 73.83°W 3 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000187 2021-08-14 14:37:27 3.7 18.38°N 73.83°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
s2rhai2021pwfg 2021-08-14 14:40:47 4.4 earthquake 18.47°N 73.66°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000189 2021-08-14 14:40:47 4.2 18.49°N 73.70°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456140 2021-08-14 14:40:48 4.2 18.49°N 73.71°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
us6000f66r 2021-08-14 14:40:48 4.2 18.49°N 73.71°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 7 km W of Baradères, Haiti P / A
auth2021pwfh 2021-08-14 14:42:02 1.7 38.15°N 23.98°E 18 AUTH manual confirmed Attica - C. Greece P / A
20210814_0000188 2021-08-14 14:42:09 2.0 35.46°N 33.80°E 27 EMSC manual confirmed CYPRUS REGION P / A
11457215 2021-08-14 14:43:20 2.5 43.02°N 124.85°W 20 IRIS manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF OREGON P / A
uw61766556 2021-08-14 14:43:20 2.5 43.02°N 124.85°W 20 USGS manual confirmed 34 km WNW of Langlois, Oregon P / A
20210814_0000379 2021-08-14 14:43:20 2.5 43.02°N 124.85°W 20 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE OREGON P / A
ok2021pwfi 2021-08-14 14:43:34 0.9 35.57°N 97.08°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 11 km NE of Harrah, Oklahoma P / A
11456795 2021-08-14 14:43:34 0.9 35.57°N 97.08°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
11456137 2021-08-14 14:45:40 1.6 61.43°N 152.70°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ae028ft 2021-08-14 14:45:40 1.6 61.43°N 152.70°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 92 km WNW of Beluga, Alaska P / A
auth2021pwfk 2021-08-14 14:45:41 2.6 39.03°N 22.46°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11456135 2021-08-14 14:46:14 1.1 35.64°N 117.44°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773615 2021-08-14 14:46:14 1.1 35.64°N 117.44°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 14km SSW of Searles Valley, CA P / A
rs2021pydvix 2021-08-14 14:48:08 2.4 20.68°S 68.82°W 99 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
gfz2021pwfn 2021-08-14 14:49:34 5.1 60.50°S 26.94°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210814_0000249 2021-08-14 14:49:34 5.0 26.90°S 60.29°W 40 EMSC manual confirmed CHACO, ARGENTINA P / A
20210814_0000197 2021-08-14 14:49:34 5.1 60.52°S 26.99°W 37 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11456144 2021-08-14 14:49:39 5.1 60.13°S 26.75°W 78 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f671 2021-08-14 14:49:39 5.1 60.13°S 26.75°W 78 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
11456139 2021-08-14 14:50:45 0.9 35.99°N 118.27°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773623 2021-08-14 14:50:45 0.9 35.99°N 118.27°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 29km WSW of Coso Junction, CA P / A
11456533 2021-08-14 14:51:33 0.6 34.96°N 118.69°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci37479373 2021-08-14 14:51:33 0.6 34.96°N 118.69°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 21km NE of Lebec, CA P / A
s2rhai2021pwfr 2021-08-14 14:53:26 3.4 earthquake 18.45°N 73.54°W 6 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000195 2021-08-14 14:53:26 3.4 18.45°N 73.54°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11457212 2021-08-14 14:54:21 1.1 47.39°N 121.78°W 22 IRIS manual confirmed WASHINGTON P / A
uw61766561 2021-08-14 14:54:21 1.1 47.39°N 121.78°W 22 USGS manual confirmed 6 km S of Wilderness Rim, Washington P / A
11456269 2021-08-14 14:55:01 3.3 55.04°N 157.60°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
us6000f66w 2021-08-14 14:55:01 3.3 55.04°N 157.60°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 137 km SE of Perryville, Alaska P / A
20210814_0000262 2021-08-14 14:55:01 3.3 55.04°N 157.60°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
s2rhai2021pwft 2021-08-14 14:56:34 3.5 earthquake 18.45°N 73.72°W 37 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000190 2021-08-14 14:56:34 3.5 18.45°N 73.72°W 37 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
rs2021pyecuk 2021-08-14 14:56:46 2.3 44.45°N 123.17°W 4 from location gempa automatic confirmed Oregon P / A
11456142 2021-08-14 14:57:34 4.6 18.48°N 73.67°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
20210814_0000192 2021-08-14 14:57:34 4.6 18.46°N 73.65°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
us6000f66y 2021-08-14 14:57:34 4.6 18.48°N 73.67°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 3 km W of Baradères, Haiti P / A
gfz2021pwfu 2021-08-14 14:57:35 4.5 18.45°N 73.60°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
auth2021pwfu 2021-08-14 14:57:44 38.32°N 20.99°E 200 AUTH manual confirmed Central Ionian Sea - W. Greece P / A
20210814_0000194 2021-08-14 15:00:06 3.2 49.57°N 0.44°W EMSC manual confirmed FRANCE P / A
fr2021hcqocn 2021-08-14 15:00:07 2.8 explosion 49.67°N 0.55°W EOST manual confirmed Explosion of magnitude 2.8, near of Le Havre (France métropolitaine) P / A
oca2021pwfx 2021-08-14 15:00:20 3.6 49.42°N 0.93°E 5 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
s2rhai2021pwfy 2021-08-14 15:02:10 3.7 earthquake 18.40°N 73.63°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000199 2021-08-14 15:02:10 3.7 18.40°N 73.63°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
rs2021pyehvj 2021-08-14 15:02:36 2.8 20.75°S 68.95°W 70 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11456141 2021-08-14 15:06:31 0.8 38.82°N 122.76°W 0 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73610066 2021-08-14 15:06:31 0.8 38.82°N 122.76°W 0 USGS manual confirmed 3km W of Cobb, CA P / A
20210814_0000200 2021-08-14 15:08:10 4.2 18.48°N 73.61°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
s2rhai2021pwgd 2021-08-14 15:08:11 4.4 earthquake 18.46°N 73.57°W 8 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
11456255 2021-08-14 15:08:11 4.2 18.49°N 73.59°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
us6000f67e 2021-08-14 15:08:11 4.2 18.49°N 73.59°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 4 km ENE of Baradères, Haiti P / A
2021p609814 2021-08-14 15:08:56 3.3 35.78°S 178.39°E 233 GNS manual confirmed 200 km north of Te Araroa P / A
20210814_0000196 2021-08-14 15:09:11 3.0 36.72°S 178.19°E 163 EMSC manual confirmed OFF E. COAST OF N. ISLAND, N.Z. P / A
11456143 2021-08-14 15:11:42 1.7 60.81°N 146.92°W 23 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ae0gdsv 2021-08-14 15:11:42 1.7 60.81°N 146.92°W 23 USGS manual confirmed 14 km WSW of Tatitlek, Alaska P / A
20210814_0000201 2021-08-14 15:13:40 3.1 17.70°N 120.03°E 31 EMSC manual confirmed LUZON, PHILIPPINES P / A
s2rhai2021pwgi 2021-08-14 15:14:05 3.9 earthquake 18.35°N 73.84°W 1 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000202 2021-08-14 15:14:05 3.9 18.35°N 73.84°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
rs2021pyesji 2021-08-14 15:14:50 2.4 44.98°N 121.82°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Oregon P / A
rs2021pyeunh 2021-08-14 15:17:18 3.0 21.15°S 68.25°W 197 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
s2rhai2021pwgm 2021-08-14 15:17:56 3.8 earthquake 18.44°N 73.51°W 6 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000207 2021-08-14 15:17:56 3.8 18.44°N 73.51°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
2021p609833 2021-08-14 15:19:16 1.8 39.36°S 176.90°E 15 GNS manual confirmed 15 km north of Napier P / A
20210814_0000205 2021-08-14 15:19:53 3.9 20.33°N 121.79°E 7 EMSC manual confirmed BATAN ISL REGION, PHILIPPINES P / A
11456145 2021-08-14 15:20:03 1.7 62.13°N 152.12°W 115 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ae0i8a5 2021-08-14 15:20:03 1.7 62.13°N 152.12°W 115 USGS manual confirmed 40 km WNW of Skwentna, Alaska P / A
11456271 2021-08-14 15:20:49 3.3 54.70°N 156.79°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH OF ALASKA P / A
us6000f677 2021-08-14 15:20:49 3.5 54.71°N 156.82°W 36 USGS manual confirmed 198 km SE of Perryville, Alaska P / A
ak021ae0ibo9 2021-08-14 15:20:49 3.3 54.70°N 156.79°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 201 km SE of Perryville, Alaska P / A
20210814_0000264 2021-08-14 15:20:49 3.3 54.70°N 156.79°W 33 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH OF ALASKA P / A
2021p609836 2021-08-14 15:20:56 2.7 38.76°S 175.93°E 94 GNS manual confirmed 15 km south-west of Taupo P / A
20210814_0000203 2021-08-14 15:21:20 3.1 28.64°S 71.42°W 23 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE ATACAMA, CHILE P / A
11456146 2021-08-14 15:22:11 1.8 19.15°N 155.46°W 31 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72644977 2021-08-14 15:22:11 1.8 19.15°N 155.46°W 31 USGS manual confirmed 6 km SSE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210814_0000349 2021-08-14 15:23:55 3.8 16.52°N 94.86°W 18 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
s2rhai2021pwgt 2021-08-14 15:26:18 3.8 earthquake 18.44°N 73.54°W 3 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000208 2021-08-14 15:26:18 3.8 18.44°N 73.54°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
2021p609849 2021-08-14 15:27:00 4.3 31.83°S 179.85°E 435 GNS manual confirmed 655 km north of Te Araroa P / A
20210814_0000204 2021-08-14 15:27:00 4.3 31.83°S 179.85°E 435 EMSC manual confirmed KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION P / A
2021p609854 2021-08-14 15:30:27 1.1 39.33°S 176.69°E 6 GNS manual confirmed 25 km north-west of Napier P / A
s2rhai2021pwhb 2021-08-14 15:35:14 3.4 earthquake 18.52°N 73.63°W 17 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000209 2021-08-14 15:35:14 3.4 18.52°N 73.63°W 17 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
fr2021hcqrgg 2021-08-14 15:35:34 1.3 earthquake 14.81°N 61.17°W 0 EOST manual confirmed Earthquake of magnitude 1.3, near of Fort-de-France (Les Antilles) P / A
11456490 2021-08-14 15:40:40 1.3 34.46°N 117.97°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773639 2021-08-14 15:40:40 1.3 34.46°N 117.97°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 7km S of Littlerock, CA P / A
s2rhai2021pwhh 2021-08-14 15:42:54 3.7 earthquake 18.45°N 73.51°W 6 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000214 2021-08-14 15:42:54 3.7 18.45°N 73.51°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
rs2021pyfsau 2021-08-14 15:44:38 2.1 22.65°S 68.71°W 93 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021pwhj 2021-08-14 15:44:52 1.4 38.80°N 21.31°E 24 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwhj 2021-08-14 15:45:00 3.8 earthquake 18.42°N 73.48°W 0 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000213 2021-08-14 15:45:00 3.8 18.42°N 73.48°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
s2rhai2021pwhk 2021-08-14 15:46:18 4.0 earthquake 18.38°N 73.60°W 6 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000212 2021-08-14 15:46:18 4.0 18.38°N 73.60°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
s2rhai2021pwhn 2021-08-14 15:49:28 3.8 earthquake 18.46°N 73.58°W 6 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000218 2021-08-14 15:49:28 3.8 18.47°N 73.58°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456148 2021-08-14 15:50:37 1.9 19.21°N 155.43°W 34 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72645012 2021-08-14 15:50:37 1.9 19.21°N 155.43°W 34 USGS manual confirmed 5 km E of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
2021p609895 2021-08-14 15:52:05 1.5 38.63°S 176.04°E 6 GNS manual confirmed 5 km north-west of Taupo P / A
s2rhai2021pwhq 2021-08-14 15:53:00 3.7 earthquake 18.39°N 73.48°W 11 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000215 2021-08-14 15:53:00 3.7 18.39°N 73.48°W 11 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456150 2021-08-14 15:54:23 1.9 19.21°N 155.42°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72645017 2021-08-14 15:54:23 1.9 19.21°N 155.42°W 33 USGS manual confirmed Island of Hawaii, Hawaii P / A
11456149 2021-08-14 15:54:42 1.3 61.76°N 149.71°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ae0plmr 2021-08-14 15:54:42 1.3 61.76°N 149.71°W 35 USGS manual confirmed 15 km NNE of Houston, Alaska P / A
s2rhai2021pwhs 2021-08-14 15:55:37 3.9 earthquake 18.46°N 73.58°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000216 2021-08-14 15:55:37 3.9 18.47°N 73.58°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456816 2021-08-14 15:57:46 2.5 44.36°N 115.20°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN IDAHO P / A
20210814_0000370 2021-08-14 15:57:46 2.5 44.36°N 115.20°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN IDAHO P / A
mb80519299 2021-08-14 15:57:46 2.5 44.36°N 115.20°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 26 km NW of Stanley, Idaho P / A
20210814_0000217 2021-08-14 15:58:45 4.1 5.96°N 126.25°E 16 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
s2rhai2021pwhv 2021-08-14 15:58:56 3.3 earthquake 18.45°N 73.57°W 4 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
s2rhai2021pwhx 2021-08-14 16:01:07 3.8 earthquake 18.38°N 73.91°W 19 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000221 2021-08-14 16:01:07 3.8 18.38°N 73.91°W 19 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
s2rhai2021pwia 2021-08-14 16:04:48 4.0 earthquake 18.43°N 73.60°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000224 2021-08-14 16:04:48 4.0 18.43°N 73.60°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456151 2021-08-14 16:06:34 1.2 61.69°N 150.06°W 32 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ae10q7v 2021-08-14 16:06:34 1.2 61.69°N 150.06°W 32 USGS manual confirmed 6 km S of Willow, Alaska P / A
27953661 2021-08-14 16:06:36 0.8 46.40°N 12.90°E 12 INGV manual confirmed 2 km SE Enemonzo (UD) P / A
rs2021pygmbj 2021-08-14 16:07:51 2.4 20.39°S 68.91°W 106 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
koeri2021pwid 2021-08-14 16:08:02 4.9 18.51°N 73.49°W 10 KOERI manual confirmed Haiti Region P / A
ga2021pygmfd 2021-08-14 16:08:02 5.0 18.46°N 73.54°W 11 GA manual confirmed Haiti Region P / A
11456156 2021-08-14 16:08:03 5.1 18.54°N 73.71°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
gfz2021pwid 2021-08-14 16:08:03 4.9 18.46°N 73.67°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
s2rhai2021pwic 2021-08-14 16:08:03 5.1 earthquake 18.48°N 73.73°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
rs2021pygmfp 2021-08-14 16:08:03 5.0 18.48°N 73.56°W 10 gempa automatic confirmed Haiti Region P / A
20210814_0000220 2021-08-14 16:08:03 5.0 18.50°N 73.74°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
us6000f67i 2021-08-14 16:08:03 5.1 18.54°N 73.71°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 10 km NW of Baradères, Haiti P / A
usp2021pwid 2021-08-14 16:08:11 4.8 17.65°N 72.89°W 10 IAG manual confirmed Haiti Region P / A
20210814_0000232 2021-08-14 16:11:58 2.9 5.62°N 95.34°E 85 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021pwig 2021-08-14 16:11:58 2.9 5.62°N 95.34°E 85 BMKG manual confirmed Northern Sumatra, Indonesia P / A
11456152 2021-08-14 16:12:03 1.4 38.75°N 122.73°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73610081 2021-08-14 16:12:03 1.4 38.75°N 122.73°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 4km SE of The Geysers, CA P / A
s2rhai2021pwih 2021-08-14 16:12:52 3.3 earthquake 18.34°N 73.45°W 3 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000231 2021-08-14 16:12:52 3.3 18.34°N 73.45°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456153 2021-08-14 16:13:30 2.1 35.07°N 98.09°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021pwih 2021-08-14 16:13:30 2.1 35.07°N 98.09°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 1 km SSW of Verden, Oklahoma P / A
20210814_0000219 2021-08-14 16:13:30 2.1 35.07°N 98.09°W 9 EMSC manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
20210814_0000259 2021-08-14 16:13:39 3.1 62.32°N 151.20°W 84 EMSC manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
11456154 2021-08-14 16:13:40 2.8 62.32°N 151.17°W 68 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ae128ny 2021-08-14 16:13:40 2.8 62.32°N 151.17°W 68 USGS manual confirmed 28 km SW of Petersville, Alaska P / A
auth2021pwii 2021-08-14 16:14:29 1.7 37.63°N 20.57°E 7 AUTH manual confirmed South Ionian Sea - W. Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwii 2021-08-14 16:14:40 3.4 earthquake 18.33°N 73.59°W 6 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000235 2021-08-14 16:14:40 3.4 18.33°N 73.59°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456155 2021-08-14 16:15:42 1.4 59.56°N 151.42°W 38 IRIS manual confirmed KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA P / A
ak021ae12o9g 2021-08-14 16:15:42 1.4 59.56°N 151.42°W 38 USGS manual confirmed 11 km SE of Homer, Alaska P / A
11456157 2021-08-14 16:17:09 1.9 62.13°N 152.43°W 126 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ae131hb 2021-08-14 16:17:09 1.9 62.13°N 152.43°W 126 USGS manual confirmed 55 km WNW of Skwentna, Alaska P / A
11457208 2021-08-14 16:17:29 0.4 46.88°N 121.97°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed WASHINGTON P / A
uw61766596 2021-08-14 16:17:29 0.4 46.88°N 121.97°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 14 km NNE of Ashford, Washington P / A
2021p609945 2021-08-14 16:18:04 4.2 32.80°S 177.76°W 33 GNS manual confirmed 640 km north-east of Te Araroa P / A
s2rhai2021pwim 2021-08-14 16:19:05 3.8 earthquake 18.22°N 74.04°W 3 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000223 2021-08-14 16:19:10 3.5 21.22°S 68.02°W 174 EMSC manual confirmed POTOSI, BOLIVIA P / A
rs2021pygvvl 2021-08-14 16:19:10 3.4 21.21°S 68.30°W 188 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
20210814_0000222 2021-08-14 16:23:02 2.9 36.50°N 7.83°W 15 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
auth2021pwiq 2021-08-14 16:23:11 2.8 34.73°N 24.33°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed SW of Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwiq 2021-08-14 16:23:18 4.2 earthquake 18.47°N 73.62°W 8 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000228 2021-08-14 16:23:18 4.2 18.47°N 73.62°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
s2rhai2021pwit 2021-08-14 16:26:34 3.4 earthquake 18.39°N 73.48°W 12 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000251 2021-08-14 16:26:34 3.4 18.39°N 73.48°W 12 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
auth2021pwiu 2021-08-14 16:27:58 1.6 38.21°N 23.94°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Attica - C. Greece P / A
11456775 2021-08-14 16:31:16 0.5 41.88°N 112.41°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed UTAH P / A
uu60452877 2021-08-14 16:31:16 0.5 41.88°N 112.41°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 9 km NNE of Howell, Utah P / A
rs2021pyhgkm 2021-08-14 16:31:27 2.6 22.88°S 69.37°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021pwix 2021-08-14 16:31:38 1.6 38.34°N 23.29°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
auth2021pwiz 2021-08-14 16:33:59 2.3 39.05°N 23.76°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Aegean Trough - N. Greece P / A
ga2021pyhjci 2021-08-14 16:34:35 2.2 29.88°S 116.58°E 5 GA manual confirmed NW of Dalwallinu, WA P / A
20210814_0000364 2021-08-14 16:34:35 2.2 29.88°S 116.58°E 5 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN AUSTRALIA P / A
bmg2021pwja 2021-08-14 16:34:44 4.6 6.94°N 126.34°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Mindanao, Philippines P / A
20210814_0000226 2021-08-14 16:34:44 4.6 6.94°N 126.34°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
s2rhai2021pwix 2021-08-14 16:34:59 3.8 earthquake 18.39°N 73.66°W 7 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000244 2021-08-14 16:34:59 3.8 18.39°N 73.66°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
s2rhai2021pwjd 2021-08-14 16:38:18 3.2 earthquake 18.38°N 73.55°W 8 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000365 2021-08-14 16:38:18 3.2 18.38°N 73.54°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
gfz2021pwje 2021-08-14 16:39:54 4.6 20.35°N 122.37°E GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11456254 2021-08-14 16:39:54 4.6 20.34°N 122.07°E 10 IRIS manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210814_0000227 2021-08-14 16:39:54 4.6 20.34°N 122.22°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed BATAN ISL REGION, PHILIPPINES P / A
us6000f67r 2021-08-14 16:39:54 4.6 20.34°N 122.07°E 10 USGS manual confirmed 15 km SE of Basco, Philippines P / A
bmg2021pwje 2021-08-14 16:39:58 4.8 20.37°N 122.25°E 35 BMKG manual confirmed Philippine Islands Region P / A
11457074 2021-08-14 16:40:12 1.7 19.73°N 155.99°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72645097 2021-08-14 16:40:12 1.7 19.73°N 155.99°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 0 km NW of Kalaoa, Hawaii P / A
11456158 2021-08-14 16:43:09 0.5 64.50°N 146.99°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ae18lro 2021-08-14 16:43:09 0.5 64.50°N 146.99°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 4 km WSW of Salcha, Alaska P / A
koeri2021pwjh 2021-08-14 16:43:52 3.3 35.65°N 27.66°E 2 KOERI manual confirmed Dodecanese Islands, Greece P / A
20210814_0000225 2021-08-14 16:43:53 3.2 35.72°N 27.49°E 5 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE ISLANDS, GREECE P / A
noa2021pwlpt 2021-08-14 16:43:54 3.4 35.73°N 27.53°E 12 NOA manual confirmed 32 Km SW from Katavia P / A
auth2021pwjh 2021-08-14 16:43:54 3.2 35.82°N 27.44°E 3 AUTH manual confirmed S of Rhodes Isl. - SE Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwji 2021-08-14 16:44:19 4.3 earthquake 18.43°N 73.58°W 3 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000240 2021-08-14 16:44:19 4.3 18.43°N 73.58°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
s2rhai2021pwjm 2021-08-14 16:49:21 3.6 earthquake 18.37°N 73.55°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000366 2021-08-14 16:49:21 3.6 18.37°N 73.55°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
auth2021pwjn 2021-08-14 16:50:13 1.9 39.22°N 21.07°E 15 AUTH manual confirmed Western Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwjp 2021-08-14 16:51:43 5.7 not existing 17.82°N 76.61°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000230 2021-08-14 16:53:06 4.0 2.48°S 128.87°E 16 EMSC manual confirmed CERAM SEA, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021pwjp 2021-08-14 16:53:06 4.0 2.48°S 128.87°E 16 BMKG manual confirmed Ceram Sea P / A
fr2021hcqydv 2021-08-14 16:53:22 1.1 earthquake 45.01°N 6.66°E 10 EOST manual confirmed Earthquake of magnitude 1.1, near of Gap (France métropolitaine) P / A
oca2021pwjp 2021-08-14 16:53:23 1.1 45.03°N 6.69°E 8 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
11456253 2021-08-14 16:54:06 1.7 38.01°N 117.17°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818647 2021-08-14 16:54:06 1.7 38.01°N 117.17°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 8 km SE of Tonopah, Nevada P / A
s2rhai2021pwjt 2021-08-14 16:57:05 3.8 earthquake 18.44°N 73.61°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000243 2021-08-14 16:57:05 3.8 18.44°N 73.61°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
20210814_0000236 2021-08-14 16:57:22 2.6 35.51°N 3.58°W 20 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
bmg2021pwjt 2021-08-14 16:57:39 2.2 5.87°N 95.28°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Northern Sumatra, Indonesia P / A
20210814_0000233 2021-08-14 16:59:32 3.1 19.85°N 121.60°E 15 EMSC manual confirmed BABUYAN ISL REGION, PHILIPPINES P / A
s2rhai2021pwjv 2021-08-14 16:59:42 4.0 earthquake 18.48°N 73.55°W 7 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000241 2021-08-14 16:59:42 4.0 18.48°N 73.55°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
20210814_0000239 2021-08-14 17:00:26 3.2 4.42°N 126.37°E 125 EMSC manual confirmed KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA P / A
11456256 2021-08-14 17:02:12 2.0 19.18°N 155.50°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210814_0000229 2021-08-14 17:02:12 2.0 19.18°N 155.50°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72645127 2021-08-14 17:02:12 2.0 19.18°N 155.50°W 35 USGS manual confirmed 3 km SW of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
20210814_0000237 2021-08-14 17:02:37 4.0 8.99°N 126.18°E 38 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
11456750 2021-08-14 17:03:09 1.7 44.47°N 110.77°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed YELLOWSTONE REGION, WYOMING P / A
uu60452882 2021-08-14 17:03:09 1.7 44.47°N 110.77°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 33 km SE of West Yellowstone, Montana P / A
20210814_0000242 2021-08-14 17:04:07 3.8 20.22°N 121.55°E 1 EMSC manual confirmed BATAN ISL REGION, PHILIPPINES P / A
s2rhai2021pwka 2021-08-14 17:05:18 5.3 earthquake 18.39°N 73.56°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
11456259 2021-08-14 17:05:18 4.9 18.46°N 73.60°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
usp2021pwka 2021-08-14 17:05:18 5.0 18.58°N 73.54°W 10 IAG manual confirmed Haiti Region P / A
us6000f691 2021-08-14 17:05:18 4.9 18.46°N 73.60°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 4 km ESE of Baradères, Haiti P / A
20210814_0000234 2021-08-14 17:05:19 5.1 18.54°N 73.61°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
rs2021pyijpa 2021-08-14 17:05:19 5.1 18.44°N 73.53°W 10 from location gempa automatic confirmed Haiti Region P / A
gfz2021pwjs 2021-08-14 17:05:20 5.0 18.44°N 73.53°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
ga2021pyijoo 2021-08-14 17:05:20 5.2 18.37°N 73.50°W 19 GA manual confirmed Haiti Region P / A
koeri2021pwka 2021-08-14 17:05:20 5.1 18.52°N 73.48°W 10 KOERI manual confirmed Haiti Region P / A
20210814_0000238 2021-08-14 17:05:51 3.6 30.59°S 66.29°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed LA RIOJA, ARGENTINA P / A
11456257 2021-08-14 17:07:22 1.9 19.21°N 155.40°W 34 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72645132 2021-08-14 17:07:22 1.9 19.21°N 155.40°W 34 USGS manual confirmed 8 km E of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
2021p610041 2021-08-14 17:10:11 2.7 38.83°S 178.11°E 23 GNS manual confirmed 15 km south-east of Gisborne P / A
s2rhai2021pwke 2021-08-14 17:10:15 3.9 earthquake 18.35°N 73.55°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000245 2021-08-14 17:10:15 3.9 18.35°N 73.55°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
20210814_0000352 2021-08-14 17:16:19 3.5 16.27°N 97.92°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
2021p610053 2021-08-14 17:16:32 0.7 39.51°S 175.67°E 12 GNS manual confirmed 20 km north-west of Taihape P / A
s2rhai2021pwkk 2021-08-14 17:17:10 3.1 earthquake 18.50°N 73.58°W 8 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000247 2021-08-14 17:17:10 3.1 18.50°N 73.58°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456258 2021-08-14 17:19:54 0.9 35.87°N 117.66°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773671 2021-08-14 17:19:54 0.9 35.87°N 117.66°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 23km ESE of Little Lake, CA P / A
20210814_0000351 2021-08-14 17:19:57 3.3 16.27°N 97.91°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
auth2021pwkn 2021-08-14 17:20:49 1.9 40.25°N 20.89°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Western Macedonia - N. Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwkq 2021-08-14 17:24:36 3.9 earthquake 18.38°N 73.79°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000248 2021-08-14 17:24:36 3.9 18.38°N 73.79°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
s2rhai2021pwku 2021-08-14 17:28:24 3.8 earthquake 18.74°N 74.31°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000357 2021-08-14 17:28:24 3.8 18.74°N 74.31°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11457412 2021-08-14 17:33:16 3.4 54.83°N 156.97°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH OF ALASKA P / A
20210814_0000381 2021-08-14 17:33:16 3.4 54.83°N 156.97°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH OF ALASKA P / A
us6000f69a 2021-08-14 17:33:16 3.4 54.83°N 156.97°W 35 USGS manual confirmed 183 km SE of Perryville, Alaska P / A
11456302 2021-08-14 17:38:58 1.6 51.28°N 177.03°W 25 IRIS manual confirmed ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS. P / A
ak021ae1t0n2 2021-08-14 17:38:58 1.6 51.28°N 177.03°W 25 USGS manual confirmed 71 km SSW of Adak, Alaska P / A
s2rhai2021pwle 2021-08-14 17:40:08 3.4 earthquake 18.42°N 73.81°W 4 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000246 2021-08-14 17:41:50 2.7 11.92°N 85.94°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed NICARAGUA P / A
s2rhai2021pwlh 2021-08-14 17:43:27 3.8 earthquake 18.27°N 73.86°W 30 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000367 2021-08-14 17:43:27 3.8 18.27°N 73.86°W 30 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456260 2021-08-14 17:44:54 3.0 37.04°N 97.85°W 12 IRIS manual confirmed KANSAS P / A
20210814_0000250 2021-08-14 17:44:54 3.0 37.04°N 97.85°W 12 EMSC manual confirmed KANSAS P / A
us6000f69c 2021-08-14 17:44:54 3.0 37.04°N 97.85°W 12 USGS manual confirmed 4 km SSE of Bluff City, Kansas P / A
rs2021pyjrrj 2021-08-14 17:44:54 3.5 37.09°N 97.86°W 0 from location gempa automatic confirmed Kansas P / A
11456281 2021-08-14 17:47:09 5.0 51.57°S 139.57°E 10 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN INDIAN-ANTARCTIC RIDGE P / A
us6000f6ag 2021-08-14 17:47:09 5.0 51.57°S 139.57°E 10 USGS manual confirmed western Indian-Antarctic Ridge P / A
gfz2021pwlk 2021-08-14 17:47:11 4.5 51.41°S 139.25°E GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210814_0000271 2021-08-14 17:47:11 4.8 51.43°S 139.25°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN INDIAN-ANTARCTIC RIDGE P / A
auth2021pwlk 2021-08-14 17:47:34 1.1 38.65°N 20.60°E 21 AUTH manual confirmed Lefkada Isl. - W. Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwlp 2021-08-14 17:53:49 3.8 earthquake 18.40°N 73.64°W 7 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000252 2021-08-14 17:53:49 3.8 18.40°N 73.65°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
2021p610125 2021-08-14 17:54:40 1.7 39.43°S 177.92°E 18 GNS manual confirmed 60 km south-east of Wairoa P / A
20210814_0000347 2021-08-14 17:57:12 3.9 15.98°N 96.02°W 46 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
s2rhai2021pwlt 2021-08-14 17:58:22 3.3 earthquake 18.38°N 73.82°W 9 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000253 2021-08-14 17:58:22 3.3 18.38°N 73.82°W 9 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
s2rhai2021pwlv 2021-08-14 17:59:44 3.9 earthquake 18.45°N 73.49°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000256 2021-08-14 17:59:44 3.9 18.44°N 73.49°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
rs2021pykguw 2021-08-14 18:02:28 2.2 21.10°S 68.93°W 93 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
rs2021pykijp 2021-08-14 18:04:17 2.8 21.06°S 70.42°W 11 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
2021p610146 2021-08-14 18:06:29 2.7 42.68°S 171.77°E 5 GNS manual confirmed 30 km north-east of Arthur's Pass P / A
s2rhai2021pwma 2021-08-14 18:06:30 3.4 18.75°N 73.20°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000254 2021-08-14 18:09:30 2.4 36.57°N 9.77°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed WEST OF GIBRALTAR P / A
auth2021pwme 2021-08-14 18:10:24 1.3 38.31°N 21.57°E 16 AUTH manual confirmed Gulf of Patras - W. Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwme 2021-08-14 18:11:10 5.5 earthquake 18.54°N 73.65°W 3 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
11456264 2021-08-14 18:11:10 5.2 18.57°N 73.62°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
us6000f69k 2021-08-14 18:11:10 5.2 18.57°N 73.62°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 10 km N of Baradères, Haiti P / A
rs2021pykoiq 2021-08-14 18:11:10 5.2 18.52°N 73.53°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Haiti Region P / A
20210814_0000258 2021-08-14 18:11:11 5.1 18.58°N 73.63°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
koeri2021pwme 2021-08-14 18:11:12 5.0 18.63°N 73.49°W 10 KOERI manual confirmed Haiti Region P / A
gfz2021pwme 2021-08-14 18:11:12 5.1 18.61°N 73.48°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
usp2021pwmf 2021-08-14 18:11:13 5.2 18.35°N 73.26°W 10 IAG manual confirmed Haiti Region P / A
11456275 2021-08-14 18:11:56 5.1 59.68°S 26.44°W 73 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210814_0000267 2021-08-14 18:11:56 5.1 59.68°S 26.44°W 73 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f69z 2021-08-14 18:11:56 5.1 59.68°S 26.44°W 73 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
11456560 2021-08-14 18:13:10 -0.0 35.59°N 117.47°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773687 2021-08-14 18:13:10 -0.0 35.59°N 117.47°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 19km E of Ridgecrest, CA P / A
11456261 2021-08-14 18:13:11 0.9 38.83°N 122.80°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73610116 2021-08-14 18:13:11 0.9 38.83°N 122.80°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 7km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
2021p610159 2021-08-14 18:13:30 1.8 38.62°S 176.03°E 5 GNS manual confirmed 5 km north-west of Taupo P / A
s2rhai2021pwmi 2021-08-14 18:16:24 4.2 earthquake 18.65°N 73.76°W 21 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000359 2021-08-14 18:16:24 4.2 18.65°N 73.76°W 21 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11457445 2021-08-14 18:17:35 2.5 37.03°N 97.85°W 14 IRIS manual confirmed KANSAS P / A
us6000f69m 2021-08-14 18:17:35 2.5 37.03°N 97.85°W 14 USGS manual confirmed 5 km SSE of Bluff City, Kansas P / A
20210814_0000382 2021-08-14 18:17:35 2.5 37.03°N 97.85°W 14 EMSC manual confirmed KANSAS P / A
rs2021pyktvr 2021-08-14 18:17:37 2.4 36.58°N 97.57°W 33 from location gempa automatic confirmed Oklahoma P / A
20210814_0000257 2021-08-14 18:19:37 2.9 12.15°N 87.31°W 30 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
2021p610174 2021-08-14 18:20:43 2.0 40.34°S 176.51°E 13 GNS manual confirmed 10 km south-west of Porangahau P / A
11456263 2021-08-14 18:21:43 1.2 38.56°N 119.48°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818650 2021-08-14 18:21:43 1.2 38.56°N 119.48°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 2 km ESE of Coleville, California P / A
rs2021pykydz 2021-08-14 18:22:36 2.7 22.91°S 69.13°W 7 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
2021p610181 2021-08-14 18:25:37 1.4 39.94°S 176.59°E 30 GNS manual confirmed 5 km north-east of Waipukurau P / A
rs2021pyldrx 2021-08-14 18:28:59 2.7 22.91°S 69.51°W 3 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210814_0000270 2021-08-14 18:30:07 2.5 45.75°N 26.56°E 74 EMSC manual confirmed ROMANIA P / A
rs2021pylfto 2021-08-14 18:31:28 2.9 20.82°S 69.83°W 4 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
s2rhai2021pwmw 2021-08-14 18:32:22 3.3 18.48°N 73.57°W 9 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
11456265 2021-08-14 18:32:27 1.5 37.89°N 118.57°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818651 2021-08-14 18:32:27 1.4 37.94°N 118.55°W USGS manual confirmed 14 km NNW of Benton, California P / A
nc73610131 2021-08-14 18:32:27 1.3 37.89°N 118.57°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 38km NNE of Toms Place, CA P / A
20210814_0000383 2021-08-14 18:36:25 2.6 61.96°N 150.85°W 84 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
11456267 2021-08-14 18:36:27 2.6 61.94°N 150.88°W 66 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ae2e0e3 2021-08-14 18:36:27 2.3 61.94°N 150.88°W 66 USGS manual confirmed 27 km ESE of Skwentna, Alaska P / A
s2rhai2021pwnd 2021-08-14 18:40:25 3.9 earthquake 18.44°N 74.06°W 13 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000356 2021-08-14 18:40:25 3.9 18.44°N 74.06°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
fr2021hcrhst 2021-08-14 18:41:14 5.2 4.53°S 103.11°E 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.2, near of Palembang (Monde) P / A
gfz2021pwne 2021-08-14 18:41:21 5.0 4.54°S 102.49°E GFZ manual confirmed P / A
2021p610232 2021-08-14 18:41:21 5.4 4.41°S 102.57°E 57 GNS manual confirmed 7730 km west of Milford Sound P / A
11456277 2021-08-14 18:41:21 4.9 4.41°S 102.56°E 60 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA P / A
ga2021pyloih 2021-08-14 18:41:21 5.0 4.53°S 102.50°E 57 GA manual confirmed Southern Sumatra, Indonesia P / A
20210814_0000269 2021-08-14 18:41:21 5.0 4.42°S 102.60°E 60 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA P / A
us6000f69y 2021-08-14 18:41:21 4.9 4.41°S 102.56°E 60 USGS manual confirmed 74 km SSE of Bengkulu, Indonesia P / A
bmg2021pwne 2021-08-14 18:41:22 5.0 4.53°S 102.56°E 59 BMKG manual confirmed Southern Sumatra, Indonesia P / A
knmi2021pwng 2021-08-14 18:42:53 1.2 50.68°N 6.20°E 12 KNMI manual confirmed Aken (Duitsland) P / A
20210814_0000263 2021-08-14 18:44:39 4.5 55.24°N 157.53°W 38 EMSC manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
11456270 2021-08-14 18:44:40 3.9 55.20°N 157.51°W 30 IRIS manual confirmed ALASKA PENINSULA P / A
ak021ae2fqri 2021-08-14 18:44:40 3.9 55.20°N 157.51°W 30 USGS manual confirmed 129 km SE of Perryville, Alaska P / A
11456273 2021-08-14 18:48:14 1.2 38.16°N 117.89°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
nn00818653 2021-08-14 18:48:14 1.2 38.16°N 117.89°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 32 km SE of Mina, Nevada P / A
11457479 2021-08-14 18:50:55 4.5 14.96°N 103.59°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed OFF COAST OF GUERRERO, MEXICO P / A
us6000f6ah 2021-08-14 18:50:55 4.5 14.96°N 103.59°W 10 USGS manual confirmed off the coast of Guerrero, Mexico P / A
20210814_0000268 2021-08-14 18:50:55 4.5 14.96°N 103.59°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed OFF COAST OF GUERRERO, MEXICO P / A
11456274 2021-08-14 18:52:42 2.2 19.01°N 155.40°W 36 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72645347 2021-08-14 18:52:42 2.2 19.01°N 155.40°W 36 USGS manual confirmed Island of Hawaii, Hawaii P / A
20210814_0000266 2021-08-14 18:52:42 2.2 19.01°N 155.40°W 36 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
rs2021pylzhk 2021-08-14 18:54:04 2.3 21.70°S 68.47°W 107 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11456812 2021-08-14 18:54:26 2.0 44.29°N 114.82°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN IDAHO P / A
mb80519334 2021-08-14 18:54:26 2.0 44.29°N 114.82°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 12 km NE of Stanley, Idaho P / A
20210814_0000369 2021-08-14 18:54:26 2.0 44.29°N 114.82°W 4 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN IDAHO P / A
auth2021pwnp 2021-08-14 18:54:26 1.6 38.20°N 24.12°E 15 AUTH manual confirmed Southern Evia - C. Greece P / A
noa2021pwpxd 2021-08-14 18:54:28 1.1 38.19°N 23.94°E 12 NOA manual confirmed 20 Km NNW from Rafina P / A
20210814_0000368 2021-08-14 18:57:47 3.7 18.47°N 73.99°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
s2rhai2021pwns 2021-08-14 18:57:47 3.7 earthquake 18.47°N 73.99°W 10 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
s2rhai2021pwnw 2021-08-14 19:01:55 3.7 earthquake 18.48°N 73.59°W 10 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000360 2021-08-14 19:01:55 3.7 18.48°N 73.59°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
20210814_0000272 2021-08-14 19:03:31 5.2 58.32°S 25.73°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
gfz2021pwnx 2021-08-14 19:03:35 5.2 58.47°S 24.82°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
rs2021pymhmn 2021-08-14 19:03:35 5.3 58.28°S 24.73°W 10 gempa automatic confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11456279 2021-08-14 19:03:37 5.2 58.51°S 25.55°W 60 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f6ad 2021-08-14 19:03:37 5.2 58.51°S 25.55°W 60 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
fr2021hcrjsj 2021-08-14 19:03:37 5.1 58.61°S 24.55°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.1, near of Mar del Plata (Monde) P / A
ga2021pymhoa 2021-08-14 19:03:40 5.2 58.51°S 24.95°W 37 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
usp2021pwny 2021-08-14 19:03:40 5.3 58.06°S 25.65°W 60 IAG manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
noa2021pwqfu 2021-08-14 19:03:47 2.2 38.69°N 23.77°E 14 NOA manual confirmed 29 Km NNE from Chalkis P / A
auth2021pwnx 2021-08-14 19:03:47 2.1 38.69°N 23.78°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Northern Evia - C. Greece P / A
20210814_0000350 2021-08-14 19:06:08 3.3 16.25°N 98.02°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
auth2021pwob 2021-08-14 19:07:37 2.7 35.05°N 26.39°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed E of Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
11456278 2021-08-14 19:07:54 1.3 34.99°N 118.19°W -1 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773711 2021-08-14 19:07:54 1.3 34.99°N 118.19°W -1 USGS manual confirmed 7km S of Mojave, CA P / A
s2rhai2021pwoc 2021-08-14 19:09:26 3.8 earthquake 18.51°N 73.47°W 3 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000375 2021-08-14 19:09:26 3.8 18.51°N 73.47°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
oca2021pwoh 2021-08-14 19:14:34 1.3 not existing 44.55°N 6.96°E 80 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
auth2021pwoh 2021-08-14 19:15:20 2.7 36.38°N 27.12°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
rs2021pymrvs 2021-08-14 19:15:35 2.1 21.01°S 68.96°W 103 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
rs2021pymulm 2021-08-14 19:18:37 2.6 21.06°S 69.12°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11456320 2021-08-14 19:18:55 4.5 31.61°S 66.66°W 122 IRIS manual confirmed LA RIOJA PROVINCE, ARGENTINA P / A
us6000f6aj 2021-08-14 19:18:55 4.5 31.61°S 66.66°W 122 USGS manual confirmed 94 km WNW of Candelaria, Argentina P / A
20210814_0000273 2021-08-14 19:18:55 4.5 31.61°S 66.66°W 122 EMSC manual confirmed LA RIOJA, ARGENTINA P / A
rs2021pymutb 2021-08-14 19:18:59 4.1 31.52°S 67.80°W 272 from location gempa automatic confirmed San Juan Province, Argentina P / A
s2rhai2021pwom 2021-08-14 19:20:26 3.2 18.34°N 73.51°W 2 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000354 2021-08-14 19:20:35 3.1 18.75°N 68.42°W 31 EMSC manual confirmed DOMINICAN REPUBLIC REGION P / A
20210814_0000275 2021-08-14 19:21:40 4.0 17.97°N 100.44°W 58 EMSC manual confirmed GUERRERO, MEXICO P / A
27956211 2021-08-14 19:23:13 0.4 43.47°N 12.44°E 5 INGV manual confirmed 3 km N Pietralunga (PG) P / A
2021p610296 2021-08-14 19:25:50 1.8 40.11°S 174.86°E 12 GNS manual confirmed 25 km south-west of Whanganui P / A
27956271 2021-08-14 19:29:12 0.8 45.04°N 7.12°E 11 INGV manual confirmed 5 km N Roure (TO) P / A
20210814_0000348 2021-08-14 19:31:01 3.2 31.17°N 115.52°W 12 EMSC manual confirmed BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO P / A
s2rhai2021pwow 2021-08-14 19:32:01 3.6 earthquake 18.54°N 73.62°W 1 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
noa2021pwred 2021-08-14 19:32:10 2.2 38.70°N 23.78°E 16 NOA manual confirmed 29 Km WNW from Kymi P / A
auth2021pwow 2021-08-14 19:32:10 2.0 38.68°N 23.76°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Northern Evia - C. Greece P / A
27956311 2021-08-14 19:33:42 1.2 46.32°N 10.02°E 12 INGV manual confirmed Confine Italia-Svizzera (SVIZZERA) P / A
smi_ch_ethz_sed_sc20a_Event_2021pynhlh 2021-08-14 19:33:42 1.5 earthquake 46.34°N 9.99°E 12 ETHZ manual confirmed Poschiavo GR P / A
20210814_0000274 2021-08-14 19:33:42 1.5 46.34°N 9.99°E 12 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN ITALY P / A
11456280 2021-08-14 19:34:29 1.4 65.47°N 153.25°W IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ae2z0p1 2021-08-14 19:34:29 1.4 65.47°N 153.25°W USGS manual confirmed 63 km WNW of Tanana, Alaska P / A
20210814_0000346 2021-08-14 19:34:53 3.3 18.99°N 104.58°W 29 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE COLIMA, MEXICO P / A
bmg2021pwpa 2021-08-14 19:37:12 2.1 0.06°N 100.00°E 21 BMKG manual confirmed Northern Sumatra, Indonesia P / A
auth2021pwpa 2021-08-14 19:37:24 36.60°N 26.81°E 168 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
auth2021pwpb 2021-08-14 19:38:27 37.77°N 22.94°E 123 AUTH manual confirmed NE Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
20210814_0000276 2021-08-14 19:38:31 3.4 8.83°N 123.28°E 4 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
s2rhai2021pwpb 2021-08-14 19:38:44 3.4 earthquake 18.48°N 73.85°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
2021p610322 2021-08-14 19:39:33 1.7 39.25°S 177.12°E 26 GNS manual confirmed 30 km south-west of Wairoa P / A
s2rhai2021pwpd 2021-08-14 19:40:16 3.6 earthquake 18.41°N 73.84°W 11 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000341 2021-08-14 19:40:16 3.6 18.41°N 73.84°W 11 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456282 2021-08-14 19:40:44 1.1 62.99°N 150.91°W 118 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ae30c6h 2021-08-14 19:40:44 1.1 62.99°N 150.91°W 118 USGS manual confirmed 55 km N of Petersville, Alaska P / A
bmg2021pwpe 2021-08-14 19:41:22 3.3 0.16°N 123.62°E 96 BMKG manual confirmed Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi P / A
20210814_0000280 2021-08-14 19:41:22 3.3 0.16°N 123.62°E 96 EMSC manual confirmed MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
s2rhai2021pwpe 2021-08-14 19:41:27 3.6 earthquake 18.49°N 73.55°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
11456283 2021-08-14 19:45:25 0.9 64.46°N 147.89°W 17 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ae31d9a 2021-08-14 19:45:25 0.9 64.46°N 147.89°W 17 USGS manual confirmed 38 km S of South Van Horn, Alaska P / A
11456284 2021-08-14 19:46:30 0.2 33.60°N 116.80°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773719 2021-08-14 19:46:30 0.2 33.60°N 116.80°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 13km WNW of Anza, CA P / A
rs2021pynsqm 2021-08-14 19:46:47 3.4 19.85°S 71.38°W 30 from location gempa automatic confirmed Off Coast of Northern Chile P / A
20210814_0000279 2021-08-14 19:46:49 2.9 20.15°S 71.39°W 23 EMSC manual confirmed OFF COAST OF TARAPACA, CHILE P / A
usp2021pwpk 2021-08-14 19:48:05 4.8 31.10°S 68.65°W 110 IAG manual confirmed San Juan Province, Argentina P / A
gfz2021pwpj 2021-08-14 19:48:06 4.8 31.14°S 68.69°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
EMSC20210814194806 2021-08-14 19:48:06 4.4 31.13°S 68.62°W 110 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000277 2021-08-14 19:48:06 4.6 31.10°S 68.52°W 104 EMSC manual confirmed SAN JUAN, ARGENTINA P / A
11456286 2021-08-14 19:48:07 4.6 31.09°S 68.59°W 110 IRIS manual confirmed SAN JUAN PROVINCE, ARGENTINA P / A
us6000f6av 2021-08-14 19:48:07 4.6 31.09°S 68.59°W 110 USGS manual confirmed 39 km NNW of San Martín, Argentina P / A
s2rhai2021pwpj 2021-08-14 19:48:09 3.1 18.51°N 73.75°W 7 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
Sk1ZSEtycjRLdmJpdFRkNDBUTWhtZz09 2021-08-14 19:48:53 4.6 5.85°N 93.37°E 10 NCS manual confirmed Northern Sumatra P / A
gfz2021pwpl 2021-08-14 19:50:16 4.7 12.37°N 95.03°E GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210814_0000285 2021-08-14 19:50:16 4.7 12.30°N 95.01°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION P / A
11456297 2021-08-14 19:50:17 4.6 12.31°N 95.03°E 10 IRIS manual confirmed ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION P / A
us6000f6aw 2021-08-14 19:50:17 4.6 12.31°N 95.03°E 10 USGS manual confirmed 258 km ENE of Port Blair, India P / A
d2R6R1J5dFJDcDU0Z3o0WUc0RE9CZz09 2021-08-14 19:50:18 4.6 12.22°N 95.03°E 102 NCS manual confirmed 250km ESE of Diglipur, Andaman and Nicobar island, India P / A
20210814_0000278 2021-08-14 19:55:17 2.6 1.46°S 120.23°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed SULAWESI, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021pwpq 2021-08-14 19:55:17 2.6 1.46°S 120.23°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Sulawesi, Indonesia P / A
20210814_0000281 2021-08-14 19:59:01 3.8 20.07°N 121.77°E 11 EMSC manual confirmed BATAN ISL REGION, PHILIPPINES P / A
11456285 2021-08-14 20:02:34 0.3 38.82°N 122.81°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73610141 2021-08-14 20:02:34 0.3 38.82°N 122.81°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 6km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
27956521 2021-08-14 20:02:47 0.6 43.29°N 12.73°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 3 km W Fossato di Vico (PG) P / A
s2rhai2021pwpy 2021-08-14 20:04:42 3.0 18.47°N 73.55°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
11456984 2021-08-14 20:07:17 1.3 36.06°N 97.53°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed OKLAHOMA P / A
ok2021pwqa 2021-08-14 20:07:17 1.3 36.06°N 97.53°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 11 km W of Mulhall, Oklahoma P / A
s2rhai2021pwqb 2021-08-14 20:07:59 3.4 earthquake 18.46°N 73.58°W 10 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000344 2021-08-14 20:08:36 3.6 19.18°N 104.07°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed COLIMA, MEXICO P / A
11456287 2021-08-14 20:11:00 1.0 38.52°N 119.51°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818657 2021-08-14 20:11:00 1.0 38.52°N 119.51°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 3 km WNW of Walker, California P / A
20210814_0000283 2021-08-14 20:11:06 3.2 2.56°N 128.24°E 192 EMSC manual confirmed HALMAHERA, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021pwqd 2021-08-14 20:11:06 3.2 2.56°N 128.24°E 192 BMKG manual confirmed Halmahera, Indonesia P / A
rs2021pyopgg 2021-08-14 20:12:56 2.0 21.08°S 68.83°W 111 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11456288 2021-08-14 20:13:02 1.5 36.07°N 117.85°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
ci39773727 2021-08-14 20:13:02 1.5 36.07°N 117.85°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 9km ENE of Coso Junction, CA P / A
s2rhai2021pwqf 2021-08-14 20:14:43 4.1 earthquake 18.51°N 73.85°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000290 2021-08-14 20:14:43 4.1 18.51°N 73.85°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456291 2021-08-14 20:14:59 2.2 19.19°N 155.47°W 36 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210814_0000282 2021-08-14 20:14:59 2.2 19.19°N 155.47°W 36 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72645452 2021-08-14 20:14:59 2.2 19.19°N 155.47°W 36 USGS manual confirmed 2 km SSE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
11456290 2021-08-14 20:17:31 1.0 33.95°N 116.64°W 14 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773735 2021-08-14 20:17:31 1.0 33.95°N 116.64°W 14 USGS manual confirmed 11km WNW of Garnet, CA P / A
s2rhai2021pwqk 2021-08-14 20:18:38 4.1 earthquake 18.45°N 74.02°W 6 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000307 2021-08-14 20:18:38 4.1 18.45°N 74.02°W 6 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
sx2021pwssq 2021-08-14 20:19:23 -0.1 earthquake 50.47°N 12.11°E 14 SX manual confirmed SN Vogtlandkreis P / A
11456292 2021-08-14 20:19:57 1.5 61.13°N 148.48°W IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN ALASKA P / A
ak021ae3hapo 2021-08-14 20:19:57 1.5 61.13°N 148.48°W USGS manual confirmed 40 km NNE of Whittier, Alaska P / A
11456300 2021-08-14 20:21:18 2.5 18.03°N 66.80°W 15 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
20210814_0000292 2021-08-14 20:21:18 2.5 18.03°N 66.80°W 15 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO P / A
pr2021226011 2021-08-14 20:21:18 2.5 18.03°N 66.80°W 15 USGS manual confirmed 1 km NNW of Guayanilla, Puerto Rico P / A
20210814_0000372 2021-08-14 20:21:38 2.0 38.00°N 117.89°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed NEVADA P / A
11456293 2021-08-14 20:21:38 2.0 38.00°N 117.89°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818659 2021-08-14 20:21:38 2.0 38.00°N 117.89°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 35 km NW of Silver Peak, Nevada P / A
auth2021pwqm 2021-08-14 20:21:45 34.58°N 25.24°E 109 AUTH manual confirmed S of Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwqo 2021-08-14 20:23:21 3.5 18.45°N 73.82°W 3 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
gfz2021pwqs 2021-08-14 20:28:41 5.4 59.18°S 25.02°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
20210814_0000286 2021-08-14 20:28:41 5.1 59.21°S 25.24°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11456295 2021-08-14 20:28:45 5.2 59.05°S 25.09°W 41 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f6b8 2021-08-14 20:28:45 5.2 59.05°S 25.09°W 41 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
fr2021hcrrgz 2021-08-14 20:28:49 5.1 59.75°S 26.09°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.1, near of Mar del Plata (Monde) P / A
ga2021pypczx 2021-08-14 20:28:53 5.0 59.15°S 25.20°W 104 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
rs2021pypcxt 2021-08-14 20:29:09 5.0 58.72°S 26.93°W 198 from location gempa automatic confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
2021p610423 2021-08-14 20:33:55 1.3 39.55°S 175.60°E 51 GNS manual confirmed 20 km south-east of Ohakune P / A
s2rhai2021pwqx 2021-08-14 20:34:43 3.2 earthquake 18.53°N 73.59°W 1 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
s2rhai2021pwqz 2021-08-14 20:36:21 3.7 earthquake 18.54°N 73.55°W 3 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
auth2021pwqz 2021-08-14 20:36:55 2.3 35.57°N 23.51°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed West Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
noa2021pwtko 2021-08-14 20:40:16 3.1 35.15°N 25.24°E 13 NOA manual confirmed 22 Km SSE from Iraklion P / A
20210814_0000284 2021-08-14 20:40:17 3.1 35.21°N 25.24°E 2 EMSC manual confirmed CRETE, GREECE P / A
auth2021pwrc 2021-08-14 20:40:17 3.1 35.16°N 25.24°E 0 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwrd 2021-08-14 20:40:51 3.7 earthquake 18.47°N 73.59°W 3 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000376 2021-08-14 20:40:51 3.7 18.47°N 73.59°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
20210814_0000287 2021-08-14 20:41:38 3.2 19.86°N 121.44°E 9 EMSC manual confirmed BABUYAN ISL REGION, PHILIPPINES P / A
11456296 2021-08-14 20:41:54 2.9 18.04°N 66.79°W 15 IRIS manual confirmed PUERTO RICO REGION P / A
pr2021226010 2021-08-14 20:41:54 2.9 18.04°N 66.79°W 15 USGS manual confirmed 2 km N of Guayanilla, Puerto Rico P / A
20210814_0000288 2021-08-14 20:41:54 2.9 18.04°N 66.79°W 15 EMSC manual confirmed PUERTO RICO P / A
rs2021pypook 2021-08-14 20:42:20 2.5 20.17°S 70.13°W 26 from location gempa automatic confirmed Near Coast of Northern Chile P / A
s2rhai2021pwre 2021-08-14 20:42:49 3.9 earthquake 18.20°N 73.93°W 6 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
auth2021pwrh 2021-08-14 20:45:44 1.6 35.15°N 25.27°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
auth2021pwri 2021-08-14 20:47:21 1.4 40.61°N 23.38°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Mygdonia Basin - N. Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwrk 2021-08-14 20:49:03 3.3 18.44°N 73.53°W 12 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
s2rhai2021pwrn 2021-08-14 20:52:35 3.8 earthquake 18.45°N 74.02°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000358 2021-08-14 20:52:35 3.8 18.45°N 74.02°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11457052 2021-08-14 20:54:43 2.2 31.68°N 104.41°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
20210814_0000374 2021-08-14 20:54:43 2.2 31.68°N 104.41°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
tx2021pwrp 2021-08-14 20:54:43 2.2 31.68°N 104.41°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 55 km S of Whites City, New Mexico P / A
texnet2021pwrp 2021-08-14 20:54:43 2.2 earthquake known 31.68°N 104.41°W 7 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
20210814_0000289 2021-08-14 20:55:38 3.4 8.73°N 123.29°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
auth2021pwrp 2021-08-14 20:55:39 1.4 39.20°N 20.29°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Paxoi Isl. - NW Greece P / A
noa2021pwtyc 2021-08-14 20:56:05 2.9 35.14°N 25.24°E 11 NOA manual confirmed 23 Km SSE from Iraklion P / A
auth2021pwrq 2021-08-14 20:56:05 2.9 35.09°N 25.22°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwrr 2021-08-14 20:57:09 3.8 earthquake 18.43°N 73.61°W 8 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000340 2021-08-14 20:57:09 3.8 18.42°N 73.61°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
20210814_0000345 2021-08-14 20:57:12 3.6 16.88°N 98.81°W 43 EMSC manual confirmed GUERRERO, MEXICO P / A
rs2021pyqbva 2021-08-14 20:57:41 2.1 21.51°S 68.47°W 141 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
noa2021pwueo 2021-08-14 21:03:36 2.8 35.13°N 25.22°E 7 NOA manual confirmed 24 Km SSE from Iraklion P / A
20210814_0000291 2021-08-14 21:03:36 2.9 35.14°N 25.23°E 5 EMSC manual confirmed CRETE, GREECE P / A
auth2021pwrw 2021-08-14 21:03:36 2.9 35.14°N 25.23°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
sx2021pwufg 2021-08-14 21:04:26 1.6 earthquake 50.27°N 12.44°E 9 SX manual confirmed CZ Karlovarsky kraj P / A
s2rhai2021pwry 2021-08-14 21:05:39 3.9 earthquake 18.56°N 73.62°W 1 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000323 2021-08-14 21:05:39 3.9 18.56°N 73.62°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
2021p610487 2021-08-14 21:08:06 1.4 39.15°S 175.06°E 15 GNS manual confirmed 35 km south-west of Taumarunui P / A
auth2021pwse 2021-08-14 21:12:34 2.4 36.31°N 27.10°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
rs2021pyqtzd 2021-08-14 21:18:44 2.2 22.35°S 68.49°W 127 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
sx2021pwusw 2021-08-14 21:20:17 -0.6 earthquake 50.27°N 12.44°E 10 SX manual confirmed CZ Karlovarsky kraj P / A
auth2021pwsl 2021-08-14 21:20:42 38.54°N 23.38°E 99 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwsn 2021-08-14 21:23:00 3.1 earthquake 18.56°N 73.59°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000328 2021-08-14 21:23:00 3.1 18.56°N 73.59°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
rs2021pyqztv 2021-08-14 21:25:29 1.8 21.11°S 69.11°W 107 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
auth2021pwsq 2021-08-14 21:26:59 2.1 35.22°N 25.30°E 25 AUTH manual confirmed East Crete Isl. - S. Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwss 2021-08-14 21:29:03 3.9 earthquake 18.50°N 73.51°W 4 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000326 2021-08-14 21:29:03 3.9 18.50°N 73.51°W 4 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
rs2021pyrfps 2021-08-14 21:32:18 2.5 22.40°S 69.04°W 2 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
20210814_0000294 2021-08-14 21:32:19 2.5 35.47°N 3.58°W 19 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
2021p610538 2021-08-14 21:34:56 3.8 38.06°S 179.82°W 12 GNS manual confirmed 160 km east of Tokomaru Bay P / A
11456303 2021-08-14 21:35:13 1.3 35.08°N 118.99°W 23 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773751 2021-08-14 21:35:13 1.3 35.08°N 118.99°W 23 USGS manual confirmed 16km NNW of Grapevine, CA P / A
rs2021pyrilk 2021-08-14 21:35:48 2.4 22.96°S 69.23°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
27957071 2021-08-14 21:37:42 0.6 42.77°N 13.27°E 13 INGV manual confirmed 3 km W Arquata del Tronto (AP) P / A
s2rhai2021pwta 2021-08-14 21:37:50 3.1 earthquake 18.46°N 73.51°W 8 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000335 2021-08-14 21:37:50 3.1 18.46°N 73.51°W 8 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
20210814_0000296 2021-08-14 21:37:57 2.7 24.14°S 67.56°W 212 EMSC manual confirmed SALTA, ARGENTINA P / A
11456305 2021-08-14 21:41:42 0.4 33.66°N 116.74°W 14 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773759 2021-08-14 21:41:42 0.4 33.66°N 116.74°W 14 USGS manual confirmed 9km SSW of Idyllwild, CA P / A
ga2021pyrobl 2021-08-14 21:42:05 5.5 56.58°S 25.63°W 7 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
gfz2021pwtd 2021-08-14 21:42:06 5.6 56.54°S 25.83°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11456309 2021-08-14 21:42:06 5.5 56.51°S 25.63°W 18 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210814_0000299 2021-08-14 21:42:06 5.5 56.59°S 25.65°W 20 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f6bz 2021-08-14 21:42:06 5.5 56.51°S 25.63°W 18 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
rs2021pyrobf 2021-08-14 21:42:13 5.5 56.47°S 25.73°W 77 from location gempa automatic confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
27957161 2021-08-14 21:42:15 0.6 42.77°N 13.27°E 15 INGV manual confirmed 3 km W Arquata del Tronto (AP) P / A
fr2021hcrxur 2021-08-14 21:42:21 5.1 56.95°S 26.57°W 113 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.1, near of Mar del Plata (Monde) P / A
s2rhai2021pwte 2021-08-14 21:42:33 3.5 earthquake 18.56°N 73.57°W 3 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000334 2021-08-14 21:42:33 3.5 18.56°N 73.57°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456749 2021-08-14 21:44:06 1.8 37.58°N 113.10°W 0 IRIS manual confirmed UTAH P / A
uu60452902 2021-08-14 21:44:06 1.8 37.58°N 113.10°W 0 USGS manual confirmed 8 km ENE of Kanarraville, Utah P / A
2021p610562 2021-08-14 21:46:37 3.8 32.58°S 179.59°E 432 GNS manual confirmed 570 km north of Te Araroa P / A
20210814_0000297 2021-08-14 21:46:37 3.8 32.58°S 179.59°E 432 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH OF KERMADEC ISLANDS P / A
20210814_0000300 2021-08-14 21:47:30 3.8 10.69°N 85.02°W 4 EMSC manual confirmed COSTA RICA P / A
rs2021pyrubv 2021-08-14 21:49:03 2.1 22.06°S 69.90°W 63 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
oca2021pwtm 2021-08-14 21:51:47 2.0 earthquake 42.62°N 9.55°E 3 SISMOAZUR manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000343 2021-08-14 21:51:58 3.4 18.44°N 103.54°W 54 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE MICHOACAN, MEXICO P / A
rs2021pyrxcd 2021-08-14 21:52:33 2.4 22.43°S 69.98°W 34 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
s2rhai2021pwtq 2021-08-14 21:56:48 3.3 earthquake 18.57°N 73.61°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000331 2021-08-14 21:56:48 3.3 18.57°N 73.61°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
fr2021hcrzda 2021-08-14 21:57:13 5.0 56.19°S 24.44°W 10 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 5.0, near of Mar del Plata (Monde) P / A
gfz2021pwtq 2021-08-14 21:57:16 5.3 56.55°S 25.89°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
ga2021pysblp 2021-08-14 21:57:18 5.1 56.58°S 25.85°W 26 GA manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
11456313 2021-08-14 21:57:19 5.2 56.62°S 25.95°W 42 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210814_0000301 2021-08-14 21:57:19 5.1 56.69°S 26.05°W 40 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f6c6 2021-08-14 21:57:19 5.2 56.62°S 25.95°W 42 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
rs2021pysbhk 2021-08-14 21:57:25 5.2 56.54°S 25.83°W 100 from location gempa automatic confirmed South Sandwich Islands Region P / A
auth2021pwtr 2021-08-14 21:58:38 1.4 39.74°N 22.17°E 16 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
rs2021pyscrn 2021-08-14 21:59:03 2.7 23.05°S 69.34°W 5 operator assigned gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
11456308 2021-08-14 21:59:24 1.0 34.09°N 117.27°W 11 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773767 2021-08-14 21:59:24 1.0 34.09°N 117.27°W 11 USGS manual confirmed 4km ENE of Colton, CA P / A
20210814_0000310 2021-08-14 22:01:26 3.4 0.23°N 96.65°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed NIAS REGION, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021pwtu 2021-08-14 22:01:26 3.4 0.23°N 96.65°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Off West Coast of Northern Sumatra P / A
20210814_0000298 2021-08-14 22:01:35 3.6 0.50°N 79.35°W 4 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF ECUADOR P / A
s2rhai2021pwtu 2021-08-14 22:01:56 3.1 earthquake 18.43°N 73.93°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000320 2021-08-14 22:01:56 3.1 18.43°N 73.93°W 1 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11457291 2021-08-14 22:02:56 0.2 38.76°N 122.72°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73610151 2021-08-14 22:02:56 0.2 38.76°N 122.72°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 3km SW of Anderson Springs, CA P / A
20210814_0000304 2021-08-14 22:03:47 2.3 35.50°N 3.67°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
auth2021pwtw 2021-08-14 22:04:03 1.7 38.23°N 23.71°E 12 AUTH manual confirmed Attica - C. Greece P / A
auth2021pwtx 2021-08-14 22:05:36 2.5 37.39°N 22.97°E 76 AUTH manual confirmed NE Peloponnese - S. Greece P / A
rs2021pyskbp 2021-08-14 22:07:36 2.6 21.94°S 68.65°W 125 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
noa2021pwwhx 2021-08-14 22:08:01 1.6 38.34°N 23.33°E 12 NOA manual confirmed 2 Km NNE from Thebes P / A
auth2021pwtz 2021-08-14 22:08:02 1.6 38.35°N 23.30°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
bmg2021pwub 2021-08-14 22:09:30 4.3 5.77°N 126.68°E 10 BMKG manual confirmed Mindanao, Philippines P / A
20210814_0000306 2021-08-14 22:09:30 4.3 5.77°N 126.68°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES P / A
11456323 2021-08-14 22:10:53 4.1 18.47°N 74.03°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
us6000f6cc 2021-08-14 22:10:53 4.1 18.47°N 74.03°W 10 USGS manual confirmed 18 km SW of Corail, Haiti P / A
20210814_0000318 2021-08-14 22:10:53 4.1 18.47°N 74.03°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
s2rhai2021pwuc 2021-08-14 22:10:55 4.0 earthquake 18.51°N 74.02°W 16 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
11456314 2021-08-14 22:11:05 1.9 19.21°N 155.44°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72645672 2021-08-14 22:11:05 1.9 19.21°N 155.44°W 33 USGS manual confirmed Island of Hawaii, Hawaii P / A
11456319 2021-08-14 22:11:21 2.6 39.73°N 98.36°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed KANSAS P / A
20210814_0000315 2021-08-14 22:11:21 2.6 39.73°N 98.36°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed KANSAS P / A
us6000f6cb 2021-08-14 22:11:21 2.6 39.73°N 98.36°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 12 km SE of Esbon, Kansas P / A
11456312 2021-08-14 22:11:23 2.1 19.18°N 155.46°W 33 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
20210814_0000302 2021-08-14 22:11:23 2.1 19.18°N 155.46°W 33 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
hv72645677 2021-08-14 22:11:23 2.1 19.18°N 155.46°W 33 USGS manual confirmed 2 km SE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
rs2021pysnsv 2021-08-14 22:11:51 3.6 17.58°S 69.88°W 152 from location gempa automatic confirmed Peru-Bolivia Border Region P / A
11457137 2021-08-14 22:12:01 0.8 46.23°N 111.42°W 6 IRIS manual confirmed MONTANA P / A
mb80519509 2021-08-14 22:12:01 0.8 46.23°N 111.42°W 6 USGS manual confirmed 6 km NNE of Toston, Montana P / A
20210814_0000305 2021-08-14 22:12:41 3.5 5.76°N 127.81°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210814_0000303 2021-08-14 22:13:48 3.5 35.46°N 3.62°W 15 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
20210814_0000309 2021-08-14 22:14:06 4.5 18.50°N 74.02°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
s2rhai2021pwuf 2021-08-14 22:14:07 5.0 earthquake 18.42°N 74.01°W 8 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
gfz2021pwuf 2021-08-14 22:14:08 4.7 18.59°N 73.91°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
11456315 2021-08-14 22:14:08 4.4 18.52°N 74.03°W 15 IRIS manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
us6000f6cd 2021-08-14 22:14:08 4.4 18.52°N 74.03°W 15 USGS manual confirmed 15 km WSW of Corail, Haiti P / A
20210814_0000308 2021-08-14 22:14:46 2.9 51.28°S 72.43°W 15 EMSC manual confirmed MAGALLANES, CHILE P / A
noa2021pwwoi 2021-08-14 22:15:37 2.0 38.33°N 23.33°E 12 NOA manual confirmed 2 Km NNE from Thebes P / A
auth2021pwug 2021-08-14 22:15:37 1.9 38.31°N 23.33°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
11457025 2021-08-14 22:15:49 2.2 31.61°N 104.11°W 7 IRIS manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
20210814_0000373 2021-08-14 22:15:49 2.2 31.61°N 104.11°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed WESTERN TEXAS P / A
tx2021pwuf 2021-08-14 22:15:49 2.2 31.61°N 104.11°W 7 USGS manual confirmed 44 km NW of Toyah, Texas P / A
texnet2021pwuf 2021-08-14 22:15:49 2.2 earthquake known 31.61°N 104.11°W 7 TXNet manual final Western Texas P / A
auth2021pwuh 2021-08-14 22:16:35 2.4 38.68°N 23.27°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
noa2021pwwpi 2021-08-14 22:16:40 2.0 38.34°N 23.32°E 12 NOA manual confirmed 3 Km N from Thebes P / A
20210814_0000311 2021-08-14 22:21:13 3.2 15.78°N 119.77°E 18 EMSC manual confirmed LUZON, PHILIPPINES P / A
fr2021hcsbgs 2021-08-14 22:21:21 1.5 earthquake 46.93°N 0.38°W 5 EOST manual confirmed Earthquake of magnitude 1.5, near of Bressuire (France métropolitaine) P / A
auth2021pwum 2021-08-14 22:22:39 2.2 40.07°N 21.91°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
11457179 2021-08-14 22:22:44 0.5 46.20°N 122.20°W -1 IRIS manual confirmed WASHINGTON P / A
uw61766726 2021-08-14 22:22:44 0.5 46.20°N 122.20°W -1 USGS manual confirmed 37 km NNE of Amboy, Washington P / A
auth2021pwun 2021-08-14 22:24:08 37.92°N 23.28°E 93 AUTH manual confirmed Saronikos Gulf - S. Greece P / A
11457294 2021-08-14 22:25:22 1.0 36.63°N 121.24°W 4 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73610156 2021-08-14 22:25:22 1.0 36.63°N 121.24°W 4 USGS manual confirmed 14km NW of Pinnacles, CA P / A
s2rhai2021pwup 2021-08-14 22:25:41 3.5 earthquake 18.45°N 73.78°W 16 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000313 2021-08-14 22:25:41 3.5 18.45°N 73.78°W 16 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
s2rhai2021pwuq 2021-08-14 22:26:56 4.0 earthquake 18.49°N 73.59°W 12 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000317 2021-08-14 22:26:56 4.0 18.49°N 73.59°W 12 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
11456317 2021-08-14 22:27:15 4.8 59.27°S 25.15°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f6cp 2021-08-14 22:27:15 4.8 59.27°S 25.15°W 35 USGS manual confirmed P / A
20210814_0000314 2021-08-14 22:27:15 4.8 59.27°S 25.15°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
auth2021pwus 2021-08-14 22:29:57 2.6 36.33°N 27.08°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Dodecanese Isls. - SE Greece P / A
20210814_0000312 2021-08-14 22:31:25 4.2 0.31°S 99.96°E 119 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA P / A
bmg2021pwuu 2021-08-14 22:31:25 4.2 0.31°S 99.96°E 119 BMKG manual confirmed Southern Sumatra, Indonesia P / A
s2rhai2021pwuv 2021-08-14 22:33:00 3.2 18.56°N 73.81°W 2 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000316 2021-08-14 22:35:40 3.4 28.65°S 71.41°W 29 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE ATACAMA, CHILE P / A
auth2021pwux 2021-08-14 22:35:45 1.2 38.94°N 20.19°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Ionian Sea - NW Greece P / A
11456316 2021-08-14 22:36:34 1.0 64.95°N 147.34°W 19 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ae4rrc9 2021-08-14 22:36:34 1.0 64.95°N 147.34°W 19 USGS manual confirmed 13 km E of Fox, Alaska P / A
s2rhai2021pwuy 2021-08-14 22:37:08 3.5 earthquake 18.56°N 73.56°W 1 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000322 2021-08-14 22:39:17 2.1 35.53°N 3.62°W 15 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
20210814_0000330 2021-08-14 22:41:41 4.9 58.07°S 25.27°W 30 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
11456326 2021-08-14 22:41:42 4.9 58.09°S 25.24°W 37 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f6d4 2021-08-14 22:41:42 4.9 58.09°S 25.24°W 37 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
11456318 2021-08-14 22:43:17 1.8 62.33°N 148.62°W 42 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ae4t81b 2021-08-14 22:43:17 1.8 62.33°N 148.62°W 42 USGS manual confirmed 60 km N of Chickaloon, Alaska P / A
20210814_0000321 2021-08-14 22:43:39 3.1 15.11°N 122.14°E 6 EMSC manual confirmed PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION P / A
ga2021pytqle 2021-08-14 22:45:11 3.1 31.22°S 113.67°E 10 GA manual confirmed Offshore South-West WA, Indian Ocean P / A
20210814_0000327 2021-08-14 22:45:11 3.1 31.22°S 113.67°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed WEST OF AUSTRALIA P / A
auth2021pwvf 2021-08-14 22:45:30 1.3 39.21°N 21.70°E 22 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
20210814_0000324 2021-08-14 22:45:56 2.1 35.49°N 3.66°W 15 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
20210814_0000319 2021-08-14 22:47:03 3.2 12.51°N 87.98°W 29 EMSC manual confirmed NEAR COAST OF NICARAGUA P / A
11456799 2021-08-14 22:49:13 0.8 38.59°N 112.61°W 2 IRIS manual confirmed UTAH P / A
uu60452907 2021-08-14 22:49:13 0.8 38.59°N 112.61°W 2 USGS manual confirmed 28 km SSW of Kanosh, Utah P / A
fr2021hcsdxa 2021-08-14 22:50:57 1.7 12.82°S 45.36°E 40 EOST manual confirmed Event of magnitude 1.7, near of Mamoudzou (Mayotte) P / A
27957611 2021-08-14 22:52:37 1.0 42.67°N 13.04°E 10 INGV manual confirmed 5 km SE Cascia (PG) P / A
auth2021pwvm 2021-08-14 22:52:43 1.5 38.34°N 23.30°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwvm 2021-08-14 22:53:15 3.4 earthquake 18.46°N 73.70°W 0 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
rs2021pyubnx 2021-08-14 22:58:02 2.4 22.55°S 68.07°W 193 from location gempa automatic confirmed Northern Chile P / A
s2rhai2021pwvs 2021-08-14 22:59:43 3.6 earthquake 18.49°N 73.98°W 8 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
noa2021pwyaz 2021-08-14 23:00:50 1.7 35.15°N 25.24°E 13 NOA manual confirmed 22 Km SSE from Iraklion P / A
sx2021pwybn 2021-08-14 23:01:18 -0.1 earthquake 50.27°N 12.44°E 9 SX manual confirmed CZ Karlovarsky kraj P / A
11456321 2021-08-14 23:03:44 0.8 38.81°N 122.80°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73610161 2021-08-14 23:03:44 0.8 38.81°N 122.80°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 5km NW of The Geysers, CA P / A
20210814_0000329 2021-08-14 23:04:25 4.0 16.11°N 98.50°W 5 EMSC manual confirmed OFFSHORE OAXACA, MEXICO P / A
auth2021pwvx 2021-08-14 23:05:17 1.5 38.40°N 23.33°E 9 AUTH manual confirmed Central Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwwb 2021-08-14 23:10:03 2.9 earthquake 18.45°N 73.61°W 14 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
11456322 2021-08-14 23:11:35 1.7 63.17°N 149.54°W 84 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ae57u69 2021-08-14 23:11:35 1.7 63.17°N 149.54°W 84 USGS manual confirmed 38 km SW of Cantwell, Alaska P / A
20210814_0000325 2021-08-14 23:17:43 1.6 28.30°N 16.32°W 12 EMSC manual confirmed CANARY ISLANDS, SPAIN REGION P / A
rs2021pyuudi 2021-08-14 23:19:38 2.0 20.91°S 68.96°W 91 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
2021p610736 2021-08-14 23:20:39 1.7 37.46°S 177.40°E 5 GNS manual confirmed 40 km north-west of Te Kaha P / A
11456324 2021-08-14 23:28:31 1.5 35.68°N 117.54°W 9 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL CALIFORNIA P / A
ci39773815 2021-08-14 23:28:31 1.5 35.68°N 117.54°W 9 USGS manual confirmed 14km ENE of Ridgecrest, CA P / A
noa2021pwyzg 2021-08-14 23:28:57 1.4 40.60°N 24.09°E 8 NOA manual confirmed 35 Km ESE from Asprovalta P / A
auth2021pwwr 2021-08-14 23:28:58 1.3 40.59°N 24.06°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed North Aegean Sea - N. Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwwt 2021-08-14 23:31:18 3.0 earthquake 18.52°N 73.53°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
11456325 2021-08-14 23:32:59 1.3 63.94°N 153.13°W 1 IRIS manual confirmed CENTRAL ALASKA P / A
ak021ae5ce22 2021-08-14 23:32:59 1.3 63.94°N 153.13°W 1 USGS manual confirmed 40 km W of Lake Minchumina, Alaska P / A
auth2021pwww 2021-08-14 23:34:59 1.4 39.51°N 21.15°E 32 AUTH manual confirmed Epirus - NW Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwwx 2021-08-14 23:35:54 2.2 other 18.68°N 72.65°W 5 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
11456331 2021-08-14 23:36:18 4.9 57.83°S 23.58°W 10 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210814_0000337 2021-08-14 23:36:18 4.9 57.83°S 23.58°W 10 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f6d9 2021-08-14 23:36:18 4.9 57.83°S 23.58°W 10 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
11456327 2021-08-14 23:37:15 1.9 19.50°N 155.77°W 8 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72645827 2021-08-14 23:37:15 1.9 19.50°N 155.77°W 8 USGS manual confirmed 11 km ENE of Honaunau-Napoopoo, Hawaii P / A
20210814_0000338 2021-08-14 23:37:44 2.5 35.43°N 3.61°W 17 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
rs2021pyvjwv 2021-08-14 23:37:53 1.8 20.07°S 68.73°W 93 from location gempa automatic confirmed Chile-Bolivia Border Region P / A
auth2021pwwz 2021-08-14 23:39:11 1.3 39.87°N 22.58°E 6 AUTH manual confirmed Thessaly - C. Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwxc 2021-08-14 23:41:47 3.3 earthquake 18.17°N 74.19°W HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000332 2021-08-14 23:42:53 4.0 19.22°N 155.49°W 35 EMSC manual confirmed ISLAND OF HAWAII, HAWAII P / A
11456328 2021-08-14 23:42:54 4.0 19.19°N 155.46°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed HAWAII P / A
hv72645832 2021-08-14 23:42:54 3.9 19.19°N 155.46°W 35 USGS manual confirmed 2 km SE of P?hala, Hawaii P / A
11456329 2021-08-14 23:44:24 1.4 38.52°N 119.46°W 5 IRIS manual confirmed CALIFORNIA-NEVADA BORDER REGION P / A
nn00818663 2021-08-14 23:44:24 1.4 38.52°N 119.46°W 5 USGS manual confirmed 1 km E of Walker, California P / A
auth2021pwxf 2021-08-14 23:45:05 2.1 40.44°N 21.83°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Western Macedonia - N. Greece P / A
11456330 2021-08-14 23:47:55 2.1 39.66°N 122.86°W 3 IRIS manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
nc73610166 2021-08-14 23:47:55 2.1 39.66°N 122.86°W 3 USGS manual confirmed 11km W of Alder Springs, CA P / A
20210814_0000333 2021-08-14 23:47:55 2.1 39.66°N 122.86°W 3 EMSC manual confirmed NORTHERN CALIFORNIA P / A
noa2021pwzpq 2021-08-14 23:47:58 1.9 37.59°N 20.47°E 19 NOA manual confirmed 35 Km SSW from Volimes P / A
auth2021pwxh 2021-08-14 23:47:58 1.8 37.54°N 20.37°E 5 AUTH manual confirmed South Ionian Sea - W. Greece P / A
s2rhai2021pwxk 2021-08-14 23:51:18 3.2 earthquake 18.34°N 73.60°W 24 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000339 2021-08-14 23:52:02 2.2 35.47°N 3.69°W 13 EMSC manual confirmed STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR P / A
11456803 2021-08-14 23:53:05 0.7 39.44°N 110.33°W -2 IRIS manual confirmed UTAH P / A
uu60452917 2021-08-14 23:53:05 0.7 39.44°N 110.33°W -2 USGS manual confirmed 13 km SSE of Sunnyside, Utah P / A
20210814_0000336 2021-08-14 23:53:34 2.6 23.73°S 68.72°W 102 EMSC manual confirmed ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE P / A
auth2021pwxm 2021-08-14 23:53:43 2.6 36.41°N 27.17°E 10 AUTH manual confirmed Nisyros Isl. - SE Greece P / A
20210814_0000342 2021-08-14 23:53:43 4.9 59.16°S 25.14°W 33 EMSC manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
20210814_0000355 2021-08-14 23:53:43 2.2 36.41°N 27.07°E 10 EMSC manual confirmed DODECANESE IS.-TURKEY BORDER REG P / A
11456333 2021-08-14 23:53:44 4.9 59.16°S 25.17°W 35 IRIS manual confirmed SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION P / A
us6000f6di 2021-08-14 23:53:44 4.9 59.16°S 25.17°W 35 USGS manual confirmed South Sandwich Islands region P / A
gfz2021pwxm 2021-08-14 23:53:45 5.0 59.54°S 25.53°W GFZ manual confirmed P / A
s2rhai2021pwxp 2021-08-14 23:56:42 3.7 earthquake 18.46°N 73.50°W 7 HAITI manual confirmed NULL P / A
20210814_0000377 2021-08-14 23:56:42 3.7 18.46°N 73.50°W 7 EMSC manual confirmed HAITI REGION P / A
27957791 2021-08-14 23:59:28 0.8 42.77°N 13.28°E 11 INGV manual confirmed 1 km W Arquata del Tronto (AP) P / A